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@ # $
M-10-93 Diabetic nephropathy Nodular glomerulosclerosis (intercapillary glomerulosclerosis or Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease) Throidization (@) and glomerular (#) and blood vessel ($) sclerosis.

M-10-91 Chronis pyelonephritis dense focal and difuse infiltrates (@) of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the pelvis of the kidney. Cortex - dilated tubules filled with pink proteinaceous materials like colloid (thyroidization) (#).

M-10-92 Papillary urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma from urothelial epithelium of renal pelvis.

$ #

M-10-90 M-10-91 Wilms tumor most common primary renal tumor in childhood. Triphasic combindation: blastemal cells (@), stromal cells (#), and epithelial cells ($).

M-10-88 Renal cell carcinoma clear cell CA. Clear sheets of cells with large cytoplasm containing prominent dark central nuclei.

M-10-95 Nodular hyperplasia, prostate common in 50yo men. Hyperplasia of both stromal and epithelial cells. Crowded glands that are almost back-to-back with little intervening stroma. Intervening smooth muscle stroma are also increased and thickened.

M-10-94 Prostatic adenocarcinoma most nd common cancer in men; 2 cause of cancer death. Note for: 1) crowded glands with almost no intervening stroma, 2) glands with central necrosis, 3) small to large glands invading the muscular stroma, and 4) lymphocyte-like cells infiltrating the stroma. (anjan sila lahat bionic eyes mode!!!)

Kelly Belly (refer to slide handouts for description) PATHOLOGY

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