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Alamat Desa Harapan Mulya Kecamatan Muara Belida Kabupaten Muara Enim 31171

SOAL ULANGAN MID SEMESTER GANJIL Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Waktu Kelas / Semester : : 7 ( Tujuh )/Ganjil

1.Write the correct spelling to the following words! a. English b. Letters = I EN JI EL AI ES EICH = EL I TI TI I AR ES

9. Read the text and answer the questions! Let us mention {menyebutkan} part of the human body, among other:eyes, nose, mouth, lips, teeth, ears, hair, hand, foot, finger, chin, eyebrow, head, cheek, neck, knee, shoulder, etc. a. What is the meaning of FINGER in Bahasa Indonesia? JARI/JEMARI b. How many parts of human body mention in the text? 17 ( SEVENTEEN) PARTS OF HUMAN BODY 10. Complete the following blanks with the correct words! a.Book What is this? THIS IS A BOOK/IT IS A BOOK b.Pen What is that? THAT IS A PEN/ IT IS A PEN GOOD LUCK

2. Write the correct English spelling to the following numbers! a. 40 b. 80 = FORTY = EIGHTY

3. Write the correct English sentence to the following simple mathematics operation! a. 15 + 5 = 20 FIFTEEN PLUS FIVE IS TWENTY b. 30 + 5 = 35 THIRTY PLUS FIVE IS THIRTY FIVE 4. Write the correct English sentence to the following simple mathematics operation! a. 25 10 = 15 TWENTY FIVE MINUS TEN IS FIFTEEN b. 45 25 = 20 FORTY FIVE MINUS TWENTY FIVE IS TWENTY 5. Write the correct English sentence to the following simple mathematics operation! a.12 X 12 =144


b.9 X 9 = 81 NINE TIMES NINE IS EIGHTY ONE 6. Write the correct English sentence to the following simple mathematics operation! a.49 : 7 =7 FORTY NINE DIVIDED BY SEVEN IS SEVEN b.36 : 6 =6 THIRTY SIX DIVIDED BY SIX IS SIX 7. Complete the following conversation with the correct expression! Alya : Good morning, Ms. Diah. : How are you? NAME : LEVEL/CLASS : :


Ms.Diah : a GOOD MORNING, Alya. Alya Ms.Diah : b IM FINE THANK YOU 8. Read the text and answer the questions! There are so many animals in English, namely: ant, dog, chicken, cat, cow, monkey, butterfly, rabbit, mouse, bird, frog, duck, pig, horse, bear, elephant, buffalo, bat, crocodile, etc. a. What is the meaning of BEAR in Bahasa Indonesia? BERUANG b. How many animals mention in the text? 19 ( NINETEEN ) ANIMALS

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