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1. Title sequence The black and white credits roll through as the mysterious and dramatic music plays throughout the sequence. Names of the actors and production crew become apparent as they are played in order. The last text to appear is the title in a large bold font, the camera pans down to the two detectives, stressed and hard-working. 2. Int. Detective's office The room is bleak. The detectives are hard at work attempting to solve a murder case with the main suspect being the venomous gang master Bruno, Detective Dixon and Miles are typing up reports and filing through various papers. Their frustrated expressions appear in the minimal lighting asserted around the room. Both however, do not carry the same facial appearance. Detective Miles, as well as frustrated, seems unnervingly uneasy. He constantly looks at his watch or the clock hung above the door.

Dixon (Frustrated) Every time we get close to him, he always slips away! Seriously, what more can we do?

There's a pause in the conversation, Miles seems distracted, oblivious to his partner's frustration.


...Sorry? ...I mean... Oh yeah.

DIXON God dammit Miles, concentrate! I know you've helped me a lot recently, but Jesus, we're so close.

MILES Er, I've gotta' go.


What? No, you can't?!

Miles takes one look at Dixon, shakes his head then exits the room. Dixon is left with his head in his hands. Suddenly, a suspicious thought enters his head. Dixon raises his head from his hands, grabs his coat and starts following Miles.

3. EXT. Streets of New York

The darkness of the streets co-sides with the suspicious tone of Dixon's mindset. He follows Miles through the dark and lightly lit alleyways and streets, smoking a cigar as he walks.

4. EXT. Alleyway

Miles enters a specific alleyway; another person is waiting for him in the darkness. A single street lamp is visible yet still the individual's identity is masked. Dixon hides behind the wall just before the turning of the alleyway. All he can hear are whispers; he can't make out what the topic of conversation is about. Without warning, a loud gunshot is heard. Dixon looks around the corner to find a fleeing character in the distance and a fallen Miles bleeding to death.

Dixon is accompanied by a femme fatale who arises from nearby bar by the sound of the gunshot; it's Miles' fiance, Lola. They both run to the aid of their fellow friend and fianc as he lays there dying.


Miles! No! Please say you're okay. Please, no! Oh god.


I love you Lola, but I'm the person you think I am. I'm sorry.


Miles, where are you hurting pal!? I'll go get some he-


No! *Cough* There's nothing you can do. I'm... I'm sorry for everything. Th-that was Bruno... I'm so sorry Dixon, I've let you down.


What?! Why did you meet up with him? Why didn't you tell me?

Miles' eyes stare motionlessly into the sky, the single gunshot was the cause of death. Lola nestles her face in Dixon's shoulder, her tears wet his coat.


I wasn't really sure what he meant by what he said. But I was sure about one thing, I was sure as hell that I'd find out one way or another and nothing, nothing would stop me. FADE OUT

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