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World War II , III & Other Wars:


Effects of Atomic Bomb Explosions:

Over-Kill Bomb Tests :

Above-ground atomic bomb tests & other atomic tests in which people have been abused : Third World War : COLD WAR: Switzerland at the time of World War II: Greatest possible secure Places for survival if the great World War breaks out Criminals & Nations for SMALL ATOM-BOMBS : Americal President Bush may trigger World War III : Bio-Weapons Testing: UNIT 731: Reasons/Motives for Gulf War in 1991 & 2003 & Afghanistan War : During the time of slavery in America : Death of few German Soldiers in 'Final battle at Berlin' : Deaths in World War II : Prophecy of the Vatican-Israel Alliance, Eliminating Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Peace Efforts of Gorbachev & World War III : U.S. president, Bush Jr. & wars in IRAQ : Vietnam & China War : Prophecy -> WEst-Pakistan & Chinese Alliance : Prophecy -> American-Pakistan-China & Russia: Invasion of the Soviet army into Afghanistan(1979), UN, NATO & WOrld War III : Pearl Harbor Incident & Hiroshima/Nagasaki Atomic destruction : Third world war/Third worldwide Inferno & Multinational Fighting Troops( Henoch [Enoch] system) :

Secret Machinations -> Assasinations, Radioactive & Atom Bomb Tests & Biological Weapons : Civil war & Overthrow of the Shah : Hostage Situation in American Embassy in Tehran : Crazy War Mongers/War Leaders of West & Near-East & Prophesied Third World Fire: Possibility Exists for a Third World War: READER QUESTIONS REGARDING OUR NUCLEAR HERITAGE

OverPopulation & Consequences: OverPopulation in 1981:

Dangers & Combating Population Explosion:
POpulation Increase from 100,000 years ago to 1994 : Over-Population Opponents :

OverPopulation - Rise in Infertility, Plagues, Crimes.. - WorldWide Birth Stops :

USA & EU Plans:

American WOrld Domination: Intervention of Americans in matters all over the world & Reasons behind it: Beast 666 or EU : America s desire for World Domination : European Union & Henok s System : EU Dictatorship: USA & EU MONITORING SYSTEMS :

CIA - SOG Team:

9/11 Attacks :
9/11 Attack & World War III :

9/11 American Attacks : 9/11 - World Trade Centre:

Secret American War on German Langauge:

Americans plans for world domination & German language: Secret USAmerican plan on German Language:


American Moon-landing Swindle : Moon-rover & Landing Devices : Apollo Hoax Compared to Roswell Case: American Moon-landing participants: Moon Landing Hoax - Space Race with Russians : High Council's Advice on Releasing Apollo Moon Landing Hoax Information : "Die dunkle Seite von Apollo" [The Dark Side of Apollo] by Gernot L. Geise : Attempts to 'Prove' Moon Landings: Walt Disney, Werner Freiherr von Braun & Ernst Stuhlinger:

93%(or 94%) of Our Laws are against Human-Dignity & Reason:

Secret Russian Space Module - 2 Italian Radio Amateurs:

Attack on Billy by Israeli Command, Zionists :
German 'Lufthansa' Airplane Hijacking Incident:

Massacre of the Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatila in the year 1982 :

Swiss authorities & Military against Billy:

Plague in South Africa:

Secret Genetic & Cloning Attempts: Abusing Genetic engineering & transplantation technology: Concealing Production of Genetically modified vegetables, fruits, & other foods : Criminal/Misleading elements in Cloning of Animals & Humans : Cloned human fighting machines : Raise of AIDS epidemic : Earth s Ozone Layer-Skin Cancer & AIDS : Doomsday scenario -> Solar Eclipse & Year 2000 A.D. : Sectarianism against Homosexuality & DeMoss Foundation(Christian sect): Earth s Oil Reserves : Peak Oil & Its Consequences: Future Economy & Unemployment : Developmental Aid for the underdeveloped Third World countries : Sterilization of people by Force during World War II: Crimes of Relief agencies or Organizations : Henoch Prophecies -> Switzerlands COnnections with UN, NATO & EU : Boom & the Financial management of the companies & nations throughout the whole world in FUture Health service, in terms of Health Insurances[Popi's doctor's bills and hospital bills]: Sexual Abuse In the coming time : UN & NATO on Yugoslavia : UN & NATO: Working Class & Labour Class : Indebtedness of the Nations :

Eradicating Drug-Addiction in Switzerland : Death Sentences & Method of Execution in German Democratic Republic(GDR) : Violence in former Yugoslavia & Rasputin : Unemployment Upswing in Switzerland : Resignation of Queen of Holland: Boycott of Olympic Games, Russia, 1980 : Death of Yugoslavian dictator Tito & Generalissimo Francesco Franco : Murder & mayhem in Switzerland(1980's) : Western Propaganda on Eastern Countries : Mikhail Gorbachev & Boris Yeltsin : Anti-Logos & 666: Law & Order in America, Mexico & Japan during Earthquakes: Official Contacts with Extraterrestrials is fast Approaching, Terrestrial Exotic Crafts & Discoveries on Moon & Mars: Secret Terrestrial Laboratories are able to generate Electromagnetic Teleportation-Vibrations: TWA Flight 800: Henok's Principle -> Worldwide Multinational Troops: Recommendations on Achieving a true & final peace between all people on Earth: UN's Ridiculous/Useless Efforts & Multinational Peace Troops: Russian President, Putin's Speech at the Munich Security Conference(2007): Bank Crash & Financial Crisis in USA:

BP Oil-Spill in GUlf of Mexico: Election Fraud in Iran, Manhmoud Ahmadi Nejad :



Quetzal & Billy planned to write a peace script and should deliver it to all governments and peace movements

CR 14

93%(or 94%) of Our Laws are against Human-Dignity & Reason:

CR 039
ATOMIC WAR POSSIBILITIES: - according to the probability calculations, that should still be able to be excluded at least up into the third millennium. - The values are at 99.8 percent; therefore, only an erupting madness of a ruling power or the inattentiveness of human beings(probability calculations show this with the highest values) could trigger a nuclear war(humanity can, indeed, be calmed, at least for the next two or three decades) CR 35

Effects of Atomic Bomb Explosions:

CR 45
Over-Kill Bomb Tests :

CR 62

Secret Russian Space Module - 2 Italian Radio Amateurs:

CR 66

Attack on Billy by Israeli Command, Zionists :


CR 88
German 'Lufthansa' Airplane Hijacking Incident:

CR 142
Greatest possible secure Places for survival if the great World War breaks out:

Greatest possible security for survival if the great World War should actually break out - 2 places are mentioned first one - is the really safest place - and is simply impossible because it would cost billions of sums if we wanted to build a hideout there. - Also, there would be a political quarrel there because the earthly nations have decided together that it should remain a neutral area. But at the moment, it wouldn't be neutral for the nations any more if people firmly settled there. Second one - much better climatically than the first, but a suitable station for survival in real security would still cost, at least, many millions even there - But certainly, it could still be created there if we had enough people and money or could find this within a short time In Europe, no place can be found where there could be safety, prior to any war - there would be no security at all Only in reference to earthquakes can safe or reasonably safe zones be mentioned like Hinterschmidrti but will be of no use to us if the great thumping, nevertheless, comes one day

CR 143
Safe places before the Great War begins - According to Semjase's advice, it would cost about 25 million Swiss francs

There are still other possibilities other than 2 mentioned in the previous contact, but those places aren't very safe, unless you would build your buildings according to our instructions Semjase advices Billy to go to -------------, however, only in a future time, with which I want to say that this should not be soon Billy must only pay attention to the fact that you can still build all that is necessary in the Center and provide what is still necessary so afterwards, the whole group should go Billy should find the basic beginning of your mission in this country but that you will then possibly have to carry out your mission, unperturbed, also outside

CR 144
Swiss authorities & Military against Billy: Swiss authorities have already been a nasty thorn in your side for decades, which has become, in the course of the last 4 years, an entire thorn enclosure Even the Swiss military forces have already been working for some time against you because on the one hand, you have lived for 4 years in dangerous proximity to one of their rocket bases, and on the other hand, because they have already for years become very insecure with regard to your contacts with us For this reason, you are also constantly and sharply observed by them and monitored, and they don't even shrink back from monitoring your telephone calls and those of your group members Some of the on duty elements of the rocket base have been unofficially assigned to monitor you and have been instructed always to deny all of your statements and evidences by untruths if you step to the public with new information For example, the instruction was issued that if you show new photographic material, then it should be maintained by the officers on duty of the rocket base that they observed how you faked these pictures with a model, etc. (These statements were proven by the news service "Microfilm" in the year 1991)

CR 150 OverPopulation in 1981:

Earth is now, with approximately 4 billion humans (1981), overpopulated and has gotten completely into disorder Return to the normal population of earthly humanity would be the correct and only solution to solving the energy and food problems

We can only then involve ourselves with mentioning of such possibilities, when the Earth human strives for a drastic reduction and a natural decimation of planetary humanity to the normal state Quetzal's idea to tackle overpopulation - new people(Core group) must be established who lives in accordance with the natural-creational laws, making it the role model for the large mass of stupefied Earth humanity and impacts them instructively[approval of the High Council]

CR 166 Dangers & Combating Population Explosion:

- if the human being of Earth truly wants to solve his already catastrophically degenerated problems of hunger, energy shortage, illnesses, criminal activity, and wars and revolutions, etc., then for this,there is only one way which exhibits no mercy, namely an absolute, legally arranged birth stop across the whole world - At the same time, this birth stop would have to be controlled in such a way that for the preservation of humanity and new blood, a certain number of descendants may only be generated every seven years, and then again, seven years of the birth stop would have to be the rule - This would then have to be carried out until Earth humanity would be reduced to an acceptable and natural measure, through the naturally occurring deaths of the excess population. - There is simply no other way to solve the problem because every other way violates the natural laws and, therefore, represents a self-deception - Q: you have made profound thoughts about this, through which you've encountered the 7-year cycle, as we have also acquired this as a true solution, and even the High Council and Arahat Athersata have only found this advice for the Earth human beings as the true solution to the problem CR 168-1982

Plague in South Africa:

- But in truth, it must be spoken of as an irresponsibility of the scientists, who on the one hand, unnecessarily release fear and terror, and on the other hand, play down other very dangerous incidents and circumstances, such as presently in South Africa, where the plague has now spread, resulting in a whole number of victims - There are still some other countries that remain irresponsibly silent about this, by which the danger exists that the earthly World Health Organization(WHO) receives no knowledge of this and cannot take the necessary measures for containing the dangerous disease, which can very quickly spread to an epidemic through only a little bit of carelessness - However, this danger only exists on a small scale, but it exists, anyhow

CR 182 American WOrld Domination: - B: I received several letters from America, and they clearly show that the Americans want to own the weapons monopoly over the Earth, whereby they are also seeking the status of a military world police power, in order to be able to control everything. I will present these letters to you next time. - Q: Unfortunately, that is correct because the aspiration of the Americans actually lies in that direction, whereby they even have the audacity, under the guise of peacekeeping and peacemaking, to interfere in foreign affairs and allow military forces to break into foreign countries. - But at least in Lebanon, they will pay dearly because as a future review showed, the American peacekeeping forces will suffer heavy losses by an Arab suicide mission around the 20th of October 1983, when Palestinian forces load a truck with explosives and drive into the headquarters of the Americans in order to detonate the load there, as this will also be the case in the headquarters of the French troops in Lebanon. CR 194 Third World War : - Q: Still for a long time, everything is unclear and everything stands on the knife s cutting edge. - Things are so confused that no clear picture can be derived from it. Currently, everything seems to point to such a war, but in contrast, the danger is less severe again. - However, all final facts show that this war is inevitable and, thus, that it will come. - But everything, as I said, is uncertain because these facts are changing constantly, particularly through the Peace Meditation, which should occur in a much larger framework, nevertheless. - It is probably effective in the existing smallest framework, but the foreign and hostile powers are simply too great, so at least only the alleviation of terror can be sought after if the great chaos is actually inevitable and, nevertheless, still falls, which still seems to be unavoidable, at least for the time of the prophecies. - But the future will tell what will be and what we, at present, do not yet clearly see. CR 201 COLD WAR: - B: If in accordance with your statements, the Soviet Union and the GDR [East Germany] can seal their end in the next years and the communist government disappears, then the Cold War will finally end there and there will be peace, and also the bombs and the rockets and the like will be destroyed?

- Q: The great Cold War will seem to find an end in an official form, but secretly, it will continue. - Thus, the show will be deceiving, and real peace will be as distant as ever. - Bombs and rockets will likely be destroyed to a certain amount, namely through corresponding disarmament treaties that will be agreed upon and signed between America and the Soviet Union, respectively Russia. - Yet everything will be nothing more than a show because in truth, only outdated weapon systems and, thus, useless scrap will be dismantled and destroyed and will be replaced by new, modern systems. - Thus, everything will be nothing more than a deception toward humanity, while the major players renew their weapon systems in a confidential manner. CR 203 Secret Genetic & Cloning Attempts: - It all will properly begin in the not too distant time because genetic and cloning attempts have already been underway for many years, whereby a lot is still kept secret. - Thus, already for 6 years, a clone-mutant has existed, which is kept behind closed doors in a secret laboratory and is kept alive for research purposes - Transplantation technology is already on its way to becoming routine technology, which will also soon happen with genetic engineering, and in particular, only plants and animals are used and genetically altered for research purposes - Then, also cloning will officially step into appearance, which will certainly be the case in the 90's, for in this regard, very great progress will be made up to then. - So then, already the first animals are cloned, after which efforts will then also arise to create human clones in an open and, thus, official form - In addition, criminal and sectarian activities, unfortunately, won't keep themselves away in this respect, as I know from a future review

Abusing Genetic engineering & transplantation technology: - Even children will be robbed of their organs for transplants, by what means they will die or become invalids - Even adults will be murdered for organ harvesting, and to be sure, worldwide, but particularly in South America and in China

- In China, it will even be such that those who are sentenced to death will be shot in such a way that practically all organs other than the brain can be used for transplantation - A worldwide major organ trade will step into appearance, which will very soon take uncontrolled forms CR 205 Above-ground atomic bomb tests & other atomic tests in which people have been abused : - B: May we now talk about this openly because the middle of the 80's has since passed, about which you said that until then, this may not be spoken of publicly? - Q: No more obstacles stand in the way of a public explanation. - B: You(Q) explained that since the criminal launching of the atomic tests, people have been abused, without their knowledge, for nuclear tests - This was done in America as well as in the Soviet Union. - Entire villages and smaller towns were contaminated with atomic particles and, of course, also the people who lived there - Moreover, certain desert areas & land areas were contaminated, by what means animals as well as people were infected by atomic radiation, by which countless ones died & descendants were born with mutations - However, not only were living humans and animals abused for the radiation effects of the atomic attempts but also the deceased, both adults and children alike. - Partly, the entire bodies of the deceased were abused for such purposes, as well as body parts, organs, bones, and the blood. - And all this without the surviving relatives knowing anything about this or giving any consent to it - Q: these actions have not yet found an end because this continues to operate secretly, namely in America and in the Soviet Union, as well as in England and Sweden, etc. - At the same time, this isn t just about the testing of atomic radiation, which is released by aboveground atomic bomb tests and which is abused in the form of human experiments, as was mentioned by you, but rather atomic particles and radiations, in a similar reprehensible form, were and are abused in medical testing on people, both on the living as well as on the deceased - B: So everything not only relates to military and secret service machinations but also to medical and economic research. Thus, the whole thing becomes even worse

- What will further come? Will everything continue in the same style, or are there actually positive, progressive facts to be mentioned? - Q: Unfortunately, the entire evil will continue because the lust for power of many people is limitless, especially when they become governing and ruling. - Even worse things will still appear because many people won t become more rational in their thoughts and feelings as well as in their ideas, plans, and desires and in their actions, but rather they will degenerate and will cause much harm

9/11 Attacks :
9/11 Attack & World War III : CR 206 - much guilt will be awarded for an event that will occur on the 11th of September, 2001 in America - when fundamentalist, radical extremists, who hate Americans, will murder thousands of people in an act of terrorism, about which I may not mention the closer details officially but rather only tell you confidentially - B: Can't one prevent these things if I announced them? - Q: You know that this isn t possible because my explanation doesn't concern a prophecy but a prediction, which resulted from a viewing of the future. Therefore, it is irrevocable. - And if you would mention the exact details publicly, then the result would only be much worse, namely that the Third World War would be triggered. - Nevertheless, this danger will still exist because America will take revenge for the inhuman act of terrorism and will request the NATO countries to provide assistance in this act of vengeance. - The great bawler for this will, through inconsistencies, be appointed the new president of the USA only a few months earlier, a man by the name of Bush, whose father will have already been a U.S. president. - B: May one at least openly ask and say, whose power and plan will devise and carry out the act of terrorism? - Q: Among others, it will be a man from Saudi Arabia, a more than hundredfold millionaire, Osama bin Laden

9/11 American Attacks : CR 311, 2001 Billy: Since we re already talking about terrorizing: What do you think of the terrorism that has happened in America? I knew nothing of the fact that it happens. Ptaah: 46. You ve pushed it out of your memory, for Quetzal informed you of this in the middle of the 80's, as a result of a look into the future. 47. However, it is good if you repress such knowledge once you ve processed it; then, you won t be burdened by it. 48. What I think of that which has happened in America, I would now like to state it as follows: 49. He who plays with fire burns his own hands, and he who sows violence will also reap violence again. Billy: That is an old proverb that we use here on the Earth. And precisely in this sense, I have also written some bulletin questions for October s issue. Ptaah: 50. The aforementioned proverb comes from your vocabulary. 51. And these words should actually be sufficient to represent the facts clearly. 52. But unfortunately, no reason with those concerned and the rest of humanity will emerge from all of the horrible events because new and even worse hatred as well as blood-demanding retribution are already preprogrammed. 53. So the one leads to the other, and the reciprocal terrorism increases more and more, from which eradication and destruction ultimately arise. Billy: In this sense, I also wrote my bulletin answers. But it will be the case that these won t reach the people, and the senselessness as well as the hatred and vindictiveness and retaliatory thoughts will continue to rage.

My words probably won t be more than a banal attempt to rouse the people to give reverence and love to dignity, as human beings. Everything will seem so banal, even if, perhaps, a handful of actual thinkers gives respect to my words and takes these to heart. CR 230, 1989 9/11 - World Trade Centre: Billy: Monstrous, really monstrous. It would also be just as monstrous if/when the world trade centre would be destroyed by terrorists with captured commercial airplanes, through which thousands of people would die, that Bush junior and various of his criminal trusted ones knew that then, however undertook nothing against it. A criminal act that gains Bush the upper hand and he can let loose against Islam, naturally always under the cloak/veil that they want to free the USA and the world from terrorism. It would not be discussed that it would be the Bushs who would bring the greatest terror over the world, at least for the next 15 years. Quetzal : 666. That is correct.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Secret American War on German Langauge:

CR 207, 1986 Americans plans for world domination & German language: - B: Semjase once told me that the Americans desperately strive to undermine the German language, in order to destroy it, make it disappear, and eradicate it. - Q: With what Semjase explained to you, it concerns a fact that actually also traces back to the Second World War. - Already during the war, it was decided for all American forms of politics to undermine the German language by all possible means and make it disappear - As you say, in order to smooth the way for the worldwide dissemination of the American language, a modification of the original English language.

- This is done by the entire American economy, as well as by the military, the secret services and the sects, the actual government policy, and through all other things that generate an influence in any form and through which the German language can be subverted. - The American secret resolution is that the German language is supposed to be replaced by the American, namely in a worldwide form, as I already explained. - The American language should, slowly but surely, become the world language, which should replace all other languages, so not just the German. - This is also a reason why Americans, once they have found entrance into a country in some form, no longer let themselves be driven out but, as far as possible, stay in it for all times. - This is also connected with the American plans for world domination, from which increasingly follows their nature of playing world police, from which arise many hotbeds of war. - What is still to be said on top of that, I mean in reference to the undermining of the German language by the Americans, is that the American language and the actual English language are extremely deficient and poor in expression, as well as incapable of being expanded upon and limited. - This is in complete contrast to the German language, which finds no equal in its mightiness and possibility of expression, not in any place or in any other language on Earth. - The German language is a continuation of the old Lyran language, and it is practically the only language on Earth that can be endlessly developed and expanded upon in an absolutely understandable form, this being in the form of the possible combination of words and terms or in the new creation of words and terms, etc. - A fact that is not possible with the American language or with the actual English language or with any other language, as it is with the German language, which must be designated as the world s best language. - all German-speaking people should be mindful not to let their precious language be undermined by the English and American languages. - Thus, all American and English words and terms should, if possible, be discarded from usage, namely in the everyday use of the language as well as in the schools, in politics and economics, in the media, and wherever English or American words and terms, etc. appear. - This should be the duty of every person who speaks the German language because this is, indeed and without a doubt, the most valuable language on Earth. - Anyone who doesn t respond to such extends his hand to the Americans for the criminal act of the undermining and eradication of the valuable German language. CR 230, 1989

Secret USAmerican plan on German Language: Quetzal: 443. But that is not all, because also the language will deteriorate, because, through the shameful power of USAmerica, the languages of the world will be Americanized. 444. The secret USAmerican plan, since the First World War, has been organized to eradicate the German language in particular, and indeed in conjunction with USAmerica's secret, world-domination plans. 445. But through the entire disharmony, the German language, with all its varieties and dialects, is infected through a wrong stressing of the words in the spoken sentences, which additionally promotes the entire disharmony and also exercises an extremely negative influence on governors, company leaders, industrial magnates, and the military, and so forth. 446. Through it all, new wars will come into being just as much as will also monstrous state, commercial and private debts, commercial collapses through irresponsible maladministration, exploitation of many firms by their managers, bankruptcies, into which firms will be driven by management and maladministration, which will lead to monstrously great worldwide unemployment, and under certain circumstances, can evoke a commercial and governmental collapse in all industrial countries.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CR 209, 1986 Intervention of Americans in matters all over the world & Reasons behind it: - B: One has asked me about why the Americans actually intervene in matters all over the world, which don t concern them at all. Do you know the reason for this? - Q: Certainly. The Americans have already been striving for some time to Americanize the whole world. - The origins of this lie in the First and Second World War, when power-hungry nations in Europe fell into devastating wars. - The leaders in America at that time saw an opportunity in the behavior of the power-hungry to spread themselves worldwide in their own way - But in a way that was not the same as the world wars, yet still very effective and in an alleged form of providing assistance or fighting the enemy. - More and more, the Americans take on the role of world policemen out of their own grace, without any resistance from the rest of the world, and they heedlessly intervene in foreign quarrels and in other things that don t concern them.

- The majority of the world will remain silent about this and will even join themselves in the opinion and conduct of the Americans, but not in the least because dependency and fear exist. - All of this will still intensify in the coming time because no real opposition exists. - Q: As I already explained to you before, the resources of different countries play a very large role, which the Americans want to bring under their control and under their use - which will be confirmed more and more in the coming time, against which the world, as a result of its dependence on America and its fear of America, takes cover in silence and doesn t notice the fact that America, as it has already been doing, slowly but surely Americanizes the whole world - Namely with regard to the entire weapons technology as well as with regard to computer technology, which is progressing in leaps and bounds, and various other things. - B: Somehow, it has always seemed to me as if those irresponsible persons in America who constantly cry for war, the death penalty, murder, manslaughter, and terror see themselves as supermen but see all other people of other nations, races, and religions as subhuman creatures and as dog-people and scum. - But this is probably also true of all other irresponsible persons of all other countries on Earth - Only, I would like to say that it is probably nowhere as pronounced as in America, as well as in Israel, China, and in certain Arabic countries CR 213, 1986 Beast 666 or EU : - B: What is actually with the beast 666, which functions in a form of prophecy as an evil dictatorship, which should come from Belgium? - Q: With this old-customary prophesied beast, which will bear the number of evil and negativity, it concerns in the coming time the so-called European Union, shortly called the EU - which will be a European-wide dictatorship that will be decided on and established with a treaty on the 1st of November, 1993, with a so-called Maastricht Treaty. - Then, along with this, there will be created a political and economic union of the Member States of the advancing European Economic Community, the EEC, respectively the European Community, the EC, whose objectives will be the promotion of social and economic progress, with no internal boundaries existing anymore, and the creation of an economic and monetary union. - In addition, what will eventually be strived for later is a common foreign affairs policy and a common security policy of the Member States, as well as a common defense policy. - It will also be planned for the citizens of the Member States to create a European Union Citizenship.

