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Community Newsletter

In this Issue
The Responsibility to Protect: In Syria and Beyond International Policy and the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit New Tool for Researching the Link Between Climate and Security The Connect U.S. Fund Welcomes a New Intern Grantees in the News

February 8, 2012

Community Jobs and Opportunities

Director of External Relations, Center for New American Security Open Society Fellowship Communications & Multimedia Specialist, Stimson Center Advertise your job openings on our site -- just join to post under "resources!"

The Responsibility to Protect: In Syria and Beyond

The failure of the international community to prevent civilian deaths in places such as Rwanda, Bosnia, and Sudan prompted an important question: do states have a responsibility to protect civilians from mass atrocities and genocide? This question led to the UN adopting a set of principlesthe Responsibility to Protect in 2005. On NPR's Talk of the Nation, the president of the Connect U.S. Fund and former U.S. ambassador to the UN, Nancy Soderberg discusses this emerging international norm as it relates to Syria and beyond. To listen to the full interview, click here. Amb. Soderberg also appeared on Al Jazeera English's News Hour to speak about the United States' sanctions on Iran. To watch the video of her interview, click here.

The Coming Weeks' Community Events

View all upcoming events 02/09 Perceptions of Turkey in the Middle East 02/09 Child Trafficking in Ghana: Insights of James Kofi Annan 02/09 Reconstruction Zones and Economic Reconstruction: The Cases of Afghanistan and Pakistan 02/10 New START at One Year: Implementation and Looking to the Future 02/13 Trade and Agriculture: Trans-Pacific Perspectives 02/15 Justice for Haiti 02/17-02/19 Go Run: Women's Political Leadership Training

International Policy and the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit

How will the upcoming Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul affect global nuclear security safeguards? What does the Summit's location say about the role played by South Korea in regional politics and security? Alexandra Toma, founder and co-chair of the Fissile Materials Working Group and executive director of the Connect U.S. Fund, and Joe Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, discussed these important questions at a

recent Korea Society event. To learn more about the event, and to watch a video of the speakers' presentations, click here.

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New Tool for Researching the Link Between Climate and Security
Looking for up-to-date research on the most pressing climate and security issues? The Center for Climate and Security recently launched an online resource that serves to compile this information into one easily accessible list. Organized by type (government, academic, etc.) and chronology, this resource allows viewers to search for the information that is most useful to them as either a researcher, journalist, policymaker or simply someone with an interest in climate and security issues. To access the full Climate and Security Research page, click here.

The Connect U.S. Fund Welcomes a New Intern

Shelley Marshall is the new Program Intern at the Connect U.S. Fund. She is a recent graduate of Fordham University where she received a Bachelor's Degree in International Studies. While there, she completed a senior thesis in which she investigated the connection between the rise of homegrown terrorism and post9/11 anti-Muslim sentiment in America. Before beginning her internship with the Connect U.S. Fund, Shelley interned with Fordham University's Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs and served as the Fordham University regional representative for the 2010 Run for Congo Women NYC 5K, Haiti Emergency Relief conference, and the University screening of The

Devil Came on Horseback, a documentary on Darfur.

Grantees in the News

Connect U.S. Fund grantees are making weekly headlines on our issues. Here are some highlights: Daryl Kimball and Tom Collina, both of the Arms Control Association, were quoted in articles on U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear weapons-related issues in the Guardian and Reuters, respectively. On February 3, 2012, the Center for American Progress released a new report on the dangers presented by Arctic oil drilling due to the increased risk for a spill and America's decreased response capabilities. Researchers at the Union of Concerned Scientists were quoted recently on issues of domestic nuclear safety in the Christian Science Monitor, and on international nuclear security policy in the Daily Beast.

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