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Name: Nicholas Grade: 7 Due Date: February 8, 2012 Teacher: Ms. Babb

Table of Content
Location Flag Fascinating facts population - capital city - size of province      Famous people Weather Customs, traditions and celebrations Food and Drink Dress

I chose Toronto, Canada because it is where I live. I want to learn more about the city that I live in.

The History of the this flag is that in 1964 the Prime Minister of Canada Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson informed the governments desire to adopt a national flag for Canada. The meaning of this flag is that the red colour means peace and honesty and the white colour means hardiness, bravery, strength and valour. The flag was proclaimed by her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second on January 28,1965. The flag symbolizes honour, and pride to all Canadians. They should be treated with pride and respect.

Guess the population of Toronto, Ontario? A.12,160,282 B .2,278,987 C.18,282,465 D.100,000

Famous People
Wayne Gretzky he was the greatest hockey player in Torontos history he was named The Great One. He was born in Brantford, Ontario. In 1994 he set a new record for the most goals scored in the NHL and retired in 1999 after his famous number 99. Jim Carrey he is one of the famous comedians born in Newmarket, Ontario, his most popular movies were Ace Ventura, the Grinch and dumb

Weather in Toronto
The weather in Toronto, is seasonal there are four spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the spring the weather can be cool and rainy to warm spells. Summers are hot and humid with thunderstorms. Autumn are cool with moderately warm temperatures to cold spells. And winter is usually cold with brisk winds and lots of snow.

Customs, Traditions and Celebrations

The people of Ontario, share many cultures and traditions from around the world. Canadians celebrate there country's Birthday every year on July 1 which is called Canada Day. Canada Day is a celebration of Confederation, in 1867 when, the British north America act united Ontario with three other provinces to form the Dominion of Canada.

Customs, Traditions and Celebrations cont.

Canadian Thanksgiving which began in 1799 and falls on the second Monday in October is a Day that Canadians say thanks for the good life it has to offer. Remembering our Hero's , one day every year Canadians remember those who died in service to there country we remember those every year on November 11,these brave men and women for there courage and devotion in the war. We also were Poppies attend ceremonies and visit memorials we must try and work for peace every year.

Customs, Traditions and Celebrations conti..

Summer escapades, this day is to remember queen Victoria (1819-1901) Ontario Celebrates the former queens birthday on May 24 with a public holiday every year. Victoria is also a sign of the unofficial beginning of the summer traditionally this means the start of cottage and camping season and weekends away

Canadas Food guide recommends servings by age and gender for Canadians 2 years and over. The Food guide emphasizes on vegetable, fruit, meat and diary it is to help us meet our energy and nutrient needs and reduce life threatening illnesses.

There are many different neighborhoods throughout the city that focus on multiculturalism such as Chinese, Italian Greek and Indian just to name a few.. Toronto Ontario reflexes diversity

Canadians wear the same kind of clothes that anyone else in the world would wear pants, shirt, dresses or skirts depending on whether you are male or female and culture. The most popular worn clothing go according to the seasons spring a light jacket and pants, summer shorts and tank tops and swim suits and winter boots coats, hats, scarf's and gloves.


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