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CRESTNewsBulletin (SeptemberDecember2011)

KIRTADSCampus,Chevayur,Calicut673017KeralaIndia Tel:+914952355342,



Abou utCRES ST
CentreforResearch& &Education forSocialTr ransformatio on(CREST)i isanautonom mous overnment o Kerala CR of REST has be een conceived as a nat tional institution under Go es, and onal studies, addressing the needs o the , of institute of humanitie science a professio dCastes,Sch heduledTribe esandother rmarginalize edcommunit tiesofIndiaw while Scheduled integratin with the informational society. The Centre was incub ng e e bated by Indian Institu of ute Managem ment Kozhiko ode. The gov verning coun headed b the Minis ncil by ster for Welf fare of Sched duled Castesan ndScheduled dTribesandOtherBackw wardCommu unitiesasCha airmanmoni itorstheactiv vities ofthe Ce entre.Dignita arieslikethe eGovernoro ofKerala,Ch Minister of Kerala an hief ndtheSpeak of ker the Keral Legislativ Assembly are the pat la ve trons of this autonomou institution The Governing s us n. Council h representation from institution like India Institute of Management Kozhikode, has m ns an National InstituteofA AdvancedStu udies,Banga alore,Kerala StateCounci ilforScience e,Technology yand ment, Thiruv vananthapuram and Sre Chitra Th ee hirunal Institute for Me edical Scienc & ces Environm Technolo ogy,Thiruvan nanthapuram m.

Activ vities
ationPro ogramme forEntry yLevelBT TechStudentsatNI ITK Orienta
On invita ation from National Insti N itute of Tech hnology Ka arnataka (NI ITK) , Suratk an orient kal tation programm was held for studen from sch me d nts heduled com mmunities un ndergoing f first year B BTech Degree course at the NITK. The five day pro e ogramme he from Aug eld gust 31 to Se eptember 4 , was y d f mme mprove jointly conducted by SC/ST Cell of NITK and CREST. The objective of the program was to im ation/ motiva ation level of students and learning sk f kills. The m modules covered included Goal the aspira Setting & Motivation Effective p & n, presentation skills, Leade ership & Cre eativity and Team Work The k. modules were handled by Vinod Krishnan. T.Y. Associa Program d ate mme Coordin nator, Nirma Joy, al oordinatora andAnilMenon,facultyofCREST.40studentstoo okpartinthe eprogramme e. CourseCo

ationalDa ayofPeac ce Interna

onal Day of Peace was observed i CREST on September 30, 2011, with two sp f in n r pecial Internatio lectures o world pe on eace organize for stude ed ents undergo oing Post Gr raduate Certificate Cours for se Professio onal Develop pment there. Dr.Vankat Raman , F t Faculty, Indi ian Institute of Manage e ement


Dr.VankatR Raman, Kozhikod dedeliveredatalkonPe eaceandCon nflictResolut tion.SpeakingattheoccasionDr.Va ankat Raman said that glo obalization , despite cer , rtain positiv features, do not nece ve essarily lead to a d

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peaceful international order. On the contr rary, it acce elerates con nflicts espec cially among the g ngcountries andwithin peopleinhab bitingthere. Heemphasi izedtheneedforaproa active developin approach hfromthepe eopleofthed developingc countriesfor rbuildingup panequitabl lesociety.M Maria Magdalen Waldvoge in her lect na el ture on th role of wo he omen in pea building in the globa ace alised scenario emphasized the need fo women to become ac or o ctive particip pants at the n negotiation t table, ecisionsaret takenandfu utureprocess sesareimple emented.As itismostly womenwho ostay wherede at home, trying to pr rovide basic structures b keeping u daily rout by up tines also in times of con nflict, e ety. g l moreover dir rectly they take over key roles in socie Knowing about local conditions and being m involved in and confr ronted by th prevailing processes, the female p he g part of the p population ca be an edasasourc ceofreferen nce,understa andingthepo otentialsand dcausesofc conflict.Aspa artof considere the affec cted commu unity, women can fur rthermore m mobilize oth hers to sta art processe of es consolida ation.

