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1 nceputul vie ii 2 Descenden a regal 3 Educaia 4 Cstoria 4.1 Logodna i nunta 4.2 Copiii 4.3 Nen elegerile i despr irea 4.4 Divor ul 5 Via a personal dup divor 5.1 Munca de caritate 5.2 Vigilen a n ceea ce privete SIDA 5.3 Minele terestre 6 Moartea 6.1 Omagiile, nmormntarea i ngroparea 6.1.1 Monumente comemorative 6.2 Suvenire 6.3 Diana n arta contemporan 6.4 Evenimente recente 6.5 Teorii asupra unei conspira ii

7 Opiniile contemporanilor 8 Titluri, onoruri, i blazoane 8.1 Titluri i stiluri 8.2 Onoruri 8.3 Blazoane 9 Motenirea lsat de Diana 10 Arbore genealogic 11 Vezi i 12 Note 13 Referine 14 Bibliografie 15 Legturi externe

nceputul vieii
Diana a fost cea mai mic dintre fiicele lui John Spencer, Vicontele Althorp, mai trziu al VIII-lea Conte Spencer i a primei lui soii, Frances, Vicontesa Althorp (fost Onorabil Frances Burke Roche i apoi Frances Shand Kydd). La 1 iulie 1961, la 6.45 seara, Diana Frances Spencer s-a nscut la Park House, casa pe care prinii si au nchiriat-o pe moia de la Sandringham, Anglia, a reginei Elisabeta a II-a i a fost a botezat n 30 august 1961 la Biserica Sfnta Maria Magdalena, naul ei fiind John Floyd. Ea a fost cel de-al patrulea copil al cuplului, avnd nc patru frai: Lady Sarah Spencer (nscut n 1955), Lady Jane Spencer (nscut n 1957), John Spencer (mort n 12 ianuarie 1960) i Charles Spencer (nscut n 1964). Ca urmare a divorului prinilor ei, n 1969 (din cauza legturii amoroase a Lady-ei Althorp cu motenitorul unei averi din vnzarea tapetului, pe nume Peter Shand Kydd), mama Dianei a luat-o pe ea i pe fratele ei mai mic s locuiasc la ea, ntr-un apartament din Knightsbridge, n Londra, unde Diana a mers la coal. De acel Crciun, copiii au mers la tatl lor de srbtori i el nu le-a mai dat voie s se ntoarc la Londra, la mama lor. Lady Althorp a cerut la Tribunal custodia copiilor, ns mrturia mamei Lady-ei Althorp contra fiicei sale din timpul procesului a contribuit la decizia curii de a acorda custodia Dianei i a fratelui ei tatlui lor. n copilrie, i-a avut drept parteneri de joac pe prinul Andrew i Prinul Edward, fiii mai mici ai reginei. Dup ce tatl ei a dobndit titlul de Conte Spencer n1975, Diana a devenit cunoscut drept Lady Diana Spencer. Dup ce i-a terminat studiile, Lady Diana a devenit educatoare la o grdini dintr-o suburbie aLondrei. n 1976 Lord-ul Spencer s-a cstorit cu Raine, Contes de Dartmouth, singura fiic a romancierei Barbara Cartland, dup ce a fost denumit "cellalt brbat" n divorul soilor Dartmouth. n aceea perioad, Diana a cltorit prin ar, locuind uneori cu unul, alteori cu cellalt dintre prinii ei cu tatl ei la reedina din Northamptonshire i cu mama ei, care s-a mutat pe Insula Seil, pe coasta de vest a Scoiei. Diana, la fel ca fraii ei, nu se nelegea deloc cu mama ei vitreg.

Descendena regal Diana s-a nscut n familia Spencer. n partea mamei, Diana avea strmoi de origine englezi, irlandezi, scoieni, americani i armeni. Una dintre strbunicile ei, n partea mamei, era motenitoarea Frances Work din New York. Ea era i descendenta Ducilor de Devonshire. n partea tatlui su, era descendent a Regelui Charles al II-lea al Angliei prin patru fii ilegitimi: Henry Fitzroy, I -ul Duce de Grafton, fiul d-nei Barbara Villiers, I -a Duces de Cleveland Charles Lennox, I -ul Duce de Richmond i Lennox, fiul d-nei Louise de Krouaille Charles Beauclerk, I -ul Duce de St Albans|Charles Beauclerk, fiul lui Nell Gwyn

James Scott, I -ul Duce de Monmouth|James Crofts- Scott, I -ul Duce de Monmouth, conductor al unei cunoscute micri de protest, fiul lui Lucy Walter Ea a fost i descendanta Regelui James al II -lea al Angliei printr-o fiic ilegitim, Henrietta FitzJames. Descendena este dup cum urmeaz: James al II -lea al Angliei = Arabella Churchill (amant regal)

Henrietta FitzJames (fiica lui James al II -lea) = Henry Waldegrave, I -ul Baron Waldegrave James Waldegrave, I -ul Conte Waldegrave = Mary Webb James Waldegrave, al II -lea Conte Waldegrave = Maria Walpole Lady Anna Horatia Waldegrave = Lord Hugh Seymour Colonel Sir Horace Beauchamp Seymour = Elizabeth Malet Palk

Adelaide Horatia Elizabeth Seymour = Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick Spencer, al IV -lea Conte Spencer Charles Robert Spencer, al VI -lea Conte Spencer = Hon. Margaret Baring Albert Edward John Spencer, al VII -lea Conte Spencer = Lady Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Hamilton John Spencer, al VIII -lea Conte Spencer = Onorabila Frances Ruth Burke Roche

Ali strmoi notabili au fost: Robert I al Scoiei|Robert Bruce; Henry al IV -lea al Angliei; Humphrey, Duce de Gloucester; Mary Boleyn; Lady Catherine Grey; Maria de Salinas; John Egerton, al II -lea Conte de Bridgewater; i James Stanley, al VII -lea Conte de Derby.

Cei din familia Spencer au fost apropiai familiei regale britanice de secole, fiind favorizai mai ales din anii 1600. Bunica Dianei din partea mamei, Ruth Burke Roche, Baroan Fermoy|Ruth, Lady Fermoy, a fost o prieten pe via i doamn de companie pentru Elisabeta Bowes-Lyon|Regina Elisabeta, Regina Mam. Tatl ei a fost ofier al palatului n timpul Regelui George al VI -lea i a Reginei Elisabeta a II -a. n august 2007, Societatea Istoric Genealogic din Noua Anglie a publicat cartea lui Richard K. Evans "Strmoii Dianei, Prines de Wales, timp de doisprezece generaii". Educaia Diana a fost educat mai nti la Silfield School, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, apoi la Riddlesworth Hall n Norfolk i la coala de fete West Heath (mai trziu reorganizat ca New School la West Heath, o coal special pentru biei i fete) n Sevenoaks, Kent, unde ea a fost considerat a fi o student slab, pentru c ncercase i picase examenele de nivel 0 de dou ori. Sociabilitatea ei remarcabil a fost rspltit cu un premiu la West Heath. n 1977, la 16 ani, ea a plecat de la West Heath i a urmat pentru scurt timp cursurile Institutului Alpin Videmanette, o coal particular din Rougemont, Elveia. n acea perioad l-a cunoscut pe viitorul ei so, care ieea cu sora ei, Lady Sarah. Diana se remarca la not i scufundri i i dorea s fie balerin. Ea a fcut balet o perioad de timp, ns avnd 1,80 m nlime, era prea nalt pentru a deveni balerin profesionist. Diana s-a mutat n Londra nainte de a mplini aptesprezece ani i a locuit n apartamentul mamei sale, cci mama ei locuia n mare parte a timpului n Scoia. Tatl ei, Contele Spencer, i-a cumprat, drept cadou la mplinirea vrstei de 18 ani, un apartament n valoare de 50.000 de lire sterline, la Coleherne Court, n cartierul Earls Court din regiunea Royal Borough n Kensington i Chelsea i ea a locuit acolo pn n 1981, mpreun cu trei colege de apartament. Stabilindu-se n Londra, ea a urmat un curs de gtit pentru avansai i a muncit mai nti ca instructor de dans pentru cei mici, pn cnd un accident de schi a obligat-o s lipseasc trei luni de la locul de munc i i-a lsat o ran permanent. Apoi ea s-a angajat ca educatoare, s-a ocupat de curenie pentru sora ei Sarah i civa dintre prietenii ei i a muncit ca amfitrioan la petreceri. Cstoria Viaa amoroas a Prinului Charles a fost mereu subiect de speculaie n pres i el a avut legturi cu multe femei fermectoare i aristocratice, inclusiv cu sora mai mare a Dianei, Lady Sarah Spencer. Charles a ieit i cu Davina Sheffield, motenitoarea scoian Anna

Wallace, onorabila Amanda Knatchbull (nepoata Contelui Mountbatten), Susan George (actri), Lady Jane Wellesley, motenitoarea foarte bogat Sabrina Guinness i Camilla Shand, printre altele. Avnd peste treizeci de ani, se fceau presiuni asupra lui s se cstoreasc. n mod legal, singura cerin era c nu avea voie s se cstoreasc cu o romano-catolic, altfel i-ar pierde locul din ordinea la succesiune; o membr a bisericii anglicane era de preferat. Pentru a avea aprobarea familiei sale i a sftuitorilor si, orice posibil mireas trebuia s provin din mediul regal sau aristocratic, s fie virgin i s fie protestant.

Diana, Prines de Wales Prinul Charles o cunotea pe Diana de civa ani, dar s-a interesat n mod serios de ea ca posibil mireas n vara anului 1980, cnd au fost invitai amndoi ntr-un sfrit de sptmn la ar, unde ea l-a privit cum juca polo. Relaia s-a dezvoltat cnd el a invitat-o s navigheze, ntr-un sfrit de sptmn la Cowes, pe iahtul Britannia. Dup aceea a invitat-o la Castelul Balmoral, reedina scoian a familiei Windsor, pentru a-i cunoate familia. Diana a fost primit bine la Balmoral de regina Elisabeta a II-a, de Filip, Duce de Edinburgh i de Regina Mam. Apoi cuplul a ieit de mai multe ori n Londra. Prinul a cerut-o n cstorie n 6 februarie 1981 i Diana a acceptat, ns logodna lor a fost inut secret cteva sptmni. [modificare]Logodna i nunta Logodna lor a devenit oficial n 24 februarie 1981, cnd motenitorul tronului i-a dat viitoarei prinese un inel mare ct o nuc, n valoare de 30.000 , constituit din 14 diamante nconjurnd un safir. Diana a acceptat cererea imediat. Tnra de 20 de ani a devenit Prines de Wales cnd s-a cstorit cu Prinul Charles n Catedrala St Paul, pentru c avea mai multe locuri dect Westminster Abbey, care fusese folosit anterior pentru nunile regale, pe 29 iulie 1981, ntr-o aa-numit "nunt de basm" urmrit la televizor de 750 de milioane de oameni. La altar, Diana a inversat, din greeal, ordinea numelor lui Charles, spunnd Philip Charles Arthur George. Ea nu a spus nici c "se va supune", ceea ce a provocat senzaie la vremea aceea. Nunta a nceput la 11:20 A.M. 21 (ora de var britanic), iar Diana purta o rochie n valoare de 9000 , cu o tren lung de 8 metri i cu cele mai frumoase broderii. [modificare]Copiii n 5 noiembrie 1981, prima sarcin a Dianei a fost anunat oficial i ea a discutat deschis n faa presei problema strii sale. n aripa privat numit Lindo a Spitalului St. Mary, din

Paddington, n 21 iunie 1982, Diana a dat natere primului ei fiu i motenitor, William. Au fost cteva discuii controversate n pres cnd ea a hotrt s l ia pe William, care era bebelu, n prima ei vizit peste ocean n Australia i Noua Zeeland. Al doilea fiu, Prinul Henry de Wales, s-a nscut dup doi ani, n 15 septembrie 1984. Diana a fost o mam devotat i le-a druit cu generozitate fiilor si dragoste, mbriri i afeciune. Ei erau pe primul loc n viaa ei. Ea a fost cea care alegea coala, hainele lor i planifica excursiile. Ea i aranja ndatoririle publice n jurul orarului lor. [modificare]Nenelegerile i desprirea La scurt timp ns, relaia cuplului de vis s-a rcit, o experien cu att mai dureroas cu ct s-a produs sub ochii omniprezeni ai tabloidelor. Paparazzi au transformat-o pe Diana ntr-una dintre cele mai fotografiate femei din lume. n particular, ea a suferit de bulimie i depresie. n 1992, Diana i Charles s-au desprit n mod oficial.

