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Back in the Saddle

Buff Bay Bulletin


The Anzardos

(above: Skibo Church welcome team...)

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. Colossians 1:28-29
Our arrival in Kingston last October to return to life in ministry after an extended time in New Jersey was lled with mixed emotions. To be honest, I was not looking forward to the heat and mosquitoes, while Kirsten, on the other hand, was ecstatic to get back

to the warm Caribbean sun after the New Jersey autumn cool kicked in! We also were concerned whether or not four months without hearing patois (the local Jamaican dialect) would limit our ability to understand friends and people in Buff Bay! Moreover, we were anxious about what it would be like to get back in the saddle of full-time, day-in, dayout ministry. Needless to say, our anxieties were eased and calmed when we saw Pastor Allen at the airport! We were reminded of Gods faithfulness in our ministry by allowing us to serve with such a faithful and generous man. Our anxieties were

even more relieved on our rst Sunday back in church when we were able to see familiar faces, introduce friends to Trevor, and worship with this local community of believers. And, true to form, Pastor Allen had me preaching on the circuit that rst Sunday, which also helped me get back in the groove. Since that rst weekend, we have returned to normal life in Buff Bay busy, challenging, yet a blessing.

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Supporting the ministry in Buff Bay, Jamaica

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And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you

Ministry Update
Making disciples capable of making disciples has been, since our initial arrival, our number one goal. During the time in New Jersey our hearts were reafrmed toward this end. We toured churches and shared with others our passion to follow Pauls instructions to Timothy in his second epistle to his spiritual son; entrust [the message of the gospel] to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim. 2:2). However, best-laid plans often hit stumbling blocks. Despite various setbacks in the discipleship ministries and a considerable time away, we are still working toward this important end. Kirsten continues to disciple young ladies in a weekly Bible study as well as through the Youth Fellowship. I have begun various one-on-one Bible reading/studies both with believers and unbelievers, which have been a great blessing. However, the main ministry outlet by which we hope to see disciples made into disciplers is in our Sunday night discipleship class and groups. Please pray that God would bless these ministries and cause them to ourish! Also pray for wisdom as we ne-tune and consider the best way to move forward to take this vital ministry to the next level! Lastly, pray for the church in Buff Bay, and throughout the circuit, that discipleship would not be only our goal but theirs as well! Pastor Allen is also looking at the format of how the circuit of churches functions. Without going into much detail, we are very encouraged with the new direction and believe that the six churches of the circuit will be better served. One specic way this is occurring is changing the leadership model to a biblical model of having a plurality of elders. This means two things men will lead, and while we are here I will serve as an elder within the circuit and will oversee two churches more directly. Please pray for wisdom, consistency, and a great dependence upon the Holy Spirit as we enter this transitional phase.

Pray with us for:

1. Disiciple-making That we will be faithful to disciple men and women who are capable of making other disciples and that God will raise up men who desire and are able to lead the Church well. 2. Trust in Gods sufficiency Realize that when God calls, He also prepares. Therefore, we will depend wholly on Gods gracious and perfect provisions. 3. Circuit of Churches We hope that each church will thrive under their newly appointed elders and find great joy in greater accountability and teaching. 4. Hosting teams We pray that God guides us in preparing for their activities, that God prepares the hearts and minds of the members of the upcoming teams, and that God softens the hearts of the local people and draws them to Himself. 5. The future That we trust God to guide our steps and are faithful to follow Him. We also pray that He draws Trevor to Himself even at at a young age.

Family Life

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I keep telling people that I had no idea having a child would be so much fun. Sure, babies are cute and are a blessing from God, but they are FUN too! Kirsten and I are really enjoying this season in life being parents. God has taught us a great deal of sacrice, selessness, and joy through the gift He has given us in Trevor. Speaking of Trevor, he is fantastic. He is an alert, curious, cute, chubby, active little man. It is hard to believe that just this month we celebrated his six-month birthday (if that is what you would call it). Trevor is interested in crawling but would much rather run! Crawling is only a means to the real thing - walking, and he is now standing up with little assistance. This probably means we are in trouble In addition to having Trevor, Kirsten and I have been blessed to be the home and family for a sixteen year old from the church. Splendid is a young lady whose guardian suffered a stroke a few weeks before our return to Buff Bay. Since November she has been living with us, which has been a blessing. However, Splendid will soon be leaving to live with another church family, which will be long-term. Please pray for Splendid as she continues to adjust to the changes as well as the new family. We thank God for the opportunity to share our house and build into her life in such an intentional way, but we are also excited for her to have a more permanent place to call home.

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