reWorksh hop Theatr

A sev ven day workshop, organized as a par of rt comm municationsk kills/person nalitydevelop pmentmodu uleof the P Post Gradua ate Certifica ate Course for Profess sional Develo opmentwasheldforthestudentsfro omOctober2 24,to 31,20 011.Thewor rkshopwash heldattheGovernmentY Youth Hostel Calicut .It was conduc l, cted by Ms. Jilmil Hazar rika , visitin ngfacultyofN NationalSchoolofDrama a,NewDelhi i.The works shopwasass sessedbythestudentsa asaveryeffe ective progra amme for d developing English com mmunication and n enhan ncingselfcon nfidence

raduateC Certificate eCoursef forProfes ssionalDe evelopme ent PostGr

sesfortheXV VIIBatchoft thePostGrad duateCertificateCourseforProfessio onalDevelop pment Theclass commenc ced on Nove ember 17 , 2011. Of the 40 candidates who joined the course, 16 are , o e

professio onal degree holders, 2 are Post Graduate D 21 t Degree holde and 3 ar graduates 25 ers re s.


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candidate are girls. On Novemb 16, pare es ber ents of the ca andidates w were invited a were br and riefed aboutthe eobjectiveso oftheprogra amme,oppor rtunitiesetc. .Theicebre eakingsessio onwascondu ucted bySuchar ritaHota,Nir rmalJoyand dVinodARon nNovember17,2011,a atCIGI,Cheva ayur,Calicut. .

nrichment tWorkshop SelfEn

day op evelopment was held at Sreyas Tra aining Centre Sultan Bat e, thery, A threed worksho on self de Wayanad dur W ring Novemb 18 20, 2011 for th candidate who ber he e jo oined for th PGCCPD p he programme (XVII Batch The work h). kshop covered the themes; Team Building Corporate communica c g, e ation, and presenta a ations. The workshop was condu ucted by Mr r.Anil Menon. A sensitization programm was also arranged in M n me connection with the w c workshop. The studen nts were given opportunity to interact w o with the trib people i bal inhabiting in and n around Muth a hanga wildlif sanctuary A session was held fo the fe y. or students by Saseendran , Block Pa anchayat Me ember of S Sultan BatheryBlock B k,focusingon nforestrightsact.

KRNar rayananM Memorial lLecture

Thefourt thAnnualN NationalLect tureinmemoryofSri.K.R R.Narayanan n,formerP Presidentof India

was deliv vered by Sri i.Gopalkrishn Gandhi , well known author, pu na n ublic intellectual and fo ormer


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Governor rofWestBen ngalonNove ember26,2011Saturda ayatAlak kapuriAudit toriumCalicu ut.Sr. Gopalkris shnaGandhi,whoisthegrandsonof fMahatmaGa andhi,delive eringthetalk kentitledK Kerala andNehr ru:AContinu uingDialogu uesaidpoliti icaldiscours sethatbegan nintheNehruyearswit ththe Gandhiin nfluenceover ritexercisin nganindirect teffect,conti inuesinman nyformstoda ay,bothwith hinits domestic engagemen and in its dealings wi the outside world. 'D c nts s ith Dogmas andd doctrines ch hange, they do not go away Dogmatism remains, doctrinaire ways of thi y. m inking do no let go of their ot hold over the processes of thought. Kerala, whi has prod ich duced some very doctri inaire strangleh peopleis, ,initsessent tialbeing,an ntidogmatist t.Itisnondo octrinaire',hesaid,when nnewdogma asand doctrines s,ofnativean ndforeignor rigin,wantto odominateo ourwaysofli ifeandaction n,Keralawill,one trusts, co ontinue to su ubject them t independent analysis and examin to nation', he sa The peop of aid. ple Keralaar retooconsci iousandtooawareofth heirrighttoo originalthin nking,tofreshthinking,t tothe privilegeofcriticalen nquiryandre einvestigatio on,tobecom mehidebound d,hesaid,ad dding'theira ability ion, to probe, to not ac ccept blindly any convention, any t y tradition, howsoever hig its gh to questi auspices, is nothing short of a c colossal stre ength'. Sri. G Gopalkrishna Gandhi wa welcomed and a as d ed udience by P Prof.D.D.Nam mpoothiri, Ex xecutive Dire ector and vo of thanks was ote s introduce to the au proposed dbyProf.Ash hleyPaul,AssociateProg grammeCoor rdinator.