Prinesa Diana n biroul oval de la Casa Alb, 1985 La nceputul anilor '90, cstoria Dianei cu Charles s-a destrmat, eveniment care a fost la nceput suprimat, apoi a devenit tire de senzaie n mass media internaional. Se pare ca att Prinul ct i Prinesa de Wales au vorbit presei prin intermediul prietenilor, fiecare din ei nvinoviindu-l pe cellalt de eecul csniciei lor. Charles i-a reluat vechea lui relaie pre-marital cu Camilla, Duces de Cornwall. Cnd a fost ntrebat ce rol a avut Camilla n eecul csniciei sale, Diana a spus, ntr-un interviu la BBC, n cadrul unui program tv numit Panorama: "Ei bine, erau trei persoane n csnicia noastr, deci era puin nghesuial."[3] n timpul interviului la televiziune, la Panorama, din 20 noiembrie 1995, Diana a confirmat c a avut o relaie cu instructorul ei de clrie, James Hewitt. [4] Charles recunoscuse c a avut o relaie extraconjugal cu un an mai devreme, ntr-un interviu la televiziune cu Jonathan Dimbleby.[5] Prinul i Prinesa de Wales s-au desprit n 9 decembrie 1992.[6] Pe cnd o nvinuia pe Camilla Parker-Bowles pentru problemele din csnicia sa, n octombrie 1993, Diana i scria unei prietene c bnuia c soul ei era acum ndrgostit de Tiggy Legge-Bourke i vroia s se cstoreasc cu ea.[7] n 3 decembrie 1993, Diana i-a anunat retragerea din viaa public.[8] [modificare]Divorul n decembrie 1995, Regina a fost de acord cu "un divor rapid" al cuplului Charles i Diana.[9] Acest lucru s-a ntmplat la scurt timp dup acuzaia, susinut de Diana, c Tiggy Legge-Bourke avortase copilul lui Charles, dndu-i motiv lui Tiggy s l ndemne pe

Peter Carter-Ruck s cear scuze n public.[9] Cu dou zile nainte ca tirea aceasta s apar, secretarul Dianei, Patrick Jephson, i-a dat demisia, afirmnd dup aceea c Diana a "triumfat acuznd-o pe Legge-Bourke c a avortat".[10] n 20 decembrie 1995, Buckingham Palace a anunat public c Regina le-a trimis scrisori lui Charles i Diana sftuindu-i s divoreze. Decizia Reginei a fost susinut de Primul Ministru i de seniorii din Consiliul de Coroan i, dup cum a anunat BBC, a fost luat dup dou sptmni de consftuiri.[11] Prinul Charles a fost imediat de acord cu aceast propunere. n februarie 1996, Diana a anunat c i ea este de acord. Divorul a fost finalizat n 28 august 1996.[8] Diana a primit suma de circa 17 milioane prin hotrre judectoreasc, mpreun cu un ordin legal care i interzicea s dea mai multe amnunte presei.[12] Cu cteva zile nainte de hotrrea definitiv de divor, Regina Elisabeta a II-a a Regatului Unit a scris scrisori de brevetare a unor reguli generale pentru a stabili titlurile celor care s-au cstorit cu un membru al Familiei Regale, dup divor. Potrivit acestor reguli, deoarece nu mai era cstorit cu Prinul Charles de Wales i asfel a ncetat s mai fie un membru al Familiei Regale prin cstorie, Diana i-a pierdut titlul de Altea Sa Regal i a fost numit numai Diana, Prines de Wales. La Palatul Buckingham s-a inut o conferin de pres n ziua n care a fost luat hotrrea definitiv de divor, anunnd schimbarea de titlu a Dianei. De la Palatul Buckingham s-a anunat c Diana era totui n mod oficial membr a Familiei Regale, fiind mama celui de al doilea i celui de al treilea pretendent, n ordinea succesiunii, la tron. Acest lucru a fost confirmat de reprezentanta Reginei, Baroana ButlerSloss, care dup o pre-audiere, n 8 ianuarie 2007, a susinut c: "Sunt mulumit c dup moarte, Diana, Prines de Wales a continuat s fie considerat membr a Familiei Regale."[13] Se pare c acest lucru a fost confirmat n recenzia juridic a naltei Curi asupra chestiunii Al Fayed & Ors contra Butler-Sloss.[14] n cazul acela, trei judectori ai naltei Curi au acceptat dovezile c "tocmai numele de Reprezentnt al Familiei Regale presupunea parialitate n contextul anchetei asupra morii a doi oameni, dintre care unul era membru al Familiei Regale, iar cellalt nu era."[14] [modificare]Viaa personal dup divor Dup divo, Diana a pstrat apartmentul din Palatul Kensington, complet redecorat i aceea a fost casa ei pn cnd a murit. Ea a ieit cu un cardiolog foarte respectat din Pakistan, pe nume Hasnat Khan, care a fost numit "dragostea vieii ei", [15] timp de aproape doi ani, nainte de ncheierea relaiei, de ctre Khan, datorit unor deosebiri culturale. [16][17] Curnd dup aceea, a nceput o relaie cu Dodi Al-Fayed. Aceste amnunte au fost confirmate de martorii anchetei din Noiembrie/Decembrie 2007. Dup divor, Diana a muncit n special pentru Crucea Roie i a dus o campanie asidu pentru a cura lumea de mine terestre. Munca ei a avut un caracter umanitar mai degrab dect politic. Ea i-a urmat interesele n filantropie, muzic, mod i cltorii dei avea totui nevoie de acordul regal pentru a-i lua copiii cu ea n vacan sau pentru a

reprezenta Marea Britanie n afara granielor. Fr a avea o cas de vacan sau unde s i petreac sfritul de sptmn, Diana i-a petrecut majoritatea timpului n Londra, adeseori fr fiii si, care erau fie cu Prinul Charles, fie la internat.

Prinul William de Wales, cel mai mare fiu al Prinului Charles i al Dianei

Prinul Henry de Wales, cel mai tnr fiu al Prinului Charles i al Dianei [modificare]Munca de caritate ncepnd cu mijlocul i pn la sfritul anilor 80, Prinesa de Wales a devenit foarte cunoscut pentru susinerea pe care o acorda mai multor proiecte caritabile. Acest lucru reieea n mod natural din rolul ei de Prines de Wales toi se ateptau ca ea s viziteze spitale i s aline suferina celor bolnavi i prin aceasta, i asuma patronajul mai multor of organizaii caritabile i se interesa de anumite boli i de chestiuni n legtur cu sntatea. Diana era o susintoare a Campaniei Internaionale pentru Interzicerea Minelor Terestre, campanie care a ctigat premiul Nobel pentru Pace n 1997. [18] [modificare]Vigilena n ceea ce privete SIDA n aprilie 1987, Prinesa de Wales a fost una dintre primele celebriti marcante care a fost fotografiat atingnd o persoan infectat cu HIV n sediul organizaiei 'lanul speranei'. Contribuia ei la schimbarea opiniei publice n privina bolnavilor deSIDA a fost rezumat n decembrie 2001 de Bill Clinton la 'Conferina despre SIDA, n amintirea Dianei, Prines de Wales': "n 1987, cnd att de muli nc mai credeau c SIDA se poate transmite prin atingere, Prinesa Diana a ezut pe patul unui bolnav de SIDA i l-a inut de mn.

Ea a artat lumii ntregi c bolnavii de SIDA nu merit izolare, ci compasiune i buntate. Lucrul acesta a ajutat la schimbarea opiniei ntregii lumi i le-a adus sperane bolnavilor de SIDA." Bill Clinton [modificare]Minele terestre n ianuarie 1997, fotografii cu Prinesa fcnd turul unui teren minat din Angola purtnd o casc de protecie i o hain de protecie au fost rspndite n lumea ntreag. n timpul acelei campanii, civa au acuzat-o pe Prines de amestec n politic i au declarat c ea se 'manifesta prea liber'[19] n august 1997, cu cteva zile nainte de moarte, ea a vizitat Bosnia alturi de organizaiaSupravieuitorii Minelor Terestre. Interesul ei pentru minele terestre era centrat pe rnile provocate de ele, adeseori avnd ca victime copiii, la mult timp dup ce s-a ncheiat conflictul n care au fost minele terestre folosite. Se crede c ea a influenat semnarea, dei numai dup moarte, a Tratatului de la Ottawa, care a creat o interzicere internaional asupra folosirii minelor anti-persoan.[20] n introducerea sa, la Cea de-a Doua Lectur a Legii Contra Minelor de Teren din 1998 n Camera Britanic a Comunelor, Secretarul nsrcinat cu Afacerile Externe, Robin Cook, a adus un tribut muncii depuse de Diana n ceea ce privete minele de teren: Toi distinii deputai vor lua n considerare, din corespondena lor, imensa contribuie adus de Diana, Prines de Wales, la ntiinarea multor membrii n privina daunelor i victimelor pe care minele de teren le fac. Cel mai bun mod al nostru de exprimare a aprecierii muncii sale i a muncii organizaiilor nonguvernamentale, care au dus campanii contra minelor de teren, este s aprobm Legea i s pavm drumul spre o interzicere mondial a minelor terestre.[21]

Robin Cook Naiunile Unite au fcut apel la naiunile care produceau i aveau depozite numeroase de mine terestre (China, India, Corea de Nord, Pakistan, Rusia iStatele Unite ale Americii) s semneze Tratatul de la Ottawa, care interzice producerea i folosirea minelor, ceea ce a urmrit Diana n campaniile sale. Carol Bellamy, Director Executiv al Fondului pentru ajutorarea Copiilor din cadrul Naiunilor Unite (UNICEF), a precizat c minele de teren au rmas "o atracie mortal pentru copii, a cror curiozitate nnscut i dorin de joac le pun vieile n pericol".[22] [modificare]Moartea La 30 august, Diana i Dodi au zburat din Sardinia spre Paris. Diana inteniona s se ntoarc la Palatul Kensington n dimineaa urmtoare, dup ce va petrece o noapte la vila lui Dodi din Paris. n acea sear, Diana i Dodi au luat cina la restaurantul hotelului Ritz din Paris, aflat n proprietatea tatlui lui Dodi ncepnd cu anul 1979. Fotografii de senzaie au aprut i ei. Spre finalul cinei, Dodi i-a spus oferului s duc maina napoi la vila sa, ntr-o ncercare de a-i atrage pe fotografi. Henri Paul, gard personal la hotelul Ritz urma

s fie noul ofer. Acesta a fost de acord cu aceast nsrcinare, dei buse i luase i anti-depresive, care nu trebuie amestecate cu alcool.

Intrarea n tunelul Pont d'Alma, locul accidentului fatal n 31 august 1997, Diana a murit ntr-un accident de main n tunelul stradal numit Pont de l'Alma din Paris, mpreun cu Dodi Al-Fayed i cu eful securitii de la Hotelul Ritz din Paris, Henri Paul, care avusese misiunea de a conduce maina Mercedes-Benz nchiriat, prin Paris, pentru a se feri de paparazzi.[23] Maina lor Mercedes-Benz W140|MercedesBenz S280 neagr din 1994 s-a ciocnit de al treisprezecelea stlp al tunelului. Tunelul cu dou benzi era construit fr bariere metalice n faa stlpilor. Niciunul dintre cei patru ocupani nu avea centura de siguran.[N 1] [N 2] n timp ce se deplasau prin ora, erau urmrii ndeaproape de paparazzi pe motociclete. La Place de la Concorde, Henri Paul a apsat pedala de acceleraie pentru a scpa de pres. Cnd au ajuns la un tunel ce trecea pe sub Pont de l'Alma, oferul conducea la o viteza estimat la 200 km/h, ntr-o zon cu viteza restricionat la 50 km/h. Paul a pierdut controlul mainii n momentul n care au intrat n tunel, iar Mercedesul a ricoat ntr-un zid i s-a zdrobit literalmente de pilonii care susineau partea superioar a tunelului.

