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Differentiated Lesson Plan Algebra 43 minute period Materials: Paper, questions cut into rounds, clues, and answer


8 minutes-Bell ringer, Attendance, handing back work Bell Ringer: Describe the main purpose of yesterdays lesson. What was the most important thing you learned, why? Discuss student answers to the bell ringer as a way to spark students memory. 10 minutes-Introductions to activity Welcome to the adventure of Treasure Hunt Math. The purpose of the adventure it, with your group, to accurately answer math problems that will get you clues to find the treasure in this room. These concepts are parallel to the lab test. Heres how it works: 1. You will be assigned pairs. Each pair will have one piece of paper to turn in as daily work. Each partner must write different problems and both names must be written on the sheet. 2. There are five rounds to this and you must answer all questions 1 round at a time. You may not go on until all your answers in the current round are correct. 3. When you have all your answers to a round, put them in order and take them to a teacher. We will check them and let you know if any are wrong. If you missed questions you must of back to your partner and fix them before going on. If they are all right, you will be presented a clue that may help you find the treasure. 4. With each clue comes a choice. You may use your clue to search the area and try one guess. Present this item to the teacher and we will say either yes or no. The other option is if you feel there is not enough information to waste time searching, collect you clue and go onto the next round. This will count as one guess at the end. What questions do you have? Present each team with the first round of questions and paper to work on. *Pair students up. This activity works great as a differentiation activity if students are paired up very specifically. Examine each student carefully and decide what high students can be paired with various low students. The high student can then act as a teacher to the other student so that the high can learn from teaching and the low student can learn from hearing another student explain. Since this activity is based on students working as independent groups, the teacher will be able to visit various groups, especially those with low students to provide extra assistance in solving tough problems.

25 minutes-Activities While the activity is going on observe and help each pair as required. Make sure to check answers and provide clues and new question sets. Classroom management is very important and being aware of the class is very important. Make sure to stop by groups with low level students to provide additional instruction to those students who need it. If time allows Exit slip: What was the hardest concept of todays review, why?

Clues: Clue 1- I like to hang out in Ms. Hendricks room Clue 2-I am just bigger than your hand Clue 3-I am located by the west wall Clue 4-I love the color of grass Clue 5-I am studying my Algebra s we speak

Questions: 1.GCF 4x - 36 5x + 45x + 70 4x + 10x + 6

2.Factor x - 2x 48 x + 10x 24 x - 12x + 35

3. Expand (4x-6)(3x+12) (10x-2)(3x-4) (2x-1)(6x+6)

4. Special Polynomials x - 49 x - 64 4x - 9

5. Coefficients 3x - 7x + 2 6x +7 x 24 20x + 7x 3

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