Peerle evelment toringwo orkshopa atIIMK

A peer l level mentor ring worksh hop was hel for PGCC ld CPD student at the In ts ndian Institu of ute Managem mentKozhiko ode,onSeptember27,2011.Thew workshopservedasanin ntroductiont tothe

regular p peerlevel me entoring ses ssions condu ucted by IIM students fo CREST stu or udents. Ses ssions coveredi includedcom mmunicationskills,interpersonalskills,CVwritin ngandinterv viewskills.

Inter rnsatC CREST

M Maria M Ms. Magdalena W Waldvogel f from Germa any underg going M Masters degr in Cultu ree ure, Commu unication & Globalization at n AalborgUniversity,Denm A markinterned dwithCREST Tforfourmo onths duringSeptem mberDecember2011.Shehasbee enproviding gsoft dkills,particu s ularlycommu unicationski illstothestu udentsofPGC CCPD p program on oneonone basis. She also did spe ecial session on ns ssuesofglob balconcern. is


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TILallotsland dforCR REST KSIT

Ker rala State IT Infrastruc T cture Ltd (K KSITIL) the apex com mpany pro omoted by G Government of Kerala fo the develo or opment of IT at T the meeting h eir held on Sep ptember 30, 2011 has ag greed to allot one acr of land f CREST a the CYBE re for at ERPARK on long term l lease. CYB BERPARK, w which is be eing set up in the line of Techno e opark, Tri ivandrum,is slocatedin6 60acresofla andinNellik kkode,ontheby pas ssroad,7kil lometersawayfromCali icutcitycent tre.

SpecialLec ctures/ /Work kshops

peciallecture es/worksho opswereheldduringSep ptemberDecember20 011.Thereso ource Sevensp persons included Balachandra Gopinath, International Trainer JC Mr. Anil Menon , Ramesh B an CI n, set ment, Nether rlands , T N Krishnan , Associate . Professor , IIMK N Chandran Aegon Ass managem Dr.Prabhakaran Paleri ( Former Director Ge eneral , Coas Guards) , Dr. Bhaskaran Nair, Lin st ncoln ty,UK,Dr.Sa anthosh,Fac culty,Indian nInstituteofTechnology, f ,ChennaiandDilrajKR,Vice Universit President , OZTERN Technology , Technopar Trivandru The special lectures covered a b t rk, um. broad rangeoft topicslikeemployability y,opportunit tiesincorpor ratesector,S Strategicma anagement,s social analysis,communicat tion,intervie ewskills,and dcareerplann ningandThe emeCentere edInteraction n

CRES STinm media

s Mathrubhumi Malayala Manorama, New India Express , The i, an Leading news papers like the M eccanchroni icleandnew wsmagazineTheWeeka andvernacul larvisualme edialikeASIA ANET Hindu,De ,Indiavis sion,MMTV etchavegiv vencoveragetovariousp programmesconductedb byCRESTduring Septembe erDecember2011.


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IndoEurop peanm mobility yprogr ramme e

CREST , an associated partner in an IndoEu C n d uropean mo obility programme initiated by Swedish South Asian Studies Net p y twork (SASNET) has accepte two interns from Lund Univers ( ed sity , Sweden , as a part of f S s fieldwork fo their grad or duate thesis. Ms. Emelie Rohn and Ms. L E ne Lizzie Sagre elius, underg going Bachel of lor Science Prog S gramme in Developme ent Studies (BIDS) at Lund University,w U willbeattach hedtoCREST TfromJanua aryMarch2 2012. WhileinterningwithCRE W ESTLizzieSa agreliuswillw workonapr roject entitled Ac e ccess and benefits sh haring and Emelie R Rohne willstudy yaboutther roleoffarmer rsintheKeralamodelde evelopment