Lady Di la deschiderea unui centru comunitar, Bristol, mai 1987 Diana, nc n via, ns cu rni grave la nivelul pieptului, a fost dus la spitalul Hpital de la Salptrire, unde a avut un stop cardiac la cteva minute dup ce a fost adus. Chirurgii nu au reuit s o resusciteze, iar la ora 3 dimineaa i-a fost stabilit decesul. Diana era n vrst de 36 de ani. Jurnalitii, care urmriser maina, au sosit la pasajul subteran Alma n etape diferite. Serge Arnal, Christian Martinez i Stphane Darmon au ajuns primii, urmai rapid de Serge Benhamou. nregistrrile oferite de operatorii telefonie mobil Itinris i SFR Serge Arnal susineau c el a ncercat s sune serviciul de urgen. Filmul luat din aparatele de fotografiat ale lui Christian Martinez i Serge Arnal au dovedit c ei fceau fotografii mainii i / sau pasagerilor aproape imediat dup sosirea lor acolo nu era nicio ambulan prin apropiere n fotografiile lor. Analizele sngelui au dovedit c Henri Paul era n stare de ebrietate mult peste limita admis n timp ce conducea. El a condus cu vitez mare pentru a scpa de jurnalitii care i urmreau. Testele fcute au dovedit c el consumase o cantitate de alcool de trei ori peste limita admis n Frana. Garda personal a lui Fayed, Trevor Rees-Jones, care era pe locul din dreapta n fa, a fost cel mai aproape de punctul de impact i totui a fost singurul supravieuitor al accidentului. Henri Paul i Dodi Fayed au murit pe loc, iar Diana fr centur pe locul din spate - a alunecat nainte n timpul impactului i, fiind aruncat cu putere n interiorul mainii, en violently thrown around the interior, "a ajuns" sub scaunul din faa ei, avnd rni grave n zona inimii i hemoragie intern.[26] Ea a fost n cele din urm, dup destul de mult timp, transportat cu ambulana la Spitalul PitiSalptrire, fcnd de dou ori stop cardiac pe drum.[26] n ciuda multor ncercri de resuscitare, incluznd masaj cardiac intern, ea a decedat la ora 4 a.m. ora local. [27] nmormntarea ei, n 6 septembrie 1997 a fost difuzat la tv i urmrit de aproximativ 2.5 miliarde n lumea ntreag.[28]

O anchet juridic francez, timp de optsprezece luni, a dus la concluzia, n 1999, c accidentul n care a murit Diana a fost cauzat de Paul, care a pierdut controlul asupra mainii i a condus cu vitez mare fiind n stare de ebrietate.[29] ncepnd cu februarie 1999, tatl lui Dodi, Mohamed Al-Fayed (proprietarul Hotelului Ritz din Paris, pentru care muncea Paul) a pretins c accidentul a fost rezultatul unei conspiraii,[30] i de atunci a susinut c accidentul a fost organizat de Serviciile Secrete urmnd instruciunile Prinului Philip, Ducele de Edinburgh.[31] Preteniile lui Fayed c accidentul a fost rezultatul unei conspiraii au fost respinse de o investigaie juridic francez,[29] i de Operaiunea Paget, precum i de cercetrile Poliiei Metropolitane care s-au ncheiat n 2006.[32] O anchet condus de judectorul Scott Baker asupra circumstanelor morii Dianei i a lui Dodi Fayed a nceput la Curtea Regal de Justiie, la Londra, n 2 octombrie 2007 i a continuat ancheta nceput n 2004.[33] Un juriu a decis n 7 aprilie 2008 c Diana a fost ucis din cauza modului negligent de a conduce al oferului Henri Paul i din cauza fotografilor. n ziua urmtoare, dl. Fayed a anunat c i ncheie campania pe care a susinut-o timp de 10 ani, pentru linitea copiilor Prinesei de Wales decedate. Moartea tragic a prinesei Diana a provocat o rbufnire de sentimente naionale din partea britanicilor, nemaivzut de la srbtorirea finalului celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial. Persoane ndoliate au adus peste dou milioane de buchete de flori la palatele regale i au stat la coad peste 12 ore pentru a se semna n cartea de condoleane. Peste 3.500 de linii telefonice au fost deschise pentru donaii ntr-un fond comemorativ, iar ntrun an, fundaia caritabil constituit n memoria prinesei Diana a adunat 133 de milioane de dolari, din care 48 de milioane de dolari au provenit din vnzarea discului lui Elton JohnCandle in the Wind 1997 i 20 de milioane de dolari, din vnzarea unor suveniruri oficiale cu prinesa de Wales. Dup ce a fost criticat pentru c nu a mprtit durerea poporului britanic, familia regal a organizat nmormntarea Dianei la catedrala Westminster n 6 septembrie. Sicriul Dianei a fost dus de la palatul Kensington Palace pn la Westminster Abbey ntr-o caleac tras de cai. Aproximativ 1 milion de oameni au condus-o pe prines pe ultimul su drum. Fiii Dianei, William, n vrst de 15 ani i Harry, n vrst de 12 ani, nsoii de tatl lor, prinul Charles, de bunicul lor, prinul Philip i de unchiul lor Charles, contele Spencer, au dus sicriul n ultima parte a ceremoniei. Dup ceremonie, trupul nensufleit al Dianei a fost dus ntr-un dric la vechea moie a familiei sale, situat n apropiere de Althorp. ntr-o ceremonie privat, ea a fost ngropat pe o insuli, umbrit de arbori, situat n mijlocul unui mic lac i aflat la adpost de aparatele de fotografiat.

[modificare]Omagiile, nmormntarea i ngroparea

Procesiunea funerar trecnd prin Parcul St. James, Londra. Funeraliile Dianei au avut loc n Westminster Abbey pe 6 septembrie 1997. Cu o zi nainte, dup o absen lung de o sptmn din faa publicului, Regina Elisabeta a II-a i-a adus omagiile fostei sale nore ntr-o transmisiune televizat (transmisiunea a avut un public de peste 2.5 miliarde de oameni din intreaga lume): "Din momentul n care groaznica veste a ajuns la noi, duminica trecut, am vzut, n toat Anglia i n lume, expresia unei copleitoare tristei pentru moartea Dianei. Am ncercat cu toii, in diferite moduri, s facem fa acestui fapt. Nu a fost uor s ne exprimm sentimentul pierderii, deoarece ocul iniial este adesea urmat de un amestec de alte sentimente: nencredere, nenelegere, nemulumire - i grij pentru cei care rmn. Am fost cu toii emoionai n ultimele zile. Astfel, ceea ce v spun acum, ca regin i ca bunic, v spun din inim. Mai nti, vreau s aduc omagii Dianei. A fost o persoan excepional i nzestrat cu multe caliti. n vremuri bune sau rele, ea nu i-a pierdut niciodat capacitatea de a zmbi i de a rde, nici de a-i inspira pe ceilali cu buntatea i cldura ei. Am admirat-o i am respectat-o - pentru energia i imlicarea ei n ajutarea altora, n special pentru devotamentul ei pentru cei doi fii ai si. n aceast sptmn, la Balmoral, am ncercat cu toii s i ajutm pe William i Harry s accepte pierderea devastatoare pe care au suferit-o. Niciunul dintre cei care au cunoscut-o pe Diana nu o va uita. Milioane de oameni care nu au cunoscut-o, dar simt c o cunosc, i vor aminti de ea. Eu cred c se pot nva multe lecii din viaa ei i din reacia extraordinar i

emoionant a oamenilor la moartea ei. Cred, la fel ca dumneavoastr, c amintirea ei trebuie pstrat cu drag. Aceasta este o ocazie pentru mine, n numele familiei, n special n numele Prinului Charles, a lui William i Harry, s v mulumesc tuturor celor care ai adus flori, ai trimis mesaje i ai adus omagii acestei persoane remarcabile. Aceste dovezi de buntate au fost o surs nesecat de ajutor i alinare. Gndurile noastre sunt alturi de familia Dianei i de familiile celor care au murit n acelai accident. tiu c i ei au fost nevoii s gseasc for, dup cele ntmplate, de la sfritul sptmnii trecute i pn astzi, ncercnd s i vindece durerea i apoi s nfrunte viitorul n lipsa unei persoane dragi. Sper c mine vom reui cu toii, oriunde am fi, s ne exprimm mhnirea cauzat de pierderea Dianei i recunotina pentru viaa ei mult prea scurt. Este o ans de a arta lumii ntregi Marea Britanie, ca naiune unit n mhnire i consideraie. Fie ca cei care au murit s se odihneasc n pace, i fie ca noi, fiecare dintre noi, s i mulumim lui Dumnezeu pentru o persoan care i-a fcut fericii pe muli, muli alii."[34] Moartea neateptat i surprinztoare a unei persoane regale foarte populare a adus declaraii numeroase din partea unor persoane publice vrstnice din lumea ntreag i multe omagii din partea membrilor publicului. Ca reacie la vestea morii prinesei, oamenii au depus ofrande publice de flori, lumnri, cri potale i mesaje personale. Pn n 10 septembrie, grmada de flori de lng Grdina Kensington era nalt de 1,52 metri n anumite locuri i stratul de la baz ncepuse s se descompun.[35] n aceeai zi, Fabio Piras, un turist din Sardinia, a fost condamnat la o sptmn de nchisoare pentru c a luat un ursule pe care l lsase un membru al publicului printre florile de la Palatul St. James ca ofrand adus Dianei (aceast condamnare a fost redus la o amend de 100 , reducere care a dus la lovirea lui, primind un pumn de la un membru al publicului, cnd prsea tribunalul.)[36] n ziua urmtoare, Maria Rigociova, o profesoar de gimnaziu n vrst de 54 de ani, i Agnesa Sihelska, tehnician n comunicaii, n vrst de 50 de ani, au primit fiecare cte o condamnare de 28 de zile nchisoare pentru c au luat unsprezece ursulei i mai multe flori din grmada care se afla n faa Palatului St. James' Palace, n conformitate cu tradiiile funerare slovace.[37] Aceasta a fost, de asemenea, mai trziu redus la o amend (de 200 fiecare) dup ce ele au petrecut dou nopi la nchisoare. Reacia publicului la moartea Dianei a fost criticat la vremea aceea ca fiind "isteric", "naiv" i "iraional",[38] critici care s-au repetat la cea de-a zecea aniversare, cnd

Jonathan Freedland i-a exprimat opinia c "A ajuns o amintire stnjenitoare, ca o propoziie insipid, plin de mil fa de sine, a unui adolescent ntr-un jurnal... ne plecm adnc dac ne gndim la ea."[38] nmormntarea Dianei a fost o revrsare universal de mhnire la moartea ei.[39] La nmormntare au participat toi membrii familiei regale. Fiii ei, William i Harry, au mers n urma cosciugului mpreun cu tatl lor, Prinul Charles, bunicul lor, Prinul Philip i fratele Dianei, Earl Spencer. n timpul serviciului, Elton John a cntat o nou versiune a melodiei "Candle In The Wind 1997", lagrul su de succes dedicat iniial Marilynei Monroe. Titlul versiunii refcute a melodiei a fost schimbat n "Lumnare n btaia vntului 1997" i textul se refer la Diana. nmormntarea a avut loc n particular, mai trziu n aceeai zi. Prinul de Wales, fiii Dianei, mama ei, fraii i surorile, o prieten apropiat i un preot au fost prezeni. Corpul Dianei era mbrcat cu o rochie neagr, cu mneci lungi, rochie creat de Catherine Walker, pe care a ales-o n urm cu cteva sptmni. Un irag de mrgele pentru mtnii a fost aezat n minile ei, cadou primit de la Maica Tereza, care a murit n aceeai sptmn cu Diana. Mormntul ei este pe o insul n cadrul teritoriului Parcului Althorp, unde se afl cminul familiei Spencer.[40] Planul iniial era ca Diana s fie ngropat n cavoul familiei Spencer la biserica local de lng Great Brington, ns fratele ei mai mic, Charles Spencer, al IX lea Conte Spencer, a spus c era ngrijorat n privina siguranei publice, a proteciei i a atacurilor violente ale vizitatorilor care ar coplei Great Brington. El a decis c dorea ca mormntul surorii sale mai mari s se afle undeva n siguran, unde s fie ngrijit i unde s poat fi uor vizitat de fiii ei i de alte rude. Insula este situat pe un lac ornamental cunoscut ca Ovalul Rotund din cadrul Grdinilor Althorp Park. O potec mrginit de treizeci i ase de stejari, marcnd fiecare an al vieii ei, duce la Oval. Patru lebede negre noat pe lac. Pe ap plutesc nuferi, care, alturi de trandafirii albi, erau florile preferate ale Dianei. La marginea de sud a Ovalului rotund se afl Casa de var, care a fost anterior situat n grdinile Casei Admiralitii, Londra, iar acum adaptat pentru a servi ca loc memorial pentru Diana.[41] Un vechi parc dendrologic se afl n apropiere, coninnd copaci plantai de Prinul William de Wales i Prinul Henry de Wales, precum i de ali membrii ai familiei i chiar de nsi Diana. [modificare]Monumente comemorative

Primul dintre cele dou monumente comemorative pentru Diana, Prines de Wales, i Dodi Al-Fayed la Harrods.

