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Biology notes from MCAT poietic = to make

Bacteria are prokaryotes and thus do not have telomeres

Formation of chiasmata between homologous chromosomes (crossing-over) and independent assortment contribute to greater genetic variability. Both of these occur during Meiosis I. Mendel did not have a third law of segregation; only two, so this answer is incorrect. Co-dominance has no impact on genetic diversity, as it is merely a phenotypic response to the genotype of an organism. Backcrossing between pure dominants or pure recessives will simply produce more dominants or more recessives, neither adding information to the gene pool nor redistributing it within the gene pool. Hence (1) and (3) contribute to genetic variability while the others do not.

The answer is C. After menstruation (1), the shedding of the uterine lining, the primary oocyte within a follicle grows and develops into a mature follicle. During this time, the proliferative phase (2), the uterine endometrium also becomes thicker. The proliferative phase culminates in ovulation (3), the rupture of the follicle and release of a secondary oocyte. This event leads to the secretory phase (4), in which the uterine lining thickens even more and the copus luteum of the follicle remnants degenerates into a corpus albicans if fertilization of the egg does not take place. In the event where fertilization does not take place, menstruation occurs and the menstrual cycle repeats.

The mesoderm forms skeletal muscle and the heart. The endoderm gives rise to digestive organs, and the intraderm is made up. The ectoderm gives rise to the central nervous system.

Fungi have cell walls composed of chitin, as opposed to cellulose in plants. Arthropods also have chitin in their exoskeletons. The other options are not properties of fungi.

The sympathetic nervous system controls the fight or flight response of the body. Dilation of the pupils is one such response. The other responses are controls of the parasympathetic nervous system. Mucosa are the external lining of tissue coated by epithelial cells. Neuronal cells are related to the nervous system, and hepatic cells related to the liver. The peritoneum is the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity, and the cells of the peritoneum are not part of the stomach epithelium.
Question: Half-Passage: Many virus mRNAs are translated as a single polypeptide known as a polyprotein. Polyproteins are then cleaved in the host cell into some of the proteins required for viral replication. A curious observation is that host cells do not normally possess the proteases to cleave the polyprotein in the correct places to produce functional proteins. Moreover, the proteases to cleave the polyprotein are not encoded on separately-translated mRNAs. Question 1: Which of the following is the most likely mechanism by which the polyprotein is cleaved? Explanation: In cases where viruses encode only one polyprotein, they will not encode for any other protein sequences. Immediately, we can eliminate (C). (B) can also be eliminated because the relatively neutral pH of the host cell is incapable of acidhydrolyzing polypeptides (or else it would likely acid-hydrolyze its own proteins). Even lysosomes which are known for their harsh pH and enzymatic conditions will not break down polypeptides by acid hydrolysis. Question: Half-Passage: Many virus mRNAs are translated as a single polypeptide known as a polyprotein. Polyproteins are then cleaved in the host cell into some of the proteins required for viral replication. A curious observation is that host cells do not normally possess the proteases to cleave the polyprotein in the correct places to produce functional proteins. Moreover, the proteases to cleave the polyprotein are not encoded on separately-translated mRNAs. Question 2:Which of the following is not likely to be present on the viral polyprotein? Explanation: For viruses encoding a single polyprotein, the polyprotein must contain all of the proteins that cannot be exploited from the host cell. RNA-directed RNA polymerase, the specific proteolytic enzymes to cleave the polyprotein, and nucleocapsid proteins are all virus-specific proteins not encoded in the host genome. Hence, all of these must be encoded by on the polyprotein if they are to be present at all.

Question: Which of the following units is not a function of time? Explanation: Velocity has units of meters per second and is therefore a function of time. Energy has units of (kg * m2)/s2 and is also a function of time. Power, in watts, is a measured in (kg * m2)/s3 or (N * m)/s; also a function of time. Electrical conductivity has units of Siemens per meter and are not a function of time.

Question: The Node of Ranvier is mainly composed of Explanation: The Node of Ranvier allows for the faster propagation of electrical signals between neurons. It is formed between myelin sheaths and is an area which lacks fatty insulation, contains large amounts of ion channels, and allows for saltatory conduction. Question: Which of the following enzymes is found in saliva and teardrops and acts as an antibacterial agent? Explanation: Phosphatases are common enzymes used by cells for removing phosphate groups from molecules. These enzymes are not notably antibacterial. Proteases degrade proteins but they are a normal part of protein recycling system and are not considered antibacterial. Pectinases degrade pectin, which is a polysaccharide secreted by plants; this enzyme is also not antibacterial. Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme found in tears and saliva. Lysozyme works by degrading peptidoglycan of bacterial cell walls. Question: Which of the following electron configurations represents an excited atom? Explanation: An atom with full 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s orbitals will have the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s2since p orbitals hold 6 electrons and s orbitals hold 2 electrons. Options (B) and (D) both show atoms with their largest shell full. Option (A) shows an incomplete 2p orbital with 5 electrons. Though its p orbital is not full, this atom is not excited. Option (C) shows an excited atom because the 3s orbital has an electron in it while the 2p orbital is not filled. This indicates an electron from the 2p orbital has jumped into the 3s orbital, hence excitation.

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