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Interactive Reading: Engaging Native Speakers in Literature

Josh Sollie, M.A. Lockport Township High School Foreign Language Department

Goal : Make reading an interactive and pleasurable experience.

The reading strategies that will help engage native learners.

Readers must be engaged before learning can take place.

Create and implement effective strategies that will hook learners aconnd keep them engaged.

para pensar
es su actividad favorita que usa con la literatura? Por qu? }Cul es su frustracin ms comn cuando ensea la literatura? Por qu?

A reminder before we start

} As

you design reading tasks, keep in mind that complete recall of all the information in a text is an unrealistic expectation even for native speakers. Reading activities that are meant to increase communicative competence should be success oriented and build up students' confidence in their reading ability.
- NCLRC.ORG (National Capital Language Resource Center)

Steps to engage students.

reading }Setting goals }Comprehension activities


Pre-reading prepare the students to want to read.

} The

most significant determination of comprehension in reading is the activation of the students background knowledge in order to establish a focus and purpose for reading. Dr. Susan Ferguson } Pre reading strategies are the most important controllable element that a teacher has to engage readers.

Pre-reading prepare the students to want to read

instruction to make readers the center and in charge of their own reading. } Help students access prior knowledge to help make connections with new information.
} Design

Pre-reading Prepare the students to want to read.

} Types

of pre-reading activities


guide. }Personal connection questions. }Prediction exercises.

Pre-reading prepare the students to want to read.

} Using

technology to engage readers } Songs

} cloze }

exercises summarizing exercises. exercises personal connection exercises.

} Videos
} prediction }


Pre-reading prepare the students to want to read.

} Using

online interactive technology } Polling websites } Voicethread } Wordle } Youtube } Blog


Steps to engage students.

reading 5 }Setting goals }Comprehension activities



Goals give students a purpose.

} } }

A goal should be measurable. A goal should include a verb that tells the student what they will do. If we cannot specifically identify why (the goal) we are having students read a selection, we need to ask ourselves if we should be using the selection.


Goals give students a purpose.

Examples of goals: } Explain how the metaphors in the poem emphasize the beauty of the woman. } Read the selection focusing on the plot of the story. Summarize how the story develops and then how the problem is resolved. } Describe how suffering is portrayed in No oyes ladrar los perros. } Verbally summarize the history behind Cinco de Mayo.


Goals give students a purpose.

} Traditional

- Assignment

Lee esta seleccin sobre el cinco de mayo.

Current - Goal - based


Despus de leer esta seleccin vas a poder describir los eventos histricos que resultaron en la celebracin del cinco de mayo.


Steps to engage students.


reading 5 }Setting goals 5 }Comprehension activities


Comprehension activities
organizers } Text annotations } Summarizing
} Graphic


Comprehension activities
} Despus

de leer esta seleccin vas a poder describir los eventos histricos que resultaron en la celebracin del cinco de mayo.

Time order graphic organizer.


An example lesson
} El

Sur Borges } Traditional reading


Read the selection and answer questions.

} Reading

with strategies

Anticipation Guide Life of Borges } Personal Connection questions } Using art for pre-reading } Specific reading goals } During reading activities


Goal : Make reading an interactive and pleasurable experience. 5

The reading strategies that will help engage native learners.

Readers must be engaged before learning can take place.

Create and implement effective strategies that will hook learners and keep them engaged.


reading for pleasure

} } } } } } } } }

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