Victime nevinovate, al doilea monument comemorativ la Harrods. Imediat dup moartea ei, multe locuri din lumea ntreag au devenit pentru scurt timp i instantaneu locuri memoriale pentru Diana, unde publicul lsa flori i alte ofrande. Cel mai mare astfel de loc era la porile palatului Kensington. Printre locurile memoriale permanente au fost: Grdina memorial pentru Diana, Prines de Wales din Grdinile Regent Centre, Kirkintilloch Fntna Memorial pentru Diana, Prines de Wales din Hyde Park, Londra|Hyde Park, Londra inaugurat de Regina Elisabeta a II-a. Locul de Joac Memorial pentru Diana, Prines de Wales din Grdinile Kensington, Londra. Parcul Memorial Diana, Prines de Wales Memorial Walk]], o potec circular ntre Kensington Gardens,Green Park, Hyde Park i Parcul St James, Londra n plus, mai sunt dou monumente funerare n magazinul Harrods, care aparine tatlui lui Dodi Al-Fayed,Mohamed Al-Fayed, din Londra. Primul monument este constituit din fotografiile celor doi ndrtul unei piramide n care se afl paharul de vin ptat nc de ruj de la ultima cin a Dianei i un inel de 'logodn' pe care l-a cumprat Dodi cu o zi nainte de moartea lor.[42] Al doilea, dezvelit n 2005 i intitulat "Victime inocente", este o statuet de bronz statue a celor doi dansnd pe o plaj ocrotii de aripile unui albatros.[43]

[modificare]Suvenire Dup moartea Dianei, Fundaia Comemorativ a Dianei a primit drepturile la proprietatea intelectual asupra imaginii Prinesei.[44] n 1998, dup ce i s-a refuzat corporaiei Franklin Mint licena oficial pentru a produce mrfuri cu marca Dianei, fundaia a dat n judecat compania, acuznd-o c vinde ilegal ppui Diana, farfurii i bijuterii.[45] n California, unde a fost judecat cazul iniial, este posibil s fie susinut un proces care s urmreasc pstrarea dreptului la publicitate n numele unei persoane decedate, ns numai dac persoana aceea este din California. De aceea, Fundaia Memorial Fund a intentat proces n numele statului i dup ce au pierdut li s-a cerut s plteasc corporaiei Franklin Mint penaliti n valoare de 3 milioane , care, n combinaie cu alte taxe, au fcut ca Fundaia Memorial s opreasc toate donaiile ctre societile caritabile.[46] n 2003, Corporaia Franklin Mint i-a dat n judecat dret contra-atac; cazul a fost finalizat n cele din urm n 2004, cnd fundaia a acceptat o nelegere fcut n afara slii de judecat, cu o sum care a fost donat unor cauze caritabile cu care au fost de acord ambele pri implicate.[47] Acum, ca urmare a acest proces, dou companii din California continu s vnd suveniruri cu Diana fr a avea nevoie de permisiunea motenitorilor Dianei: Franklin Mint i Princess Ring LLC. [modificare]Diana n arta contemporan

Imagini ale prinesei Diana pe o coli potal din Republica Moldova Diana a fost reprezentat de multe ori n arta contemporan de la moarte pn acum. n iulie 1999, artista britanic Tracey Emin, fiind faimoas pentru Premiul Turnerprimit, a creat cteva desene de gen monotip inspirate din viaa public i particular a Dianei pentru o expoziie cu lucrri numit Templul Dianei, care a avut loc la Galeria Albastr

din Londra. Lucrri ca Ei vroiau ca tu s fii distrus(1999)[48] fceau referire la bulimia Dianei, dereglarea digestiei, pe cnd alte desene monotipe includeau texte pline de afeciune cum sunt Dragostea era de partea ta i o descriere a rochiei cu mneci bufante purtat de Diana. Alte desene evideniau Lucrurile pe care le-ai fcut pentru a-i ajuta pe ceilali, scris alturi de un portret al Dianei fcut de Emin, Prinesa de Wales fiind mbrcat n haine de protecie mergnd pe un teren minat n Angola. O alt lucrare era o schi delicat a unui trandafir desenat alturi de fraza E foarte posibil s credem c te-au ucis (cu semnul distinctiv al lui Emin, adic greeli de ortografie) referindu-se la teoriile asupra conspiraiilor care s-au fcut n privina morii Dianei. nsi Emin i-a descris desenele spunnd c "pot fi considerate ca fiind desene alctuite din rmie, proaspete i prnd cam naive" i "Este cam dificil pentru mine s nu desenez despre mine, ci pe altcineva. Dar am avut o mulime de idei. Cred c sunt chiar sentimentale i nu au deloc cinism."[49] Artista britanic Stella Vine a provocat o controvers public n 2004 cnd Charles Saatchi a cumprat Salut, Paul, poi veni aici, mi-e foarte fric (2003), un tablou fcut de ea Dianei, Prinesa de Wales. Titlul lucrrii provine de la textul scris cu litere mari i roii, de la un capt la cellalt al pnzei, o aluzie la majordomul Dianei, Paul Burrell. Vine a pictat 30 de tablouri cu Diana, fiind fascinat de teoriile asupra conspiraiei n accidentul tragic al Prinesei pe care le-a citit pe Internet.[50] Vine a distrus multe dintre aceste tablouri la scurt timp dup ce le-a creat.[51] Ea le-a pus ntr-un vagonet pentru c nu avea destul spaiu pentru a le usca sau a depozita picturile umede. Singurul tablou pe care l-a pstrat a fost mai trziu adugat coleciei lui Saatchi.[50] Vine a spus c era suprat c unor oameni, inclusiv rudelor ei, nu le plcea imaginea pe care o contura ea pentru Diana, cci ea credea c nu era o imagine lipsit de respect, ci de fact un autoportret la fel de mult ca i o descriere a Dianei: "Tabloul nfieaz de fapt dou femei. Una care locuia n Kensington Palace. i cealalt care locuiete pe strada Whitecross. "M uit la tablou," spune Vine, "i m vd i pe mine.""[50] n 2005, un nou tablou cu Diana, semnat de Vine, Ucis, nsrcinat i mblsmat (2005), a fost cumprat de George Michael cu 25,000 , informa ziarul The Sun care condamna tabloul pentru c era "macabru".[52] n 2005 artistul uruguayan Martin Sastre a prezentat n premier, n timpul Bienalei de la Veneia filmul Diana: Conspiraia Trandafirului, o oper de ficiune care ncepe n ziua n care lumea descoper c Lady Di este vie, bucurndu-se de o nou via fericit ntr-un orel brazilian srac i periculos aflat la periferia oraului Montevideo, Uruguay. Filmul a fost filmat ntr-un cartier srac uruguayan cu o Lady Di imitatoare din Sao Paulo, Brazilia i a fost ales printre cele mai bune lucrri de la Bienala Veneian de ctre Asociaia Italian a Criticilor de Art. [53] n 2007, Vine a fcut o nou serie de tablouri cu Diana pentru prima ei expoziie la galeria de Art Modern de la Oxford.[54] Vine a spus c sper c noile tablouri vor evidenia fora i vulnerabilitatea Dianei, ca relaia ei strns cu cei doi fii, Prinul William de Wales i Prinul Henry de Wales.[51] Noile tablouri includeau Diana ramificaii (2007), Diana picnic n familie (2007), Diana vl (2007) i Diana crucior (pentru copii) (2007) care includea sloganul Fac legmnt cu tine, ara mea.[55] n septembrie 2007, Immodesty Blaize

a spus c a fost fermecat de tabloul de Vine numit Diana accident (2007) de la Galeria de Art Modern de la Oxford considerndu-l "pe rnd nfiortor, uimitor i amuzant".[56] Vine a spus n 2007 c a fost ntotdeauna atras de "frumuseea i tragedia vieii Dianei".[51] [modificare]Evenimente recente n 13 iulie 2006 revista italian Chi a publicat fotografii n care prinesei i se aeza masca de oxigen n maina distrus n accident,[57] n ciuda opririi publicrii acestor fotografii. [58] Fotografiile au fost fcute la cteva minute dup accident i o nfieaz prbuit pe scaunul din spate n timp ce un asistent ncerca s i fixeze o masc de oxigen pe fa. Editorul de la Chi i-a aprat decizia spunnd c a publicat fotografiile pentru simplul motiv c nu mai fuseser vzute pn atunci i c a crezut c imaginile nu dovedesc lips de respect pentru comemorarea Prinesei.[58] O nou controvers a pornit din cauza apariiei fotografiilor cnd au fost difuzate ntr-un documentar, pe Canalul 4, n iunie 2007. La 1 iulie 2007 a avut loc un concert organizat de cei doi fii ai ei, cu ocazia aniversrii a 46 de ani de la naterea ei. Concertul a avut loc pe Stadionul Wembley i a prezentat multe nume celebre pe scen. Filmul documentar din 2007, cu titlul Diana: Conspiraia trandafirului (film) ne ofer detalii ale ultimelor luni ale vieii ei. ntr-un episod din octombrie 2007 a serialului de televiziune Rzboiul grupului Chaser cu orice, Andrew Hansen a maimurit-o pe Diana n "Cntec de laud", care a creat imediat o controvers n mass-media australian.[59] [modificare]Teorii asupra unei conspiraii mprejurrile morii Dianei au fost subiectul unor numeroase teorii conspirative, unele fiind perpetuate de Mohamed Al-Fayed, al crui fiu, Dodi Al-Fayed, a murit n acel accident. Fayed a afirmat c accidentul a fost organizat de MI6 ndemnul Prinulul Filip, Ducele de Edinburgh.[31] Fayed a acuzat serviciile secrete britanice i franceze, poliia i serviciile medicale, Henri Paul, Tony Blair, Robin Cook, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, Rosa Monckton, Charles, Prin de Wales, John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, Paul Condon, Baron Condon|Lord Condon, Victor Mishcon, Baronul Mishcon|Lordul Mishcon, Robert Fellowes, Baron Fellowes|Lord Fellowes, Michael Jay, Baron Jay de Ewelme|Sir Michael Jay, i ziarele Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, The Daily Telegraph i Sunday Telegraph de implicare n acoperirea sau participarea la uciderea ei.[60] n 2006 rezultatele unei anchete, convocat de Lord Stevens, fost comisar al Poliiei Metropolitane, Operaiunea Paget, au fost publicate i au fost respinse toate afirmaiile conspiraiei pentru c erau nefundate. La 2 octombrie 2007, a nceput o anchet privind moartea ei, anchet ce urma s dureze cel puin ase luni. n concluziile sale din cadrul acestei anchete, legistul a declarat: Teoria conspiraiei promovat de Mohamed Al Fayed a fost examin amnunit, i s-a demonstrat c este fr substan.[61] Juriul a hotrt la 7 aprilie 2008 c moartea Dianei a fost cauzat de maniera neglijent de conducere a oferului Henri Paul i a fotografilor paparazzi.[62]

[modificare]Opiniile contemporanilor

John Travolta i Diana dansnd la Casa Alb O prezen iconic n viaa public, Diana a fost remarcat pentru compasiunea ei[63] stilul, farmecul personal i munca de caritate, dar i pentru faptul c a avut o csnicie nefericit alturi de Prinul Charles. Din vremea logodnei sale cu Prinul Charles de Wales, din 1981, pn dup moartea ei ntr-un accident de main n 1997, Diana a fost una dintre cele mai cunoscute femei din lume o celebritate proeminent a generaiei sale. n timpul vieii sale, ea a fost adesea descris ca fiind cea mai des fotografiat femeie din lume. Un biograf a sugerat c Diana suferea probabil de tulburri de personalitate.[64] Diana a recunoscut c se lupta cu deprimarea i cu tulburri ale digestiei (bulimia), care s-au repetat de-a lungul vieii ei de adult. Biografa regal Sarah Bradford a spus: "Singura vindecare pentru suferina ei (a Dianei) ar fi fost dragostea Prinului de Wales pe care i-a dorit-o cu att de mult pasiune, dar care i-a fost mereu negat. El a fost cel care a refuzat-o; modul n care el a discreditat-o n mod constant a dus-o la disperare."[65] Diana nsi a spus: "Soul meu m fcea s simt c nu eram deloc la nlimea ateptrilor i de fiecare dat cnd simeam c prind puin curaj, el m descuraja iari..."[65] [modificare]Titluri, onoruri, i blazoane [modificare]Titluri i stiluri Distinsa Diana Frances Spencer, 1 July 1961 9 June 1975 Lady Diana Frances Spencer, 9 June 1975 29 July 1981 Altea Sa Regal Prinesa de Wales, 29 July 1981 28 August 1996 Diana, Prinesa de Wales, 28 August 1996 31 August 1997