- Also the areas of the military and the judiciary, as well as road transport and agriculture, as well as the industrial economy should ultimately be determined by the powerful figures of the EU, which will have its residence of power in Brussels, Belgium. - But the whole thing will be democratic in no way but will assume dictatorial forms, where the powerful ones negotiate and make decisions among themselves, by what means many still remaining freedoms of the citizens and countries will be limited or will even disappear. - Both the EU Member States and their citizens will lose many freedoms and will have to fall to the dictatorial oppression of the mighty EU, but what will especially be evil is that even the powerful figures of the EU Member States will completely and consciously howl injustice with the wolves. - And these will also be the ones who, with false and misleading pro-propaganda, will entice many citizens of their countries to join the EU. - And since the citizens will be misled, they will no longer be strong in their own logical and sensible decision-making; consequently, there must be talk of a dictatorial compulsion, when in the coming years and decades, the citizens become enticed to an EU-accession. - Before that, also Switzerland won t be spared, for after the turn of the millennium at the latest, strong efforts of the irresponsible ones will occur, in order to force an EU-accession. Switzerland at the time of World War II: - B: Those in power of Switzerland didn t exactly exhibit the cleanest waistcoats at the time of World War II. - Just think of the fact that in 1945, for example, these lunatics wanted to test atom bombs in the Gotthard region, especially just the powerful military figures - or that the Swiss Red Cross operated espionage during World War II at the war fronts - or that people were sentenced to death and executed by the Swiss military, whereby even innocents were simply gunned down. - Unfortunately, I was able to look on such an execution myself, for my godfather, Alfred Flckiger, secretly led me to the execution site, where we hid ourselves in the bushes and were able to observe everything CR 214 Doomsday scenario -> Solar Eclipse & Year 2000 A.D. : - B: And in sectarian circles, this will probably again be an occasion to make a doomsday scenario, as this will certainly also be the case with the solar eclipse appearing in Europe on the 11th of August, 1999, about which even Nostradamus has written, but which is misunderstood, unfortunately.

- Unfortunately, your words will prove to be true in a sad manner because our predictions for these two events - along with others - unfortunately testify of great disaster, which will evoke delusional believers and religiose sectarians - So unfortunately, in certain sectarian communities, it will come to mass murders and mass suicides, namely in Switzerland, in France and Canada, as well as in America and in other countries - Numerous individual suicides will also have to be lamented, and indeed, especially through the fault of the so-called psychics, fortune tellers, star-interpreters and, thus, astrologers, who make absurd prognoses and who generate just as great anxiety in their believers and in the pseudoscientific dreamers of an esoteric, UFO-logical, and para-scientific character, and so on. - These culpable ones will also be the ones who will coin the term Black Sun for the solar eclipse. - I already imagined something like that, but the people still aren t more clever and aren t willing to acknowledge the facts of the effective truth and to think rationally when they are told the truth - They continue to walk along in their crazy beliefs, confusing themselves more and more, just through the influence of the sectarians, star-interpreters, and fortune tellers, as well as through the esoteric and pseudo/para-scientists, etc. Sectarianism against Homosexuality & DeMoss Foundation(Christian sect): - B: You once told me that the religious sectarians will increasingly take on more blatant forms and will claim many human lives, for in the name of God or Allah, etc. many murders should be committed and many wars should be conducted - That this will come more and more is clear to me because everything in the world, indeed, also points to this. But now, will everything actually be laid out in such a way for sectarianism to flare up again? - Q: Unfortunately, that will actually be the case, by what means in the future, many wars, murder and mayhem, as well as suicides, mass suicides, and mass murders will belong to the general and global affairs of the day. - Also, sectarianism will try to fight against homosexuality, in spite of all industrial and national efforts to make this acceptable in the form that homosexual and lesbian couples can form allied partnerships with each other - On the one hand, great efforts will be made in the future to recognize homosexuality as a natural form and to decriminalize this form which is still often criminalized until now, but at the same time, everything will be ruined again by excessive sectarianism. - This, especially through the religious, fundamentalist, Islamic, and Christian sectarian fanatics, who will even demand the death penalty for homosexuality and lesbianism and who will also enforce the death penalty by themselves in various ways.

- And all this in the name of God, Allah, Jesus Christ, and love and justice. - Concerning this, a particular Christian sect will spread itself worldwide, which has existed since 1955, tracing back to the insurance broker Arthur DeMoss, who demanded that after his death, his big dollar fortune should be used for sectarian, respectively divine, purposes. - Arthur DeMoss was an American how could it be otherwise and the DeMoss Foundation traces back to him, and around the turn of the millennium, this will be responsible for the fact that prominent people, such as politicians, sports heroes, and actors, etc. will make use of sectarian propaganda in public media, like in television and so on, in order to find new believers for sectarianism and the Christian religion. Earth s Oil Reserves : - B: Semjase once talked about Earth s oil reserves, just about those which were known at that time and which should last from then until another 25 years or so. - But in the meantime, several other stocks of oil have been found, and this still continues to occur. How will this look, however, in the new millennium? - Q: The terrestrial oil reserves, which will become known by the turn of the millennium, should be sufficient in relation to the increasing world population and its consumption of Earth s oil, from the time mentioned until about another 70 years - But at the same time, it should be noted that this will concern only the quantities of Earth s oil reserves that are known up to then. - Actually, a portion of the petroleum extracted from the Earth is constantly renewed by natural, internal processes of the Earth, as well as by natural plant deposits, animal deposits, and human deposits, due to the processes of decay and transformation, with their death and decay Future Economy & Unemployment : - B: But how will the further situation of the world develop, with regard to the economy and unemployment? - You previously talked about unemployment and the economic collapse, which will be carried well into the third millennium, whereby only after the years 2003, 2006, and in some cases even later, will improvements and, thus, positive changes occur. Does this negative prognosis still remain valid? - Q: Unfortunately yes, because through mismanagement in all economic sectors and industries, as well as in the governments and in all their administrations, unemployment, as new previews have proven, will be carried far into the new millennium by incompetent managers

- This also applies to the indebtedness of the States, firms, and corporations, by what means many of these will change their entire structure through mergers and detrimental sales, and many will fall into bankruptcy and be dissolved. - More and more, incapable, inexperienced, irresponsible, reckless, and wanton elements, which are out for their own profit, will, unfortunately, seize power in the firms, corporations, and governments, and these elements will be too young, too naive, and absolutely unfit to be able to fill in their positions responsibly. - More and more, too young and simple-minded people will be launched into high and responsible positions, to which they cannot do justice, however. - Thus, positions of power will be occupied by those who do not know how to handle them responsibly, and they will abuse these positions just for their own advantage and according to their confused thoughts and ideas, namely up to treason, and they will drive everything into ruin through this. - And this will be valid for the governments, as well as for the firms of the economy and for the small and large corporations - In addition, this will likewise be valid for the health care system, particularly for the hospitals and their doctors, as well as for the free doctors of a medical and dental form, who, more and more, will conduct themselves entirely for profit and will pursue mismanagement, by what means premiums for health insurance will necessarily increase to a great extent. - B: So you also know a lot about our health insurance system. - Q: Of course that is correct, for we deal with all aspects of Earth humanity. CR 215 Massacre of the Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatila in the year 1982 : - B: My first question today refers to the massacre of the Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatila in the year 1982. - We already talked about this once, but on the one hand, nothing was held in writing in relation to this, and on the other hand, your answer wasn t sufficient enough. - The events were horrifying, with which more than 3,000 people were brutally and bestially murdered on the 15th or 16th of September, 1982. In addition, it was never determined as to who the real ringleaders, respectively main perpetrators, actually were, who gave the order for this massacre. - Can you now say this clearly and plainly, I mean, who the main responsible person was or who the main responsible persons were? - Q: There were 3,468 people who lost their lives in the massacres.

- There were two real culprits, namely the Israeli Prime Minister at that time, Menachem Begin, and the Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon. - Together, these two secretly decided upon the massacre, which Ariel Sharon then arranged with the Christian militias, respectively the responsible persons of Gemayel's Phalangists, with the promise that the Israeli occupation troops wouldn t intervene, following which the murderous militias could then freely enter the refugee camps and carry out their atrocities. - Also with them were members of Hadad s army, who could likewise pass through the Israeli controls without difficulty and invade the camps of Sabra and Shatila and carry out their murderous work. - Begin s and Sharon s secret agreement with the leaders of the Christian killer brigades never became known because all those who were responsible have remained silent to this day, and of course, they will continue to do so. - But with what happened in the year 1982, it won t be enough, because Ariel Sharon, who thinks the Palestinians look better dead than alive, won t halt his murderous deeds. Developmental Aid for the underdeveloped Third World countries : - Q: This is a wrong work of the Earth people that is incomprehensible to us because it goes against all rules of the self-development of peoples but also of the dignity of all people, from whom all possibilities of self-development, self-initiative, and self-progression are irrevocably taken, as a result of such an irrational and irresponsible intervention. - The earthly developmental strategy respectively that of the developmental aid organizations and their supporters and implementers, regarding the developmental aid for the underdeveloped, respectively Third World countries is absolutely wrong because this irresponsible intervention in their affairs creates tremendous damage. - As a result of this wrong aid, intervention is made in every form and in every branch of the developmental structure of the underdeveloped countries, which means that these countries and their people become dependent in every relation on the developmental aid and on the goods given to them by the advanced industrialized nations, as well as on all of their achievements, whereby they completely lose their independence. - Thus, they lose their freedom, as well as the will for their own natural development; therefore, they cannot make any more progress of their own. - Against this, directives that are to be strictly followed would have to exist, which prohibit such developmental interventions that are usually carried out by effeminate, over-humanized, and falsehumane people of wealthy countries, as well as by adventurers.

- Developmental aid, as it is practiced on the Earth by the wealthy countries and people, is not only destructive but also inhumane, for through this, the self-initiative of the people of underdeveloped countries is inhibited and made impossible. - This is quite apart from the fact that the wealthy industrialized nations and their developmentsupporters are, as a rule, only out for profit, namely in the form that the developmental aid is merely intended to exploit the resources of the developing countries, etc. - Overall, developmental aid, in the form that is operated by the Earth people, is destructive, inhumane, as well as progress-hindering for those whom the irrational and irresponsible aid is given. - For Third World countries and their people, the advanced achievements of the higher cultures aren t understandable; they aren t progressive for them and aren t beneficial; therefore, they also can t learn anything from it because they lack the whole career-related development and the associated insights and necessary understanding. - The whole development of learning is stifled by the developmental aid; hence, no real progress can be made but only a dependence on the goods and products that are made available by the developmental aid workers and their advocates and organizations. - Thus, a real development cannot result, but precisely this is necessary if the person wants to make headway and wants to form his progress by his own responsibility and self-initiative. - This is prevented, however, by the irresponsible developmental aid, at least for the countries and all their people who become blinded by the incorrect aid. - If there are a few clever ones from these countries and people who are exceptions, then this still doesn t justify the fact that entire countries and their people are developmentally intervened and made dependent on the advanced industrialized nations and are restrained in their self-development and selfinitiative - These are some reasons why our directives prohibit such direct interventions in any human cultures, if these are lower than our own evolutionary state, in terms of consciousness-development as well as with respect to medical, technical, and overall scientific development. - And indeed, this refers to the overall development of all areas and sciences and, thus, not just to individual interests. CR 216 Sterilization of people by Force during World War II: - B: You once explained to me as Semjase and Ptaah have also done this that Nazi doctors as well as Nazi surgeons, in collaboration with Nazi psychologists and Nazi psychiatrists, were involved in the sterilization by force of thousands of women of the Jewish faith, as well as members of the Sinti and Roma and also criminals and those hindered in consciousness, during World War II.

- You also said that the same activities were also quite common in Switzerland, as well as in Sweden and France, in America and in the Soviet Union. - In Sweden alone, so you said, more than 60,000 women were maltreated in this inhumane and legally untenable form. - Q: But the whole thing still has no end, for in different countries, this inhumane practice is still secretly operated, and indeed, even in Switzerland, in France, the Soviet Union, and in America. - But also in Sweden, this doing is still common in secret. - Of course, this fact is vehemently denied in all countries, and this evil is practiced under the strictest secrecy. - As we know, Switzerland already practiced this inhumane unworthiness at the end of the 19th century, while Sweden and France first began with this practice in the 20's of the 20th century, which is also true of the Soviet Union as well as America. - The justifications for these atrocities ranged from preventing or eradicating unworthy life up to the need for relevant researches, in order to gain medical insights, etc., from which new medicines and methods of health treatment could allegedly be investigated and produced. - But overall, this action corresponded and corresponds to an inhumane, criminal act beyond compare. - There is never an excuse for this. Crimes of Relief agencies or Organizations : - B: But when I keep in mind how these women suffered in their thoughts and feelings and in their psyches, as well as in their consciousnesses, and how they must continue to suffer, then I blow my top off. - Yet it seems quite absurd to me if I overexert myself over this, so it s probably better that I let time run its course and wait until sooner or later, everything comes to the public s attention, and through this, these crimes against women will be combated and come to an end - I still think it s important to say which you have mentioned that particularly in Switzerland, the authorities, such as the poor-offices and guardianship authorities, in collaboration with the doctors of psychiatry and surgery, were the criminal and felonious gang that was responsible for these horrible atrocities, along with certain aid agencies that tore families apart and destroyed them, such as the Pro Juventute, about which I also know how to sing a bad song, and indeed, not just with respect to the wanderers, i.e. the Yenish, through whom a tremendous amount of suffering was caused by this organization.

- And since I m already talking about the aid agencies, then I would also like to address you on the international aid agencies as well as on the children s aid agencies and on the United Nations, i.e. the UN. - Regarding many of these relief agencies or organizations, I have had very bad experiences in different countries, but I ve also heard incredible complaints from children, adolescents, and young as well as older women, who told me their concerns and problems. - So for example, when I was in Mehrauli in New Delhi in India, each week, I picked up a small hand cart full of instant milk at a European and American aid agency, in order, then, to feed it to the dogs in our animal station - For this milk Donated by the People of the United States we paid 5 to 10 U.S. dollars in each case. - On the other hand, I experienced, like in a sect church, various food that was donated in such a way, which was sold to the believers, and it was such that those who received the most were the ones who had donated most diligently to the collections - But that s not all, because what I saw myself and what children, adolescents, and women also complained to me was that they often only received donated food or other relief supplies if they fulfilled the sexual desires of the members or helpers of the aid agencies or when they let themselves be sexually abused and, thus, raped without resistance - This was likewise explained to me by children, adolescents, and younger as well as older women, who, as refugees, were dependent on food or any other relief supplies - Several of those who complained to me of their suffering were pregnant or had given birth to children through these criminal machinations of the helpers of aid agencies. - Q: The unpleasant events relating to this, as well as your experiences from your childhood, are wellknown to me. - It really is a shame, how these so-called aid agencies have behaved in earlier times and what power they have exercised, to which also the authorities, psychiatrists, doctors, surgeons, poor-care and guardianship offices have stooped. - But likewise to be described as a shame and as criminally inhumane are also the events mentioned by you and the conduct of the members and helpers of the aid agencies. - This also applies to the relevant criminal machinations of the fallible ones who belonged to the UN. - But unfortunately, it is also the case that these practices still continue to be operated by the irresponsible ones, and therefore, there is still no end in sight in this regard. - Still, nothing about this has become public; therefore, everything will continue for quite some time

- And when the time comes when everything reaches the public s attention, it will be such as it is always the case when any atrocities and crimes are uncovered that the responsible persons will act often against better knowledge as though they didn t have the slightest idea of everything and, thus, will be totally shocked. - This can be expected with a clear conscience, in reference to the remark, because we know the circumstances and machinations of the fallible ones in the aforementioned form very well through our own observations; therefore, I can also confirm your statements. - B: I can remember everything very well, and it still gives me pain today when I think of the pains and sufferings of all of those children, adolescents, and women, who complained to me of their powerlessness. - The fact that I beat the crap out of 2 such scoundrels, when I caught them in a rape, still gives me satisfaction to this day Criminals & Nations for SMALL ATOM-BOMBS : - B: For quite some time, one has heard again and again that criminals want to seize or take possession of materials, with which small atom bombs are supposed to be built, in order to threaten, to carry out extortions, to pursue terrorism, or simply to spread fear and terror - Does one really have to take all this seriously, and is it even possible that non-scientists can build such bombs? - Q: The necessary knowledge to achieve this is very well needed, but nowadays, this requires no great effort because everything is held in writing in textbooks as training courses, whereby these are freely accessible to all Earth people or can easily be acquired - Therefore, someone who is knowledgeable in the relevant subject can easily build such small atom bombs if he can obtain the materials needed for this. - Nevertheless, concerning such bombs, also the great power countries are interested in developing and manufacturing these, as this is the case with America and the Soviet Union that will soon no longer exist, which will be converted into a Russian Federation, in which case Russia, along with France, China, Israel, Pakistan, India, and several other nations will also strive for such small atom bombs. - Secretly, the Iraqi dictator will also take part in this, along with other power-hungry ones. - In particular, America will make special efforts after the turn of the millennium, in order to be able to implement such bombs, when the megalomaniacal and extremely unscrupulous, irresponsible, and world domination-addicted President of the USA lives out his global terror. Americal President Bush may trigger World War III : - B: The guy Bush as he will be called as you have well said, is obviously a complete maniac.

- Perhaps he is also the fellow who will then press the red button, in order to trigger World War III, by what means the great catastrophe would then be perfect. - Q: This possibility will be given then, unfortunately, because in his addiction for world domination and warmongering, he will know no bounds and will, at least, threaten many nations with war and revenge, etc., which could then very well lead to a global war, as the Henoch Prophecies describe this. - If the American population then doesn't bring the shouting for death, vengeance, and destruction to reason, and the population of the entire world as well as the governments of the earthly nations don't recollect themselves and don't undertake anything against all that will be breaking out and against the still threatening insanity - So that everything can be put to an end and the madness of the ones in charge can be stopped and through this, everything be turned to the better, then a lot of evil, harm, destruction, and annihilation is coming in the new millennium CR 217 Henoch Prophecies -> Switzerlands COnnections with UN, NATO & EU : - B: A question about the prophecy of Henoch: you said that if it should actually come to World War III, then Switzerland also won t remain spared any more, namely for the reason that connections would be entered into with the UN, i.e. the United Nations, as well as with NATO and with the European Union. - How, then, should these connections look loose or firm? What is decisive in this regard? - Q: The importance doesn t lie in a loose or free connection but only in the fact that any mutual connection exists at all, whatever this may look like. - In every form, Switzerland loses the actual status of its neutrality, which it could only preserve if it in no way entered into any mutual or one-sided connections with binding contracts with the aforementioned organizations. - Only through this would actual neutrality be preserved in truth, through which an attack on Switzerland would remain undone. - But this won t be the case with great certainty, for already shortly after the turn of the millennium, through the irrationality of many Swiss citizens, misled by those who are irresponsible, a firm entry into the UN will take place, which will count as the beginning of the prospective catastrophe, if the prophecy of Henoch should fulfill itself, which can still be averted, however, if this people takes the initiative and brings the responsible persons of the government to reason. - But this would have to mean that the majority of the population and the rulers become filled with actual reason and responsibility and act accordingly.

- To open themselves to the world, and this means not opening themselves to a nation and its people, to go into the clutches of some foreign-conditioned organizations, etc. and to forfeit their freedom and neutrality thereby, these are truly worth a lot more than the empty promises and lies of those who only strive for power and wealth and to whom all infamous means are right, in order to deceive the people and rule over them. - Unfortunately, like with other peoples of other nations, this will also be the case with the Swiss people, at least just with the majority of them who will be shouting for the accessions or other connections to the aforementioned organizations, by what means it will first be recognized too late, as to what the actual truth will be, in regards to the connections and agreements with the EU, NATO, and UN - But once this realization comes, it will be very well too late to be able to slip out again through a suitable mesh. - Therefore, it is only to be wished and hoped, and indeed, against all the gloomy prophecies, that the people, even those of Switzerland, will still become reasonable and prevent the impending disaster, which still, for a certain time, actually lies in the realm of possibility; consequently, the prophetic threatening events don t have to arrive and don t have to fulfill themselves. - And indeed, it is to be desired, that the future will change for the better in the third millennium and that the great time and the century of wars and strife among the Earth people will finally be over. - In order to achieve this, the Earth people just need a little reason, understanding, and love, as well as the will to live together in peace with all humans, to respect and honor one another, and to help one another live.

CR 219 Boom & the Financial management of the companies & nations throughout the whole world in FUture : - Q: The boom is almost over, and everything is approaching a great decline, with steadily rising unemployment in all industrialized nations of the world. - This is due to a steadily increasing irresponsibility and mismanagement of the responsible persons who will fill their pockets with money and, through this, create enormous mountains of debt. - The managers, boards of directors, and owners of firms will pay out millions of sums to themselves, which they will declare as remunerations or as settlements, and this already happens now and will happen more and more. - Monstrous mountains of debt arise from these financial distributions, which will ultimately amount to hundreds of billions of Swiss francs or U.S. Dollars and, in the new millennium, even Euros.

- But not only this form of economic crime will occur in the coming time but also that which will exist as fraud and theft as well as false accounting and large-scale accounting fraud. - This also applies to the rest of the financial economy and the stock market operations, which will suffer tremendous precipitations and losses especially after the turn of the millennium, which, overall, will basically be due to the incredible criminal and global mismanagement of an economic and financial form. - Through the economic criminals, the nations and the firms will, in large numbers, be driven into ruin, to collapse, and into insolvency and, thus, into bankruptcy, and there won t be any responsible persons who will confront all this criminal mismanagement because everyone is either too trusting, naive, or too stupid to recognize and grasp the truth, or because they themselves are out for millions, in order to redevelop themselves thereby in a criminal manner. - And since no responsible person will actually be able to be found, it will be such that a collapse of the financial economy and the industry takes place, which means that many economic enterprises and industrial enterprises will merge, lose their names, or change and, in the end, be dissolved, for the financial resources seep away completely. - Also, the financial stock exchange will experience very bad times in the coming years, but not until the third millennium will the worst stock exchange periods drive the shareholders nearly to despair, when the profits dwindle away in billions of dollars and Swiss francs, etc. and only bring the stock exchange papers weak values. - And also in the upcoming European Union, there will be a lot of trouble when a new currency, called the Euro, is introduced - Through the introduction of the Euro, the prices for all goods and food will suddenly be raised considerably in all nations of the European Union, by what means the people suddenly won t have enough money for their livelihood, etc. - In particular, it will hit those people who have to live on a small pension and who, through the criminal and nationally unauthorized increase in food prices, etc., no longer have a livelihood. - But the national leaders and other responsible persons will be blind to this because they won t care about the misery of the poor, and through criminal overpayments, secret profiteering, and through other illicit things and intrigues, they will have brought their own mite to dry land, as you once formulated the putting aside of money. Bio-Weapons Testing: - I(B) refer to that which was perpetrated by the Japanese in China, during the occupation period of the Chinese people, in connection with bioweapon tests

- B: As you(Q) mentioned, this fact is silenced, and consequently, very few of the Japanese people are aware of it - As this was also the case with the same or similar crimes under the Nazis, the Swedes, the French, and the Americans, as well as in various other nations in a military or private and scientific form and is also kept secret up to this day and denied, which, unfortunately, can only be proven in most cases with extreme difficulty.

UNIT 731: - Q: Everything happened during the Japanese occupation in China. - In 1942, through the high leaders of the Japanese, and indeed, without the Japanese population being informed about it, southern China became contaminated with cholera, plague, and with other diseases during a long-term and large-scale secret action. - Moreover, it concerned a large-scale and long-term series of tests involving bioweapons. - In this consequence, plague-infected fleas were dropped from Japanese airplanes on various areas of southern China in large quantities, which were then mainly spread across the country by rats. - Many people, and also other animals besides rats, were directly affected by it, by what means the plague could spread rapidly, and eventually, hundreds of thousands became sick and very many died. - The people of the then affected areas still suffer from this war crime today, which also won t change in the coming decades because the plague can t be fought easily and, therefore, can t be eradicated quickly, which is why in southern China, cases of plague appear over and over again, and this will also be the case in the future. - At the same time, one should consider the immeasurable quantities of rats, over which China doesn t become master and which are still today the carriers of the plague-infected fleas, which are transferred by these rodents to domestic animals and human beings and which allow illnesses to break out again and again, even if only sporadically. - A fact that, since the end of World War II, has also been concealed by the Chinese government from the general public of China and from the whole world and which will also continue to remain in such a way for some time into the future. - The authorship of the incredible war crime traces back to a renowned Japanese army doctor named Shiro Ishii, who in 1940, with the consent of the Japanese heavenly Showa Tenno, Hirohito, Emperor of Japan brought into being the so-called Unit 731 and also led the murderous command in this.

- Through this unit, also tens of thousands of prisoners of war, Chinese, Koreans, and Russians, who were designated as blocks of wood, were used as experimental subjects by the researchers who bred and produced terrible strains of pathogens. - The entire laboratory and research facility was officially and deceitfully handled as a wood-processing plant, so that the terrible secret, which was really hidden behind it, wouldn t become known among the population. - This happened in a laboratory in the northern part of China, in Manchuria, in a place with the name of Ping Fang. - However, not only were the plague pathogens investigated, bred, and produced in immense masses but also very dangerous pathogens of other diseases and epidemics, such as anthracis, a pathogen by which Anthrax was released. - Moreover, pathogens of typhoid fever and cholera were also produced and so on. - Then, the prisoners of war were infected with all kinds of bred pathogens, and once they became sick, living organ samples were cut out of their bodies, without anesthesia, in order to examine and investigate the effects of the inoculated disease strains in them as well as to make further tests and to pursue researches. - Of course, all victims didn t survive these tortures; rather, they died in such pain that one can say that they didn t just painfully die but rather miserably and agonizingly perished. - Furthermore, it is still to be explained that a Japanese army special unit in Ping Fang bred and produced deadly pathogens of diseases and epidemics and spread these all over the areas of southern China by airplanes as well as by railway and by all sorts of motorized road vehicles, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be inflicted by the diseases and epidemics, and very many died from it. - Then, in Tokyo, at the end of World War II, when the war crimes trials took place, none of the Japanese researchers were called to account, through whose crimes 743,018 people were murdered. - A number that was criminally reduced in a truth-veiling manner by the responsible persons of the court to just around 250,000, in order make everything seem somehow milder than it actually was. - In fact, only several generals were indicted. - For the researchers themselves, it was negotiated that they would remain unpunished if they handed over the research results and all formulas, etc. to the Americans, which then actually happened, of course, and with which the American researchers and scientists pursued researches in the following years and decades and up to now, and they will pursue and continue to pursue these in the coming time.