ultyAct tivities s Facu

Nampoothiri Executive Director att i, tended a Consultation m meeting with Lt General P .S. h Prof.D.D.N Bhalla, A AVSM , Direc ctor General NCC, Minis l, stry of Defe ence, Govt. o India, New Delhi and Brig of w d C.Sandeepkumar,Dy.DirectorGen neral,NCChe eldinThiruv vananthapur ramonDecember28,20 011in on easibility of conducting skill enhancement prog grammes for NCC r connectio with discussing the fe Cadets h hailing from marginalized backgro m ounds in India. He a also Present ted a Pape on er Interdisc ciplinarity in Social Scie ences: Privile eging Studen Outcomes in the Nat nt s tional Semina on ar DoingSo ociologyinIn ndia:Retrosp pectandPro ospectsorga anizedbyInd dianSociolog gicalSociety, ,New Delhi hel on Decem ld mber 2728, a the univer at rsity of Kera Thiruvan ala, nanthapuram m.On Octobe 14, er 2011heg gavealectureon'NewP PublicManag gementandE EnhancingIn nstitutionalW WellBeinga atthe Faculty D Development Workshop at Centre f Water R t for Resources De evelopment a and Manage ement (CWRDM M).OnDecem mber15,2011hedelivere edatalkon SocialScienc ceTheoryan ndMethodsi inthe AQUIREP Programme ofKeralaSta ateHigherEducationCouncilheldat tM.G.UniversityKottayam mfor selectedf firstyeardegreestudent tsoftheUniv versityregion n. AssociatePr rogrammeCo oordinator,o oninvitation fromOsloU UniversityCo ollege, VinodKrishnan.T.Y,A tyCollegeon nsocialexclu usioninIndia a,onOctobe er18, Norway,heldthreelecturesinOsloUniversit e ries was held in Oslo un d niversity coll lege in conn nection with their 19 & 24 , 2011 The lecture ser vent"Window wtotheWor rld" annualev

hcomin ngEven nts Forth

ectures/wor rkshops SpecialLe y solution and decision mak king will be he for studen of XVII Ba eld nts atch of A twoday workshop on Conflict Res PGCCPDp programmeon nJanuary6& &7,2012atC CREST,The w workshopwill beconducted dbyVasudeva anPS, industrialpsychologistandinternatio onaltrainer,b basedinChen nnai. sh . eliver a special lecture for PGCCPD stu r udents on P Project Dr.Abhilas Nair, Asst. Professor , IIMK will de Preparatio on,onJanuar ry16,2012 yworkshopon nThemeCenteredInteracti ionwillbehel ldonJanuary 23&24,2012byProf.Th homas Atwoday Abraham,International ltrainer,TCI


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ry27,2012,M Ms.GeethaChandran,Bang galorebasedf financialcons sultantwillco onductasessi ionon OnJanuar financialp planningando opportunitiesinBankingSe ector ary1&2,Fr.GastonRober rge(Authoran ndFilmCritic andformerdirectorofEMM MRCCalcutta)and OnFebrua SunandanRoy Chowdh hury ( Editor Publisher , Sampark Jour rnal of Global Understand l ding and lectu urer in dies,SatakuntaUniversity,Finland)willconductspec ciallectureson ncontemporarymedia AsianStud ary d ent nities and Soc Sciences at IIT cial On Februa 11, 2011 Prof A Ramanthan, Head , Departme of Human Bombayw willdeliverasp peciallectureonAnalyticalDesignofSocialEconomic cPolicy eCommittee Meeting Executive 17thExecu utiveCommitt teemeetingof fCRESTwillbeheldatCRES STonJanuary y18,2012. oryFunction Valedicto Thecertif ficateawardin ngceremonyf fortheXVIBa atchofPGCCP PDwillbehel ldon14January2012,at CIGI, Chevayur, Kozhikode. Dr.Saji Gopin nath , Professo Indian Ins or, stitute of Man nagement Koz zhikode will b the be chiefguest ESTLecture IIMKCRE P ment of Sociol logy ,Delhi Sc chool of Econo omics Univers of sity Dr. Satish Deshpande Professor & Head , Departm Delhiwilldeliverthese econdlectureofIIMKCRET TLectureserie esonFebruary y27,2012

CREST.T ThisNewsBulletin nispublishedev veryfourmonthsbytheCentrefor rResearch&Edu ucationforSocialTransformation(CREST), Calicut67 73017KeralaInd dia.Forprivateci irculationonly.


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