Postum, la fel ca i n timpul vieii sale, toi o numeau "Prinesa Diana", titlu pe care ea nu l-a pstrat.[66] Totui, ea a fost uneori numit (conform cu tradiia n privina folosirii numelor de domnioar dup moarte) n mass-media "Lady Diana Spencer", sau doar "Lady Di". Dup faimosul discurs al lui Tony Blair ea a fost numit i Prinesa poporului.[67] Titlul complet al Dianei, cnd era cstorit, era Altea sa regal prinesa consoarta lui Charles Philip Arthur George, prines de Wales i contes de Chester, duces de

Cornwall, duces de Rothesay, contes de Carrick, baroan de Renfrew, Lady a Insulelor, prines de Scoia.[68] [modificare]Onoruri Onoruri britanice Linia de succesiune la tronul britanic a Reginei Elisabeta a II-a

Onoruri din strintate nalt Ofier, Ordinul Coroanei (Olanda)

[modificare]Blazoane Format:Infobox COA wide [modificare]Motenirea lsat de Diana

Un mesaj de comptimire la Piccadilly Circus dup moartea ei (cuvntul 'memoriam' fiind scris incorect "memorium"). Interesul Dianei n susinerea i ajutarea tinerilor a dus la constituirea Premiului in memoria Dianei, acordat tinerilor care au dovedit devotament altruist i angajament n cauzele susinute de prines. n 2002, Diana a ocupat locul al III-lea n sondajul opiniei publice 100 dintre cei mai mari britanici, fiind naintea reginei Regina Elisabeta aII-a i a altor monarhi britanici. n 29 August 2007 fotograful peruvian Mario Testino a anunat c pe 20 noiembrie el va organiza o licitaie pentru fotografia Dianei n beneficiul victimelor cutremurului din Peru (la Londra de Phillips de Pury & Co). Fotografia a aprut n ediia din 1997 a revistei Vanity Fair i o nfieaz pe Diana purtnd o rochie neagr.[69] Terenul de joac n memoria Dianei, Prinesa de Wales a fost construit n grdina Kensington i a costat 1.7 million .[70] Aleea Dianei, Prinesa de Wales a fost dedicat amintirii Dianei, Prinesa de Wales, ntinzndu-se de la Kensington Gardens, Green Park, Hyde Park pn n parcul St James.

n 6 iulie 2004, regina Elisabeta a II-a a inaugurat oficial Fntna n memoria Dianei, Prines de Wales. Este situat n colul de sud-vest al parcului Hyde din Londra. n 1999 Premiul n memoria Dianei, Prines de Wales pentru tineri inspirai a fost fondat. [modificare]Arbore genealogic

16. Frederick Spencer, al IV-lea Conte Spencer

8. Charles Spencer, al VI-lea Conte Spencer

17. Adelaide Seymour

4. Albert Spencer, al VII-lea Conte Spencer 18. Edward Baring, Baron Revelstoke

9. Margaret Baring

19. Louisa Baring, Barones Revelstoke

2. Edward John Spencer, al VIII-lea Conte Spencer 20. James Hamilton, al II-lea Duce Abercorn

10. James Hamilton, al III-lea Duce Abercorn

21. Maria Hamilton, Duces de Abercorn

5. Cynthia Hamilton

22. Charles Bingham, al IV-lea Conte Lucan

11. Rosalind Bingham

23. Cecilia Bingham, Contes de Lucan 1. Diana, Prines de Wales 24. Edmond Roche, Baron Fermoy

12. James Roche, al III-lea Baron Fermoy

25. Eliza Caroline Boothby

6. Maurice Roche, al IV-lea Baron Fermoy

26. Franklin H. Work

13. Frances Work

27. Ellen Wood

3. Frances Burke Roche

28. Alexander Ogston Gill

14. William Smith Gill

29. Barbara Smith Marr

7. Ruth Gill

30. David Littlejohn

15. Ruth Littlejohn

31. Jane Crombie

[modificare]Vezi i Afacerea Burrell Concertul pentru Diana Fundaia Memorial Diana, Prines de Wales Squidgygate

coala cea nou de la West Heath (Monumentul funerar al d-lui Al-Fayed pentru Diana) Regina (2006 film) Stella Vine



^ Operation Paget Raportul, capitolul ase, pagina 421: "constatarea Operaiunii Paget este c niciuna dintre centurile de siguran nu era purtat n momentul impactului, inclusiv cea a lui Trevor Rees-Jones. Dup urmele gsite pe centura lui de siguran, sunt puine anse c ar fi avut intenia s i pun centura n momentul accidentului."[24] 2. ^ Trevor Rees-Jones, the sole survivor of the crash: "I think I've been told that I wasn't wearing a seat belt. I assume that's been misreported, that the airbag must have saved me on the initial impact, but then my face and chest hit the dashboard when the car was pushed around."[25]


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

^ a b As a titled royal, Diana held no surname, but, when one was used, it

was Mountbatten-Windsor ^ Lady Diana Spencer . Retrieved on 2008-11-22. ^ Bradford, Sarah (2007). Diana. Penguin Books. pp. 294. ISBN0143112465 ^ Bradford, 293 ^ *Dimbleby, Jonathan (1994). The Prince of Wales: A Biography. New York:

William Morrow and Company Inc., p.395 ^ *Dimbleby, Jonathan (1994). The Prince of Wales: A Biography. New York:

William Morrow and Company Inc., p.489 ^ Rosalind Ryan and agencies. Diana affair over before crash, inquest told

| World news | Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ a b BBC NEWS | UK | Timeline: Diana, Princess of Wales. Last Updated:. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ a b SPECIAL: PRINCESS DIANA, 1961-1997. Accesat la 2008-

10. 11. 12. 13.

^ Jephson, P.D. (2001). Shadows of a Princess: An Intimate Account by Her

Private Secretary. HarperCollins. ISBN 0380820463. Accesat la 2008-10-13 ^ BBC ON THIS DAY | 20 | 1995: 'Divorce': Queen to Charles and Diana. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Brown, Tina (2007). The Diana Chronicles. New York: Doubleday.

pp. 410. ISBN 978-0-385-51708-9 ^ Inquests into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Mr Dodi Al

Fayed: Decisions of 8 January 2007. Accesat la 2008-10-13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

^ a b High Court Judgment Template (PDF). Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC, 15 Dec 2007, Today programme ^ It's farewell from Diana's loyal lover | Mail Online.

Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Diana 'longed for' Muslim heart surgeon - Breaking News - World -

Breaking News. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ CNN - The 1997 Nobel Prizes. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC ON THIS DAY | 15 | 1997: Princess Diana sparks landmines row. Accesat la 2008-10-13.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

^ july10a. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ House of Commons Hansard Debates for 10 Jul 1998 (pt 1). Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ UNICEF - Press centre - Landmines pose gravest risk for children. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC NEWS | Programmes | Conspiracy Files | Timeline: How Diana

died. 14 December 2006. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ The Operation Paget inquiry report into the allegation of conspiracy to

murder (PDF). Metropolitan Police Authority. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Rees-Jones, Trevor; Johnston, Moira (2000). The Bodyguard's Story:

Diana, The Crash, And the Sole Survivor. Warner Books. ISBN0446527750 ^ a b CNN - Doctors: Diana's injuries impossible to survive - 31 August

1997. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Series of Real-Time Reports involving the tragic death of Diana,

Princess of Wales. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC ON THIS DAY | 6 | 1998: Diana's funeral watched by millions. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ a b Diana crash caused by chauffeur, says report.

Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC News | UK | Diana crash was a conspiracy - Al Fayed. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ a b BBC NEWS | UK | Point-by-point: Al Fayed's claims.

Last Updated:. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC NEWS | UK | Diana death a 'tragic accident'. Last

Updated:. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Inquests into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Mr Dodi Al

Fayed: FAQs. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Memorial Sites > Diana, Princess of Wales > The Queen's message. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ The Independent, 10 September 1997 (article not available online) ^ Punch in face for teddy bear thief. Accesat la 2008-10-


^ Women jailed for Abbey thefts | Independent, The (London) | Find

Articles at BNET. Accesat la 2008-10-13.

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

^ a b | Hysteria after Diana's death: A myth or reality?. 31

August 2007. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Memorial Sites > Diana, Princess of Wales. Accesat la

2008-10-13. ^ Diana Returns Home. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Althorp Park, Home of Princess Diana. Accesat la

2008-10-13. ^ Rick Steves. Rick Steves' Europe: Getting Up To Snuff In London. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ - Harrods unveils Diana, Dodi statue - 1 Sep 2005. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Rajan Datar (Last Updated:). BBC NEWS | Business | Diana's lost

millions. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BOND funding guide: Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news,

celebrity news, politics news - Telegraph. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC NEWS | UK | Diana's fund in legal settlement.

Last Updated:. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Work illustrated on page 21 of Neal Brown's book Tracey Emin (Tate's

Modern Artists Series) (London: Tate, 2006) ISBN 1854375423 ^ Video footage and interview with Emin from The Blue Gallery exhibition is

included in the 1999 documentary Mad Tracey From Margate ZCZ Films

50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

^ a b c Deveney, Catherine. "Stripped bare", Scotland on Sunday, 14 March

2004. Retrieved on 17 December 2008. ^ a b c Stella Vine's Latest Exhibition Modern Art Oxford, 14 July 2007.

Retrieved 7 January 2009. ^ Iggulden, Caroline. "George's sick Di portrait", The Sun, 30 August 2008.

Retrieved 8 December 2008. ^ Vdeo do artista Martn Sastre revive Lady Di em favela uruguaia -

24/08/2005 - Reuters - Entretenimento ^ "Stella Vine: Paintings", Modern Art Oxford. Retrieved 8 December 2008.

55. 56. 57.


^ Nairne, Andrew and Greer, Germaine. "Stella Vine: Paintings", Modern Art

Oxford, 2007. ^ Barnett, Laura. "Portrait of the artist: Immodesty Blaize, burlesque

dancer", The Guardian, 4 September 2007. Retrieved 16 December 2008. ^ Photos Of Dying Diana Outrage Britain, Italian Magazine Printed Photos

Of Princess At Crash Site In 1997 - CBS News. Accesat la 2008-10-

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

^ a b BBC NEWS | UK | Princes' 'sadness' at Diana photo.

Last Updated:. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Chaser's war on dead celebs angers relatives | PerthNow. 18 October 2007. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Hearing transcripts: 18 February 2008 - Morning session. Scottbaker- Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Hearing transcripts: 2 April 2008 Morning session. Scottbaker- Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ BBC NEWS | UK | Princess Diana unlawfully killed. 7

April 2008. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Bradford, 307-8 ^ Bedell Smith, Sally (1999). Diana in Search of Herself: Portrait of a

Troubled Princess. Times Books. ISBN 0812930533 ^ a b Bradford, 189 ^ Titlul "Prinesa Diana", dei a fost adeseori folosit de ctre public i

mass-media n timpul vieii sale, a fost ntotdeauna incorect. Cu puine excepii (ca Prinesa Alice, Duces de Gloucester) numai femeile nscute cu acest titlu (ca Prinesa Ana) l pot folosi naintea numelor de botez. Dup divorul din 1996, Diana a fost numit oficial Diana, Prinesa de Wales, pierznd titlul ASR

67. 68. 69. 70.

^ Last Updated: 2:21PM BST 29 Jul 2008. Tony coined the 'people's

princess' - Telegraph. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Robert III. The Prince of Wales - Titles. Accesat

la 2008-10-13. ^ Diana photo to be auctioned to help Peru's quake victims - International

Herald Tribune. Accesat la 2008-10-13. ^ Diana Memorial Playground. Accesat la 2008-10-13.