- From this, from the acquired results, vicious and deadly weapons usable for biological warfare naturally developed over time, which America also abundantly produced in large masses and has in stock. - But it is specifically to be said to everything again that the whole thing isn t at the expense of the Japanese people, for this people had no idea of all the terrible evil that the researchers and the army special unit brought upon hundreds of thousands of human beings of the Chinese people. - Thus, the Japanese people can never be held responsible for such monstrous crimes against humanity and war crimes. - The real culprits were the researchers and the army doctor, Shiro Ishii, and primarily the Showa Tenno, Hirohito, the Emperor of Japan, who approved everything, and, of course, also all those who supported the criminal matter and all those who spread the deadly pathogens over the country. - And finally, it must still be said that at the end of the war, there were still more than 600 survivors of the prisoners of war, but they were cruelly murdered, so that they couldn t make any statements about the bestial, murderous, and deadly attempts of the butchers against the prisoners of war and against the people concerned in southern China. - B: That is what I wanted to hear again, so that I can write it down and present it to the public. The people of the Earth should know, by what bestial creatures their world is inhabited - This, however, not only refers to this story with Japan but also to America, Israel, Palestine, and Iraq, and otherwise to all nations whose criminal elements act in the way you mentioned or in a similar manner and bring death, suffering, murder, destruction, and annihilation over the people and entire nations and can still be praised high into the sky for it and think that they are magnificent, humane, just, and infallible - These creatures must be denounced because of their criminal thoughts and actions, so that the people can finally learn the truth and don t continue to shout hurray for these thugs and murderers. Sexual Abuse In the coming time : - Q: In the coming time, it will all take on ever greater and worse proportions, which, on the one hand, is due to the fact that through Beate Uhse, the sexual taboo became destroyed, which led to the fact that worldwide, open prostitution and pornography can be publicly operated in many forms, without punitive measures being taken against it - Which will lead in the coming time to blatant degeneracy, and on the other hand, this also traces back to the machinations of Beate Uhse, whereby all morals in reference to sexuality become violated, which will still worsen in the coming years and decades, by what means practically the entire world will become a cesspool of sexual degeneracy

- And this will be tolerated by the authorities of the governments because many of them will be involved in these machinations themselves in a profit-winning or vice-fulfilling way. - Of course, there will only be a few who will be called to account, while the majority of all fallible ones can pursue and indulge in their criminal, immoral, and degenerate sexual machinations undisturbed. - And also included in the majority of the offending perpetrators are all those who somehow advocate, contribute to, or who are even the beneficiaries of the machinations; therefore, also included therein are all those who involve themselves in these machinations, directly or indirectly. CR 220 Working Class & Labour Class : - B: If you permit, I would like to ask another question regarding the financial crisis and economic crisis and the breakdowns of the firms, etc. through mismanagement, huge settlements, and salaries in the hundreds of thousands and millions of financial sums for managers and boards of directors, etc. - Isn t it also true that the working class will go along with the greater demands for compensations and will also contribute to the whole disaster, whereby the workers organizations or labor unions will probably also contribute a lot to it? - Q: That is correct, for that will actually be the case. - Nevertheless, this evil also applies to the high state officials and leaders who have received outrageously huge and extensively translated remunerations and pensions since time immemorial, as I know from our investigations of a related form. - And this translation of the remunerations of the leaders and administrators, etc. will be shamelessly boosted further in the coming time, while various layers of workers will only have pitiful incomes and livelihoods and will sometimes even live in bitter poverty. Health service, in terms of Health Insurances[Popi's doctor's bills and hospital bills]: B: And what about health service, in terms of health insurances; will the premiums there be brought in line with the demands for high wages, making them more expensive? When I returned to Switzerland in 1969 and locked in health insurance for my wife, myself, Gilgamesha, and Atlantis with the Bretswiler Health Insurance Company, I paid around 35 Swiss francs a month for the four of us. - In 1973, I had to change the health insurance company because I moved with my family to Hinwil, and therefore, I joined Helvetia Health Insurance and as you can see here from the health insurance book in the month of June, I already paid 42.10 Swiss francs for the whole family. - Then, in July, it was already 54.50 Swiss francs. Then Methusalem was born, after which the premium increased to 60.50 Swiss francs. From then, the premium rose further to 74.90 Swiss francs for 1974 and

then to 86.30 Swiss francs as of January, 1975, after which the whole thing continued to increase year after year; - Consequently, I already have to shell out 213.50 Swiss francs for this month of December, 1987. And the premiums are to increase enormously again next year, as has already been announced. If this continues in such a way, then I will soon no longer know how I should still shell out the health insurance for the whole family. - To all of that is still coming 10 percent as well as a larger franchise amount per year, in addition to each doctor s bill. - And as you know, my wife constantly has horrendous doctor's bills and hospital bills, as well as hospital bills for operations, etc. - Q: We have also looked into these concerns, and unfortunately, I have to tell you that the premiums will continue to increase rapidly, according to which you will soon have to pay about 300 Swiss francs per month for you alone. CR 222, 1988 Concealing Production of Genetically modified vegetables, fruits, & other foods : Billy: - Already several times, we ve talked about gene technology and gene manipulation, etc., about which a lot of senseless fuss will be made in the coming time - And indeed, especially by the so-called progress opponents and, in this case, even the genetic opponents, who will conjure up death and the devil with absurd assertions and scare tactics, in order to thwart, stop, and denigrate genetic research and gene technology. - This in ignorance of the fact that already for many years, genetically modified vegetables, fruits, and other foods have been produced and have been on the market and have also been eaten by the genetic opponents unknowingly and without hesitation as well as without harm. - Now, the question about this is whether this fact will actually be concealed much longer? Quetzal: 42. Silence will probably rule over this for good, because otherwise, an uproar would be caused by the genetic opponents. Billy: I understand. Since ancient times, maniacs have always had a tendency to run amok at every possible and impossible opportunity or otherwise to become abusive

CR 223, 1988 Reasons/Motives for Gulf War in 1991 & 2003 & Afghanistan War : Billy: - But say once if I may come to speak again on the American warmongering President Bush Jr., of whom you have, indeed, told a few things if his father s work will continue in Iraq, who will also be a warmonger and who will let loose the so-called Gulf War from the pile in January of 1991, which then ends in such a way that Saddam Hussein can perform more mischief. - Fortunately, this one will actually only go through one term of office, as you said. - For my part, I find it simply outrageous that wars are fought at all, just because crazy, psychopathic, and schizophrenic and, moreover, cowardly and power-hungry people, like certain presidents and dictators, etc., can display their power unhindered and can release their bloodthirsty minions on the peoples or even on the whole of humanity through sheer terrorism and murder. - Not just those who act in personal, political, or religious and sectarian, blind fanaticism and in lusts for revenge are to be designated as pure, blinded, criminal, and irresponsible packs of criminals and as terrorists but also all legally elected heads of state or those elected through fraud or through coercion and force, as well as all those who obey their commands in the way that they themselves degenerate and become unscrupulous, emotionless, and irresponsible, bloodthirsty and murderous monsters and even actual terrorists. - And finally, it must be said that those in power, and indeed, especially those of the industrial nations, also instigate wars and, therefore, expand for years, in order to create work and high-quality money in their own country, namely by the fact that because of the warfare in foreign countries, the entire industry in their own country, which works for weapons and weapon systems and their related branches, receives horrendous orders, and thus, unemployment is also prevented through this as well as the sinking of the cash value, etc. - And now, when the Bushes let loose various wars from the pile in the coming time, like in Iraq and in Afghanistan, etc., as you explained, and all this is carried out under the guise of counter-terrorism, retribution, and for freedom, peace, and national security, then the maintenance of the arms industry and all that goes with it is also behind everything. Quetzal: 58. Your words can express the truth very well, and in them, the horror that is contained in everything is also visible. 59. But to your question:

60. The warmongering President Bush, as you admirably call him, will bring in his time, as I already explained in previous conversations, very much sorrow, death, and disaster upon the people of the Earth. 61. Not only will he follow in the footsteps of his father, who is soon coming to power for one term of office, but he will still take this a lot further, whereby we have not yet fathomed, however, all the events and consequences of his psychopathic and domineering power obsession and vindictiveness. 62. But unfortunately, the evils, the destructions, the bloodshed, and the murders through wars and other terrors arranged by him will be many. 63. Concerning a second war in Iraq, however, the facts indicate that such an event could arise in the year 2003. 64. But in this respect, we still haven t gained any determining insights because for the time being, everything is solely based on probability calculations, but these have yielded a high value towards the fact that the war could actually take place, if the rest of the world won t be filled with enough reason to stop the terrorist crimes of the vindictive and human-despising as well as human rights-despising and irresponsible presidents at the given time. Billy: - Unfortunately, maniacs never die out. However, this is probably not just the case on Earth but also on other worlds, but Earth certainly has to have especially major maniacs.

CR 225, 1988 During the time of slavery in America : Billy: - You once said that during the time of slavery in America, the Americans operated real slave-breeding farms because it was much cheaper than the kidnappings in Africa and then the transports of the enslaved black people in ships to America, whereby during these transports, many slaves on the transport ships often died of thirst, starved, or died of disease or were maltreated and beaten to death by the slave hunters and slave drivers. - The slaves that were crammed together on the slave-breeding farms were impregnated, according to your words, by rape through breeding rams, select white Americans, and so-called property slaves, in order to ensure slave-breeding or slave descendants. - In addition, now the question: how long, actually, can America still conceal these facts? Quetzal:

31. Up to the turn of the millennium, it will not officially be the case, as we know. Billy: But then later, and then also in public, right? Quetzal: 32. That will certainly be so. 33. But the time for that isn t known to me. Death of few German Soldiers in 'Final battle at Berlin' : - I was asked the question, why in the final battle at Berlin, only a few German soldiers had fallen, which is provable. Quetzal: 51. The history of the Second World War even of the first one on Earth belongs to one of my fields of knowledge; therefore, I am very well informed over all the facts. 54. Also, the records of the diaries attributed to her come from her own hand and, in all their remarks, correspond in every relation to the truth. 55. It is also correct that in Berlin, during the final battle, relatively very few German soldiers lost their lives, for the majority of the combatants were not Germans but rather Nazis and those enslaved to Adolf Hitler and fanatical SS members, who were mainly recruited from men who were citizens of Denmark, Holland, and Norway but who entered into German military service. Deaths in World War II : Billy: - If I remember Ptaah s explanations correctly, then World War II demanded more than 50 million human lives. Quetzal: - World War II demanded 53,874,328 victims - Whereby several millions of murdered human beings were on account of the war-criminal machinations of the Americans, mostly innocent civilians, like children, women, and elderly people.

America s desire for World Domination : Billy:

- The belligerent Americans, however, also murdered in various other countries around the world, where they intervened autocratically and as a world-police and, through this, sowed much poverty, suffering, and misery, as well as destruction. - And in my judgment, they will continue to do so in complete irresponsibility and for the purpose of taking the world and all its resources for themselves, and indeed, no matter how many people have to be murdered and no matter what great destructions must be caused. - But in addition, I would like to say: even when I speak of America and of the Americans, I only speak of the criminal and absolutely irresponsible leaders, their advisors and governmental ones as well as national followers and of the command-implementing institutions and forces, which bring death, ruin, destruction, suffering, pain, and misery over the world and the people. - Thus, my speech is not of the beautiful country of America and especially not of those Americans who do not conform with those who break wars from the fence and who order them or who bring death, downfall, and destruction as their misguided, willingly irresponsible, national and murderous or even fanatical tools. Quetzal: 57. You will surely keep to the fact that America can and will continue in the same way because the peoples and responsible persons of all countries of the world do not want to recognize or simply do not recognize the truth about America s desire for world domination. 58. This is often due to anxiety and cowardice, through which they want to see in America a strong partner at their side, which should help them in emergencies. 59. Thus, country for country and people for people gradually sell themselves to America, which can irresistibly realize its plans for world domination through this in an easier manner. Criminal/Misleading elements in Cloning of Animals & Humans : Quetzal: 88. Through lies and fraudulence, these irresponsible elements will mislead many people in this and lead them to believe unreal things; so this will be, of course, for very large and horrendous financial contributions, in order to let themselves or deceased relatives be cloned, whereby eternal life will mendaciously and fraudulently be promised for the cloning of one s own person. 89. This, in addition to the fact that criminal elements want to and will make capital out of cloning, by misleading women and men who are unable to reproduce to create genetically reproduced offspring, and indeed, even though Earth humanity overflows in its mass more and more. 90. This is a fact, by which more and more problems constantly and irresistibly arise in every respect, and indeed, also in the sense that men increasingly become impotent and women increasingly become incapable of conceiving.

91. However, the problem of overpopulation is not solved through this because more and more descendants still appear worldwide, by what means, eventually, everything will get completely out of control. Cloned human fighting machines : Billy: - Something with your remarks isn t clear to me, namely that which you once told me, that cloning research has already been pursued for quite some time on Earth in a confidential manner and that a clone has already existed for years. Quetzal: 92. That is correct. 93. It concerns the fact that in a certain country, which I may not name officially, an extremely confidential project of cloning research has been pursued for several years, namely for the purpose of creating cloned human fighting machines. 94. Indeed, a human, male life form was already cloned, but it is only capable of surviving in that it is kept alive by medical apparatuses. 95. Unofficially, other human clones will be created as laboratory objects around the middle of the 90's, but this will remain very top secret and will be denied. 96. First of all, only the cloning of animals will be made known. Billy: I can imagine that. And how will it be, then, with these human clones; will these be capable of surviving then? Quetzal: 97. No, even these will only prolong their existence through medical apparatuses. Billy: Horrible when I just think of their working consciousness, I feel sick. Quetzal: 98. The cloned male life form that already exists is no longer mighty in clear thought because it stunted its consciousness completely. 99. The new laboratory clones will also suffer the same fate.

Billy: Criminal, but perhaps a release for the clones. CR 226, 1989 U.S. president, Bush Jr. & wars in IRAQ : Billy: - But now tell me it wasn t very long ago that we talked about wars, etc., and you told me that I should compose writings around the turn of the millennium, which have to be directed against an impending war. - This is because a certain U.S. president named Bush Jr. will want to launch a war in Iraq, in order to get to the oil there as well as to exact revenge for the war which his father will bring, at the beginning of the 90's, over Iraq and which he will lose, as you said. - Outside of our open conversation, you also said that this Bush Jr. was or had been a drunkard and is now turning to sectarianism and that he becomes of the delusion that he has to clean the Earth of Islam, so to speak, as God s avenger and as God s representative. - If I remember correctly, you called him an unscrupulous and degenerate good-for-nothing, who is valid in the eyes of his father as a zero and a failure. - With the Iraq war that he wants to allow to be released if I also remember correctly in this respect, you said that this would be, at the earliest, in March of the year 2003, from which World War III could result under certain circumstances or the preliminary work for it with this Iraq war, the coward, once he has come to power, wants to prove to his daddy that he is not a zero and not a failure and that he can very well exact revenge and retaliate for his dad s war failure. - And now the long and short of it: through Bush Jr., whom you have also called a madman, will the war now actually break out in the year 2003 or not? - You later mentioned the month of March, which would be especially precarious in that the war can actually no longer be avoided. - In this respect, do you now have more insights through your foresight, or does it simply remain with your given information? Quetzal: 24. I have, in fact, gained further insights in the meantime, and these are unpleasant. 25. The war will be inevitable through the criminal irresponsibility and power obsession of the American president, George W. Bush, and will already secretly begin through the invasion of Iraq and through the

bombing of superior anti-aircraft defenses in the early evening of the 18th of March, 2003, which will officially be denied, however. 26. The beginning of the military attack of the American armed forces with a rocket attack on Bagdad will first become official, however, on the date of the 20th of March at 5:33 AM Middle Eastern time. 27. The first wave of the real large-scale attack, however, will be several hours later, which will have, in its entire extent, such an impact as has never been the case before in any war on Earth. 28. With this, the newest, most modern heavy weapons will be used, such as rockets and bombs, which will be of extremely accurate target precision and cause great destructions and by which also many people will die. 29. However, neither the war-criminal rulers of America nor those of Iraq will care about this, as well as not those of England and Australia and all others who will irresponsibly participate in this war. Billy: And Bush, this war criminal, will then, of course, be called to account just as little as also all those who will move with him in the same direction and be equally guilty in every respect as he himself, for if the criminal pack wins, then they are not regarded as war criminals, as this is usually just so on Earth, but as victors and heroes. Quetzal: 30. That is correct. 31. These are victors and heroes of very dubious reputation, who are truly criminals against humanity as well as tyrants, despots, dictators and terrorists and who, indeed, are the same as those who are accused of evil by these war criminals, some of whom are known to you from an earlier time. CR 236, 1990 Unemployment Upswing in Switzerland : Billy: - The second thing that interests me is when an upswing can be expected in Switzerland again, and thus, the peak of unemployment will be over. - Quetzal once said that it would be around the year 2003 or 2004. Ptaah: 258. The upswing will actually begin in the year 2003, but it will first be noticeably perceivable in the year 2004, as is clear from our foresight and if new, unforeseen seen things of a negative form don t arise.

Raise of AIDS epidemic : Billy: - Then another question regarding the AIDS epidemic: when will this begin to develop and spread out in such a way that it slowly takes the upper hand and, thus, takes hold in a rapid manner? Ptaah: 266. That will be after the turn of the millennium, but the spreading of the epidemic to a great extent won t become properly grasped until the years 2003 and 2004.

Indebtedness of the Nations : Billy: - And what about the indebtedness of the nations? - Quetzal once said that the national debt will grow rapidly in practically all countries. Ptaah: 267. Yes, that will be so, for in the coming time, the governments will become more and more irresponsible in managing the national budgets and will drive the national debts to such heights that hardly any or even no possibilities will exist of still being able to avoid the financial collapses of certain nations, let alone that the debts could be amortized ever again. 268. In this connection, the governments will become more and more irresponsible and more criminal, but the people can do nothing about this because on the one hand, the national powerful figures enjoy immunity, which is absolutely wrong, and are hostile and criminal towards the people, and on the other hand, the people are much too negligent and put too much faith in the governments, that they would question the machinations of the governments. CR 248, 1994 Prophecy of the Vatican-Israel Alliance, Eliminating Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Peace Efforts of Gorbachev & World War III : Billy: After 17 months of negotiations, the Vatican and Israel have agreed on the modality of the mutual recognition and on the normalization of their relations, whereby the agreement received its final touch on Wednesday, the 29th of December, and diplomatic relations will likely begin in April. According to the prophecies, this is a very bad omen and points to the fact that now, a Third World War is still threatening.

In addition, the idiotic Russian warmonger and extremist, Zhirinovsky, fits into this picture, according to whom the threat of a Third World War might, indeed, be brought back into the realm of possibility. Ptaah: 30. Unfortunately, that corresponds to the actual facts. 31. On the one hand, the prophecy of the Vatican-Israel alliance has become a reality, which actually speaks as a bad omen for the beginning of the Third World War, and on the other hand, the extremist Zhirinovsky really is an unusually nasty warmonger and tyrant, through whom not only a forced Third World War is to be expected, but who is actually working towards it in this respect. 32. The change to the better and to peace in an increasing form, which was brought about by Gorbachev, already suffers a strong abatement through this, which can be changed quite quickly into a disaster, if the maniac actually comes to his targeted power. 33. In this regard, it now depends on the Russian people, as well as on all responsible persons of the entire world, as to whether this warmonger will actually arrive at supreme power or whether he will be overthrown and be permanently removed from the sphere of influence. 34. He is a threat to the entire world because if he actually arrives at his targeted power, then the worst is to be feared. Billy: He is even worse than Saddam Hussein, with whom he is, indeed, supposed to be allied. If just one of these two is already a tremendous ill, then together, they are pure evil. To eliminate them permanently would, in my view, be a pure act of self-defense. Ptaah: 35. That corresponds to the truth, but this responsibility rests with those who have the power to do so, and they are all responsible for it. Billy: Of course, that isn t understood by all the wrong humanists and wrong peaceful people, to whom it doesn t make sense that through a logical use of force, a lot of disaster can be avoided, and peace, tranquility, and order can be created. UN & NATO on Yugoslavia : Billy: He(Vladimir Zhirinovsky) is even worse than Saddam Hussein, with whom he is, indeed, supposed to be allied.

If just one of these two is already a tremendous ill, then together, they are pure evil. To eliminate them permanently would, in my view, be a pure act of self-defense. Ptaah: 35. That corresponds to the truth, but this responsibility rests with those who have the power to do so, and they are all responsible for it. Billy: Of course, that isn t understood by all the wrong humanists and wrong peaceful people, to whom it doesn t make sense that through a logical use of force, a lot of disaster can be avoided, and peace, tranquility, and order can be created. A fact that is also true of the former Yugoslavia, where the UN and NATO could have already created peace and tranquility as well as order a long time ago, if they would have intervened in the acts of war through logical force and would have brought these to a standstill. But the stupidity and cowardice of these two organizations speaks for itself, as well as that of those countries, like Germany and others, which are opposed to an intervention and which rely on wrong humanistic and wrong humanitarian laws and the like. But the fact that through this, they deliver thousands and thousands of innocent people, without hesitation, to deaths from wars and revolutions, this disturbs them in no way. Then, in order to cover this up and to mitigate it, they fetch those who are wounded out of the war zones, in order to nurture them and care for them, but with this, nothing is intended other than to exercise a false-humane alibi, with which they try to justify themselves to the whole world. Ptaah: 36. You re right, of course. Violence in former Yugoslavia & Rasputin : Billy: I would like to address you once again on former Yugoslavia: for nearly 2,000 years, they ve been smashing their heads down there and massacring each other at every opportunity. Did you know that even Tsar Nicholas II of Russia had huge troubles with the peoples and ethnic groups of the former countries of the current ex-Yugoslavia and that Rasputin, the Russian miracle monk, had told him in 1908 that these Balkan peoples weren t worth a shot of powder? Ptaah: 69. Yes, that is well-known to me.

Billy: I can t tell you anything that you don t already know. Ptaah: 70. I am just a few years older than you, and I also knew Rasputin personally. POpulation Increase from 100,000 years ago to 1994 : Ptaah: 121. There exists with us no precise data about this but only estimates. 122. These say that prior to the massive tidal wave(100,000 years ago), approximately 870,000 people lived on that part of the Earth, but as a result of the catastrophe, about 650,000 lost their lives. 123. Out of the surviving 220,000, about 140 people lived on the Ark, who, after the time of the flood, then settled the land again in the Middle East, where many foreigners then also immigrated. 124. This total of about 220,000 people had it very hard because for many thousands of years, they were decimated again and again by epidemics and all sorts of other disasters; therefore, they could only multiply very slowly at first and only reached a total population of 11 million people about 10,000 years ago distributed across the whole Earth, of course. Billy: And in only 9,500 years, there were then born another roughly 500 million people, and after that, since the Middle Ages, during just another 500 years, the Earth person actually managed to increase his population, by the year 1994, to an incredible 5.8 billion people, from which all the crazy consequences of global destruction result. Over-Population Opponents : Billy: The climate, atmosphere, ozone layer and other protective layers which the terrestrial scientists don t know of yet and, thus, cannot talk about fauna and flora, as well as human life and the planet itself drive towards destruction by man s guilt, a fact that has already become evident. Nevertheless, there are still the irresponsible idiots who thoughtlessly assert that, on the one hand, the Earth still won t be overpopulated for a long time and could still carry and nourish several billion more people and that, on the other hand, all the elementary disasters appearing worldwide, the earthquakes, air and environmental pollution, tempests, floods, heat spells as well as cold spells, typhoons, hurricanes, gales and tornadoes, snowstorms and blizzards, volcanic eruptions, landslides and mudslides, and so on and so on, would have nothing to do with overpopulation a brainless shortsightedness, rejection of responsibility, and a misjudgment of reality, as well as a playing down of

the truth by criminals of all backgrounds, starting from the so-called average citizens up to the scientists and powerful economic figures and governments, who hit their profits from it. What s more is that besides the obvious dangers for all life and the entire existence of the planet, still other dangers threaten, which the scientists don't have any idea of yet, or else they conceal such threats if these are known to them. Ptaah: 125. Unfortunately, that corresponds to the facts. Billy: Facts that, unfortunately, can t be changed so quickly, due to the disputatiousness, greed for profit, irresponsibility, indifference, superior attitude, and disregard for the truth by a large number of Earth people. The irresponsibility and greed for profit, etc. are much more pronounced in the Earth person than the sense of responsibility, reason, and intellect. Nevertheless, one could talk endlessly and curse about this, so it would probably be better if we d turn to other things once again European Union & Henok s System : Billy: What do you think of this EU, its regulations and laws, etc.? Ptaah: 198. In reference to this European Union, I can only give you information that is based on the statements and findings of our political scientists, whom I, nevertheless, support wholeheartedly: 199. The idea of such a union, which should ultimately be far-reaching and include all peoples, is very ancient and was first realized by Henok, whereby a common and planetary economic basis arose, which led to uniform balance and prosperity. 200. What s going on with this European Union, however, has nothing to do with Henok s system, for instead of creating unity and stabilization as well as assimilation and revision of existing laws and regulations, there are impossible, inexpedient, liberty-restricting, and stupid new laws and regulations arising from incompetent politicians, who establish themselves in and through Brussels as rulers of the European Union and who characterize themselves more and more as despotic and dictatorial, from which, in the end, a total control of the individual can result, which is already secretly striven for by certain elements.

