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FIRC Q3 Week One Agenda February 6-10, 2012 FIRC Public Speaking Week 1: Organization & Pet Peeves

Impromptu Speech Day 1 (90 mins) Mon 2/6 & Tues 2/7 y y y Turn in signed syllabus form Preparing Impromptu Speeches Speech #1: Pet Peeve/Opinion Impromptu Speeches delivered in random order Class members take notes for use on audience analysis section on future outlines Sojourner Truth s famous impromptu speech y y y Day 2 (90 mins.) Wed 2/8 &Thurs 2/9 Review Speech #2: Oral Interp Oral Interpretation Tips Selecting a piece, truncating, and splicing y Introducing background on author & piece y Organization y Intro, body, conclusion y Signposting, internal previews & summaries, pauses y Hamburger: hold the cookies, please y Aristotle s ethos, logos, & pathos y Cicero s invention & arrangement y Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in action: Lincoln s Gettysburg Address and Reagan s Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address HW: y Review handouts on delivery, pp.21-24 y y y Day 3 (45 mins.) Fri 2/10 Delivery Video Voice Production Non-verbal communications: body language

HW: y Read handouts on organization, pp.29-34 y Have parents sign syllabus if you haven t already

HW: y Prepare Speech #2: Oral Interpretation to be delivered in alpha order y Bring a copy of your intro and manuscript, marked for delivery to hand in on day one y Bring 20 copies of p.13 Peer Evaluation Form

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