Anderson, Christopher (2001). Diana's Boys: William and Harry and the Mother they loved. United States: William Morrow; 1st ed edition. ISBN 9780688172046. Bradford, Sarah (2006). Diana. London: Penguin Group. ISBN 9780670916788. Brennan, Kristine (1998). Diana, princess of Wales. Philadelphia: Chelsea House. ISBN 0791047148. Brown, Tina (2007). The Diana Chronicles. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 9780385517089. Burrell, Paul (2003). A Royal Duty. United States: HarperCollins Entertainment. ISBN 9780007252633. Burrell, Paul (2007). The Way We Were: Remembering Diana. United States: HarperCollins Entertainment. ISBN 978-0061138959. Caradec'h, Jean-Michel (2006). Diana. L'enqute criminelle. France: Michel Lafon. ISBN 978-2749904795. Corby, Tom (1997). Diana, Princess of Wales: A Tribute. United States: Benford Books. ISBN 9781566495998. Davies, Jude (2001). Diana, A Cultural History: Gender, Race, Nation, and the People's Princess. Houndmills, Hampshire; New York, NY: Palgrave.ISBN 0333736885. OCLC 46565010. Denney, Colleen (2005). Representing Diana, Princess of Wales: Cultural Memory and Fairy Tales Revisited. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. ISBN 0838640230. OCLC 56490960. Dimbleby, Jonathan (1994). The Prince of Wales: A Biography. New York: William Morrow and Company Inc.. Edwards, Anne (2001). Ever After: Diana and the life she led. United States: St Martins Press. ISBN 9780312253141. OCLC 43867312. Rees-Jones, Trevor (2000). The Bodyguard's Story: Diana, the Crash, and the Sole Survivor. United States: Little, Brown. ISBN 9780316855082. Morton, Andrew (2004). Diana: In Pursuit of Love. United States: Michael O'Mara Books. ISBN 9781843170846. Morton, Andrew (1992). Diana Her True Story. United States: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 9780671793630. Taylor, John A. (2000). Diana, Self-Interest, and British National Identity. Westport, CN: Praeger. ISBN 027596826X. OCLC 42935749. Thomas, James (2002). Diana's Mourning: A People's History. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. ISBN 0708317537. OCLC 50099981. Turnock, Robert (2000). Interpreting Diana: Television Audiences and the Death of a Princess. London, UK: British Film Institute. ISBN 0851707882. OCLC 43819614.

Early life

TRH The Prince and Princess of Wales after the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of York Diana Spencer was born in the late afternoon on 1 July 1961, in Sandringham, Norfolk.[3] [4] She was the fourth child of Viscount and Viscountess Althorp (ne Frances Roche, later Shand Kydd).[3] The Spencer family was hoping for a male heir to carry on the Spencer title (their third child, a boy, died soon after birth).[4][5] The Spencer family is one of Great Britain's oldest and most important families, closely allied with the royal family for several generations.[6] As the family was expecting a boy, no name was chosen for a week, until they settled on Diana Frances, after a Spencer ancestress and her mother.[4] Diana was the sister of Lady Sarah McCorquodale; Jane Fellowes, Baroness Fellowes; and Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer.[3][5] Diana was baptized at Sandringham church, with commoners as god parents; her younger brother, Charles, was baptized at Westminster Abbey withElizabeth II as principal godparent.[7] Another brother, John, died a year before she was born.[5] According toAndrew Morton's biography of Diana, the infant John Spencer was so deformed and sick he only survived 10 hours after birth.[4] The desire for an heir added strain to the Spencers' marriage, and Lady Althorp was reportedly sent to Harley Street clinics in London to determine the cause of the "problem".[4] The experience was described as "humiliating" by Charles Spencer, the current earl: "It was a dreadful time for my parents and probably the root of their divorce because I don't think they ever got over it."[7] Diana grew up in Park House, which was situated near to the Sandringham estate.[5] Diana's mother The Honourable Frances Shand Kydd was also a member of the British aristocracy for her parents were the Baron Fermoy and his wife LadyRuth Roche, Baroness Fermoy. The Baroness had been an Extra Woman of the Bedchamber to The Queen Mother, and they were very close friends. Diana's parents separated when she was only seven years of age.[8] Her mother, Frances, had an affair with Peter Shand Kydd.[5] In Morton's book, he describes Diana's remembrance of her father loading suitcases in the car, her mother crunching across the gravel forecourt and driving away through the gates of Park House.[4] Diana and her younger brother lived with their mother in London during their parents' separation, but during the Christmas holidays at the end of the year, Lord Althorp refused to let his

estranged wife return with the children to London. Shortly afterward Lord Althorp won custody of Diana and her three siblings, with support from his mother-in-law, Frances Spencer's mother.[3] She was first educated at Riddlesworth Hall, and later attended boarding school at The New School at West Heath.[3] In 1973, Lord Althorp began a relationship with Raine, Countess of Dartmouth, the only daughter of Alexander McCorquodale and Barbara Cartland.[9] Diana received the title of Lady after her father inherited the title of Earl Spencer in 1975. Lord Spencer and Lady Dartmouth were married at Caxton Hall, London, on 14 July 1976. As Countess Spencer, Raine was unpopular with her stepdaughter Lady Diana.[5] Lady Diana was often noted for her shyness while growing up, but she did take an interest in both music and dancing. She also had a great interest in children. After attending finishing school at the Institut Alpin Videmanette in Switzerland, she moved to London. She began working with children, eventually becoming a nursery teacher at the Young England School.[3] Diana had apparently played with The Princes Andrew and Edward as a child while her family rented Park House, a property owned by Elizabeth II and situated on the Sandringham Estate.[3][10] [edit]Education

Coleherne Court, London (left) At the age of seven, Diana was sent to Riddlesworth Hall, an all-girls boarding school. [11] While she was young, she attended a local public school. She did not shine academically, and was moved to West Heath Girls' School(later reorganised as The New School at West Heath) in Sevenoaks, Kent, where she was regarded as a poor student, having attempted and failed all of her O-levels twice.[11] However, she showed a particular talent for music as an accomplished pianist.[12] Her outstanding community spirit was recognised with an award from West Heath. In 1977, at the age of 16, she left West Heath and briefly attended Institut Alpin Videmanette, afinishing school in Rougemont, Switzerland. At about that time, she first met her future husband, who was then in a relationship with her eldest sister, Lady Sarah. Lady Diana also excelled in swimming and diving, and longed to be a professional ballerina with the Royal Ballet. She studied ballet for a time, but then grew too tall for the profession. Lady Diana moved to London before she turned 17, living in her mother's flat, as her mother then spent most of the year in Scotland. Soon afterwards, an apartment was purchased for 50,000 as an 18th birthday present, at Coleherne Court in Earls Court. She lived there until 1981 with three flatmates.

In London, she took an advanced cooking course at her mother's suggestion, although she never became an adroit cook, and worked as a dance instructor for youth, until a skiing accident caused her to miss three months of work. She then found employment as a playgroup (pre-preschool) assistant, did some cleaning work for her sister Sarah and several of her friends, and worked as a hostess at parties. Lady Diana also spent time working as a nanny for an American family living in London.[13] [edit]Relationship with the Prince of Wales

The Prince and Princess of Wales withSandro Pertini The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles) had previously been linked to Lady Diana's elder sister Lady Sarah, and in his early thirties he was under increasing pressure to marry. The Prince of Wales had known Lady Diana for several years, but he first took a serious interest in her as a potential bride during the summer of 1980, when they were guests at a country weekend, where she watched him play polo. The relationship developed as he invited her for a sailing weekend to Cowes aboard the royal yachtBritannia, followed by an invitation to Balmoral (the Royal Family's Scottish residence) to meet his family. Lady Diana was well received by Elizabeth II, by The Duke of Edinburgh, and by Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. The couple subsequently courted in London. The prince proposed on 6 February 1981, and Lady Diana accepted, but their engagement was kept secret for the next few weeks.[14] [edit]Engagement and marriage

Charles and Diana's wedding commemorated on a 1981 British Crown Main article: Wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer See also: Wedding dress of Lady Diana Spencer Their engagement became official on 24 February 1981, after Lady Diana selected a large 30,000 ring (94,800 in today's terms) consisting of 14 diamonds surrounding a sapphire, similar to her mother's engagement ring.[15]The ring was made by the then Crown jewellers Garrard but, unusually for a member of the Royal Family, the ring was not unique and was, at the time, featured in Garrard's jewellery collection. The ring later became, in 2010, the engagement ring of Catherine Middleton (now The Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Diana's elder son Prince William).[16] Twenty-year-old Diana became The Princess of Wales when she married The Prince of Wales on 29 July 1981 atSt Paul's Cathedral, which offered more seating than Westminster Abbey, generally used for royal nuptials. It was widely billed as a "fairytale wedding", watched by a global television audience of 750 million while 600,000 people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of Diana en route to the ceremony.[15][17] At the altar Diana accidentally reversed the order of Charles's first two names, saying "Philip Charles" Arthur George instead.[18]She did not say that she would "obey" him; that traditional vow was left out at the couple's request, which caused some comment at the time. [19] Diana wore a dress valued at 9000 with a 25-foot (8-metre) train.[20] [edit]Children On 5 November 1981, the Princess' first pregnancy was officially announced, and she frankly discussed her pregnancy with members of the press corps.[21]After Diana fell down a staircase at Sandringham in January 1982, 12 weeks into her first pregnancy, the royal gynaecologist Sir George Pinker was summoned from London. He found that although she had suffered severe bruising, the foetus was uninjured.[22] In the private Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London on 21 June 1982, under the care of Pinker,[22] the Princess gave natural birth to her and the Prince's first son and heir,William Arthur Philip Louis.[23] Amidst some media criticism, she decided to take William, still a baby, on her first major tours of Australia and New Zealand, but the decision was popularly applauded. By her own admission, the Princess of Wales had not initially intended to take William until it was suggested by Malcolm Fraser, the Australian prime minister.[24] A second son, Henry Charles Albert David, was born two years after William, on 15 September 1984.[25] The Princess asserted she and the Prince were closest during her pregnancy with "Harry" (as the younger prince has always been known). She was aware their second child was a boy, but did not share the knowledge with anyone else, including the Prince of Wales.[26] Even her harshest critics agree that the Princess of Wales was a devoted, imaginative and demonstrative mother.[27] She rarely deferred to the Prince or to the Royal Family, and was often intransigent when it came to the children. She chose their first given names, dismissed a royal family nanny and engaged one of her own choosing, selected their

schools and clothing, planned their outings and took them to school herself as often as her schedule permitted. She also negotiated her public duties around their timetables.[27] [edit]Charity work

Diana, Princess of Wales meeting with Sri Chinmoy, May 1997 at her Kensington Palace apartments Although in 1983 she confided in the then-Premier of Newfoundland, Brian Peckford, "I am finding it very difficult to cope with the pressures of being Princess of Wales, but I am learning to cope,"[28] from the mid-1980s, the Princess of Wales became increasingly associated with numerous charities. As Princess of Wales she was expected to regularly make public appearances to hospitals, schools and other facilities, in the 20th century model of royal patronage. The Princess developed an intense interest in serious illnesses and health-related matters outside the purview of traditional royal involvement, including AIDS and leprosy. In addition, she was thepatroness of charities and organisations working with the homeless, youth, drug addicts and the elderly. From 1989, she was President of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. The day after her divorce, she announced her resignation from over 100 charities to spend more time with the remaining six.[29] During her final year, Diana lent highly visible support to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, a campaign won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, only a few months after her death.[30] [edit]Problems and separation

From left to right, TRH The Prince and Princess of Wales, the United States First Lady Nancy Reagan, and United States President Ronald Reagan in November 1985.

Dual Cypher of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales During the early 1990s, the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales fell apart, an event at first suppressed, then sensationalised, by the world media. Both the Prince and Princess allegedly spoke to the press through friends, each blaming the other for the marriage's demise. The chronology of the break-up[31] identifies reported difficulties between the Prince and Princess as early as 1985. The Princess of Wales began an affair with Major James Hewitt, and the Prince of Wales returned to his former girlfriend, Camilla Shand (now The Duchess of Cornwall, who had become Mrs Andrew Parker-Bowles). These affairs were exposed in May 1992 with the publication of Diana: Her True Story, by Andrew Morton. The book, which also laid bare the Princess' allegedly suicidal unhappiness, caused a media storm. This publication was followed during 1992 and 1993 by leaked tapes of telephone conversations which negatively reflected on both the royal antagonists. Transcripts of taped intimate conversations between the Princess and James Gilbey were published by theSun newspaper in Britain in August 1992. The article's title, "Squidgygate", referenced Gilbey's affectionate nickname for Diana. The next to surface, in November 1992, were the leaked "Camillagate" tapes, intimate exchanges between the Prince of Wales and Camilla, published in Today and the Mirror newspapers. In the meantime, rumours had begun to surface about the Princess of Wales' relationship with James Hewitt, her former riding instructor. These would be brought into the open by the publication in 1994 of Princess in Love. In December 1992, Prime Minister John Major announced the Wales' "amicable separation" to the House of Commons,[32] and the full Camillagate transcript was published a month later in the newspapers, in January 1993. On 3 December 1993, the Princess of Wales announced her withdrawal from public life.[33]The Prince of Wales sought public understanding via a televised interview with Jonathan Dimbleby on 29 June 1994. In this he confirmed his own extramarital affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles, saying that he had

only rekindled their association in 1986, after his marriage to the Princess had "irretrievably broken down".[34][35] While she blamed Camilla Parker-Bowles for her marital troubles due to her previous relationship with the Prince, the Princess at some point began to believe he had other affairs. In October 1993, she wrote to a friend that she believed her husband was now in love with Tiggy Legge-Bourke and wanted to marry her.[36] Legge-Bourke had been hired by the Prince as a young companion for his sons while they were in his care, and the Princess was extremely resentful of Legge-Bourke and her relationship with the young princes. [edit]Divorce