201. The secret idea is that the powerful figures can consolidate themselves in Brussels and become so dominant that all of Europe and, one day, also the rest of the world will fall under their dictatorial control, which is vehemently denied, of course. 202. But in truth, secret ideas and plans relating to this already exist among certain elements, in order to create a totalitarian dictatorship under the exclusive control of the rulers in Brussels. 203. Thus, whoever joins the European Union goes into the lion s mouth, as a terrestrial proverb says. 204. And if the people and national governments blindly continue to trust the words and machinations of Brussels and don t draw the right conclusions from it, then the dark and terrible truth of an impending dictatorship will prove itself to be true. Billy: Many Earth people have also already recognized that, which is why they also often rise up in arms, but without great success. Ptaah: 205. That is known to us. Billy: Thus, I think that even more should be done by all those concerned. Earth s Ozone Layer-Skin Cancer & AIDS : Billy: But now, can you still give me information in relation to Earth s ozone layer, as well as to skin cancer and the development of AIDS? Have these three evils now stabilized or do they continue to grow? Ptaah: 239. The destruction of the ozone layer is progressing just as steadily as also the increase of skin cancer through the effects of UV radiation of the Sun. 240. Also, the AIDS epidemic continues to spread and increases in its infection rate. 241. So far, there is still no time in sight when these scourges will slow down or will even disappear. Eradicating Drug-Addiction in Switzerland : Billy: Please, just one more question.

I ll postpone the others to next time: in Switzerland, efforts are still prevailing in different governments with regard to the drug problem, namely that the best solution is that one should help the drug addicts in the way that settlement camps and free drugs are made available to the addicts. Responsible persons in the city of Zurich, such as Emilie Lieberherr and her supporters, as well as in Berne and elsewhere, believe that the problem can be solved by a controlled, free supply of drugs. What do you think about this? Ptaah: 244. That is a fundamental error, but one that is typical for the confused and illogical thinking and feeling of the Earth people, who must also be ranked in this respect among those whom you addressed just now. 245. The proponents for a free supply of drugs and for the provision of settlement camps for drug addicts, etc. are so caught up in their false humanitarianism that they are no longer able to grasp the reality. 246. Only individual addicts can be taken in, but not all of them; therefore, such activity only amounts to a drop on a hot stone. Billy: But what about the wide-comprehensive drug rehabilitation centers that take in all the addicts, where replacement drugs are given under medical supervision or under other trained personnel and where drug addicts are also living? Ptaah: 247. Nothing is to be argued against it, even when after a denial of drugs occurs and an addiction is cured, the patients are further cared for over an extended period of time by socially skilled personnel. 248. A free drug supply for drug addicts, in simple drug addict sites or on streets and in places or in unregulated residential facilities, is to be approved in no way, for the whole thing only calls for even more misery, even if the drug-related crime may decline somewhat. 249. A free supply of drugs is irresponsible, even if it can promise success in a few cases. CR 115, 1978 UN & NATO: Billy: However, these super clever ones and know-it-alls don't bear in mind that the Third World War won't break out all of a sudden as such but that, as the beginning already proves and as it will soon prove

itself again after the invasion of the Russian army into Afghanistan, several individual countries will first get together in the wool and allow acts of war to break out from this, before the larger unions of various countries are found, which could then lead to the World War. The UN and NATO will then no longer have anything at all to report about this, and to be sure, already then when the Russians march into Afghanistan, which, incidentally, they have to do at the end of 1979, for they are obligated to do so by a contract; therefore, they will properly march in there and not make an incident of war, as it will be maintained. The UN and NATO, however, will become jumping jack organizations after this incident because they have never been so developed in their sphere of influence, as this would have had to be the case. Those responsible of these 2 organizations, and those involved in them in other ways, were and are, in truth, never capable of developing these organizations into what they basically should have become. Thus, they won't be able to receive enough power and respect for themselves at the given point in time to change or even just authoritatively influence the threatening world-political situation, in order to attain a change to the positive. But at the same time, these leaders aren't capable of this, so even they, with their 2 organizations, can't change anything in the impending fulfillment of the prophecies if, within a period of 1 year, the beginning of the 1 day possible bitter end in the 3rd millennium begins to develop itself. CR 306, 2001 Death Sentences & Method of Execution in German Democratic Republic(GDR) : Billy: Then another question: in 1989, when the contacts were officially resumed, you spoke of the fact that in the GDR, the death penalty was perfectly acceptable and that, in fact, many death sentences were carried out. The question now is whether I am now no longer bound to silence in this connection and, therefore, may talk about it? Ptaah: 46. There is no longer a reason why you would have to remain silent. Billy: Then I would briefly like to repeat what I still know. If something isn t right, then correct me, please. At that time, you said that the fact of the death sentences and their enforcement had been concealed, and to be sure, even from the citizens of the GDR. The method of execution was such that a short rope with a noose was placed around the neck of

one condemned to death, after which the poor devil was then hung from the rope on a large meat hook and was miserably strangled in this way. Then later, distance had been taken from this method of execution, but just to execute one condemned to death with a pistol shot to the head, namely in a small bald area specifically chosen for it. In particular, death sentences were pronounced and carried out due to alleged nation-endangering machinations, but also for minor reasons. Ptaah: 47. As usual, your memory doesn t let you down. Billy: Can you, perhaps, give me a number in regards to how many people were murdered throughout the whole time of the GDR through the implementation of the death penalty? Ptaah: 48. That is well-known to us. 49. In all, 1,084 people were executed, but this, as you explained, was concealed. Billy: But I take it that there would have to be court records and the like, right? Ptaah: 50. Such documents do actually still exist. 51. However, the records are only very scarce because the largest part has been destroyed. Billy: I actually could have imagined that myself.


CR 203, 1985 American Moon-landing Swindle : Billy : We have indeed already spoken at various times about the American Moon-landing swindle In this regard, I have now also spoken with an American who was visiting here.

He was not in agreement with that which I told him regarding your explanation concerning this matter. It was his opinion that a swindle is completely impossible, because the aforementioned Moon-landing project had employed at least 100,000 humans, who most certainly had not kept silent, even if it were their duty to do so. At least a whole number of them would have talked or not held their tongues due to certain grounds. What is your opinion on that? Quetzal 1. As we have already explained several times, the Americans' Apollo-11 Moon-landing on July 20th, 1969 did not take place, because everything was a great designed swindle, through which the entire world was fooled. 2. Also it was not so that 100,000 or more people were involved in the fraud or simply informed about it, rather a total of precisely 37 persons who were involved in that. 3. This small number was responsible for nothing trickling through, and the criminal-fraud enterprise actually could be kept secret up until the present day and this would also be the case in the future, in spite of the fact that very many anomalies in regard to the photographs and videos will be discovered by critical people and will continue to be discovered. 4. The lie will therefore continue to be sustained, and indeed in spite of the provable and clear evidence of the anomalies, which prove the falsification of the Moon-landing. 5. Further to say is, that the Moon-landing swindle is also connected to murder, and indeed in the respect that in spite of the duty of silence of those involved, a great number cannot be silent, respectively, could not be silent, which led, and will further lead, to arranged "accidents" and "illnesses" with fatal consequences, until the last involved person is no longer alive whose silence is not securely established. 6. Remaining alive are only those who are hypnotically bound with their Moon-landing lies, so they themselves believe that the Moon-landing actually was realised or at least that they have thereby cooperated.

Moon-rover & Landing Devices : Billy: But then how is it with the Moon-rover and the landing devices and so forth, which were supposed to have been left behind on the Moon? Quetzal :

7. These are actually to be found on the Moon, whereby however these were left behind from a later Moon-landing on the Earth's satellite. Billy : Therefore the Yanks were indeed on the Moon. Quetzal : 8. Naturally, however not on the claimed point in time of July 20th, 1969. 9. In that time the mendaciously propagated and nonexistent Moon-landing was a pure political manoeuvre of the Americans, ostensibly to trump the Soviet Union in the so-called space race, to practically anticipate this and thereby to be the winner and more powerful, which was supposed to serve as a deterrent military action in regard to the Soviet Union supposedly fearing the Americans. Billy : Hence the gigantic fraud of the alleged Moon-landing. Quetzal : 10. That is correct.

Apollo Hoax Compared to Roswell Case: Billy: And, will the truth ever come to light? Quetzal : 11. That would hardly be the case because the entire fraud is played in such a way that the discovery of the truth has practically as good as no chance. 12. Also the provable contradictions of all kinds which can be allocated by the photographs and videos would bear no fruit for the acknowledgement of the truth. Billy: In the same way as with Roswell, where the spaceship crashed. Quetzal 13. That is also true, because in this case hardly a possibility exists that the secret activities will one day come to the light of truth and the humans will be enlightened over the actual truth.

14. Quite the opposite - the future will prove that the responsible ones in America will always invent new lies in order to shroud and deny the truth about the Roswell case. CR 214 American Moon-landing participants: - B: the alleged Moon-landing of the Americans why the alleged Moon-landing participants maintain, in spite of the solid evidence to the contrary, that they had actually been on the Moon? - One could make these ones talk by truth serums, nevertheless, and could uncover the Moon-landing lie that fools the world. - Q: That would hardly be possible because all the alleged participants were placed under heavy drugs and hypnosis without their knowledge - after which they were then subjected to a post-hypnotic brainwashing, and in consequence of this, all artificial memories of non-realized experiences and adventures and, thus, of the faked Moon-landing were dictated to them, which they then adopted into their waking consciousness, whereby they became of the belief of their alleged experiences and adventures. - The drug-induced and hypnotic blockade, through which nothing should be betrayed, is so strong that it can be penetrated by no means, and such attempts could sooner have a deadly consequence than that the truth could be squeezed out.

CR 230, 1989 Moon Landing Hoax - Space Race with Russians : Billy: Then once again something concerning the Earth's Moon, respectively in regard to the first alleged Moon landing of the Americans, which is supposed to have happened on July 20th, 1969. This theatre spectacle was indeed only staged for political reasons and allegedly in order to have obtained a giant success before the Soviet Union because, at that time, the Russians already stood shortly ahead of the Yankees, coming before them with a manned Moon landing. But after the gigantic American swindle with the so-called Moon landing, which was cinematically faked in a suitable place in America, up to 1972, five Moon landings actually subsequently came about. However, to be able to prepare and accomplish these landings, the Yankees required more time than they had at their disposal before 1969.

For this reason, and also even because of politics, this gigantic swindle was staged and all of humanity shamefully deceived. Will this swindle actually never be uncovered? Also it makes me wonder why the Yankees actually never allow anything to be heard regarding that on the South Pole and North Pole of the Moon there are big areas where daytime permanently rules, as I had seen, as in my earlier youth in the year 1946 from Sfath, and then in 1975 also from Semjase who provided the possibility to behold the Moon from up close and to see the aerospace-junk that the Earthlings had transported there. Quetzal: 582. The story of lies, of the alleged first Moon landing, is surely never more able to be worked out of the world. 583. And regarding the continuous daytime area on the Moon's South Pole and North Pole is to say, that I also don't understand why nothing is publicly mentioned about that. CR 240, 1991 High Council's Advice on Releasing Apollo Moon Landing Hoax Information : Ptaah: 1. Eduard, I greet you. Billy: It pleases me to see you already again, Ptaah. Es freut mich, dich schon wieder zu sehen, Ptaah. Sei ebenfalls gegrsst, 1. Eduard, sei gegrsst.

I likewise greet you, but what leads you here again already, after ten days? doch was fhrt dich schon nach zehn Tagen wieder hierher? Ptaah Ptaah

2. My coming here is somewhat premature because I actually first intended to visit you again in a month. 2. Mein Herkommen ist etwas verfrht, denn eigentlich beabsichtigte ich, erst in einem Monat dich wieder zu besuchen. 3. But urgent circumstances require my early appearance under the instructions of the High Council. 3. Dringende Umstnde aber erfordern mein frhzeitiges Erscheinen im Auftrage des Hohen Rates. 4. It deal... Billy: What can be of such importance that you must come here on its instructions? 4. Es hand...

Ptaah: 5. That is what I wanted to explain just now. 6. At our meeting on the 18th of May this year we spoke of certain events which relate to US America. 7. As usual, I informed the High Council about that, as is always the case when it deals with matters which are of worldwide significance on the Earth. 8. But in this case I did that only a few days ago because I simply did not find the possibility to do so earlier because I immediately transferred over into the DAL universe after our meeting on the 18th of May and only briefly returned again. 9. But now the High Council has occupied itself with our dialogue in regard to the mentioned events in the year 1969. 10. In regard to this I must now unfortunately communicate to you and make you attentive to this; that the part of our conversation which concerned these events may under no circumstances be made public and therefore may not be publicised. 11. We received the urgent advice of the High Council to have you remove these passages of conversation from the report or to remove them through our own initiative. 12. The High Council explained that the explanations mentioned through our conversation would lead to very grave and world wide political effects if you were to publish this. 13. Not only that you would thereby unnecessarily risk your life because the murderers of the USA's secret service would be set onto you, rather that the effects of the truth could even lead to grave acts of war. 14. Therefore it is urgently directed, through the advice of the High Council, that the corresponding passage be taken out of the contact and removed, just as further evidence also must be removed in regard to this, about the named unbelievable events. 15. Also all the group members are urged to keep absolutely silent about these matters if they have already been informed by you about the events and have already received the contact notices. 16. This is of urgent necessity, because, according to the statements of the High Council, the Americans have arranged everything so that, worldwide, the enormous deceit excites no doubt at all and is taken as the actual truth. 17. Already, in the meantime, through the very massive pressure of the secret service, truth-uncovering information was also already forced to be contradicted and nipped in the bud. 18. Public organs of publication which uncovered the truth were forced to contradict their public information in this matter and to describe it as pure invention and as fiction, therefore as an invented story, from beginning to end.

(Note from Ptaah from October 7th 2004: Up to today the situation has developed such that the truth can now be published.) Billy: That is indeed quite something. That takes the cake. I would rather that we still publish the story. Ptaah: 19. This would give rise to very much danger with which you would no more be able to cope than would the group members. 20. It would even endanger the mission. Billy: Then there is no question that I will remove the corresponding conversation from the contact report just as I will also take care that no information at all about the events will be conveyed. You can rely on that. I thank the High Council for its efforts and for its farsighted advice. Therefore, however, I also thank you that you have taken the extra effort to come here to warn me, even when I feel it is wretched that one must now be silent about this worldwide criminal behaviour. But it is past, forgotten. But as you are now already here, my friend, would you maybe answer two or three questions for me .... CR 357, 2004 "Die dunkle Seite von Apollo" [The Dark Side of Apollo] by Gernot L. Geise : Billy: Let us, from there, talk once again about the American Moon landings, even if we have already often done that. I have here a book with the title "Die dunkle Seite von Apollo" [The Dark Side of Apollo] by Gernot L. Geise, which was published by Michaels-Verlag in the year 2002. It has the ISB-Number 3-89539-607-9. The research which the author undertook is astonishing and likewise expresses that the US Americans, respectively, NASA, undertook the greatest swindle of all time and has deceived the entire world in order to win the Cold War and the race to the Moon, and so forth, against the Soviet Union. Attempts to 'Prove' Moon Landings:

Billy: In addition to that, I am able to recall that earlier, once the talk was that NASA, subsequently, under certain circumstances, after the alleged first conjured up Moon race landing on July 20th, 1969, carried out manned or unmanned Moon landings, whereby all objects and so forth were then set out on the Moon which were supposed to have been left behind by the alleged first landing on the Moon. The reason for that was supposed to have been, as I remember it, that it could later be "proven" that the first Moon landing, and also further ones, was actually supposed to have come about on July 20th, 1969. You have further explained that the Moon landing lie will also be vehemently contested in the new millennium and everything will be undertaken to create "proof" and indeed again in the form that new fraudulent pictures are to be manufactured, in which allegedly, the first Moon landing's "left-behind" objects and so forth, will be able to be "sighted" on the Moon through a new telescope and will be broadcast worldwide through television as a new fraud. The whole thing can eventually actually come about through a new type of telescope, always with the prerequisite that real materials were set out on the Moon, yet it could also be that then everything is only a studio set-up, as with the alleged first Moon landing. For this, indeed in suitable areas, hundreds of craters were created by means of underground explosions of blasting agents, and, with construction equipment, heaved-up hills would were created, which finally looked like a Moon landscape. These areas, alongside special film studios, were then indeed also used for the lavish so-called training of astronauts.

Walt Disney, Werner Freiherr von Braun & Ernst Stuhlinger: Billy: The decisive machinations for the entire Moon landing swindle lead back fundamentally to Werner Freiherr von Braun and Walt Disney, who, together as good friends, already established everything earlier. Walt Disney, as movie special effects specialist, suited NASA perfectly. But, unfortunately, he died two and a half years before the execution of the swindle, on December 12th, 1966, if I remember correctly. His ideas and those of Werner von Braun, who indeed died in 1977, I think that it was on June 16th, were then however still realised. Besides, there was still Werner von Braun's co-worker, with whom I was permitted to have a short conversation in Semjase's beamship, as she flew with me to America and she beamed the man into her ship.

Naturally, he was completely perplexed and could initially not understand what had happened to him and he was suddenly in our ship. His name was Ernst Stuhlinger (Note from Billy of September 24th, 2005: E Stuhlinger was Werner von Braun's right hand man and he said, among other things, "It was the lie of the millennium, a fraud of the millennium without equal, NASA's and the USA's best specialised deceit spectacle ever"), and he came from Germany like Werner von Braun. First he wanted to dispute the Moon swindle, but Semjase's irrefutable presence with her ship and her explanation led to him confessing to the incredible swindle. But he then therefore begged that we should not publish his name and the conversation we had with him for the time being, rather first then when he is dead. Today the man would have to be over 90 years old. If he is dead, I do not know - if he still lives, then I want to openly speak of the short conversation I had with him, and his name. Is it then possible that I can keep the notes that I have received from you? Quetzal 64. Naturally. 65. And indeed no further word must be spoken about all that which you have explained.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Secret Machinations -> Assasinations, Radioactive & Atom Bomb Tests & Biological Weapons : Billy: As that also otherwise occurred with many other things, however not only in America, rather also in Israel, England and the Soviet Union, as well as in other countries, where, for example, their own people are rubbed out, in order to falsely implicate other powers and people in these assassinations, so that homicidal action can be undertaken "on good grounds" and it can be justified before the eyes of the world. But that, I find, is just as much an act of terror as is also murder and the overthrowing of a country, and so forth, which is carried out all over the world through secret services and pertaining to military and government special units and death-commandos, and so forth, from various countries. Belonging to that, for example, are the murderous and crimes-against-humanity machinations in any country which has infected, or will infect, thousands upon thousands of humans with radioactive

substances as well as with atom bomb tests and biological weapons, and deliver them to a miserable death. And certainly that would not so quickly come to an end. Quetzal : 15. That is correct, because chemical and technical development will accelerate everything further and evilly degenerate, whereby quite especially the realm of terrorism will spread out in that way, so that a safe defence is practically impossible. Billy Then we can await all kind of things in this regard. Quetzal: 16. That will be so, however I am not supposed to speak about that, because no further predictions are supposed to be made, at least not officially. 17. However I can still be useful to you in this regard on a private basis. Billy: I actually have no requirement in that respect at the moment - perhaps it would be good, in spite of that, if I had knowledge of certain things, at least of such which concern me and my family as well as the group members and the mission. Quetzal: 18. I am allowed to speak openly with you in this regard, and to create clarity if you actually want me to. Billy: In this respect, yes. Perhaps also important things in the form of world events, if you think that the awareness thereof is important for me. Quetzal : 19. It should be thus. 20. Then listen to what I have to say... CR 115, 1978 Civil war & Overthrow of the Shah :

Billy: Okay, so that's good. What still interests me and what I no longer know exactly: in Iran, another civil war of short duration is still to break out shortly before the overthrow of the Shah. Do you know when this will be? Semjase: 67. Sure, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of February, 1979. Billy: The whole absurdity will, indeed, cost many human lives, if I'm right. Even so, around one thousand death sentences are then to be carried out afterwards under the auspices of the murderer Khomeini. The whole thing is, in truth, not just purely political from Khomeini's and the Shah's side; rather, it will happen because Khomeini wants to take revenge on the Shah because the Shah's father let Khomeini's father be murdered long ago. Is that right? Semjase: 68. Sure, that is correct. Billy: What I still wanted to ask: to where, then, will the Shah-in-Shah and his Shah-ban disappear? Semjase: 277. President Carter of America will commit the inexcusable mistake, that he grants the fugitives temporary asylum, which will also contribute to the effects in the embassy in Tehran. Billy: You speak of a temporary asylum; where will the guy then go after that, this super-murderous knave? Semjase: 278. If I would tell you everything, then this would take too long. 279. But this much I will explain, that Pahlevi has already been suffering from cancer for quite some time and, therefore, will be treated in America. 280. After that, his next place of refuge will be Panama, and then Egypt, where he will undergo further medical treatments.

Billy: His end, in any case, will be inglorious. Semjase: 281. His end will be very agonizing, but let that be enough with these explanations for this case.

Hostage Situation in American Embassy in Tehran : Semjase: 263. Have you also even made any calculations regarding Persia, i.e. Iran? Billy: No. Semjase: 264. Then I will still explain a few events to you, which can be of importance for you. 265. Around the turn of the year 1980, fanatical and Khomeini-enslaved student elements will overtake the American Embassy in Tehran and will take all of the embassy personnel as hostages. 266. This will lead to serious difficulties in the domestic and foreign policy of America as well as to very inconsiderate and rather childish actions of the American president, who, among other things, will allow an attempt to free the hostages, which will be doomed for failure from the very beginning, to be carried out. 267. The victims here will only be the prisoners in the American Embassy, but also around a dozen American families in the USA, because with this liberation command of insanity of Carter for the hostages, around 12 American soldiers will lose their lives through a misfortune. 268. Due to the irrationality, incompetence, and confusion of the American president, the action with the aircraft unfit for this purpose will be started. 269. The largest part of these machines will be destroyed due to their own unfitness, together with approximately 12 human lives of the volunteer command. 270. These events will still further stir up the crisis already going on for many months until then between the Americans and Iran, and it also won't find an end so soon after this time. 271. This is especially so, because also in the interior of the country of Persia, various power groups supply concerns, problems, and acts of war to the revolutionary State and because the Islamic leader

Ayatollah Khomeini, who has fallen to insanity, will have beaten the majority of the Iranian people into the fanaticism of insanity serviceable to him. 272. This will ultimately lead to the fact that the first outside of country, external acts of terrorism will find their beginning, so namely first in England, where the Iranian Embassy will likewise be occupied and hostages will be taken another time. 273. But also this doing will bring about its bad consequences. Billy: Do you mean with your words from just now, that this Khomeini has, already now, fallen to insanity? Semjase: 274. Yes, that is the sense of my words. 275. He still isn't in the full stage, but this will already soon be the case. Billy: Then one couldn't even talk sensibly with the guy anymore? Semjase: 276. No. Vietnam & China War : Billy: It concerns Vietnam and China. Will China really attack Vietnam at the end of February or something? And will it really be just a proforma attack, which represents the very first precursor to what repeats itself at a later time and what will then form the actual starting point of a war, at least by that part which will be started by China, if the thoughts and actions of those responsible don't change to the better? Semjase: 72. You know about these things very well and also know that everything will be inevitable; thus, it will, in fact, arrive. 73. So why do you ask? Billy: I just wanted a confirmation, nothing more.

Semjase: 74. You have thus received it. Prophecy -> WEst-Pakistan & Chinese Alliance : Billy: I have, namely some political machinations, which must lead to the fact that the ways are actually paved for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Semjase: 105. What possibilities have you calculated? Billy: For example, I have discovered, as I already said, that the Pakistanis, and to be sure, the West Pakistanis, will make a military and politico-economic alliance with the Chinese, so these can find unhindered inlet into Pakistan. This must lead then, according to Adam Riese, to the fact that the Chinese will then possibly settle in Pakistan and open the way and appropriate up to the western part of the Indian Ocean, by what means the exit and access road from and to Arabia is then already opened for them, should they want to advance one day - if the prophecy should fulfill itself - into the Middle East, in order to fulfill the prophecy there.

Prophecy -> American-Pakistan-China & Russia: BIlly: In addition, my calculations yielded that the Americans could get involved with the Pakistanis and the Chinese because they have to fear an advance of the Russians from Afghanistan to the Indian Ocean, through which the whole situation becomes even more muddled and through which the Russians are forced to further steps, which could produce rather bad consequences, and this would be the beginning for the fact that the Bear then breaks out, as this is written in the prophecy. Moreover, it also arose from my calculations that the Scorpion, even Indira Ghandi, in her nature of instability and intrigue-strength, can suddenly take a catastrophe-wielding political step in the direction of Russia, which could mean a renewed threat to overall world peace, for then the Russians would also gain a foothold there, namely in India, and thus would again have a free way to the Indian Ocean, like if they would penetrate through Persia or Pakistan, whose rulers are so childish and inadequate and ignorant that the possibility must also be given to them, that they will pave and open the ways for the Russian army.

All the calculations show that the situation could become so very muddled that the right action resulting from it can only be recognized with difficulty.

