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Time management

Time management is really about accomplishing the important task. To manage your time well: What is important to you? What are your goals? What are your priorities? Make a list and review it frequently

Time management method

It is a skill that you can do task best 1. First things first : Each end of working day make list of important tasks. Number them in order of important In the morning look first most important task &start working on it until it is finished. Don t be worried that if you have not completed no2 &no 3 tasks use any other method for completion or work on rest time Each night write new list for next day

Time management method

2 ABC DAILY TO-DO S Write your daily to-do list at end of working day that you want to accomplish Label each task as A,B,C A s on your list are most important eg:assignment due or job completion B s on your list less important not urgent C s do not require immediate attention ,it is small,easy jobs Schedule time for A S ,B S &C S task can be done in odd moments during the day

Time management process

1. Plan: Specify What goals you want to achieve visualize the end results. Break large goals into weekly and daily priorities and detail the steps to completion. Be prepared for Barriers and deal with them calm manner(don t get stress)eg:Recruiters daily
schedule for monday


Start time 8.30 A.M 9.30 A.M 11.00 A.M 12.00 P.M 1.00 P.M

End time 9.30 A.M 11.00 A.M 12.00 P.M 1.00 P.M 1.30 P.M

Activity description

Lunch Name gathering

Management process
2. Organize: Organize your activities regularly to achieve goals. Be ready for busy weeks (ie prepare list in advance for week) and organize your work space.

Advantages of time management

Reduction of stress Peace of mind Increased energy Increased productivity Look in to investment opportunities Strong family bonds Better health

Introduction of time management

Time cannot be manipulated,replaceor recreated Time mgmt is accomplishing important task within set ltd time.

Management process
3.staff: Ask for help Delegate task Form study groups Take advandage supportive programs

Management process Use positive reinforcement to motivate .Reward your self 5.Evaluate: Monitor your attitude and behavior Track your accomplishment.

Steven covey s 4 quadrant

Urgent I M P O R T A N T N O T I M P O R T A N T Not urgent I Crises Deadlines Meetings DO IT NOW* EG:CRYING BABY Kitchen fire Some calls III Interruption Mails Meetings Projects PLAN IT * E.g.: interruption-phone calls, mail Distraction Other calls Trivial measuring Surfing Wasting Escaping *FREEZE IT E.g.: trivia Busy work Time wasters,tv, day dreaming, surfing PLANNING RECREATION FORMING STRATEGY *DELEGATE IT Eg: exercise Vocation planning IV III

Time management matrix

Time management experts like Steven covey have developed a model called time management matrix. This model prioritize their activities and use their time more effectively with the help of the model, they can evaluate their activities in terms of importance and urgency. Quadrant 1:struggling to stay ahead.: Qdr1 are both important &urgent.these include deadline driven tasks & important chores. The result of operating in this qdr are stress,burnout &crisis mgmt. Qdr 2: Calm & control: Qdr 2 are import &not urgt. These activities are characterised as preparation,planning,crises prevention &deadline avoiding tasks. Operating in this qdr will mean a manager having a proper perceptive,vision,balance,discipline,ctrl & few crises. It is vital important,critical but not urgent. Qdr 3: *Busy going nowhere it is like hamaster wheel.procastination in these box. Everthing is in box 3 someone comes from. deception urgent & not important & interript more important activities. These includes responding to drop- in visitors,phone calls,meetings & mail that do not increasse prdctivity 7 effectiveness.operating in these qdrt will mean short term focus , crisis mgmt worthlessness of goals &plans feeling of victimization &broken relationship . Qdr 4: Aspiring to mediocirity*qdr 4 are neither important are nor urgent. Busy work, time wasters, junk mail & some phone calls. Operating in this qdr will mean total irresponsibility & over dependence on others in addition to outcomes in qdrt 3. too much time spend.have to be done minimising speed. Eg:filing,maintenance,ironing shirt

7 Effective time management techniques

1.Focus on your task. 2.Know your outcome 3.Project plan your task 4.Start small ,add tasks 5.Ask for help and advice 6.Use dairy/calender 7.Maintain your balance.

Time Management necessary

1.Controling demands Manage work(use time constructively) Improve productivity/effectivenes(spend time on results producing activities) 2.Time wasting culprits,wasters& thieves .Telephone interuption Inefficient delegation Extended lunches Cluttered work space Poorly run meetings Paper work Mail .

Advantages of time management

.Gain time Motivates Reduces avoidance Promotes review Eliminates cramming Reduces anxiety etc

At the end we realize that how our time wasted , because we never thought of managing time in effective manner It is said that time and tide waits for none so make best use of time and prevent from wasting time. Time is a scarce resource ,wisdom lies in making most of it Horace mann says: lost, yesterday, Somewhere between sunrise and sunset, Two golden hours Each set with sixty diamond minutes, No reward is offered, For they are gone forever .

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