The Princess of Wales at the Cannes film festival in 1987 The Princess of Wales was interviewed for the BBC current affairs show Panorama[37] by journalist Martin Bashir; the interview was broadcast on 20 November 1995. In it, the Princess said of her relationship with Hewitt, "Yes, I adored him." Of Camilla, she claimed "There were three of us in this marriage." For herself, she said, "I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts." On the Prince of Wales' suitability for kingship, she said, "Because I know the character I would think that the top job, as I call it, would bring enormous limitations to him, and I don't know whether he could adapt to that."[38] In December 1995, the Queen asked the Prince and Princess of Wales for "an early divorce", as a direct result of the Princess' Panorama interview.[39] This followed shortly after the Princess' accusation that Tiggy Legge-Bourke had aborted the Prince's child, after which Legge-Bourke instructed Peter Carter-Ruck to demand an apology.[39] Two days before this story broke, Diana's secretary Patrick Jephson resigned, later writing that the Princess had "exulted in accusing Legge-Bourke of having had an abortion".[40]

On 20 December 1995, Buckingham Palace publicly announced the Queen had sent letters to the Prince and Princess of Wales advising them to divorce. The Queen's move was backed by the Prime Minister and by senior Privy Counsellors, and, according to the BBC, was decided after two weeks of talks.[41] The Prince immediately agreed with the suggestion. In February, the Princess announced her agreement after negotiations with the Prince and representatives of the Queen, irritating Buckingham Palace by issuing her own announcement of a divorce agreement and its terms. The divorce was finalised on 28 August 1996.[33] Diana received a lump sum settlement of around 17 million along with a clause standard in royal divorces preventing her from discussing the details.[42] Days before the decree absolute of divorce, Letters Patent were issued with general rules to regulate royal titles after divorce. In accordance, as she was no longer married to the Prince of Wales, Diana lost the style Her Royal Highness and instead was styled Diana, Princess of Wales.[N 2] Buckingham Palace issued a press release on the day of the decree absolute of divorce was issued, announcing Diana's change of title, but made it clear Diana continued to be a British princess. Almost a year before, according to Tina Brown, The Duke of Edinburgh had warned the Princess of Wales, "If you don't behave, my girl, we'll take your title away." The Princess is said to have replied: "My title is a lot older than yours, Philip".[43] Buckingham Palace stated Diana was still a member of the Royal Family, as she was the mother of the second- and third-in-line to the throne. This was confirmed by the Deputy Coroner of the Queen's Household, Baroness Butler-Sloss, after a pre-hearing on 8 January 2007: "I am satisfied that at her death, Diana, Princess of Wales continued to be considered as a member of the Royal Household."[44] This appears to have been confirmed in the High Court judicial review matter of Al Fayed & Ors v Butler-Sloss.[45] In that case, three High Court judges accepted submissions that the "very name Coroner to the Queen's Household gave the appearance of partiality in the context of inquests into the deaths of two people, one of whom was a member of the Family and the other was not."[45] [edit]Personal life after divorce

The Princess of Wales in Bristol, 1987 After the divorce, Diana retained her double apartment on the north side of Kensington Palace, which she had shared with the Prince of Wales since the first year of their marriage, and it remained her home until her death. Diana dated the respected heart surgeon Hasnat Khan, from Jhelum, Pakistan, who was called "the love of her life" after her death by many of her closest friends,[46] for almost two years, before Khan ended the relationship.[47][48] Khan was intensely private and the relationship was conducted in secrecy, with Diana lying to members of the press who questioned her about it. Khan was from a traditional Pakistani family who expected him to marry from a related Muslim clan, and their differences, which were not just religious, became too much for Khan. According to Khan's testimonial at the inquest for her death, it was Diana herself, not Khan, who ended their relationship in a late-night meeting in Hyde Park, which adjoins the grounds of Kensington Palace, in June 1997. Within a month Diana had begun seeing Dodi Al-Fayed, son of her host that summer, Mohamed Al-Fayed. Diana had considered taking her sons that summer on a holiday to the Hamptons on Long Island, New York, but security officials had prevented it. After deciding against a trip to Thailand, she accepted Fayed's invitation to join his family in the south of France, where his compound and large security detail would not cause concern to the Royal Protection squad. Mohamed Al-Fayed bought a multi-million pound yacht, the Jonikal, a 60-metre yacht on which to entertain Diana and her sons. [edit]Landmines In January 1997, pictures of Diana touring an Angolan minefield in a ballistic helmet and flak jacket were seen worldwide. It was during this campaign that some accused her of meddling in politics and declared her a 'loose cannon'.[49] In August 1997, just days before her death, she visited Bosnia with Jerry White and Ken Rutherford of the Landmine

Survivors Network.[50] Her interest in landmines was focused on the injuries they create, often to children, long after a conflict is over. She is believed to have influenced the signing, though only after her death, of the Ottawa Treaty, which created an international ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines. [51] Introducing the Second Reading of the Landmines Bill 1998 to the British House of Commons, the Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, paid tribute to Diana's work on landmines: All Honourable Members will be aware from their postbags of the immense contribution made by Diana, Princess of Wales to bringing home to many of our constituents the human costs of landmines. The best way in which to record our appreciation of her work, and the work of NGOs that have campaigned against landmines, is to pass the Bill, and to pave the way towards a global ban on landmines.[52] The United Nations appealed to the nations which produced and stockpiled the largest numbers of landmines (United States, China, India, North Korea, Pakistan, and Russia) to sign the Ottawa Treaty forbidding their production and use, for which Diana had campaigned. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), said that landmines remained "a deadly attraction for children, whose innate curiosity and need for play often lure them directly into harm's way".[53] [edit]Death Main article: Death of Diana, Princess of Wales On 31 August 1997, Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed and their driver, Henri Paul, acting security manager of the Htel Ritz Paris. Millions of people watched her funeral.[54] [edit]Conspiracy theories and inquest Main article: Death of Diana, Princess of Wales conspiracy theories The initial French judicial investigation concluded the accident was caused by Henri Paul's drunken loss of control.[55] As early as February 1998, Dodi's father, Mohamed AlFayed (who was also the owner of the Paris Ritz, for which Paul had worked) publicly maintained that the crash had been planned,[56]accusing MI6 as well as The Duke of Edinburgh.[57] An inquest in London starting in 2004 and continued in 2007 2008[58] attributed the accident to grossly negligent driving by Henri Paul and to the pursuing paparazzi.[59] On 8 April 2008, the day following the final verdict of the inquest, AlFayed announced he would end his 10-year campaign to establish that it was murder rather than an accident, stating that he did so for the sake of the late princess's children.[60]

[edit]Tribute, funeral, and burial

Funeral cortege of Diana, Princess of Wales. Her coffin was transported on a gun carriage Main article: Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales The sudden and unexpected death of an extraordinarily popular royal figure brought statements from senior figures worldwide and many tributes by members of the public. People left public offerings of flowers, candles, cards and personal messages outside Kensington Palace for many months. Diana's funeral took place in Westminster Abbey on 6 September 1997. The previous day Queen Elizabeth II had paid tribute to her in a live television broadcast.[61] Her sons, the Princes William and Harry, walked in the funeral procession behind her coffin, along with the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh, and with Diana's brother,Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer. Lord Spencer said of his sister, "She proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic."[62] [edit]Memorials

The first of two memorials to Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed in Harrods

"Innocent Victims", the second of two memorials in Harrods. Immediately after her death, many sites around the world became briefly ad hoc memorials to Diana, where the public left flowers and other tributes. The largest was outside the gates of Kensington Palace. Permanent memorials include: The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Gardens in Regent Centre Gardens Kirkintilloch The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park, London, opened by Elizabeth II The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground in Kensington Gardens, London The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk, a circular path between Kensington Gardens, Green Park, Hyde Park and St James's Park, London. In addition, there are two memorials inside Harrods department store, at the time owned by Dodi Fayed's fatherMohamed Al-Fayed, in London. The first memorial consists of photos of the two behind a pyramid-shaped display that holds a wine glass still smudged with lipstick from Diana's last dinner as well as an 'engagement' ring Dodi purchased the day before they died.[63] The second, unveiled in 2005 and titled "Innocent Victims", is a bronze statue of the two dancing on a beach beneath the wings of an albatross. [64] The Flame of Liberty, erected in 1989 on the Place de l'Alma in Paris, above the entrance to the tunnel in which the fatal crash later occurred, has become an unofficial memorial to Diana.[65] [edit]Memorabilia Following Diana's death, the Diana Memorial Fund was granted intellectual property rights over her image.[66] In 1998, after refusing the Franklin Mint an official license to produce Diana merchandise, the fund sued the company, accusing it of illegally selling Diana dolls, plates and jewellery.[67] In California, where the initial case was tried, a suit to preserve

theright of publicity may be filed on behalf of a dead person, but only if that person is a Californian. The Memorial Fund therefore filed the lawsuit on behalf of the estate and, upon losing the case, were required to pay the Franklin Mint's legal costs of 3 million which, combined with other fees, caused the Memorial Fund to freeze their grants to charities.[68] In 1998, Azermarka issued postage stamps with both Azeri and English captions, commemorating Diana. The English text reads "Diana, Princess of Wales. The Princess that captured people's hearts". In 2003, the Franklin Mint counter-sued; the case was eventually settled in 2004, with the fund agreeing to an out-of-court settlement, which was donated to mutually agreed charitable causes.[69] Today, pursuant to this lawsuit, two California companies continue to sell Diana memorabilia without the need for any permission from Diana's estate: the Franklin Mint and Princess Ring LLC. [edit]Diana in contemporary art

Entrance to Alma tunnel, where Diana, Princess of Wales had fatal car-crash

The Lake at Althorp with the Diana memorial beyond Diana has been depicted in contemporary art since her death. Some of the artworks have referenced the conspiracy theories, as well as paying tribute to Diana's compassion and acknowledging her perceived victimhood. In July 1999, Tracey Emin created a number of monoprint drawings featuring textual references about Diana's public and private life, forTemple of Diana, a themed exhibition at The Blue Gallery, London. Works such as They Wanted You To Be Destroyed (1999) [70] related to Diana's bulimia, while others included affectionate texts such asLove Was On Your Side and Diana's Dress with puffy sleeves. Another text praised her selflessness The things you did to help other people, showing Diana in protective clothing walking through a minefield in Angola while another referenced the conspiracy theories. Of her drawings, Emin maintained "They're quite sentimental . . . and there's nothing cynical about it whatsoever."[71] In 2005 Martin Sastre premiered during the Venice Biennial the film Diana: The Rose Conspiracy. This fictional work starts with the world discovering Diana alive and enjoying a happy undercover new life in a dangerous favelaon the outskirts of Montevideo. Shot on a genuine Uruguayan slum and using a Diana impersonator from So Paulo, the film was selected among the Venice Biennial's best works by the Italian Art Critics Association.[72] In 2007, following an earlier series referencing the conspiracy theories, Stella Vine created a series of Diana paintings for her first major solo exhibition at Modern Art Oxford gallery. [73] Vine intended to portray Diana's combined strength and vulnerability as well as her closeness to her two sons.[74] The works, all completed in 2007, included Diana branches, Diana family picnic, Diana veil and Diana pram, which incorporated the quotation "I vow to thee my country".[75] Immodesty Blaize said she had been entranced by Diana crash, finding it "by turns horrifying, bemusing and funny".[76] Vine asserted her own abiding attraction to "the beauty and the tragedy of Diana's life".[74] [edit]Later events

Diana, Princess of Wales On 13 July 2006 Italian magazine Chi published photographs showing Diana amid the wreckage of the car crash,[77] despite an unofficial blackout on such photographs being published.[78][N 3] The editor of Chi defended his decision by saying he published the photographs simply because they had not been previously seen, and he felt the images are not disrespectful to the memory of Diana.[78] Fresh controversy arose over the issue of these photographs when Britain's Channel 4 broadcast them during a documentary in June 2007.[citation needed] 1 July 2007 marked a concert at Wembley Stadium. The event, organised by the Princes William and Harry, celebrated the 46th anniversary of their mother's birth and occurred a few weeks before the 10th anniversary of her death on 31 August.