Invasion of the Soviet army into Afghanistan(1979), UN, NATO & WOrld War III : Billy: To this still comes the confusions of various non-aligned and other countries up to Europe as well as the instability and lack of directionality of the leaders of these countries, who are worse than teenage children in their decision making power and illogic, so also from there, further malicious political threats, intrigues and unconscious destructive factors are still lurking, which could contribute their part to the beginning of the downfall, even though at the time of the first world-shaking crisis, after the invasion of the Soviet army into Afghanistan, some super clever, special politicians, etc. will claim that a Third World War cannot threaten anymore. However, these super clever ones and know-it-alls don't bear in mind that the Third World War won't break out all of a sudden as such but that, as the beginning already proves and as it will soon prove itself again after the invasion of the Russian army into Afghanistan, several individual countries will first get together in the wool and allow acts of war to break out from this, before the larger unions of various countries are found, which could then lead to the World War. The UN and NATO will then no longer have anything at all to report about this, and to be sure, already then when the Russians march into Afghanistan, which, incidentally, they have to do at the end of 1979, for they are obligated to do so by a contract; therefore, they will properly march in there and not make an incident of war, as it will be maintained. The UN and NATO, however, will become jumping jack organizations after this incident because they have never been so developed in their sphere of influence, as this would have had to be the case. Those responsible of these two organizations, and those involved in them in other ways, were and are, in truth, never capable of developing these organizations into what they basically should have become. Thus, they won't be able to receive enough power and respect for themselves at the given point in time to change or even just authoritatively influence the threatening world-political situation, in order to attain a change to the positive. But at the same time, these leaders aren't capable of this, so even they, with their two organizations, can't change anything in the impending fulfillment of the prophecies if, within a period of one year, the beginning of the one day possible bitter end in the third millennium begins to develop itself. Resignation of Queen of Holland: Billy:

And what about, for example, the Queen of Holland, who should resign, according to my calculations, in the spring of 1980? Do I also have to be silent about that? Semjase: 114. If it concerns such harmless things, like the resignation of this queen, then the disclosure of your knowledge plays no major role, for this queen isn't in a world political situation that could provoke the important changes through an early disclosure of the fact that she wants to leave her office. 115. In addition, until now, I knew nothing about the fact that this queen wants to rid herself of her office. 116. Do your calculations relating to this agree? Billy: I think so. Haven't you dealt with these things, then? Semjase: 117. No, because so far, there was no reason to do so, for the country of this queen is, for the time being, of no major importance because the foreign policy of this country has a correspondingly flat shape. Boycott of Olympic Games, Russia, 1980 :

Semjase: 123. You may surely do that then, since you didn't mention more exact details. 124. But now, I would like to tell you the other interests and still ask you whether you have also made calculations concerning the Olympic Games in the year 1980, part of which is to be held in Russia? Billy: No, why? Should I have done that? Semjase: 125. No, it just would have been interesting for you, and moreover, I could have saved myself some explanations. Billy: No, I haven't dealt with that. I wouldn't have known why I should have done that.

These games are, after all, not of so much importance that they could have a determining influence on the upcoming world situation, right? The Olympics are, after all, a non-political affair and were also brought into life in this form. To my knowledge, if I am not mistaken, the founder of the Olympic Games was named Pelepon, a distant descendant of a Minoan philosopher, who, in the year 468 B.C., called these games into life, and he regulated the fact that games take place every four years in a sporting fashion with fist fights, horseback riding and horseback riding games, with long-distance running, armed sports fights, with speakers, poets, philosophers, and artists of all types. Even a sort of Pentathlon was already brought into life by him. His condition at the founding of the Olympic Games was that at these competitions, members of all Hellenic tribes and Minoans should meet together uniformly and peacefully, as well as inhabitants of other lands, by what means a peaceful coexistence should be created and a true peace should be developed. Furthermore, his condition was that political disagreements or even acts of war between various States involved in these games and competitions should never be a reason for these States or their athletes, etc. not to participate in these peaceful competitions. His condition singly came from the fact that the Olympic Games may never be used as a means for political pressure or otherwise as some other peace-interfering means. Semjase: 126. Your remarks regarding these matters are astonishingly exact, but in one respect, you are very mistaken. 127. The Olympic Games have, unfortunately, already been caught in the wheels of the politics of the earthly governments for many decades, and this will be openly expressed to the world for the first time in the year 1980. Billy: That is just unreal! Is it because of the fact that the invasion of the Russian army will take place at the end of 1979? Semjase: 128. You are very clever and think very quickly. 129. Sure, that will be the reason. Billy:

Then I can already imagine what will come. First, the Americans will cry out and will try to undermine or boycott the Olympic Games in Russia. Then soon, a wide variety of America-friendly countries will unanimously join in in this wolf-howling and will enforce a worldwide Olympic boycott, and with certainty, also approximately at least 50% of the Swiss population will be involved in this indelicate dance because most Swiss, in truth, never behave neutrally and pursue the dirtiest politics, of which they don't have the slightest notion, however. But maybe it's good that this will happen because through this, then, the world public will one day understand and clearly learn whose brainchild a large mass of the Swiss people really is and, above all, where the much vaunted neutrality lies and how far this reaches. Ah, that really is a dirty swine business, I think, and to be sure, both this phony neutrality of many Swiss and, on the other hand, that such a dirty intrigue of an Olympic boycott can ever take place at all, that politics ever interfere in these competitive games at all. That contradicts, in every form, the original ideas, wishes, and conditions of the founder of the games as well as the old, traditional, sincere efforts of all those human beings who have participated in these games for nearly three millennia in a peaceful and condition-fulfilling form. That really is a rather damned and dirty mess, and those who cook up this mess are just as hopeless swines as those who support this. I would like to have said that with an absolutely neutral opinion and in regard of the fact that I regard the conditions - in terms of peace, peacemaking, and everything associated with it - of the founder of the Olympic competitions as probably the most admirable accomplishment ever of an Earth human being. But what's the use of this, if some swines - who still call themselves Earth human beings - make this probably best idea and accomplishment of a far-thinking and peace-loving human being simply unscrupulous, just so that they can prove their power through this and likewise hide their dirty anxiety as well as their absolute inability to govern and to make the right decisions that would finally create a global peace? But these fellows neither have any idea of how to lead a humanity nor a clue about leading a single people, not to mention that they should feel bound to a promise that their original forefathers made and swore: to create peace on the Earth at last. Oh damn it - how damn dirty these swines must really be - oh damn it, damn... Semjase: 130. You are extremely excited. Billy:

How should I not be? Damn it again. What do the Olympic Games have to do with all the shit-politics? Nothing, nothing at all. Quite the contrary, they should be such a work, that through them, peace becomes made and peace becomes maintained between the Earth human beings, without even a single word of shit-politics being dragged in at the same time. Semjase: 131. Sure, your words correspond to the deepest truth, and also all your statements about all the concerns are no less laden with truth. 132. But you shouldn't excite yourself because of that but rather act at the given point in time. Billy: I will, and I certainly won't let on about anything up to then. When should I go at it, then? Semjase: 133. In the first or second week of February, 1980. Billy: I will do that. Damn it again; I'm really neutral, but nevertheless, one truly has to intervene there. Semjase: 134. Sure, and you have thereby saved me many words, if I would have had to explain everything to you. 135. But you will still continue to retain your neutrality, even when you will make these things clear at the given point in time. 136. You represent, singly and alone, the facts of actuality, without actuating yourself politically. 137. Thus, no reasonably thinking human being will be able to accuse you of a breach of neutrality. 138. Only, when you do your work, you have to appeal, singly and alone, to the facts of actuality. Billy: I will certainly do that, and I won't interfere in political matters; that just isn't me. For me, Russia is Russia and America is America, or China is China and Switzerland is Switzerland. And every single human being in one of these or in any other country of the Earth is just a human being to me. To me, no one is a Swiss, a Russian, an American, Chinese, German or anything else that could refer to a nationality, because to me, everyone is only a human being. Semjase:

139. Sure, I know that very well, also that you actually think and act in such a way, and precisely this also gives us the certainty that you will do this difficult upcoming work in the right manner. Billy: While I am honored by your confidence, girl, nevertheless, I still find this earthly shit-politics to be the most terrible earthly shit. Unfortunately, I cannot express that differently. Semjase: 140. Sure, I understand you very well. 141. I would be very happy and delighted about it if I, too, was able to express myself in such words and feelings, as you can do this. 142. I actually envy you because of that. Billy: Then I have another question: when I begin my action against the Olympic boycotting in 1980, will this then be of success? Semjase: 346. On the whole, yes. 347. It will be the merit of you and your group, that the Olympic Games continue to exist and one day become anti-politicized. 348. But at the same time, it will be such that in this respect, you won't reap any attention or thanks in the world public as the real initiator, at least not for the time being, because it will be concealed that through your initiative alone, the Olympic idea will continue to exist and continue to be exercised. 349. The authoritative responsible persons of the States and sports associations of all countries will make everything out to be as though it was their decision. 350. Truthfully, however, they will act in accordance with your action, when the time has become ripe for it. 351. They are much too fond of themselves for them to admit that their affirmative decision to participate in the Olympics resulted from your action alone. 352. A fondness, from which they want to profit and look great. Billy: Nevertheless, that essentially makes no difference. After all, it is only important that the games are held and carried out.

Semjase: 353. Still, it is very regrettable that those responsible in this case will claim the fame for themselves. 354. But unfortunately, this probably won't change, because the future doesn't say that you will one day be named publicly as the savior of the Olympic idea. Billy: I can also do without that, as I don't care about that at all. Moreover, the group members will do the main work, for they will take over all the printing, the sorting together, addressing, inserting, and mailing at that time. With only one hand, I will, indeed, be rather hindered, so I will need their assistance then. Semjase: 355. The most important and main work will be up to you then, for it will be your task to put all the necessities on paper. 356. But let's leave this, for I already know that I'll lose in this connection, if I want to argue with you. 357. You are simply stubborn in relation to this, when it concerns your merits. Billy: Well roared, lioness, then I have peace before your remarks. But tell me: do you already know, in the approximate framework, what percent of all countries of the Olympic allies will decide for the implementation? Semjase: 358. Not exactly, because in this respect, I have made no exact calculations. 359. However, the participation might move within the framework of approximately 58-64%. Billy: That means that somewhat more than half of all countries involved will participate in the Olympics? Semjase: 360. Yes, if my sketchy calculations are right. Billy: That already means so much to me, that it will be like that.

Semjase: 361. Then we've discussed all the necessary interests for now. Ptaah: 23. These, therefore, are the values of the future, but you may let these be reported publicly - as explained - always only when the individual events have already arrived. 24. Only the group may be informed, like usual with predictions. Death of Yugoslavian dictator Tito & Generalissimo Francesco Franco : Semjase: 255. You told me in the course of our conversation that you have calculated some dates of the future? Billy: Right. Semjase: 256. At the same time, we also spoke of the head of state of Yugoslavia, of his demise. 257. Concerning him, have you calculated the exact time of death and the date of his going out of this sphere? Billy: I have, here, I've written everything down on this slip of paper. At the same time, it's just strange that I was able to calculate two different dates. The first is the 24th of February, 1980; the time for this is 10:10 PM; the second date is the 4th of May, 1980, and the time for this is 3:04 PM and 47 seconds. The fact that there are now two dates, I don't understand. Semjase: 258. Your calculations are very well right, and the one date, like the other one, is of correctness. 259. Tito, the Yugoslavian dictator, will unofficially conclude his physical life on the date of the 24th of February, 1980, or rather, he should do this at this point in time. 260. Truthfully, however, it will be like it was at that time with Generalissimo Francesco Franco in Spain, that he will have an agonizing death, because the doctors, with all their arts and machines, will keep him alive for so long, until death officially occurs on the 4th of May, 1980.

261. As of the 24th of February, 1980, however, it will be the case for Tito that he will be set out of his State-mighty function, without the possibility that he can do even only the least in his governmental business. 262. Unofficially, he will, thus, already be dead as of this date. Billy: Ah, now I understand.

Murder & mayhem in Switzerland(1980's) : Billy: As you wish; do you still have other news? Semjase: 282. Surely, also for your country. Billy: You mean Switzerland? What should be great there? I have only calculated that a lot will happen in Switzerland as well. In Berne, there will be murder and mayhem, because there, an embassy will be stormed. Also Geneva and Zurich won't remain spared from terror and anarchy enterprises. In addition, criminal activity will horribly take the upper hand, and in Zurich, one morning shortly after the turn of the year 1980, it will come to a major bank robbery attempt, during which two gangsters and a policeman will be shot. Furthermore, starting from 1980, Switzerland will be littered in its entire area by rampant murders, and political difficulties will enter into appearance, which will have washed themselves and which will be as they have never been known before in Switzerland. Nuclear power plants will be attacked by radical groups, whereby severe destructions of the same are also calculable. In the Bundesrat [Federal Council] itself, in the upcoming time starting from 1980, there will arise internal difficulties and differences, which will lead to dubious instances of maladministration and will evoke certain changes in the government itself.

And, which I would have nearly forgotten: in the month of April, 1980, Switzerland will, for the first time, receive an official State visit from England by a royal couple. Elizabeth and Philip will visit Switzerland. Semjase: 283. You have calculated very much. CR 232 Western Propaganda on Eastern Countries : Ptaah: 24. The Western and so-called free countries also carry very much guilt for inciting the hate and negative propaganda against the Eastern countries and also the southern countries in Africa and America, also unfortunately in leading murderous underground wars. 25. The greatest screamers and damage bringers are thereby the Americans as well as the Germans, next to various others and principally Western countries, that take it that they must make themselves the directors/rulers and rebukers/remonstrators of the Eastern countries, next to which certain Western powers in an underground manner in the Eastern lands defame and derail their governments with infamy, (and) through intrigues they stir up the people against their governments and sow disharmony in any form they are able to. 26. So everything would unfortunately change again, and one day again evil and bloody wars will thereby come about. 27. Especially America is in this regard active in very many evil forms, as this already has been since old times. 28. These people, with few exceptions of reasonable and actually truth seeking people, have, to this day, never learned to seek and to find truthful knowledge and true truth and true love and true honest peace. 29. Very many people in America are only directed in their inner place towards profit and power, and indeed at any price. It's all the same if human life, friendships or animals and nature would be destroyed. CR 238, 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev & Boris Yeltsin : Ptaah:

484. So it will also be with the rebels in Moscow, who will be influenced by these murderous and truthhostile forces to overthrow Mikhail Gorbachev, which they fortunately won t succeed in doing; however, he will already assume his office again just days after the coup attempt. 485. Thus, he will continue his positive reforms, even against all adversities that are placed in his way, whereby in particular, the power-hungry Boris Yeltsin will become a talking point, in terms of hostility against Gorbachev. 486. But unfortunately, many are not as strong in their truth conviction and in their actions as Mikhail Gorbachev, which is why many fall to the hostility of the sectarian forces, either in the way that they fall into doubt and dissension or in that they become sick in consciousness and confused and overtaken by delusions, as this becomes more and more prominent the more that the time approaches the point when the power of the worthless number, 666, openly manifests itself by force, namely in the sense of the murderous, criminal, and destructive power of sectarian Christianity, which, in many respects, holds the lethal value of 666 in itself, as you know very well. Anti-Logos & 666: Ptaah: 486. But unfortunately, many are not as strong in their truth conviction and in their actions as Mikhail Gorbachev, which is why many fall to the hostility of the sectarian forces, either in the way that they fall into doubt and dissension or in that they become sick in consciousness and confused and overtaken by delusions, as this becomes more and more prominent the more that the time approaches the point when the power of the worthless number, 666, openly manifests itself by force, namely in the sense of the murderous, criminal, and destructive power of sectarian Christianity, which, in many respects, holds the lethal value of 666 in itself, as you know very well. 487. The Anti-logos will become more and more apparent and will demand more and more victims, from which also group members will not remain spared, but also not many outside of the groups, who strive for the real creative truth and for the observance of the creative laws and commandments. Pearl Harbor Incident & Hiroshima/Nagasaki Atomic destruction :

Billy ... Earlier we spoke of the Americans, who, with the alleged Moon landing in the year 1969, made fools of their entire population and the entire world. That was indeed not the only time, as you explained to me that time on the great voyage, and about which I was to remain silent.

Now, it deals, thereby, with the events on December 7th, 1941, as the Japanese executed the great attack on the Hawaiian harbor, Pearl Harbor, whereby the flagship ARIZONA and many other American ships sank and thousands of humans were killed. You told me then, in 1975, that I was not permitted to speak about the actual occurrences until the events reached the fiftieth year memorial. On the coming 7th of December this year, it will be so far along, that the events of that time lie 50 years ago. Ptaah 803. That corresponds to that which is correct, therefore, now these evil machinations of the Americans can be spoken about. Billy Good. If I still remember correctly, you explained to me at that time, that, through their spies and through the CIA, the America government was fully comprehensively informed that the Japanese Air Force would attack the American fleet in Pearl Harbor in the early morning hours of December 7th 1941 and would certainly destroy it. This would happen practically without the Americans' resistance because they were not at all interested in a defence. According to your explanation, those responsible, in the American government of that time, quite consciously sacrificed thousands of Marines and others belonging to the Army, as well as their flagship Arizona and many other ships, and with the intention, on one hand, to have a convincing basis for attack against Japan in order to be able to carry out official atom bomb tests on real objects, for which the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sought out, and secondly, to prove their war power and greatness, when they atomically destroyed two cities and annihilated hundreds of thousands of human lives with only two bombs, and made many cripples and programmed birth defects, on which their scientists could then drive forward relevant studies. Therefore, the then American government and the initiated scientists, military and other kinds of criminals, quite consciously sent their own people to death, let an entire fleet be destroyed and committed a war crime without compare with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and with the murdering of hundreds of thousands of humans, as well as their mutilation and evoked birth defects, without the truth being known until now in the public world, and without the Americans having been brought to justice for that, as it was also with many other cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity which the Americans have committed. Ptaah 804. That is what I spoke about then. That is correct. .

805. But the truth about the Americans will also, however, not simply fade away, rather it will strive for the light, whereby sooner or later their atrocities will also be exposed, even if they are so shrouded and made secret and, in the denying of truth, are initially always managed in silence. Billy You've once again said that quite skillfully, therefore we certainly don't have to lose further words about that ... Billy ... Now, I still have another question regarding Pearl Harbor, respectively in regard to the dropping of the atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You said that the Americans had thereby toyed with the idea that, then on December 7th, 1941, the Japanese, unhindered and without defence, could attack and destroy the ships of the American Pacific fleet lying in harbor, to thereby have a basis to annihilate Japanese cities with atom bombs, and thereby, one one hand, to be able to carry out necessary tests on living and dead objects, and on the other hand to demonstrate military power. However, now there is a worm somewhere in your explanation, because at the time that Pearl Harbor was bombarded flat, there were still no atom bombs. To my knowledge the Americans officially launched the first atom bomb for tests first in the month of July 1945, in the air, some three weeks before Hiroshima was annihilated, so the first atomic explosive therefore exploded in about the middle of July, or was even permitted to be detonated. To my knowledge it was a uranium bomb, like that which was dropped on Hiroshima, while Nagasaki was destroyed with a plutonium bomb. Hereby, it would also be important to finally know how high the number of the actual dead at that time was, which must be accounted for, as the assertions of the Americans, and so forth, which speak of 260,000 dead for Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki, cannot be given any credibility at all. These are indeed numbers that do not accord with the truth. The bombs corresponded, at that time, to about 20 kilotons of TNT, if I remember correctly. However today these sorts of bombs are supposed to correspond to 100,000 kilotons of TNT. Ptaah Ptaah 826. I see already that I must give you some further explanations, even though I actually did not plan on that. 827. Naturally your statements are true, and also you are naturally correct with your amusing worm.

828. The first atomic explosive device was detonated by the Americans on July 16th, 1945 on the Alamogordo testing grounds in the United States of America. 829. Nevertheless, the American scientists and all the responsible ones of the government already knew, however, at the beginning of the year 1941, that somewhere around the middle of the year 1945 the nuclear weapon test, regarding the first bomb capable of being detonated, would be ready to the extent that the first attempt could be carried out, which indeed then also actually took place at the intended time, and succeeded. 830. And what could be easier for the Americans than to immediately further test these A-bombs on suitable objects, as it had been already determined five years before. 831. To that end, it only thus needed the suitable objects, which it had been decided five years earlier would be destroyed, as it could be thereby reckoned that the first atom bomb test would succeed in the year 1945. 832. Japan was, for one such further test of atomic weapons, as good as done, because the Japanese were, for the Americans, in many kinds of regards, still quite discomforting and also a potential danger. 833. Therefore it only now depended on one being able to enter into a war activity with the Japanese in order to bring them to their knees at a given time with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, if the atom bombs were developed so far that they could be employed. 834. Thus the Americans began drawn-out negotiations with the Japanese, and made demands which the Japanese could not fulfil under any circumstances, and which therefore could not be accepted. 835. Quite the contrary; the American demands of Japan were quite consciously formed in such a way that the Japanese had to say no to them, and, as a final answer, could only defend their honor with a war-like attack. 836. So it came to be that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor succeeded and that the Americans offered no defence. 837. Had the Americans namely stopped the attack, then that would have meant the quick end of Japan, whereby the entire plan for the future bombardment of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have fallen through, and indeed precisely for that time when the atom bomb was then developed. 838. So the Americans therefore constructed a five-year plan, let the Japanese attack and destroy Pearl Harbor, and sacrificed thousands of humans, thus finding a way to enter the Second World War themselves, which they also still wanted on other grounds, and configured everything so that America, in every respect, became the world's greatest power. 839. A position that was already striven for in the last century by America, who also today and into the future will still try to maintain it with every evil means. Billy

I am satisfied with this answer; you completed the picture of events for me. CR 246 Third world war/Third worldwide Inferno & Multinational Fighting Troops( Henoch [Enoch] system) :

Billy: Then I have another question regarding the third worldwide inferno, the third world war. For a long time mention was always made of the threat of a third worldwide inferno, and that it was as good as inevitable. However, towards the mid 1980s you increasingly stated that the danger of a third world war had diminished due, in part, to the Peace Meditation we perform in conjunction with the many billions of people from your federation, and also because, through impulses, you and your people influenced certain terrestrials into instigating a more rational thinking mode. What is the current status regarding the threat of a third world war? Ptaah: Currently no factors point in the direction that such an event is looming, and if all related guidelines for terrestrial governments and the population in general remain within the prevailing framework and continue to evolve, then the threat of a third worldwide inferno will probably be contained. However, terrestrials are incredibly volatile, domineering, arrogant and unsettled, and for this reason it cannot be confirmed with absolute certainty that another worldwide inferno will not be triggered at a later date. It is, therefore, imperative that multinational fighting troops be organized according to the Henoch [Enoch] system and deployed immediately to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out. The same applies also to countries where despots, dictators and the like perpetrate their inhumane deeds. Multinational troops would also be responsible for fighting crime and the organized crime system, and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation. We have already discussed this topic in another setting. Billy Thank you. . . .

CR 251, 1995 Law & Order in America, Mexico & Japan during Earthquakes: Billy: In the middle of February, a severe earthquake occurred in Japan that caused more than 5000 deaths and immense damage. It was far, far more severe than the last major tremor in California, during which a great deal of plundering took place, and people behaved as though they had never been taught any decency and respect. This also happened in other places, in Mexico for instance, several South-American countries and elsewhere, where all law and order collapsed. All of this stands in direct contrast with Japan where such things hardly ever happened, and the people bore all hardships with admirable composure. Chaos and all other ills did not materialize the way they did in other countries, especially in America, where appropriate demeanor would have also been warranted. This appropriate demeanor was lacking as was a certain kind of culture. Indeed, Japanese organized crime groups even aided the population through food distribution and other things. This alone shows what true culture and honor, what composure and respect the Japanese possess. Chivalry and friendship are not simply empty phrases with them the way it is with many Americans who call you their friend very quickly. And yet the word has no substance for them - as we have so often seen over the past 20 years. Still, there are obviously also those Americans who are true friends and true human beings. To them friendship is a truly precious commodity. I, too, have such friends in America but unfortunately they are few in number. However, they are true, honest and good friends. Ptaah I am aware of this. The earthquake spread great suffering, misery, sadness and vast destruction throughout Japan and among the Japanese.

