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C. Moyer Evans (765) 405-0002 c.moyer.evans@gmail.


The Paper Vampires

by C. Moyer Evans

About 1,000 words

Evans / Paper Vampires / 1 Chapter One Nakahara-sensei~~! Fight! Mizuki stood in the hallway. She waited to be introduced by the teacher. It had been several minutes since the teacher left her in the hallway. She wondered why she had to be introduced at all. As freshman, it was everyone's first day. Did really matter if she was a transfer? Mizuki checked her watch to confirm homeroom had started five minutes ago. The teacher hadn't looked very reliable. A tall, thin man with spiky hair who wore sandals. SANDALS. Not school shoes, not slippers, not even Japanese sandals. Sports sandals. With socks. In Spring. And he winked at me. Who actually does that? Mizuki sighed, pushing the nagging thoughts of a doomed high school life out of her mind. She looked at her reflection in the window across the hallway. At least the uniforms are cuter this time. A white blouse under a grey jacket complete with a pale pink necktie that matched the pink in the pink/white checkered pleated skirt. Mizuki imagined a woman in administration lobbied hard for this design. Or some perverted Pedo-sensei... No no no no no. Mizuki shook the thought out of her head and re-conjured the fashion-astute female teacher. "But Pricipal!" This wonderful woman said one day in the Principal's office. "We can have cheap uniforms that are cute and sensible! If you'd just look at my designs..." She clutched at a precious binder, one full cute designs including this particular one cleverly hidden as the third or fourth. "Nakahara-sensei," the Principal stated with such force both teacher and student straighten in silence. "I realize you want the best for the students. I am truly moved by your persistence and motivation on their behalf." "P-Principal! T-Then--" "However, aren't you just a bit too concerned with the fashion aspect?" The principal's words were a straight jab to Nakaharasensei's pride. She recoiled against Mizuki, who propped her up while the woman stammered a reply: "I-I don't t-think so. I just want our students to have pride in their schoolwork and their appearance!" Don't give up, Nakahara-sensei! The Principal turned his chair to stare out into the court yard. "Didn't you drop out of fashion school before deciding to become a teacher?"

Evans / Paper Vampires / 2 A right cross counter of truth. Followed by the jab combo of implied circumstances. Nakahara-sensei's face was looking ragged, swelling already setting in. "Th... That's got noth'fin to do to wiff this!" Mizuki rubbed Nakahara-sensei's shoulders while squirting water into her mouth from a water bottle. Now's not the time for lies, Nakahara-sensei! Hit him with your heart! The bell rung and the woman pushed off Mizuki. She slammed her hands on the Principal's desk. She spat blood on the Principal's carpeted floor. Her face wasn't pretty anymore, in fact, her left eye and upper lip was completely swollen and her nose was crooked. But if you measured beauty in determination, she was radiant. "I mean...! So what if I did? Couldn't I have learned the joy of teaching from the teachers at my fashion school?! Can't I have two passions in life? Can't one support the other? Principal!" Mizuki couldn't help punching the air with excitement! Nakahara-sensei! Fight! The principal didn't reply immediately. He watched as the students leaving for the day. He saw. Nakahari-sensei knew. Mizuki knew. They both knew. He saw them clearly. "Well, I suppose they are kind of boring." "Principal!" "I'll look at your designs," he said. "But I won't make any promises." "Okay! Thank you!" Both Nakahara-sensei and Mizuki cried tears of joy. They hugged under the spotlight and celebrated as the victory bell rang and the crowd cheered. "Excuse me..." Mizuki blinked. The spotlight faded and she returned to the hallway where her fist was embedded in a male student's cheek.

Evans / Paper Vampires / 3 Chapter Two The Boy With A Broken Smile Mizuki stood in the hallway. Grinding her teeth. It had been several minutes since she had punched the boy in the face. He stood beside her. Quietly. TOO QUIETLY! I can't move even to look at my watch! Where's the teacher?! Teacher-san, save me! Since they boy stood next to her, he was probably another transfer student. Which she punched. In the face. While daydreaming. Mizuki was moved to tears. In the first ten minutes-- OR MORE-- she had been forgotten by the teacher and punched a student. In the face. While-No no no. Move on! Leave the past behind and move forward. Turn to him, smile, and apologize correctly. Thoughts and actions are different universes that often never touch. At least another half-minute passed before Mizuki mustered enough courage to stare at her hallway-mate out of the corner of her eye. He was tall, at least a full head above her. His uniform suit was similar to hers but without the checkered pattern and dark blue replaced pink. She couldn't get a good look at his face without moving her head. I can't tell if he looks nice... If I don't apologize, he'll tell people I assaulted him. Even if I nail the introduction, it'll ruin everything. Footstep appeared on Mizuki's radar from down the hall. She gauged by the stride and lack of youthfulness in the step that a teacher was approaching. Yes, that's the footfall of someone lacking that certain zeal of being alive; an adult. Yes, it must be a teacher. A teacher is coming! The footstep approached, lifelessly and slow. Slowly. SO SLOW. ARGHH! Can't you walk faster?! Don't you know the spring of your life is already over! SENSEIIII-The teacher passed them. For the ten seconds Mizuki could see the teacher without moving her head, she eyed the woman engrossed in her teacher's textbook. Studying before class?! Seriously studying before class?! No! Class already started! She's pretending to be late! Is she delinquent?! Look up you aging delinquent! If not because you're a teacher, but as a woman! Notice a fellow female in trouble! "Oh, Nakahara-sensei, do you have a minute?"

Evans / Paper Vampires / 4 Mizuki didn't-- couldn't-- look, but it seemed the woman had been approached by a male teacher. Mizuki wanted to scream. I looked up to you, Nakahara-sensei. How could you betray me for a late-20s-something-single-guy? Was this your plan all along? Pretending to be studying hard to impress this guy? 'Aren't you a studious one, Nakahara-sensei. You shouldn't study so hard, Nakahara-sensei. You'll get wrinkles on your lovely forehead, Nakahara-sensei! How about a drink later, Nakaharasensei?! I LOVE YOU! NAKAHARA-SENSEI!' Mizuki's rage was punctured by reality; the venom leaked from her heart. She couldn't blame the woman for reaching out for happiness. It'd be nice to meet someone like that. Two people with simple needs and simple goals for the future. Mizuki stood at Nakahara-sensei's wedding with a smile and eyefuls of happy tears. I'm sorry, Nakahara-sensei. It's fine now. I can stand with my own two feet. Go be happy. "Excuse me..." "Y-Yes?" "Are you okay? You look sad." An opening?! Take it! Strike! "Ah, yes. I mean, no, I'm not sad. I was just thinking. By the way-- AIYAA!" At the start of her response, she prepared the perfect smile for the situation: hint of embarrassment, dash of grateful, sprinkled with a touch of self-denigration. In the middle of her response, she turned her head to aim her perfect smile weapon. In the middle of her head turning to aim her perfect smile weapon, she noticed something strange. In the middle of her noticing something strange while in the middle of her head turning to aim her perfect smile weapon, her mouth emitted a terrified sound. In the middle of her lips emitting a strange sound while she was noticing something was off as she was turning her head to aim her perfect smile weapon at her fellow transfer student, she recoiled from his a full step, almost dropping her schoolbag. Every visible inch of his face was covered in overlapping scar tissue.

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