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The Ultimate Guide to Removing Permanent Marker

Leather Upholstery Materials: Aerosol Hairspray Leather Conditioner White Vinegar Clean Rags

1. Using the aerosol hairspray, dampen a clean rag and gently wipe the marker stain. Switch to cleaner sections of the rag often and apply more hairspray as needed. 2. Using a clean, damp rag, wipe the area to remove any residue. Continue this process until all of the hairspray has been removed. 3. Once the cleaning is complete, be sure to apply a leather conditioner to restore moisture that was lost during the cleaning process. Microfiber Upholstery Materials: Hydrogen Peroxide Clean Towel Rubbing Alcohol Oxy Clean Spray

1. Add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to a towel and scrub the stain for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. 2. Apply some rubbing alcohol to a second clean towel and scrub the stain for another 10 to 15 minutes. 3. Using a clean, damp towel, continue scrubbing until the stain has been removed. 4. Remove any excess moisture by pressing firmly with a clean, dry towel.

All Other Upholstery Materials: Rubbing Alcohol, Windex, or Clear Nail Polish Remover. Clean Towel Dry Absorbent towel

1. Apply a small amount of one of the above items to a clean towel. I find that towels that closely match the color of your fabric work best (Light colored or white towels for light colored fabric and darker or black towels for darker colored fabric). 2. Using the wet (not soaked) part of the towel, pat the stain firmly. Continue patting and and add solution as needed until stain is gone. Keep in mind that you do not want to soak your couch. 3. Once the stain has been removed you need to soak up the excess moisture from your upholstery. Use a clean, dry, and absorbent towel. Pat firmly until most of the liquid has been absorbed. 4. Place furniture outside or in a well ventilated area until completely dry.

Non-Fabric Furniture Any of the following methods may work Magic eraser Dampen the magic eraser with water and scrub over the stained area until the stain has been removed. Toothpaste and baking soda Mix 1 part toothpaste with one part baking soda and apply a small amount to the stain. Using a clean cloth, rub in a circular motion. This may take a little bit of work but it should come off. Pencil Eraser Rub a white eraser over the permanent marker to erase it. Dry Erase Marker For furniture that has an extra smooth surface, color over the stain with a dry erase marker then wiping it off with a cloth. This process also works great on dry erase boards. WD-40 Spray some WD-40 on the affected area and scrub with a clean cloth.

*Tip: Permanent marker can easily cover up marks and scratches in most furniture. Just find a marker that matches the color of your furniture and fill in the scratched or discolored area.

White Fabric Materials: Bleach

1. Mix a small amount of bleach with water and apply to the stained area. Soaking may be required but keep in mind that bleach may eat away at some fabrics so keep a close eye on it. Once the stain has been removed wash immediately.
*Tip: You can also reverse this process by using permanent marker to hide bleach stains. Permanent markers now come in a wide variety of colors. Find a color that closely matches the fabric and use the marker to color over the bleach spots.

Satin Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thick Cloth or Towel White Vinegar Milk Borax Lemon Juice Sponge Lay your towel or thick cloth down. This is to protect your surface area from any stains. Mix 1 tbsp each of the milk and white vinegar with 1 tsp each of the borax and lemon juice. Apply mixture directly to your stain and let sit for 10 minutes. Dampen your sponge with cold water and dab the stain until it has been removed. All Other Clothes Materials: Acetone, Rubbing Alcohol, or Citrus Fruit Clean Cloth or Cotton Ball

1. For most fabrics, I would suggest spot-cleaning the area with citrus fruit (orange, lemon, or lime). Squeeze the juice onto a clean rag and pat over the area or cut the fruit in half and dab the cut side over the stain until the stain has disappeared. Wash immediately. 2. For more delicate fabrics such as silk and satin, dilute the citrus juice in water before applying it to the fabric. Wash immediately. 3. If you are working with sturdier fabrics dampen a cotton ball with acetone or rubbing alcohol and pat onto the stain until the stain disappears. Wash immediately.

Concrete Materials: Tape and Plastic Goggles Citrus-Based Biodegradable Chemical Remover Stiff Brush Pressure Washer

1. Cover and protect any drains, vents, and electrical outlets with plastic and tape before starting this process. 2. Wear plastic goggles to protect your eyes. 3. Using a stiff brush, apply a citrus-based biodegradable chemical remover. 4. Scrub the area well to break up the stain. Following the directions on the pressure washer use the lowest setting and spray your area. Start at one end and work in a back and forth, overlapping motion. Carpet Materials: Rubbing Alcohol or Non-Oily Hairspray

1. Moisten the area with rubbing alcohol or non-oily hairspray and blot with a white towel. You will notice the stain being transferred to the towel. 2. Once cleaned, moisten the area with water and blot dry Other Floor Types {Tile, Hardwood, Vinyl and Laminate} 1. Magic eraser Dampen the magic eraser with water and scrub over the stained area until the stain has been removed. 2. Toothpaste and baking soda Mix 1 part toothpaste with one part baking soda and apply a small amount to the stain. Using a clean cloth, rub in a circular motion. This may take a little bit of work but it should come off. 3. Pencil Eraser Rub the eraser over the permanent marker to erase it. 4. Dry Erase Marker Color over the stain with a dry erase marker then wiping it off with a cloth. This process also works great on dry erase boards. 5. WD-40 Spray some WD-40 on the affected area and scrub with a clean cloth.


1. Magic eraser Dampen the magic eraser with water and scrub over the stained area until the stain has been removed. 2. Toothpaste and baking soda Mix 1 part toothpaste with one part baking soda and apply a small amount to the stain. Using a clean cloth, rub in a circular motion. This may take a little bit of work but it should come off. 3. Pencil Eraser Rub the eraser over the permanent marker to erase it. 4. Dry Erase Marker Color over the stain with a dry erase marker then wiping it off with a cloth. This process also works great on dry erase boards. 5. WD-40 Spray some WD-40 on the affected area and scrub with a clean cloth.

Other products to try:

Hand sanitizer Bug spray Lighter Fluid Sunscreen Baby Wipe Hair Spray

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