Please convey to these people our deepest regrets and our great respect for their admirable conduct during those difficult times. Billy I'd be glad to, for I also feel a sense of high esteem and respect for them Official Contacts with Extraterrestrials is fast Approaching, Terrestrial Exotic Crafts & Discoveries on Moon & Mars: Billy: What about future contacts with extraterrestrials, may we speak about them now? Ptaah Unfortunately this remains impossible. Nonetheless, I am, or rather you are, permitted to reveal that new events will soon occur. Billy You mean the fact that time is fast approaching when official contacts with extraterrestrials will take place? Ptaah Of course. I have told you about them. In times to come, many things will occur and changes ensue with regard to extraterrestrial aircraft, their crews as well as terrestrial, mysterious and exotic-looking flying craft. Extraterrestrial contacts may be expected, but they will be completely different from the current contacts that these many lying, deceitful and fraudulent would-be contactees have portrayed them to be through their religious-sectarian absurdities and other things. Immensely significant new discoveries are also forthcoming that will take place on Earth, on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as you have previously stated and extensively revealed in your 23page report without mentioning the specific dates for particular events. Billy It would have been wrong to name the years or the exact days and months and so forth. CR 433 Secret Terrestrial Laboratories are able to generate Electromagnetic Teleportation-Vibrations: Ptaah:

35. At the actual present time, secret terrestrial laboratories exist, about which we have no inkling and we cannot find out anything about them, because they are shielded against any electromagnetic vibrations from inwards to outwards and from outwards to inwards in such a way that even our possibilities of finding out and analyzing fail. 36. This is absolutely in the framework of what is possible, because even though we possess an advanced level of technical development, this is geared in a particular way, as is the case with every humanity. 37. Therefore, it is possible that, on the Earth, technical trends, and so forth, are pursued which are even more advanced than our capabilities, such as, for example, that electromagnetic teleportationvibrations are generated, which initially manifest themselves in the area of their goal and then also disappear again without a trace, without allowing their origin to be determined because no coordinates whatsoever or other traces are able to be pursued and are therefore not verifiable. 38. In that regard, very advanced technologies are also quite possible, therefore, also for humanities which have not yet reached our technical state, because, as mentioned, it is significant to research the direction in which progress is being made in inventions and developments. 39. Also on the Earth, all kind of things are made in secret laboratories belonging to the scientists and the military as well as the secret services, and so forth, about which the public has not the slightest inkling, often not even the mighty and the mightiest of the governments. 40. So, as a rule, cognitions, research results and inventions and so forth, only come to the public through the multifaceted media - and even then is censored - only when everything is already outdated and replaced again by the latest achievements, which are naturally kept secret. 41. But now to again return to the problem of the disappearance of different things in the Center: 42. Should people of the Earth's future be in on the act - which more likely to be excluded, nonetheless is still not completely ruled out - then the grounds for the whole thing could rest in the fact that, in the future, your mission will conflict with certain things in a group's plans, for which reason they are trying to hinder or falsify certain things in the Center, in their past, which is your present time. 43. Anyway, that corresponds to the whole thing, which would cause all these events in the Center, representing a technology, which, although not unknown, is still not available to us, in the manner that we could apply it without hesitation, because we are only at the advanced beginnings of our exploration of this, not, however, that we are already able to develop this for application. 44. With all the incidents that we have inspected in the Center in relation to these things, we could quite plainly detect high electromagnetic energy which simply just suddenly made its appearance, without us being able to identify a trace of its transportation to the spot or its approach. 45. The energies were simply suddenly there, coming out of nothingness, and they disappeared again in this same manner, without a possible way for us to detect any traces, nor attain coordinates.

46. A further possibility, however, as previously mentioned, is that current terrestrial energies and forces are in play which are engendered in secret laboratories and are being tested. 47. And, indeed, where better can such inventions be tested than in the Center, whose residents and staff are, for many Earth humans, taken to be eccentrics, dreamers and crackpots. 48. Were you - as the contactee to us extraterrestrials, and the residents of the Center and core group members - to go to the general public with the strange experiences of the unexplained disappearance of some things, and other oddities, and to say that happens in the Center, then it would be said that that is typical of these nutcases. 49. All things considered, were such tests carried out in other places, then that would excite the public attention, because the deployment of police as well as "ghost-hunters" and parapsychologists would be unavoidable. 50. So the Center is very well suited for testing in the ways which you have mentioned, along with other similar situations that you have not named today, about which, however, you have already spoken several times with me. Billy The old song. But there is probably nothing to be done about it. But now I have, something else: .................. CR 258 TWA Flight 800:

TWA Flight 800 - Part 1 Billy Now the next question: On the 17th of July 1996 a jumbo jet, a Boeing 747, shortly after it's start in New York exploded and fell into the sea, whereupon there were approximately 230 people killed. Do you know anything about it? Ptaah 56. Certainly, because such instruments are registered by our airborne monitoring devices. 57. Furthermore, Florena also informed me about this regrettable incident. 58. But why do you ask? Billy

Quite simply, it interests me why the plane exploded. The Americans have given various explanations but one doesn't know which one is applicable. Ptaah 59. About this, I can give you information. 60. Naturally the Americans want to conceal the truth and act by some flimsy explanation because it is their own fault that the disaster happened. 61. The truth is that the U.S. Navy shot an attack missile on their airplane where it was met by this and brought to an explosion. 62. Whether this happened intentionally or unintentionally could not yet be clarified by us. However it seems to us after the previous examinatinos that two possibilities must be taken into consideration. Billy Why is that? Ptaah 63. To speak about it is actually still too early. 64. To our knowledge, an espionage-engaged person was on the airplane and was carrying important data that had been stolen from the American Secret Service. 65. That this person was on board is without question, but whether a deliberate launching took place regarding this is still unclear. 66. The possibility exists that many people were sacrificed because of a single spy. 67. Our investigations will show whether this really happened. Billy That would really be something if it actually happened. However, in political, military and secret service intelligence circle, much worse crimes were already committed, by which thousands and even umpteen thousands of people had to lose their lives. One only has to think of the contaminative radioactive tests of the Americans and the English etc., where thousands of people fell victim, which was concealed of course. And I have written an article here regarding this concealment if you want to read it shortly...oh yeah, but first one asks again about the suspected spy in the downed airplane whose data was marked as "TWA 800" to my knowledge and, to be precise, fell into Moriches Bay off the coast of Long Island, where UFO activity has been recorded over and over for a long time, which I read in my notes here. It interests me now into which context the espionage activity took place, military or economic? Ptaah

68. Our previous realisations yielded that the concerning person possessed secret information of a military kind concerning, various occurrences in relation to extraterrestrial flying objects in the area of Moriches Bay etc., as well as concerning so-called Brookhaven "SDI" (Strategic Defense Initiative or 'Star Wars') experiments. 69. Whether this missile was consciously launched because of this espionage person, in order to bring them to silence this way, is only one possibility because another possibility is taht it was all a tragic accident, though it is certain beyond a doubt that the U.S. Navy did launch the missile. 70. However, there is another possibility that we must also take into account, that the airplane was recorded and spotted on the radar of the U.S. Navy as a so-called "UFO", whereupon the mistaken launching of the rocket took place. 71. And we must take this possibility exactly into consideration even sooner, just as with the espionageactivity person. 72. However, I can report to you nothing further about it still but must wait what the investigations of Florena's Group yields who are handling everything in this connection. Billy That's good. May one know what their analysis yielded when she knows the facts? Ptaah 73. Of course, because from this no secret should be made since it is about an event that, if our previous analysis should be completely true, has criminal backgrounds. Billy Now a question regarding the further secrecy of certain facts or events that you have explained to me over the corse of the years and have prevented me from making them public so that I would be silent. May I actually speak freely about these things now or not? Ptaah 74. You may speak freely about all those matters, data and facts that we have allowed you to identify. 75. All other facts you should keep in you under lock and key. Billy Therefore everything remains under time. And of course I will stick to your instructions and only speak about things that I may quite safely identify.

TWA Flight 800 - Part 2

Billy I would immediately like to ask you about your investigations concerning the drama in the USA where a passenger plane exploded in Moriches Bay and fell. You promised you would immediately inform me if something had happened there after you had completed your investigation. This is probably the reason why you are now here. Ptaah 5. That is right. 6. Now, our supposition regarding the circumstances of the crash of TWA Flight-800 on the 17th of July 1996 in the area of Moriches Bay was correct. 7. The cause of the disaster was a rocket-missile from the U.S. Navy that erroneously positioned the aircraft on its equipment as an unknown, foreign missile and identified therefore as a UFO whereupon the command went out to launch this missile without excuse because through ihe haste and great carelessness the airplane was classified as an unknown flying object and in certain respects the national security of the USA had supposedly been threatened. 8. This fact has now become concealed of course and run by all the government, the Secret Services and the Navy with the methods standing at their disposal. Billy That is really something. However you earlier said that yo are not contravening against your directives with this explanation because you know that I would like to bring such matters publicly into the open through the Contact Reports. Ptaah 9. We have also had thoughts about this and have therefore asked the High Council if the explanation may be made public or not. 10. The opinion of the High Council was that this event was a crime so human-unworthy, that this should be publicly announced. 11. Under the cloak of National Security, namely, as explained by the High Council, the U.S Military as well as the U S. Secret Services and their Government have committed human-shameful crimes in secret missions so that the world-wide public should be informed about it in order to denounce the whole human-unworthy machinations and in time to make them succumb. 12. This however we must not ourselves and not publicly do as we may only give the necessarv information through which it is then left up to you and other persons to spread these in useful form. Billy

These crimes also fall under secrecy in America, however. Ptaah 13. That is correct, however through the assent of the High Council we may give you this piece of information in this particular case for public use. Billy I would like to thank the High Council. And of course thanks to all of you for clarifying the circumstances of these criminal events. CR 357, 2004 Third Word Fire & Third Word War:

Billy If you still have time, then I would still like to bring forward a question in regard to the Third Word Fire. Quetzal 66. You can ask, then thereafter I want to converse with you privately. Billy Naturally. Now, when the talk is about the Third World Fire, then the humans of the Earth always mean, that thereby the Third World War is meant, and indeed a Third World War that is like the First and Second World Wars. But as I know from you, you also then talk - as also do the ancient prophets - of a world fire or world war in a quite different form. The Third World Fire or the Third World War, as I understand your exposition anyway, can very probably be the unbelievable chaos that exists on the Earth at the present time. I mean, thereby, the terrorism organised through religious and political extremism, as well as governmental and militaristic terrorism, for example by Osama bin Laden, Ariel Sharon and Yassir Arafat, as well as George W. Bush and Tony Blair and their military and allies and so forth. I further take into account, additionally, the worldwide sexual degeneration among humans, the pornography that evermore takes the upper hand, the outgrowth of child sex abuse, the mistreatment of women and children, discrimination against women, sexual rape, the climbing criminality, and violent crime.

But in the same way I also add to that the entire commercial criminality, the destruction of companies and businesses as well as the exploitation of companies and businesses through administrative advisors and managers. Further to name is the worldwide unemployment, the ceaselessly growing overpopulation and the apathy of the humans to one another, the ever faster disappearing of good interpersonal relationships and the mistreatment of children. Also the defencelessness of children, the addiction of the humans to drugs and alcohol belong to that, I think, as also marriage, which is thoughtlessly and senselessly entered into and, from the start, is doomed to divorce. There is also the greed for power, avarice, imperiousness, as well as the lying which has become habitual to the humans, their underhandedness, falseness and swindling, along side jealousy, the addiction to retribution and hate. Dishonesty is likewise everywhere, as also mistrust, envy, jealousy, evil, intolerance, all badness and an absence of virtue. Also to note are thereby, right around the world, the very many sites of war in the different countries, where thousands upon thousands of humans are miserably slaughtered and bestially murdered, along side those who wretchedly starve, die of thirst or from plagues, the origins of which often lie in the fault of the humans themselves. All that, as well as many other evil things which are still to be named, which, however, would take too long to list. And when I take, together, all the goodness, love, and positive, in opposition to all the preponderating evil and all wretchedness of the Earthlings, as it has already predominated for quite a while with practically the entire humanity and gets worst every day, then I think, that quite probably it can be a Third World Fire, respectively a Third World War. The many wars of all kinds all around the world alone already reinforces that. But I do not thereby say that indeed a collective world-enveloping Great War will not still develop from all that, and then can be described as an effective Third World War. What is your opinion about that? Quetzal 67. You are perfectly correct and you have listed a large part of the terrifying scenarios which already have existed for quite some time, which actually still spread out ever further and intensify, whereby the World Fire finally can get completely out of control, which is unfortunately to fear.

68. The path to avoidance has often been explained, yet the humans of Earth are like stubborn cattle, who, with seeing eyes and open senses, run to their own ruin. 69. In this regard an effective stupidity of the humans must be spoken of.

CR 426, 2006 Crazy War Mongers/War Leaders of West & Near-East & Prophesied Third World Fire: Ptaah: The craziness and lunacy of all camps in the Near-East who give their bloody and insane orders and who influence their followers such that these all commit crimes which can lead to a world fire. To these crazy war mongers and war leaders, however, also belongs the USA, which terrorizes the population in Afghanistan and in Iraq with its presence and with its atrocities as well as with its military force, (and) sets the various groups of believers against each other and, as far as possible, conjures up civil wars. Also, the fact that the irresponsible mighty ones and followers of the USA, Great Britain and Germany, and so forth, one-sidedly support Israel, discriminate against the Muslims and deny them all help, also does not lead to peace coming about. And to be said, in regard to the prophesied third world fire, is that it indeed does not yet appear as such, and as a fulfillment of the prophecy, yet that can change very quickly through the craziness of the responsible-ones in the world, and indeed from one hour to another.

Possibility Exists for a Third World War: BIlly: Billy You said that already earlier, yet the question is whether this event will actually happen. However, the way the situation appears between the irresponsible power-greedy ones on our world, the possibility exists, still long into the distant future, that a third world war disastrously draws over the Earth. The fact alone, that criminal power-greedy ones always again make an opportunity for wars and other acts of terror in diverse countries - as do also actual terror organizations and individual terrorists with their criminal terror-attacks - shows therein that, sooner or later, one day it can come to a new world war.

Something that would be hindered if humanity finally would stop sanctifying the criminal power-greedy ones, and voting them in as their leaders, instead of already chasing them to the devil before they even only have the possibility of coming to the rudder. Yet many of the people are stupid and idiotic and scream in support of the power-greedy ones and are themselves of the same criminal attitude as them.

Henok's Principle -> Worldwide Multinational Troops: BIlly: As a matter of fact there is only one possibility to stop the entirety of the worldwide war lunacy, if, according to Henok's principle, a worldwide multinational troop, fighting for peace, would be created which is subordinate to a pure peace-government in which no power-greedy ones would have any kind of power. The worldwide peace-government must be concerned with acting according to Henok's scheme, in that their troops, fighting for peace, destroy and eliminate all weapons of mass destruction, respectively, all kinds of weapons of war, in all countries, and so a worldwide peace would be brought about and be preserved. If the people, on one hand, have no power-greedy ones at the rudder any more, and no weapons of war at their disposal any more, and they could also no longer manufacture or buy such, with which they can attack and force down other people, then the chance of a worldwide peace really exists. Yet such an action requires a proper portion of intelligence which, as a rule, is just as absent in the criminal and irresponsible power-leaders as it is in all the people who are their followers, and who support the state criminals. As a matter of fact there are only very few individual cases with governments of which it can be said that these lead the people correctly and are actually also concerned about the wellbeing of the people. Ptaah Your words have been put into the Earth-human ear, yet that will only remain a wish because most will not want to hear, rather they further live in the delusion that they behave correctly, use their intelligence and do that which must be done. It will also be these humans who will assert that your explanations are stupid, illusory and unable to be carried out, because their reason and their understanding does not extend to comprehending, recognizing and understanding the realizable possibility of your named measures, let alone that their intelligence extends to being able to imagine the actualization.

Yet, that the actualization of your explanations is actually possible, is proven by the fact that that was also the case with Henok. The Earth humans have, however, no inkling or knowledge of that, and very much time will still pass before they will even gain only a weak idea of that, being that your explanations can really bring results. Intelligence is thereby a very important factor in order alone to bring up the necessary understanding for your mentioned Henok system, and intelligence must be still more extensive in order to manifest that which you have named. CR 432, 2006 Recommendations on Achieving a true & final peace between all people on Earth: Ptaah: The question actually arises, how long the Earth humans will remain so stupid and simpleminded before they pursue understanding and reason to the extent that they set the correct heads of state in the fitting positions and take the rudder in the hand themselves in order to create a multinational troop, fighting for peace, which disarms all parties to war and terror, in order, in this connection, to, in this way, lead a true and final peace on the Earth and among all peoples. Naturally, very many things, which also must be otherwise born in mind, hang together with that, yet, if the Earthly humanity finally would have command of true reason and true understanding, then the entirety would be able to be implemented.

UN's Ridiculous/Useless Efforts & Multinational Peace Troops: Ptaah: As, however, is handled today with the UN and its ridiculous and useless deployment, that is truly nothing in regard to a pacification of the Earth, respectively, to achieve for all peoples. Multinational peace troops in the sense of the UN correspond actually to an absurdity because, if the entire thing is effective and the longed-for goal of a worldwide peace is to be achieved, then that is only possible through a multinational troupe, fighting for peace, which acts in logical force and undertakes everything necessary for the disarming of the armies. Principally, in every case, a multinational troupe, fighting for peace, may only exist on a planet under the strictest control of the world population whereby only this multinational army, fighting for peace, may have, at its disposal, fighting weapons for the entire security of the planet and its population ... CR 442, 2007 Russian President, Putin's Speech at the Munich Security Conference(2007):

Billy That also applies to my side. But tell me what you have to say about this: today I heard in the news that the Russian President, Putin, at the Munich Security Conference, has energetically spoken his mind regarding the politics of the USA. Putin said that the USA is striving for world rule, respectively, world power, and thereby also promotes the resuming of the arms race, interferes in the trade of foreign countries and practices warlike actions. Ptaah That is actually something extraordinary that I saw just two days ago through a look into the future. Therefore your and our explanatory efforts, in regard to the USA's real machinations and plans for world rule, bear the first fruit, which Russia's President Putin has now brought to ripeness, in that he named the actual and reprehensible facts which rage in US politics. But that doesn't come from an estimation, because the facts named by you and by us in your bulletins cannot be overlooked, consequently they are also studied in Russia, whereby finally President Putin's public speech resulted. This will certainly not remain unanswered, because already mendacious denials are being spread from the USA that Putin's utterances did not correspond to the truth. However, the fact is that the USA - with the foreign policies it operates and with the criminal military war actions and secret service actions - makes the world situation ever more unsafe and forces other countries to arm themselves. With normal politics and military politics the USA therefore carries out assistance towards worldwide insecurity and terrorism, as they however, through their criminal and felonious foreign policies, also stir up angst in other countries about a military invasion of US armed forces, whereby these countries are forced to develop atomic weapons programs in order to manufacture weapons which correspond to this. Billy Every rational human in the world knows that Putin is, however, correct in his speech. It is only to hope that he continues to take the same line and thereby the entire world will be shaken up in order to stop the USA's criminal machinations and plans to rule the world. If that does not happen, then the danger of a worldwide war remains constant, and indeed so long until the USA pulls out of the entire world, back to its own country, and leaves the world in peace, as well as allowing the individual countries to solve their own religious and political problems.

When one thinks that, since as long as anyone can remember, never has collectively so much harm, death, murder, torture, destruction and disaster happened on the Earth as it has come about through the fault of the USA and will further come about, as it has resulted and results since the USA interferes in the interests of other countries and started and starts wars, as well as revolts and revolutions, as well as murder and other crimes through the US secret services and US military, then, regarding USAmerica, the devil incarnate can be spoken of. Ptaah I also see it that way, because it corresponds to the truth. CR 444, 2007 EU Dictatorship: Enjana ... And what I should further report, which will come about at about the same time, relates to the EU [European Union]. The EU, which broadens itself ever more to a dictatorship, and along with the amounts of billions which it receives from the member states for the maintenance of the bureaucracy, and so forth, will now also charge its own taxes in all the member states and therewith act out further power through which all member states will be able to be further financially exploited. Next to that, the EU also wants its own 100,000-strong army in order to be able to lead military employments according to its own discretion. Furthermore, the EU council will once more occupy itself with an action plan in regard to climate change, however only in the sense that around 20 percent renewable energy is to be produced. That however, as Ptaah says, is nonsensical, because the measures which are discussed lead to no successful alteration regarding the improvement or even the halting of climate change. The whole matter of the climate disaster is, on one hand, already too far progressed in order to still be able to influence it for the better through small measures, and secondly, such resolutions are useless anyway because they would not remedy the basic problem, namely overpopulation ... CR 457, 2008 Bank Crash & Financial Crisis in USA: Billy ... But can you now tell me something of which you had already spoken earlier, namely concerning the bank crash in the USA. Is the roughest part now past?

Ptaah No, because the whole thing is growing even more and by middle of September will lead to the big bank collapse and to the financial crisis in the USA, from where this Crash will spread to the global financial world and major insurance companies, from which first Europe will be involved to a special degree. Billy Yes, then something can be expected. Peak Oil & Its Consequences: Here I have another question concerning the petroleum extraction: How much time do we have to calculate until the petroleum extraction with respect to the worldwide reserves is exceeded? Ptaah Ptaah It has already been exceeded for quite some time, which, however, is concealed by the petroleum producing states and by groups of companies. Billy Is this also the case with Saudi Arabia? Ptaah Yes. Billy The petroleum producers are pumping water under the petroleum deposits in order to drive the petroleum up to the surface. In the course of time it can happen that the water rises above the petroleum reservoir and then, in the end, only this water is extracted. This would mean the end of the petroleum production. The whole thing would evoke a worldwide catastrophe, because the whole economy would collapse. The petroleum would get ever more expensive and just as prohibitively expensive for the private consumers as for the whole transport sector which is dependent on petrol and diesel oil as well as kerosene. Through this the transport of food from foreign countries would be stopped the same way as also the transport of other economic goods of every type. Also mass tourism would collapse, and the people would have to go on holiday in their own countries, if they are then still financially able at all to do it.

The cars, tractors, machinery, ships, aircraft and motorcycles would become valueless scrap metal and the people would have to go again on foot or on bicycle and on horse carts etc. Also many products, like all kinds of artifacts and articles made of plastic would disappear or get prohibitively expensive. And food itself would have to be cultivated again in the countries, which, however, would not bring much because of the overpopulation and, consequently, famine would arise everywhere. In fact a de-globalization will occur in such a case which is really threatening as well as also an enormous unemployment, which in the industrialized states alone could include up to 30 percent, while criminality and anarchism would take on uncontrollable proportions. To cultivate their own food again themselves in their own countries for such a mass of overpopulation as is given in those individual countries, which would have to become extremely active again in agriculture and horticulture, is as good as impossible, because the land resources as well as the existing farms, the market gardens and the plantations do not suffice for it, because already too much good cultivated land has disappeared, has been obstructed, concreted over and destroyed. A catastrophe is then unavoidable also with respect to the energy because residential buildings and other buildings cannot be heated anymore because of the lack of petroleum, just as power stations cannot generate energy anymore, if these are operated with petrol. Also the lubricants for the motors and generators, as well as for machines of all kinds will be lacking and will bring many things to a standstill. And an uncontrollable disaster would also arise in the hospitals with respect to medicines, as well as to the medical equipment, and so forth, and as a result many people would die. That s how I see the whole thing, if other ways of energy production and other materials which can replace petroleum as substitute for the everyday life articles and other goods cannot be found immediately. However, the two materials tar and natural gas belong into the same category, and are not eternallyconstant either. Also the biofuels are an enormous problem which can only be solved through a definitive abolition/ban. And, if radically effective measures for a worldwide birth control are not taken finally, then in fact the great disaster cannot be stopped. If all the evil really happens, then a scenario arises on the whole Earth which can be well marked as the end of the world or as the Third World Fire. Now ask yourself whether the clever heads among the researchers and the scientists as well as the responsible ruling ones are clever enough to find possibilities and to take measures as quickly as possible to prevent this surely threatening catastrophe. They can only do this, however, if they finally listen to the warning and by taking out their fingers from their mouths in order to create effective and far reaching measures concerning a worldwide birth

control as well as clean and petroleum-independent possibilities for the production of energy, and doing things properly. It is also necessary that the people in general reflect and do the right thing in order to correct the criminal and senseless consumption of the fossil resources. Additionally, cars, ships, aircraft, motorcycles and coaches/busses etc. may not be used anymore for spins and holiday trips, and sports and race meetings etc. may not be held anymore if fossil and bio fuel is used. The use of vehicles with combustible engines to drive 100 or 200 metres to the next shop for shopping or to one s place of work is criminal, is fostering the threatening disaster and must be prohibited. Cars should be allowed only for absolutely necessary transportations and other important journeys, though a vehicle with combustible engine should be allowed to go for the shopping and for the reaching to the job only if the way exceeds five kilometres. Transport of handicapped and sick persons, important goods as well as school transport of children should be considered as necessary, but only with vehicles which are serving that purpose and are specially marked. And what will be unavoidable, if everything comes true, is the fact that all problems will become still greater and more extensive in relation to the rapidly increasing overpopulation, and they may not be overcome anymore. So the demand for energy and the need for vehicles of every kind, for accommodation and houses, for medicines and for the basic consumer articles for daily use will rise just as ever more rapidly as the demand for food. And exactly in relation to the latter it is insane that enormous and irresponsible destructive exploitation is practiced by those who keep various kinds of domestic animals which are fed with the best food that would be best meal for the human beings. This both with regard to first-class meat, which is used for dog and cat food, as well as also with regard to various grains, vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish and all sorts of other animals which would be best food for the human beings. So everything which is done against the evils becomes obsolete and completely worthless even before it is completed; be it through nuclear or solar energy, the power of the wind or of the water or through the energy produced by the incineration power plants, or through medications against illnesses and epidemics, which more and more frequently and more dangerously appear as epidemics and pandemics. But also the drinking water always becomes a bigger problem through the increasing overpopulation, and ultimately becomes a rarity, while the people are fleeing or are being expelled from their native countries as gigantic streams of refugees and invade the industrialized countries, where they hope for a better life, but causing more and more refugee tragedies and catastrophes.

