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Canned. By Lydia Caplan Version 1

EXT. ALLEY WAY. NIGHT. A vending machine illuminates a dark alley way. Within the machine stands one can of drink, top left. The packaging is of a face smiling excessively, which brings an uncanny quality to the object. A mans shoe lies to the side of the machine. FOOT STEPS can be heard as the VICTIM walks towards the machine. The Victim takes note of the shoe and the fact the machine only has one can of drink remaining, regardless he places the money into the machine. CHINK. FAIRGROUND TUNE beams out as the machine starts to release the can of drink. It then pauses. Focusing on the Victims reaction of annoyance, it does a montage of shots focusing on the different moves that the Victim does to get the machine to drop his drink. BANG. Kicking, barging, shaking and slamming his arm against the machine, the drink remains still. SILENCE. After this fails the Victim slides his hand and arm into the machine in an attempt to reach the can. The Victim tries to get his arm out of the machine and realises it's stuck and struggles accordingly. CRASH. The Victim is viciously yanked into the machine, yet his shoes remain outside the machine. INT. VENDING MACHINE. NIGHT

Inside the machine it is brightly coloured, with neon lights and bold, primary colours printed in fairground patterns stripes and swirls. The surroundings at first seems blurred. As the Victim begins to focus he realises his surroundings. Striped tea cups cover the level and it is revealed to be a fairground attraction. The man appears to be sitting in the tea cup furthest from the next level. Whirl. The tea cup ride starts instantaneously. The tea cup spins and the man begins to laugh, even though his arms and head begin to contort freely. Focusing on the distortion affecting the Victims body seems whimsical. FAIRGROUND TUNE begins to increase in tempo.

The tea cup spins rapidly across to the other side of the machine where it is catapulted to the next level of the vending machine. The tea cup playfully tips the Victim out into the house of mirrors. A dark room with bright, neon coloured lights. The Victim finds that the mirrors stretch and squash him i.e. instead of just his reflection being distorted, the Victim himself is. The first mirror stretches the Victim making him very tall and slim. The second mirror shrinks him making him fat and short. The third stretches his arms so they reach the ground. LAUGHTER. Unaware of the transformations the Victim laughs at his reflections. At the end of the mirror section a bright, twisting tunnel that in turn twists the Victim until he reaches the next level in the machine. As the next level the colours that were once bright start to become desaturated, the Victim stands still facing what appears to be the inside of a grabber machine. Soft toys cover the base of the level as if a carpet. FAIRGROUND TUNE begins to slow and become slightly muffled. DARKNESS. Suddenly theres shadow, the Victim looks up to see the claw extend down towards him. The claw picks the Victim up and stretches and pulls him to the other side of the machine. Focusing on the facial expressions of the Victim it becomes clear that he is no longer finding this experience fun and games; eyes widen, mouth closed tightly, forehead creases. The Victim is placed abruptly into a roller coaster seat, there is a moments pause. SILENCE. REVVING ENGINE. The roller coaster kicks off at full speed.

Whilst traveling round doing loop the loop, cork screws etc the Victim is contorted with the movement of the ride and his facial expressions change accordingly. Once twisted and contorted into a compressed lump the Victim is piled into a bumper car. The Victim struggles and tries to untie his limbs and attempts to break free from the car. Face showing physical pain; eyes water, mouth open as if screaming, face wrinkles accordingly. The Victim fails. DARK. FAIRGROUND TUNE slows down to a sinister pace and starts to relate to something from a horror film. A bright light is shone out at the end of the level and the bumper car starts revving the engine, attached by its conductor pole to the ceiling, it is pulled towards the light. WHOOSH. The car jumps full speed ahead to this shrinking white light, until the car goes through it. BLACK OUT. SILENCE. EXT. ALLEY WAY. NIGHT

PAN OUT reveals there are now two cans in the machine - one now has the Victims forced smiling face imprinted on the can's packaging, representing what has happened to him. Victim 2 unfazed about the fact there are three shoes by the side of the vending machine steps up. Victim 2 places the money into the machine. BLACK OUT O.S. The sound of the money dropping in the machine and the fairground music begins.

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