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My Film Poster Analysis

Actors I Chose These Characters because Nicolas Cage is Well known for being in adventure/Mind Troubling FilmsAnd Woody Harrelson is in a Zombie Film called ZombieLand so he may be a recognisable Colours I mostly used Black (Darkness and Scary) and Red (Blood and Flesh) and green is the colour for infection and germs so the idea of the film is mostly about Survival of the fittest. Lighting The Lighting is dark at the bottom of the poster like a shadow meaning that there is something a lot bigger than the one hand/Zombie and that is getting bigger (Zombie Holocaust).

Actions and Props The Zombie is reaching out towards the highway meaning the infection is free and is able to spread. The environment is an open space also meaning free and wild! You can see the highway which means it ends somewhere Font The Font is Fiery and Dark and in a deep red colour. This signifies to the audience that it may have been burnt by something in a fit of rage or terror. It represents the genre as horror and suggests there may be some violence or fear in

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