Also, as a result, illnesses, epidemics and parasites are spread and are carried into the host countries, as this happens also through the transport of goods and products; consequently new problems and catastrophes are caused for the refugees in the countries in which they had been received. Another evil develops by the fact that more and more sexual intermingling of members of different peoples take place, which in the long end leads to big problems and to new illnesses and inevitably to a change of behaviour etc., depending on the scale of that intermingling. However, from all of this hate arises because of other mentalities, religions and cultures, which leads to evil acts of violence which cannot be controlled anymore in a simple and peaceful way. Ptaah You are picking up things here, which actually have hands and feet (are making sense), as you have the habit of saying. The catastrophe mentioned by you already has begun to develop, even if the responsible ones of the terrestrial governments and the economy etc. do not yet see the whole of it, or simply do not want to admit it, as is also the case with the scientists and the general people. And you are speaking the truth that this global catastrophe actually is threatening and overtaking if the responsible ones of the governments and the scientists as well as the general people do not immediately undertake the necessary action in order to stop this already running process and do the right thing. Billy I myself also calculated this as a great probability according to the law of causality, respectively of cause and effect with regard to that which is occurring on Earth for quite some time and also at present, and what can be expected. One must only sum up one plus one, then the result emerges by itself as an irrefutable factor of reality. CR 476, 2009

Billy Besides I would like to officially speak about the 21st of December 2012, because I am asked again and again about the meaning of this date with regard to the Mayan calendar. Admittedly I know from your explanation what will happen on that day and over the whole year, but I shall keep silent about this so as to not be causing fear and panic mongering. I was thinking, therefore, to write something about it in a Special-Bulletin. Perhaps it would be good that I am saying some things that I know from you, at least in some general way, perhaps as some minor probability or possibility. What do you think about it? Ptaah

... Concerning the 21st of December 2012 and the entire year, you can mention some things openly, but withhold those things that you were advised to remain silent about. If you are using the forms of possibility or of a small probability, then that may be all right. Billy Then I would like to read this here to you, that I already wrote for a Special-Bulletin. Probably it would be good that when I go into it in our conversation you could interrupt me or stop me if I am telling something that should be kept a secret. Ptaah Your idea is good, and, therefore, let me hear what you want to explain. Billy Good; what you did explain to me regarding the year 2012, I don t want to treat as a prophecy or prediction, but as a possibility and a minor probability. I want to begin with a question that was posed to me. Question What can you, Billy Meier, tell us about those things that are circulating everywhere regarding the Mayan calendar and especially the 21st of December 2012 when the world shall come to an end? W. Hiestand, Switzerland My answer to this: Regarding the question I will begin by saying that the entirely nonsensical claims by all fear- and panicmongers, who are prophesying the world s end or the end of the world, is absolute rubbish. Just as the end of the world, prophesied by astrologers, esoterics, know-it-alls and panic-mongers, did not happen on the turn of the century or millennium in the year 2000, the end of the world will also not happen on the date in question. Such panic-provoking erroneous claims are, just as all conspiracy theories, absolute nonsense and a common thing since calendar calculations and certain and rare astronomical and climate-related phenomena exist. Claims regarding an end of the world always occur with absolute certainty when there is a turn of a century or a millennium. But the same is happening also if special astronomical constellations or comets etc., as well as special terrestrial natural phenomena, appear. These are factors which are used by the panic-mongers, seers , false knowing ones and all kinds of end-of-the-world prophets to disseminate their nonsense and to frighten masses of people. Regarding the Mayan calendar it must be said that the year 2012 will bring a whole series of quite special events, to which the central star of our system, our sun, will contribute its share, because on the

sun s surface violent outbursts will occur and sun storms are caused, which will be very intense and will influence Earth s geomagnetic balance. Through the very strong X-rays falling down on Earth, the magnetic field can suffer from very strong fluctuations. And through geomagnetic storms, power supplies and all electronic appliances can collapse, also those in the satellites, and the ISS may also suffer great damage or may even have a complete (power) failure. Such solar storms may lead to enormous natural catastrophes, and in a worstcase scenario, to a polarity reversal of the Earth s magnetic field. What has to be said also is that such solar storms are forming up to a climax in an exact rhythm of eleven years, which is a normal occurrence, but in the year 2012 it may happen in an extraordinary magnitude. The Earth will fall victim to a very strong bombardment of hard radiation, which may have a very negative effect on the Earth s ozone layer. Due to the entire resulting process, nitric oxides and acid rain can be formed worldwide, which may have evil and devastating effects on the entire plant life. The enormous solar eruptions can lead to further very strong climate changes and, with it, to immense droughts, bad weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, crop failure and, therefore, to even greater famines than have existed up to now. Besides all this, the year 2012 brings other unpleasant events, like e.g. an unknown, invisible, dark and huge space wanderer that is threatening from the fringe of our solar system and could wreak tremendous havoc regarding Earth. And if this should really occur, the fact of its existence would be openly proven starting with 2010 or 2011, if at all, because the possibility of a dark and, therefore, non-observable passage of the colossus is also possible. Besides, all kinds of unpleasant machinations regarding discord, worldwide heavy warlike actions, as well as increasing degeneracy and excessive human ways of behaviour are threatening for the year 2012, whereby all those things are especially evil. Which thereto ... Ptaah You should not say more, because what you explained should be enough. Billy Good, then it s enough. But the human beings of Earth would be interested in what the Mayan calendar has to do regarding the 21st of December 2012. Ptaah That is possible, yes. Regarding the Mayan calendar, the 21st of December 2012 represents the culmination of a star constellation that occurs only every 26,000 years. The Mayan calculations are assuming that the Earth on the 21st of December 2012 shall lie on an imaginary line that fits together the star over the left side of the constellation Orion with the central sun, i.e. the centre of the Milky Way. The Sun meets the Milky Way at a location that is built by interstellar dust clouds, and is

called dark cleft of the Milky Way by the human beings of Earth. On the 21st of December 2012, at nightfall of winter solstice, the Sun is directly in that cleft, and it is in such a position that the Milky Way covers the horizon in all positions all around. From this is resulting the optical impression that the Milky Way would touch Earth all around and that the galaxy would lie directly on the Earth. On the whole that s the end product of the Mayan calendar recording. This should suffice, my friend. To say more would be too much of a good thing, because it would foster the fear of the human beings of Earth, which should not be, however. So keep silent regarding the further explanations that we gave you. Billy I will, but otherwise I would like to say something regarding the climatic change that shall not be allowed to be forgotten, but is deliberately disputed by irresponsible scientists as well by non-profitmaking organisations. This is so because they are bribed by big oil and tobacco companies as well as by noted chemical multinational companies with great amounts going into the millions; as a result the venal experts construct false experts reports and are telling lies that there is no increase in climatic temperature and that no catastrophe is threatening. Groups of companies that are criminal regarding this are gathering scientists and organisations which they have bought or who are submissively dependent on them, because they (the companies) assume that the ignorant terrestrial population would rather believe in the lies of the bought-off scientists and organizations, than those scientists who are demonstrating the increase of the climatic temperature. They want to give the impression that there are a great number of good scientists and organisations who can prove that there is no increase in climatic temperature and, therefore, no related catastrophe may be expected. In fact, it is not only a case of amounts going into millions, but of billions and those who are greedy for profits do not care if the world and the life foundation of the entire humankind is destroyed. All those who are entangled in this are leading a conspiracy campaign through which the effective truth of the climatic change is disputed, and through it there shall be prevented that worldwide effective climate-protecting laws are enacted and implemented. If such laws were enacted and be effective, the groups of companies etc. would lose enormous amounts going into the billions just as profitable sources of income of the submissively dependent scientists and organisations would run dry. So they are vehemently working on their false experts reports which are full of lies, and with which they are trying to boycott the really serious research results of the honest and good scientists, and to insult them as figments of the imagination. As a result, measures for the protection of the climate have been delayed for decades, so the groups of companies, which are denying the climatic change, have earned many billions. But it is true that the climatic change takes place, however not alone through circumstances that have appeared since time immemorial in a natural way, but more than 75 percent because of factors caused by the human beings. But ultimately, the climatic change does not only have an effect on the Earth and its waters and nature, because it is already verifiable that the glaciers and poles are melting in a catastrophic way, and that the ocean currents are changing, through which still on a small scale new gravitation waves are built that

are also running into space at very high speed. So the Earth s gravitational field will also change by this, and not only through the threatening sun storms in the year 2012, and this will not be restricted to the planet alone, but will also have an effect out into space, as a gravitation-space-tsunami, so to speak. The climatic change does not change Earth alone, but it bears effects into the SOL system to the Kuiper Belt, and probably even much farther into space. If the ocean currents are intermingling, they create tremendous amounts of energy through their huge masses of water, which are influencing the gravitational field, besides the contraction and compression of the Earth s atmosphere, which has already imperceptibly started. Through the whole thing of the already occurring climatic change, inevitably the first changes have arisen in the fauna and flora which are not yet been detected by the scientists, unfortunately, but from which sooner or later visible consequences will emerge. The time has already come that the climate change is moving around gigantic masses of ice and water through which dangerous pressure effects on the earth s crust are created and tectonic shifts are provoked. This inevitably leads to more severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as is also the case with large reservoirs, which is still disputed by the bigoted scientists; not seldom because they don t want to admit the truth or are paid for their false calculations by the billions-worth companies. However, what is not heeded with the necessary care is the fact that through the melting of the inland-glaciers of all countries, as well as the melting of the glaciers of Greenland, the Antarctica and Arctic, the sea level rises, which finally leads to disastrous geological consequences. Greenland's gigantic ice-surfaces, the two poles and the inland-glaciers of all countries with many billion tons of weight on the underground, which is pressed deep into the earth's crust, by which great depressions have been formed. If the gigantic masses of ice now are melting, the pressure on the underground diminishes and, as a result, it is moving very quickly upwards, and the relaxation leads to the disappearance of the depression. This is not harmless, however, because tectonic movements are resulting through the relaxation, through which earthquakes of all strengths are increasingly released. In another way, through the emerging melt-water the sea level is rising, through which the coastal regions are plagued by new hydraulic pressure. As a result, the underground is changing, however at great depths, where great magma-masses are moved and driven into volcanoes, which leads to new and increased volcanic eruptions. But the total of the immense increase of the water-masses in the oceans leads to another evil effect, because they (the water-masses) are influencing the rotation of the earth, in a way that the planet starts turning faster, and a change in the time of day is caused. However, this is not all that results from climate-warming because, truthfully, the human being is also negatively influenced by it in a physical, psychic and mental way. Thus depressions arise that are spreading more and more among many people on earth and are turning into chronic conditions. Disorders of consciousness also appear more frequently, and so states of anxiety as well as thoughts and feelings of loss are spreading more and more, just as the cooling of thoughts and the resultant callousness. Brutality, violence and unscrupulousness become ever more blatant and lead to the murder of fellow human beings. All evils are increasingly getting out of hand, just as greed for enjoyment and the addiction to alcohol, medications, drugs and the adrenaline-kick. This is happening because the human being s mental health is damaged by the climate change, and the

anatomy of the brain is changing, even if this happens only imperceptibly for the time being and has not yet been recognised by the scientists and will probably be disputed, since I openly mention this fact and truth. Ptaah What you just said actually lies on the border of that which you may say openly. You should not disclose further explanations. Billy Understood. But something should also be said about the fact that the human beings of Earth are causing many evils and catastrophes themselves, not only with regard to the climate warming, but also because they collectively direct their thought and their sub-consciousness forces so powerfully on evils and catastrophes etc. A part of this is also the false claims and lies by fear- and panic-makers as well as end of the world -prophets, religions and their sects etc.; onto which susceptible human beings are focussing and through which the evils and catastrophes etc. then actually come true. Nowadays, through the internet, it is even worse than in the past, when evil news, fears and end of the world fables, as well as other absurdities, were spread alone by religions, sects, end of the world prophets, newspapers, journals and by the radio. A majority of human beings constantly occupy themselves with dreadful things that are prophesied by alarmists and conspiracy-theoreticians, who are terrifying those people who are susceptible to it. And the more people believe in this nonsense and are building it up to a delusion within themselves and in the environment, the more powerful becomes the force of the related common thoughts, until it becomes the decisive might and is triggering and causing the made-up catastrophe or evil. The power of thoughts brings about everything, so to speak, and in fact all the more certain, the more the thought forces of many people unite in the same cause. This means that what the human being nurtures and maintains in his thoughts, inevitably fulfils itself. And the that more people are directing themselves onto something certain with their forces of thought, onto something that could or should turn out, the more certainly it will actually come true. This refers to everything and everyone, respectively to everything that is imaginable, therefore also to factors of nature which, when influenced by the powerful human forces of thought, can trigger immense catastrophes. Ptaah An indisputable fact. I would like to remind you now once again, that you should not announce any further details with reference to the year 2012. What will be necessary to be openly mentioned, I will explain to you in good time. CR 495, 2010 BP Oil-Spill in GUlf of Mexico: Billy

Then I would like to ask another question regarding the plague of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.Florena told me that the BP corporation, that is to say, the "British Petroleum Corporation", has spread unbelievable untruths in regard to the actual discharge of crude oil into the gulf and inregard to the entire terrible matter. Ptaah That is right, because, already, from the beginning, more than 8.6 million litres of crude oilflowed into the gulf, whereas the present amount is around 14.5 million litres per day. However, in the course of time, this amount can quickly further increase due to a greater pressurefrom the depths. This would depend on the corresponding subterranean conditions. Natural gas and the warmth of the Earth play an important role in that. And this can happen if effective measures are not able to prevent - in a decisive amount of time thiseven more terrible thing. But what there is to say at present in regard to that is that it is questionable whether the BPcorporation can effect the necessary measures in an appropriate amount of time in order to bringeverything under control. And, should it not succeed in stopping the flow of oil, then the entire thing can therefore, undercertain circumstances, mean that the crude oil further contaminates the gulf and thereby ultimatelyalso the Gulf Stream to a great extent, which can then lead to a worldwide climatic catastrophe,which then far exceeds everything so far in regard to climatic transformation. Already, because of the discharged crude oil, new climatic changes are resulting, which are alreadynoticeable but is a fact which is kept quiet, as is also the fact that the monstrous amounts of crudeoil secrete poisonous gas and particles which reach the troposphere and atmosphere and are drivenby the wind around the globe and are rained down. If, ultimately, the poisonous crude oil drifts with the Gulf Stream into the north and contaminates theAtlantic, then monstrous climatic alterations emerge against which all that which has already comeabout would only be a weak prelude. Aside from that, the crude oil's toxic substances are secreted in the form of poisonous gasses andpoisonous particles, which have an illness-inducing effect on human beings and animals and on allcreatures, as these toxic substances, however, also disperse in the ocean water itself and storethemselves on the ocean floor whereby further contaminations come about, a fact which is likewisekept silent by the responsible authorities and by the scientists.

The crude oil, which is shooting upward, not only floats on the water and contaminates the surfaceas well as the land which is effected by it, rather it also drifts under water as oil agglomerations. Billy Not exactly pleasant. But do you have data about what quantity of crude oil is used on the Earth every day? Ptaah According to our investigations, it is about 14 billion litres per day. Billy Monstrous. Ptaah It really is.

FB 02
USA & EU MONITORING SYSTEMS : In the late 1950s, Americans stationed the so-called MIDAS satellite system approximately 38,000 km (23,750 miles) above the Earth with the intent of protecting the USA from a surprise attack in case they were fired upon by intercontinental rockets. This system, however, was soon replaced by a different, updated system called DSP (Defense Support Program), which is more than just a monitoring system because it holds calculation/espionage functions and other elements, and has the capability of monitoring and locating far more than mere objects in the airspace surrounding the Earth. It is a fact that we, the people on Earth, are continually monitored and surveyed by the DSP satellites stationed and circling in space around the Earth in a geosynchronous formation which guarantees that the planet is thoroughly surveyed around the clock, 24-hours a day. This monitoring process is worldwide and virtually not one square meter of ground is omitted. The DSP system currently is so advanced that almost no step can be made on the face of the Earth without it being thoroughly observed. Although this capability has not yet been fully implemented, it nonetheless exists and is currently available and utilized for specific purposes of observation and monitoring. This fact remains "top secret" and only those individuals with the highest security clearance dare whisper about it. While some DSP monitoring system data leaked to the public for the first time during the Gulf War in 1991, when the system was zeroed in on the Iraqi Scud rockets missiles after their launching, other implementation possibilities for this system remain a well-kept, strictly observed secret. The system is capable not only of promptly detecting enemy fighter and bomber aircraft, but also of triggering defense

actions on a large scale. It can currently implement surveys and monitor functions beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Indisputably, certain related technology was not invented by terrestrial technologists and engineers but came to them by way of diverse UFOs, respectively extraterrestrial spacecraft that had crashed in the USA. The Americans secured the spacecraft, examined them in great detail, took them apart and retro-engineered them; and they continue to do so today. Therefore, some technology from the UFOs also served the Americans in the construction of their DSP defense system which enables them to implement large-scale surveys over the entire globe. Insiders call the DSP system "Deep Space Platform". It exerts its influence not only over this planet, as mentioned previously, but it also monitors and records what is happening in outer space. More than 6100 highly sensitive sensors enable the DSP satellites to measure and survey the normal, visible light and related matters, and give it the capability of monitoring also the influences from micro and electromagnetic oscillation ranges, along with X-ray, infrared and ultraviolet levels to mention only a few. In addition to registering meteors entering terrestrial space at regular or irregular intervals, these sensors also register alien flying objects that travel with incredible speed from outer space to Earth where they enter terrestrial airspace two or three times every month. Neither the scientific community nor government agencies nor the military and the CIA will divulge any of this knowledge. Within informed circles of experts, these extraterrestrial flying objects are called "fastwalkers". With great regularity the DSP satellites detect these fastwalkers as they race with immense speed from outer space and into the Earth's atmosphere, whereupon they depart from the planet shortly after to disappear once again with incredible speed into the depths of space. It is interesting to note that each time a fastwalker is recorded as it enters terrestrial space there are typically UFO sightings around the globe observations by people from all social levels and professions. Nonetheless, scientists in charge, the military, government agencies, secret services and others hide these facts from the public and make fools of the entire terrestrial population. Some of these individuals in charge simply feel chosen to play childish games of hide-and-seek or soldiers and warriors, and fancy themselves as being important. However, this is no longer the case, for they are more like wet washcloths as they tremble in their boots with fear that the extraterrestrial human intelligences will come to Earth, prove their enormous superiority over us earthlings, and demonstrate that they are further advanced in every way than everyone on this planet. With their DSP monitoring system, America has taken the first step toward the horrifying, futuristic vision of total control over every human being on Earth. This vision signifies that terrestrials will soon be unable to take even a single step without being observed and controlled by an all-inclusive monitoring system, which would eventually entail the implanting of a coded chip into every person. The possibility then arises that an individual will be completely controlled and, ultimately, will always be observed and monitored; even a person's most private and intimate activities will be observed. The vision also implies that the European monitoring headquarters will be located in Brussels, Belgium, and managed and directed by the European Union (Europische Union) as it is called today. The undisclosed implication is that a form of dictatorship will be established that results in the complete surveillance of every citizen --a horrible vision, which is increasingly becoming apparent as a reality to anyone observing the world with open eyes. Likewise, this terrifying vision foreshadows the 'New World Order' which, from ancient times onward, was linked to prophecies about an 'animal with the number 666' exerting immense

power. I intend to elaborate more extensively, in justifiable form, in the FIGU Newsletter on this prophecy and vision, along with many other important matters of which Man on Earth should be apprised. FB 05 READER QUESTIONS REGARDING OUR NUCLEAR HERITAGE Through the renewed nuclear bomb tests by the French (see Voice of the Aquarian Age, #97, Dec. 95, 252nd Contact Report) and the Chinese, many question have been raised regarding the tests' effects upon the environment, about which the Contact Report presents the data. Additional questions center on nuclear development and the legacy of nuclear misuse and other topics. I do not mind providing information on this topic, at least as far I am able to do so: Q: How many atomic bombs exist worldwide? A: Approximately 20,000. Q: Did Japan actually capitulate after the dropping of the nuclear bombs 50 years ago? A: Yes. The Americans' act of dropping of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced the Japanese to surrender. For half a century now the world has lived with the "equilibrium of terror" which means that the nuclear powers have kept each other at bay with their atomic bombs and other nuclear potential, while their threats of a nuclear war constantly lurked in the background. Q: When did the first detonation of a nuclear bomb take place? A: Several seconds before 5:30 a.m. on July 16th, 1945, on the test grounds of Alamagordo near Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, the first nuclear bomb, a plutonium bomb, was detonated. Due to the success of this test, one participant said to J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientific director of the nuclear bomb program, called "Manhattan Project": "Now we are all sons of bitches!" Q: How often have atomic bombs been utilized? A: Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, no additional nuclear bombs have been utilized in warfare. This does not denote, however, they have not been in constant use for commercial purposes, particularly in Russia. Through the use of nuclear explosions new lakes and waterways have been created in that country. In 1961, just after the erection of the Berlin Wall, the world was on the brink of a nuclear war. In 1962, barely one year later, the situation became even more dramatic when the Cuban Crisis shook the world. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States (1961-63; assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald who was murdered himself by Jack Rubynstein called Ruby) forced Soviet ships, that were fully loaded with rockets and nuclear warheads and ready to make a run for Castro's Cuba, to turn back and return to the Soviet Union. The Americans were the first to detonate a nuclear bomb. They were also the first to utilize this all-destructive bomb in war, killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process without ever having any concern or remorse

about it. If American generals had their way, additional nuclear bombs would have been dropped, since other high-ranking American military officials wanted to criminally end the wars in Korea and Vietnam by dipping into their vast arsenal of all-destructive, all-annihilating nuclear weaponry. Q: How many countries possess nuclear bombs today? A: At first only the Americans had nuclear-weapon capability, and they also had a monopoly on them. This did not last for long, however, and by 1949 the former Soviet Union was right there and held its first tests, followed in 1952 by Great Britain, France (1960) and China (1964). Currently the two arch enemies India and Pakistan possess atomic bombs, as does Israel. Libya, Iran, Iraq and North Korea have diligently worked on nuclear bomb capability. Woe be to all mankind, every life form, indeed the entire planet, should these countries actually decide to produce nuclear weapons. Reflecting on the Islamic fundamentalist fanaticism movement, surely every rational person can foresee what is in store for the world, humankind and all life, when these fanatics actually gain possession of such devastating, nuclear total-annihilation weapons. Q: When was the first hydrogen bomb detonated? A: Again the Americans were the first to employ this weapon when they exploded the first hydrogen bomb in 1952. Since that time, the magnitude of energy unleashed by nuclear bombs is no longer measured in kilotons but in megatons of the conventional explosive TNT (Trinitrotoluene). One Kiloton = 1000 times = 103 of the mass-measuring unit ton; megaton = million times = 106 of the mass measuring unit ton. In 1973 there existed enough nuclear explosion potential to provide 15 tons of TNT for each human being living on Earth. Q: What has been done until now to curb the nuclear madness? A: Basically very little has been done -- a drop in a bucket - for even today nuclear weapons are the favorite toy of power hungry government officials and military agencies who continue to criminally jeopardize mankind and the planet. Anyone who is inclined to consider nuclear weaponry for possible utilization, testing, or merely as a deterrent, is contemptuous of mankind and all life forms; that person is simply criminally offensive scum and is unworthy of living. The capability of all existing nuclear bombs worldwide is now sufficiently adequate to completely destroy and annihilate the Earth several times over through so-called "overkill." This looming danger may have finally put some sanity into powerfanatics and individuals of authority among the nuclear powers. As a result, conferences were being held to deal with the reduction and restriction of nuclear weaponry. Supposedly, all midrange nuclear rockets that posed a danger for Europe have been scrapped -- but it is doubtful whether this is actually occurring to the fullest extent. White Russia, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine promised to destroy all atomic weapons or return them to Russia. Ultimately, this neither occurred to the fullest extent nor within the agreed-upon framework. In 1993, Russia and the USA agreed that all nuclear, multiple-warhead, intercontinental rockets would be destroyed. Also included in the pact was an agreement whereby all strategic nuclear warheads would be reduced to 3000-3500 by the year 2003. Q: Currently (1995), how large is the worldwide stockpile of nuclear weaponry?