The 2007 docudrama Diana: Last Days of a Princess details the final two months of her life. On an October 2007 episode of The Chaser's War on Everything, Andrew Hansen mocked Diana in his "Eulogy Song", which immediately created considerable controversy in the Australian media.[79] [edit]Contemporary opinions

John Travolta and The Princess of Wales dancing at the White House From her engagement to the Prince of Wales in 1981 until her death in 1997, Diana was a major presence on the world stage, often described as the world's most photographed woman. However, numerous other sources split the title of "world's most photographed woman"--in terms of Diana compared to others--between her and Princess Grace. She was noted for her compassion,[80] style, charisma, and high-profile charity work, as well as her difficult marriage to the Prince of Wales. Diana was revealed to be a major source behind Andrew Morton's Diana: Her True Story, which had portrayed her as being wronged by the House of Windsor. Morton instanced Diana's claim that she attempted suicide while pregnant by falling down a series of stairs and that Charles had left her to go riding. Tina Brown opined that it was not a suicide attempt because she would not intentionally have tried to harm the unborn child. Royal biographer Sarah Bradford commented, "The only cure for her (Diana's) suffering would have been the love of the Prince of Wales, which she so passionately desired, something which would always be denied her. His was the final rejection; the way in which he consistently denigrated her reduced her to despair."[81] Diana herself commented, "My husband made me feel inadequate in every possible way that each time I came up for air he pushed me down again ..."[81] Diana herself admitted to struggling with depression, self-injury, and bulimia, which recurred throughout the early years of her marriage. One biographer suggested Diana suffered from borderline personality disorder.[82] In 2007, Tina Brown wrote a biography about Diana as a "restless and demanding ... obsessed with her public image" and also "spiteful, manipulative, media-savvy neurotic." Brown also claims Diana married Charles for his power and had a romantic relationship with Dodi Fayed to anger the royal family, with no intention of marrying him.[83] [edit]Titles, styles, honours, and arms

Royal styles of The Princess of Wales (before her divorce)

Reference style Spoken style Alternative style [edit]Titles and styles

Her Royal Highness Your Royal Highness Ma'am

1 July 1961 9 June 1975: The Honourable Diana Frances Spencer 9 June 1975 29 July 1981: The Lady Diana Frances Spencer 29 July 1981 28 August 1996: Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales in Scotland: 29 July 1981 28 August 1996: Her Royal Highness The

Duchess of Rothesay 28 August 1996 31 August 1997: Diana, Princess of Wales in Scotland: 28 August 1996 31 August 1997: Diana, Duchess of

Rothesay[citation needed] Posthumously, as in life, she is most popularly referred to as "Princess Diana", a title she never held.[N 4] Still, she is sometimes referred to (according to the tradition of using maiden names after death) in the media as "Lady Diana Spencer", or simply as "Lady Di". After Tony Blair's famous speech she was also often referred to as the People's Princess.

Royal Monogram Diana's full title, while married, was Her Royal Highness The Princess Charles Philip Arthur George, Princess of Wales & Countess of Chester, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Rothesay, Countess of Carrick, Baroness of Renfrew, Lady of the Isles, Princess of Scotland.[85] After her divorce and until her death Diana, Princess of Wales continued to be a Princess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland without the style Royal Highness. As the mother of the future Sovereign, she was accorded the same precedence she enjoyed whilst being married to The Prince of Wales. This situation made the Princess the first non royal British princess in history.[86] [edit]Honours British honours Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II

Foreign honours Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown, bestowed by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 1982 [edit]Arms Arms of Diana, Princess of Wales Notes Crest As the wife of the Prince of Wales, Diana used his arms impaled (side by side) with those of her father. Coronet of the Prince of Wales Quarterly 1st and 4th gules three lions passant guardant in pale or armed and langed azure 2nd or a lion rampant gules armed and langued azure within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second 3rd azure a harp or stringed argent overall an escutcheon of Coat of Arms of the Principality of Wales, the whole differenced with a label of three points argent; impaled with a shield quarterly 1st and 4th Argent 2nd and 3rd Gules a fret Or overall a bend Sable charged with three escallops Argent. Dexter a lion rampant gardant Or crowned with the coronet of the Prince of Wales Proper, sinister a griffin winged and unguled Or, gorged with a coronet Or composed of crosses pate and fleurs de lis a chain affixed thereto passing between the forelegs and reflexed over the back also Or DIEU DEFEND LE DROIT (God defends the right) After her divorce and before her death, Diana used the arms of her father, undifferenced, crowned by a royalcoronet.



Motto Previous versions


A message of condolence at Piccadilly Circus following her death Diana's interest in supporting and helping young people led to the establishment of the Diana Memorial Award, awarded to youths who have demonstrated the unselfish devotion and commitment to causes advocated by the Princess. In 2002, Diana was ranked 3rd in 100 Greatest Britons poll, outranking The Queen and other British monarchs. On 30 August 2007 Peruvian photographer Mario Testino announced that on 20 November he would auction a signed photo of Diana for the benefit of the Peru earthquake (in London by Phillips de Pury & Co). The photo appeared in a 1997 Vanity Fair issue, and shows Diana wearing a black dress.[87] The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground was erected in Kensington Gardens at a cost of 1.7 million.[88] The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk was dedicated to the memory of Diana, Princess of Wales. It stretches between Kensington Gardens, Green Park, Hyde Park and St. James's Park. On 6 July 2004, The Queen officially opened the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain. It is located in the south-west corner of Hyde Park in London. In 1999 the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award for Inspirational Young People was established. Diana's family announced in 2010 they would auction art and horse-drawn carriages that once belonged to Althorp House.[89]

Fashion designers David and Elizabeth Emanuel, responsible for much of Diana's clothes, including her wedding dress, announced in May 2010 they were auctioning 30 lots of clothing, measurements, and related items.[90] [edit]Ancestry Diana by birth was a member of the Spencer family, one of the oldest and most prominent noble families in Britain which currently holds the titles of Duke of Marlborough, Earl Spencer and Viscount Churchill. The Spencers claimed to have descended from a cadet branch of the powerful medieval Despenser family, but its validity is still being questioned. Diana's noble ancestors include the legendary John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough and Prince of Mindelheim, his equally famous wife, the powerful and influential Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, Britain's first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford, Fadrique lvarez de Toledo, 2nd Duke of Alba, one of the most powerful men of his era, Maria, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh, and Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey. She is also a distant relative of the dukes of Abercorn, Bedford, Richmond, Devonshire, Gordon and most of the members of the British aristocracy. Diana's ancestry also connects her with most of Europe's royal houses. Diana is five times descended from the House of Stuart from Charles II's four illegitimate sons James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Grafton, Charles Beauclerk, 1st Duke of St Albans and Charles Lennox, 1st Duke of Richmond, and from James II's daughter, Henrietta FitzJames, Countess of Newcastle, an ancestry she shares with the current Dukes of Alba. From the House of Stuart, Diana is a descendant of the House of Bourbon from the line Henry IV of France and of the House of Medici from the line of Marie de' Medici. She is also a descendant of powerful Italian noble families such as that of the House of Sforza who ruled as the Dukes of Milan from the line of the legendary Caterina Sforza, Countess of Forl. Diana also descends from the House of Wittelsbach via morganatic line from Frederick V, Elector Palatineand of the House of Hanover via Sophia von Platen und Hallermund, Countess of Leinster and Darlington, the illegitimate daughter of Ernest Augustus, Elector of Brunswick-Lneburg and the half sister of George I. Diana also descends from the House of Toledo of the original dukes of Alba and Medina Sidonia. [show]Ancestors of Diana, Princess of Wales [edit]Issue Name Prince William, Duke of Cambridge Prince Harry of Wales [edit]See also Birth 21 June 1982 15 September 1984 29 April 2011



Elton John performing at the Concert for Diana, London, 1 July 2007 Burrell affair Concert for Diana Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund Diana, Princess of Wales: Tribute Diana - The People's Princess (exhibition) Squidgygate The New School at West Heath (Mr Al-Fayed's memorial to Diana) Elisabeth of Bavaria



^ a b As a titled royal, Diana held no surname, but, when one was used while

married to The Prince of Wales, it was Mountbatten-Windsor, according to letters patent dated February 1960, their official family name wasWindsor.


^ Although it was asserted in 1996 that Diana would after the divorce be

called "Lady Diana, Princess of Wales,", the Royal website in reporting her demise referred to her as "Diana, Princess of Wales".

3. 4.

^ The photographs, taken minutes after the accident, show her slumped in

the back seat while a paramedic attempts to fit an oxygen mask over her face. ^ The style "Princess Diana", although often used by the public and the

media during her lifetime, was always incorrect. With rare exceptions (such asPrincess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester) only women born to the title (such as The Princess Anne) may use it before their given names. After her divorce in 1996, Diana was officially styled Diana, Princess of Wales, having lost the prefix HRH [edit]References

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Channel. Retrieved 21 May 2011. ^ a b c d e f Morton, p. 99 ^ a b c d e f "Princess Diana: The Early Years". British Retrieved

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fame". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 13 October 2008. ^ "Princess Diana Childhood and teenage years". ^ Diana: Her True Story, Commemorative Edition, by Andrew Morton

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Troubled Princess. Times Books. ISBN 0812930533. ^ Churcher, Sharon (24 April 2007). "The most savage attack on Diana

EVER". Daily Mail (London). ^ "Tony coined the 'people's princess'". The Daily Telegraph (London). 9

July 2007. Retrieved 13 October 2008. ^ Robert III. "The Prince of Wales Titles". Retrieved

13 October 2008. ^ Divorce: Status And Role Of The Princess Of Wales ^ "Diana photo to be auctioned to help Peru's quake victims International

Herald Tribune". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 13 October 2008. ^ "Diana Memorial Playground". Retrieved 13 October


^ "Princess Diana & Auction Christie's to Auction Art from Family

Home". National Ledger. 31 March 2010. Retrieved 7 April 2010.


^ "Princess Diana Dress Daring Black Strapless on the Auction

Block".National Ledger. 29 May 2010. Retrieved 3 June 2010. [edit]Bibliography Morton, Andrew (1992). Diana: Her True Story In Her Own Words. New York, NY: Pocket Books. Mattern, Joane (2006). Princess Diana (DK Biography). New York, NY: DK Publishing. [edit]Further reading Anderson, Christopher (2001). Diana's Boys: William and Harry and the Mother they loved. United States: William Morrow; 1st ed edition.ISBN 9780688172046. Bradford, Sarah (2006). Diana. London: Penguin Group. ISBN 9780670916788. Brennan, Kristine (1998). Diana, princess of Wales. Philadelphia: Chelsea House. ISBN 0791047148. Brown, Tina (2007). The Diana Chronicles. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 9780385517089. Burrell, Paul (2003). A Royal Duty. United States: HarperCollins Entertainment. ISBN 9780007252633. Burrell, Paul (2007). The Way We Were: Remembering Diana. United States: HarperCollins Entertainment. ISBN 978-0061138959. Caradec'h, Jean-Michel (2006). Diana. L'enqute criminelle. France: Michel Lafon. ISBN 978-2749904795. Corby, Tom (1997). Diana, Princess of Wales: A Tribute. United States: Benford Books. ISBN 9781566495998. Coward, Rosalind (2004). Diana The Portrait. United Kingdom (other publishers worldwide): HarperCollins. ISBN 10-0007182031. Davies, Jude (2001). Diana, A Cultural History: Gender, Race, Nation, and the People's Princess. Houndmills, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave.ISBN 0333736885. OCLC 46565010. Denney, Colleen (2005). Representing Diana, Princess of Wales: Cultural Memory and Fairy Tales Revisited. Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. ISBN 0838640230. OCLC 56490960. Dimbleby, Jonathan (1994). The Prince of Wales: A Biography. New York: William Morrow and Company Inc.. ISBN 0-688-12996-X. Edwards, Anne (2001). Ever After: Diana and the Life She Led. United States: St. Martins Press. ISBN 9780312253141. OCLC 43867312. Rees-Jones, Trevor (2000). The Bodyguard's Story: Diana, the Crash, and the Sole Survivor. United States: Little, Brown. ISBN 9780316855082. Morton, Andrew (2004). Diana: In Pursuit of Love. United States: Michael O'Mara Books. ISBN 9781843170846.

Morton, Andrew (1992). Diana Her True Story. United States: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 9780671793630. Steinberg, Deborah Lynn (1999). Mourning Diana: Nation, Culture and the Performance of Grief. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415193931. Taylor, John A. (2000). Diana, Self-Interest, and British National Identity. Westport, CN: Praeger. ISBN 027596826X. OCLC 42935749. Thomas, James (2002). Diana's Mourning: A People's History. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. ISBN 0708317537. OCLC 50099981. Turnock, Robert (2000). Interpreting Diana: Television Audiences and the Death of a Princess. London, UK: British Film Institute. ISBN 0851707882.OCLC 43819614.

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