A: A great effort has been put into reducing the stockpiles; alas, as previously mentioned, much more is still needed. At this time, the autonomous states of the former Soviet Union continue to possess more than 10.100 nuclear warheads, while the USA maintains another 8.500. China has access to 284 nuclear warheads; France to 482 and Great Britain to 234. With 50 to 100 warheads, Israel is also involved in this nuclear weaponry disaster. And as though this is not enough, India followed suit with around 80 and Pakistan with 15 to 25 warheads. Q: How many nuclear tests have been held worldwide until now (1995)? A: All in all, the small and large nuclear powers have detonated 2120 nuclear warheads worldwide. Their detonation has generated contamination on a global scale through nuclear bombing and tests, which have triggered earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, violent storms and so forth. But politicians, the military and the scientific community vehemently deny this. According to reports by watchdog experts, the number of nuclear blasts triggered is estimated to be 936 (USA), 716 (former Soviet Union), 207 (France, 44 (Great Britain), 41 (China), and 1 by India. By October 31, 1995, these figures added up to 1945 nuclear explosions. This number does not represent the true total, however. Ptaah, the Pleiadian commander, stated that from the year 1945 through February 14, 1995, a total of 2.116 nuclear tests were performed. The fact that 3 additional tests were carried out in the Mururoa Atoll and 1 test in China between the day this conversation took place and October 31, 1995, raises the total of tests to 2.120 -- without mentioning even the numerous atomic bomb blasts detonated for commercial purposes. Q: What does this nuclear heritage signify for our world and for all life? A: The legacy for the world, and all life on it, is that through the nuclear contamination of vast regions on Earth, these areas will suffer damage for countless years to come; many types of cancer and mutations among human beings as well as in animals and plants will emerge. Furthermore, many regions have become completely useless for human habitation due to this nuclear contamination. Additionally, several billion dollars will be required alone in the USA and the former Soviet Union states to eradicate the damage caused by nuclear testing; of course, this fact is emphatically denied and downplayed by America. The USA claims that it would require only several hundreds of millions of dollars to remedy the situation. In Russia alone more than 50 large regions are radioactively contaminated, a fact also denied to this day even though there is available proof. Today Russia affirms that the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl is the largest nuclear catastrophe. It was caused by a fire spreading out of control in the civilian (vs. military) nuclear reactor. The fact that eight other, far greater nuclear catastrophes occurred in the former Soviet Union and resulted in the loss of numerous human lives since the initiation of nuclear experimentation, is kept secret to this day -- even though fourteen times more radioactivity than Chernobyl was released into those regions due to Super- MCAs (maximum conceivable accident at a nuclear power plant). Billy

SB 30

CIA - SOG Team:

Readers' Question What is the SOG team which allegedly exists with the USA secret service, and is it true that the CIA is more powerful than the government of the USA? If all that has been heard and written about that is true, how does that fit together with the Christian religion to which indeed also Bush belongs - does he undertake nothing against that? Do you know something about that, and can you provide a detailed answer in one of your bulletins? A. Peter, Switzerland Answer The so-called SOG TEAM (Special Operations Group) of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) actually exists, and that is a damned unpleasant matter of fact, because neither the SOG team nor the CIA shy away from any murder. The CIA is the actual secret USAmerican world government, whose headquarters, respectively, head office, is located in Langley, in the US state of Virginia. The primary mission of this secret organisation, that functions as a secret service and is a superpower in a super-nation, is espionage, for which the US government pumps in billions of US dollars. It can be said with a clear conscience that the CIA practically has unlimited power at its disposal and does not shy away from any crime, nor from any inhumanity. What the "license to kill" is for the English Crown in the James Bond films, is absolute reality for the CIA, because it has a government license for unlimited mass murder. Essentially nobody knows how many humans thereby work for the CIA, because everything is strictly secret, whereby also torture and murder are employed unhesitatingly to protect that secrecy. Anyone can come into the crosshairs of the CIA, even the most irreproachable, because with this, the biggest of all espionage organizations and indeed also the biggest secret terror organization in the world, basically every human is suspect and his life is not safe. Yet that is not all, because no government in the world is in a position to protect it's citizens from the monstrous and criminal machinations of the CIA. The CIA's SOG team is a secret army that is equipped with every imaginable weapon, and indeed also with ones that even the US Army can only dream about. The SOG team consists of elite soldiers recruited from the regular Army, the Air Force, as well as the Navy and the Marines and so forth, and are trained to be murder and destruction robots.

They are constantly monitored on duty during secret operations - through encoded satellite connections. If, anywhere in the world, crimes occur through the CIA, or attacks and wars against any countries, then it is the secret army of the SOG which thoroughly prepared every attack. Should the attack against Iran, planned since the year 2002, actually succeed, then this would therefore be secretly prepared through an SOG team in Iran, as was also the case in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The CIA is more powerful than the entire government of the USA, which consequently in no way knows what the secret service actually does. Not even the US President is ever notified about all that which the secret service, which has become a state-within-a-state, really undertakes and everything that is associated with that. The power of the CIA was already established with its founding in the year 1947, consequently it only took until the year 1953 for it to be freed from the applicable law disclosing its goals, and later it would also be explicitly ordered, by the government, to kill. Along with the order to kill, respectively, murder, the CIA also has permission to break every law in the whole world - only not ones of the USA. Yet the CIA also distances itself from this prohibition, because when it serves their goal, then they also do not shy away from murdering in the USA. The attack on the World Trade Center came on the 11th of September, 2001, and only six days later, on September 17th, the monstrosity occurred that, up until now, is unique in every democratic country in our world and therefore, as such, has never happened before: George Bush, the completely irresponsible, sectarian who tyrannically exalted himself above the world as God's avenging angel, established a charter for the CIA with his signature, whereby this authorised, even with only the vaguest suspicion, that humans be incarcerated, respectively, kidnapped and physically abused with interrogation methods which are beyond every human right, every human dignity and humaneness. That applied to Al Qaida fighters, as well as to humans who were simply suspected of terror or endangering the country, and so forth, which therefore applied to clear-cut as well as conjectured persons who had arranged terrorism, or simply were suspected of being terrorists or enemies of the state due to informing or espionage. And the CIA is not required to provide justification for these machinations, and indeed neither in front of the US President, or the Senate nor publicly, because the CIA is so powerful that is stands perfectly over the government and even steers it. And to think that the CIA is only one of fifteen USAmerican secret services - however the most powerful, which has even cast its net over the other secret services and the FBI and the police collectively, and has these under control.

So the CIA is not only the secret service that governs and controls the USA, rather the entire world. And whoever does not obey their rules is, quickly, tersely and brutally struck down. To this end, the SOG team, respectively the SOG army, is thereby the most radical weapon, which is unique in the history of every secret service in the world, and their elite soldiers are numb and pitiless killer-robots, which, when they are merely obeying their orders, murder out of delight for killing, giving not a thought to law and order, rather go about blindly murdering. As a matter of fact the CIA is a world power, and its list of crimes is so long that it cannot be measured. Along with innumerable other crimes, the overthrow of governments also belongs to their line of work, consequently, among others, in 1953 they overthrew the Persian, respectively, Iranian government, in 1954 that of Guatemala, after which followed Chile in 1973 and Turkey in 1980. The CIA was not concerned that several of these governments had been democratically elected by the population, because it was only significant to them that these governments did not fit into their goal, since they did not cuddle up to the USA. So they also murdered many politicians or allowed them to be delivered to kingdom come by paid assassins, as with, for example, Che Guevara, and so forth. Had the CIA succeeded, then also Fidel Castro would have died, yet until now that could not be accomplished, consequently he is, as ever, still on the CIA's hit list. But the CIA's intrigues still go very much further, consequently all of their crimes can never be uncovered and only few can be named, as, for example, that they supported and paid so-called freedom fighters as well as brutal dictators, with money, weapons and military training and guerilla know-how and they continue to do that, as was the case with Saddam Hussain and Osama bin Laden, among others. Through the help of the CIA, Saddam Hussain was able to rearm enormously, thereafter in 1979 he led a coup against the top of the Iraqi government. Already, as he studied at the University of Cairo, he made his first connection with the CIA, who, as he came to power, reached out to him with full hands. Also Osama bin Laden was built up through the CIA together with the US government. Between 1978 and 1992 the Afghan Mujaheddin Parliamentary Party, in battle with the then USSR, was supported with weapons and money, and far more than 100,000 Afghan fighters were trained in special tactical situations, that were brought about with the help of the CIA. Project "Operation Zyklon", which had principal string-puller Osama bin Laden as Managing Director, cost the USA a total of more than 23 billion dollars. [US$23,000,000,000.00]

The background to that was, on one hand to force the USSR to its knees, and on the other hand to gain influence in Afghanistan. Neither the US government nor the CIA worried about the entire matter that the Afghan government called in an old treaty with the USSR for help in the country for the purpose of establishing order. And it should be quite clear that then, thereby, also George H. W. Bush Senior - on his part just as much an irresponsible war monger, war criminal and US President as his son, George W. Bush - likewise played a very inglorious role. The CIA was not only responsible for the preparations of the martial overthrow of Afghanistan and Iraq, rather also for the acts of war in Nicaragua, San Salvador, Iran and Viet Nam, and so forth, in addition to the worldwide crimes in regard to the abductions ["renditions"] of terror or other kinds of suspects regarding the alleged endangering of USAmerican state security. In secret locations, the abductees are held tightly in torture prisons, and tortured in various forms and ways, obeying all the rules of the art, and indeed, as a rule, in such a way that no visible traces are left behind - or if traces of torture appear in spite of that, then the tortured are simply liquidated, as that also otherwise occurs in various cases. And it is already proven that such torture prisons exist in different countries of the world and are used by the CIA and their torture-myrmidons. Even the war-criminal-natured and completely irresponsible, as well as human-distaining, Evangelicalsectarian, US President George W. Bush had to publicly confess, on September 7th [2006], that these torture prisons exist in diverse other countries outside of the USA. And the US President's entire war-criminal-natured and human-distaining affected mannerisms - this may be fully stated - correspond precisely to the way of acting and "love" as well as "justice" and "brotherly love" of the Christian religion, as the entirety has been practiced since time immemorial. That especially by the Catholic Church, the Pope, his vassals and enslaved menials, and so forth. George W. Bush also belongs in the same frame, who, as Evangelical sectarian, falsely believes himself to be "God's avenger on Earth", and is in the delusion that he must step forward as the protector of the world. And to that end, for him every evil and murderous as well as criminal and human-distaining means is just as good and right enough, as also, for him, stepping over masses of corpses is not more and not less than a means to fulfil a purpose, without mercy and without being moved to pity, as it also was with his father and other presidents, and will continue to be so. Yet further with the CIA and their torture prisons, that are to be found in diverse countries and specialise in special interrogation methods, as, for example, Jordan, where there are hard and brutal procedures, as also Syria, where malicious tortures are the order of the day.

And it is a farce, anyway, that the CIA is represented in Syria in regard to the torture prisons, because the USA has officially condemned Syria as a terrorist state, and continually threatens it. In the Arabian area, Egypt is also to be named in regard to torture prisons where the abductees are tortured to death and physically abused and never again live to see freedom. If torture is carried out in the name of the CIA and USA through the torturers of the pertinent countries, then, so it is falsely believed, the USA and CIA keep "clean" hands. Nevertheless, however, the US's enslaved menials also torture, which, however, is not astonishing if one thinks that 1996 Washington, as a result of a USAmerican legal decision, released seven handbooks in which interrogation techniques are exclusively presented, as well as even how abductions, tortures and extortions of humans are carried out. It is naturally also clear that, in a secret manner, also research is driven forward for newer, more effective, brutal and inhumane questioning and torture methods which do not leave a trace, whereby, naturally, in respect of the so-called "white torture" - a psychic torture - which leaves no traces behind, especially the CIA is authoritative, and invests millions of US dollars for that. These cruel "white torture" methods indicate effects like electric shocks, noise, silence, glaring light, absolute darkness, sleep deprivation, beatings, being stuck with fine needles, or forced postures, and so forth. One cruel method of torture is also that in which the human to be tortured is tied tightly to a board, and a plastic bag or plastic film is pulled over the head or laid on the face and he/she who is to be tortured has running water poured over him/her, which leads to an uncontrollable fearful imagining of having to drown. This method, named "water-boarding", is especially favored for torturing, which is so cruel, similar to the ancient Chinese water method of constant drips, whereby the victim is tied tightly to a tree or a stake and, over hours on end, continual drops of water out of a container drip down on his naked shaven skull, which finally has the effect of hammer blows, and drives people insane. Now, officially because of public protests, some determinations were repealed whereby torture was meant to be prohibited, yet from the side of the government, that was only for show because all kinds of loopholes remain through which torture is further guaranteed, as is par for the course also in the American legislation generally with all kinds of other criminal and felonious behavior. So, in the USA, even the contracting out of punishment is possible through legislation, disputed by delinquents, defense lawyers, federal lawyers and judges. And so it is also possible, through the US legislation, that everything that the CIA can merely wish for is possible, so therefore also torture, which can lead from pain of a physical or psychic kind up to enduring and serious health-related damaging of important body functions, and thereby the health, or can even lead to organ failure and to death.

The unrestricted brutality and human-distaining of the CIA knows no bounds, and whoever falls under their suspicion and into their traps - its all the same whether they are a man, woman or child, suspected or guilty - must reckon with the worst, and all that in the name of the USA and its alleged state security. The CIA headquarters, respectively, the actual centre of power of the Central Intelligence Agency is to be found, as already explained, in a small city named Langely, which is located in the vicinity of Washington DC. It is a centre of unimaginable power, and the USA's most secret stronghold, whose several million square meter circumference extent is hermetically secured and strictly guarded. Surrounded by threatening fences and fitted with surveillance cameras and movement detectors, as well as satellite surveillance, also masses of sentries are in the entire area, as also numerous dog patrols do their rounds. Penetration into the grounds, or even in the power complex, is as good as impossible, and whoever dares in spite of that plays with his life. If that succeeds however, in spite of that, for example, through enemy agents, then he finds himself in a termite nest in which everything is arranged in such a branching and confusing manner that he can find nothing that could be useful to him. Principally, everything is namely arranged in this centre of power so that, firstly, everybody mistrusts everyone, and secondly, that one person does not know what the other person does. So one cannot speak of a CIA family because the entire system, and everything which is bound with it, is nothing more and nothing less than a gigantic network of intrigue, in which, already for a long time, nothing is simply worked on anymore for spying on enemy countries, or simply foreign countries as well as their agents, rather, fundamentally, it is indeed only for controlling the entire world and bringing it under USAmerican rule, as that also lies in the mind of the US government of the day. Like a fat spider, the CIA sits in its giant network of intrigue, whereby also all the other US secret services are thereby entangled, and whereby from this, in the first instance, everything - including the CIA - is aligned not only to spy on, and listen to, the USAmerican citizens, rather the entire world and every single human on the Earth, and indeed not only directly, as with neighbours, acquaintances and friends acting as informers, rather also over the telephone, over radio transmissions and the Internet. For this, the CIA presides over the so-called Carnivore software (meat-eater) with which presently, around five million E-mails, telephone calls or chatrooms are simultaneously supervised. Practically every laptop and computer's system is constructed such that the drive system, respectively, the software, functions in a way that everything can be controlled by the CIA. If the software in this relationship is damaged, then the computer does not function anymore.

Through the entire thing it is possible, world wide, for the CIA to smuggle false information, respectively, false texts and so forth, into computers. The CIA's Carnivore computer searches, uninterrupted, through the available data in the entire world, in order to find key words, as for example, assassin, Bush, terror, or whatever else it may be. So the reader may know with certainty, when she or he reads these lines, that my words have already been registered and evaluated by the CIA. Now, if the Carnivore computer spirits out several terms which appear suspicious to the CIA, then the originator of the terms is already graded as suspicious and is taken under the magnifying glass more precisely. This procedure, however, is not by any means restricted to the USA, rather it occurs worldwide, whereby also even kidnappings to torture prisons are involved. Worldwide the CIA also maintains the most varied front businesses which, from the outside, are of a purely commercial nature and even the secret services of foreign countries have no idea that it thereby concerns CIA stations. Yet such firms exist even in the USA itself, as for example, the previous America Online, respectively, AOL, a world undertaking which plays a pre-eminent role in regard to the Internet industry, and indeed as a kind of "commercial news service". The Head Office of the firm is Dulles, Virginia, therefore, so to say, a suburb of CIA headquarters in Langley, and it is no accident that this firm resides at this place, and thereby in the vicinity of the CIA stronghold. The location is named after the US politician Allen Dulles (born, Watertown, NY, April 7th, 1893, died, Washington DC, January 29th,1969), who, in the Second World War, led the USAmerican news service from Bern, Switzerland and who was the boss of the CIA from 1953 to 1963. It is also interesting to know that the CIA Director, George Tenet, was a member of the board of directors of AOL during the years 1997 to 2004. Naturally it is thereby disputed that there is no other connection between the CIA and the world-wide operating provider. But the undisputed fact of the matter is that the provider AOL collects secret data about its customers worldwide, and with it, even creates profiles of which customer clicks on which sites. Therefore the Internet provider AOL is, in this regard alone, already an ideal partner for the CIA for exercising espionage worldwide on the Internet - not to mention the manipulated hard drives, and so forth, of laptops and computers.

It is however really also no secret that the CIA has not only installed its Carnivore program with AOL, rather also with many other providers worldwide. The CIA does not only lead a secret war to achieve world control and world domination for the superpower USA, rather also in regard to petroleum, because one of its efforts consists of snatching as many oil fields as possible under its control, and under the control of the USA. Also to this end all intrigues and other such machinations, extending to murder, are par for the course. Through such intrigues and photo falsifications of an alleged armoured deployment of Saddam Hussain's on Saudi Arabia's border, they seduced the then Saudi King Fahd, to allow "disbelievers", respectively, US soldiers, in the country and in the vicinity of the holy state of Mecca so that they could attack Iraq from there. And naturally it came to be as it had to: once the US Yanks were in Saudi Arabia, then they also stayed there, which has remained that way until today. Yet that was not enough, because since 1990 the USA not only controlled the oil fields in the reconquered Kuwait, rather also those of Saudi Arabia, whereby the control of the oil fields in Iraq came in the year 2003. Therefore, only missing in this circular dance of Orient-oilfield-countries is Persia, respectively, Iran, for which plans for a military takeover have already existed in the USA since 2002. And there is no doubt that that is also being worked out today because the CIA as well as the government of the USA wants control, under all circumstances, over all Arabian oil fields, no matter what the cost. Thereby, namely China could have the oil spigot turned off if it should dare to want to raise itself as a superpower, and as a matter of fact one such crisis is coming about. As the USA is the biggest terror-country on Earth which acts worldwide and wants to bring all terrestrial resources and countries under its sword, whereby every filthy means is quite good enough, the CIA, worldwide is the biggest, state-sanctioned, respectively, legalised, criminal organisation which ever existed, and which does not find its equal, on our globe. And because, on September 11th, 2001 in New York, the Al Qaida terrorists attacked - sped with two highjacked passenger aircraft into both towers of the World Trade Center and released an inferno, next to which, that a further aircraft was steered into the Pentagon and a fourth was brought down in the state of Pennsylvania - the power of the CIA grows immeasurably. New anti-terror laws were created, through which practical charters were prepared in regard to the terror search. The press was muzzled and the CIA was given freedoms which are so unbelievable that a normal citizen of the country cannot conceive of these.

That could only happen, however, through the Al Qaida terror act, which shows that this was quite consciously allowed to happen. It is a matter of fact, namely, that the CIA, through its spies and informers, was just as fully informed about Osama bin Laden's oncoming terror plot as was the irresponsible US President George W. Bush; yet neither he nor the CIA, nor ones from the other secret services, undertook something in order to prevent the harm. That has several reasons, because on one hand the terror attack had to serve to provide yet more unrestricted power for the CIA, and on the other hand, through its actualisation, the USAmerican people could be duped with threadbare and filthy lies, and the war in Iraq could be launched. In addition to that, the anticipated terror attack also guaranteed that the CIA and the other secret services, as well as the US government, had to be given, along with more power, a greater financial blessing, which then also actually happened as the terror act was actualised and demanded more than the 3,000 human lives which the CIA, as well as US President Bush, coldly took into account. Also a reaction did not then even come from the side of the secret service and from Bush or from the CIA boss, George Tenet, when on August the 30th and 31st of 2001, in Minneapolis, a suspect named Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested who, as it turned out, was a substitute assassin in regard to an airplane hijacking. CIA boss Tenet did not react to the warning that terror attacks were to be carried out with hijacked passenger machines, whereby he also even hid important information from the FBI, through which it would have been possible to arrest all the terrorists who were entangled in the terrorist disaster. But, for money and power, everything is possible for the USA, for the US President, as well as for his dependent vassals, as well as for the criminal secret service CIA and all other secret services. Billy CR 440

Microsoft & US Security Agencies:

Billy That is now clear. Some time ago - if I may ask yet another question - you said that US secret services manipulate the Internet and the computer world - which I have also suggested in a bulletin about the CIA, whereby Microsoft is also embroiled in it with the Windows system. Can you tell me which US secret service is therein embroiled with Microsoft, along with the CIA, if it is also involved with that? Ptaah

The Windows-program system is manipulated through the US secret service, NSA, respectively, through the National Security Agency, as well as through other secret services. The manipulation enables the secret services to penetrate into any computer, unrecognized and according to their desire, in order to pull out data or, unrecognized, to carry out alterations and falsifications of the existing data. CR 448

OverPopulation - Rise in Infertility, Plagues, Crimes.. - WorldWide Birth Stops :

Billy: Now a question in regard to overpopulation: in the animal world it is true that when overpopulation comes about this is reduced again in a natural way, on one hand as a result of a mass dieing off, but on the other hand also because infertility occurs for a certain time, whereby no more descendants can be produced. Now, how does it go with humans - do the same factors emerge or is the problem only to be solved by humans just in regard to a strict regulation of births, as we publicize? In my opinion it is to assume that the humans, in their high-handedness, can only be brought to reason through a corresponding law of strict birth regulation because, in their delusion, they simply want to have many descendants and think that they have a right to do so. Indeed, many humans die as a result of plagues which indeed also do not otherwise emerge, as well as, however, through wars and other acts of murder, but that does not effect overpopulation in such a way that it would be reduced. Should intervention occur, through the laws of nature, which leads to the decimation of the overpopulation, as for example, even through mass deaths as a result of plagues, or through the man and woman becoming infertile, then the humans are so crazy in their delusion that, when many humans die, they produce just as many descendents. And when men and women of the human species become infertile, then they fall into the irresponsible delusion that they must produce descendants through artificial begetting. I see the whole matter in this way. Ptaah Whereby you see the whole problem correctly. Actually, nature already defends itself against human overpopulation on the Earth, and indeed, in that the human, that is to say, the female and male gender, become ever more infertile, which as you correctly say, is also the case in the animal world when overpopulation occurs.

With the female sex in the so-called civilised world - as we have established - appearances of infertility already show themselves in every fifth woman, whereby, however, also the male sex in this regard is effected, whose begetting capability decreases in strong measure. Yet attempts are irrationally and irresponsibly made to reconcile this problem in the way that you have explained, in that, namely, artificial insemination is turned to. Thereby, however, the natural reduction of overpopulation is irresponsibly worked against, whereby all imaginable problems of humanity incessantly increase. Also, through the plagues and the mass deaths which result from them, overpopulation can no longer be brought back into normal limits, consequently still worse plagues emerge and have to spread out as pandemics if the Earth humans do not listen to our advice and do not grasp legal measures in order to radically throttle and minimise the number of births. Billy The future of terrestrial humanity requires great, courageous and progressive ideas, thoughts and deeds. But also clarifications are necessary: clarification must be battled for constantly and repeatedly and indeed in regard to overpopulation as well as in regard to religions. Especially Catholic Christianity must be pilloried because no other religion demands and promotes overpopulation as vehemently as it does with the dim-witted saying, "Go forth and multiply." Ptaah Your words are good and of value, yet only a few Earth humans will want to hear them, namely, only those who recognise the truth and can understand it. Billy Unfortunately that is really so because the majority of humanity does not want to know the truth. Leider ist das wirklich so, denn das Gros der Menschheit will die Wahrheit nicht wissen. Therefore there are also many adversaries who, in their antagonism, insult and slander and name as nut cases any who trouble themselves to scream out the actual truth into the world in order to produce a better future for the entire humanity. These antagonists are theologians as well as scientists and so-called clergy as well as the rabble and all inexpert ones from the people. Anyway, it is so, but we'll leave it ...

CR 478 Election Fraud in Iran, Manhmoud Ahmadi Nejad : Billy ... But how does it stand with the election in Persia, respectively, in Iran? Is everything being done properly there? And do you still have significant predictions to mention? Ptaah I also have information about that. The entire thing is based on an unparalleled election fraud to the advantage of Ahmadi Nejad. Several million returned ballots must be designated as false and manipulated, which triggers great unrest and even exacts death. The election results had already been falsified some months prior to the election, whereby the so-called Guardian Council, as well as the authoritative religious dignitary, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei certainly are not involved. Khamenei will, however, declare the massively falsified election process as being legitimate and endorse Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad in his office, won through deception, because Ahmadi Nejad, in a false manner, demonstrates solidarity with the religious system.

CR 117 PLejaren Letter to USA - "To the Governmnet of the United States of America" : (With the date of the 21st of March, 1979, Billy received a response to the proclamation of the Pleiadians to the government of the United States of America, which was obviously written by Lee Elders and sent to Billy. Whether Lee Elders had passed the proclamation on to the government of the USA, this remained in the dark for Billy. Anyhow, a letter from the USA government was missing, such as was requested by the Pleiadians. In response, the Pleiadians withdrew their proposal and their proclamation and definitively distanced themselves from it and from the USA. (See Contact 122 of the 6th of April, 1979.)) Billy: And, do you suppose that the American government will deal with these conditions? Ptaah:

169. This will be their matter alone. Billy: That probably means that you have not yet thought about this further? Ptaah: 170. That corresponds to the correctness, for everything points to the fact that too many things are not taken seriously enough by the government of this country, but on the other hand, much also points to the fact that the cultic-religious fanaticism of the rulers and the population will continue to kick the truth with its feet, which is why we must push for a short-term decision and have to set the given conditions. Billy: But now, if the government doesn't deal with this, what then? Ptaah: 171. Then all further attempts would be pointless because we would never turn to the United States of America again in this form. Billy: But that would somehow be unfair, for also in America, there are many human beings who know about your existence and strive in all forms to live and to learn according to correctness, in order to be of service thereby to the truth and their evolution, and therefore, also to the entire plan of Creation. Quetzal: 19. That is of correctness, and these human beings of Earth should not have to live in want. 20. Therefore, it is given to them that they follow you and bring a union into being in their country, as it is mentioned in your statutes. Billy: That's fair, I think.

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