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24 Fe ebruary 2012 2 Good Afternoon d This morning I sp pent time dow in the mes room with our non-uni

members who work at the wn ss h ion s a conta ainer termina These are guys who have left the Maritime Union and who at 7:00am were al. M w gearing up to kee operations going as MUNZ membe walked off the job. ep s ers With a further strike notice rec ceived from t Maritime Union on W the Wednesday (the eleventh strike since December), we are now facing a period of 21 da continuou disruption to Port's e w ays us n Term minal operatio ons, from 7:0 00am today to 7:00am on Friday 16 M o n March. In the mess room this morning there was a sense of determination tinged with relief. Wha has e m g, d n, h at gone untold over the past few months is w w what these gu face eve day when they come to uys ery n t work because the have made the choice to leave the MUNZ. Here are a few comments from a ey e f coupl of these guys this mor le rning: "You come to wo every day expecting s u ork y something to happen, you always hav to keep lo o u ve ooking behin your back nd k" "Ther re's bullying, intimidation, racist comm , ments - we get shoulder c g charged, call scabs, we've lled w had e eggs thrown at our cars." " "I did see a futu with MUN they look after their mates, not th young one like us. We're dn't ure NZ, k m he es W the outcasts." left ds rong reasons - we're here for the futur for the lon s e re, ng "We l because MUNZ stand for the wr haul." The o other reason that I went d down to the m mess room this morning was to asses some of the ss dama done ove age ernight as wo orkers prepa ared to walk out. I mentio this becau it goes to the o on use o heart of the cultur here that m t re must change It also und e. derscores wh our non-u hat union employ yees have been facing from MUNZ members. T barbequ have bee urinated in the SKY Z The ues en n, decod in the me room (pa for by all workers inclu der ess aid uding non-un nion members) has been n taken the pool ta n, able and the p ping-pong ta able damaged d. This b behaviour flie in the face of the publ campaign being run by the unions, who say the es lic y ey are ru unning some type of family carnival o e outside the po this week ort kend in suppo of the stri ort ike. Let m today set the record st me traight on tw other inacc wo curate claims from the un s nion: 1. Th this dispute is about 'casualisat hat t tion':

That is not true. O offer in b Our bargaining for a Collective Agreement is actually to give more r e t o al s ositions and t guarantee 160 hours o work every month. Eve if to e of y en casua employees full time po the decision is ma to have competing st ade tevedoring companies on the port, th number or c n he r propo ortion of people with perm manent jobs would not be significantly different. e y 2. Th the propo hat osal to have competing stevedorin companie working t containe e g ng es the er terminal is new o radical: or Third party contra actors alread work acros POAL's ot dy ss ther operatio ons. This mod also operates del succe essfully at the Port of Tau uranga and a the majorit of major p at ty ports around the world. In fact n POAL already has stevedoring companies working our multi-cargo operations. L s o . 3. Th MUNZ wo hat ould call off the strike t f today if we agreed not t use other stevedorin a to r ng comp panies at PO OAL: POAL right to ha workers here who ar not members of MUNZ and who m work for other L's ave re Z may o steve edoring comp panies is alre eady part of t existing collective con the c ntract with M MUNZ. We a continuing to try to en are g ngage with M MUNZ in a constructive dia alogue to rea a sustain ach nable soluti ion. I can as ssure you tha my team a I have this as our highest priority in order to get at and this P back to f service as quickly as possible. Bu any soluti has to sa Port full ut, ion afeguard the New Zeala supply chain from be and eing crippled by such reck kless union a actions in the future. e We h have continge encies in place for the ne week to ease disruptio as much as possible. The ext e on first w week-long str rike starting t today impact on 11 ship ts p-calls, six of which will b managed f be through our multi-cargo opera ations and Fe ergusson Terminal, with t others diverting to oth the her ports. The s second week long strike impacts 15 v k vessels, four of which will be diverted. The third week w long s strike impact 12 vessels with one already divert ts s, ted. We are working with lines aroun h nd contin ngencies for these strikes s. The P has bee strengthen Port en ning its on-po operational capacity, a is confid ort and dent of being able to ma aintain limited road R&D at both Fergusson and Bledisloe, and limited con d B d ntainer excha ange servic on vesse ces els. Thank you for you ongoing support through the current issues. Ple ur ease dont hesitate to em mail me if you have an questions or concerns I look forwa to continuing to upda you over the ny s. ard ate t comin weeks. ng

Best regards

y Tony Gibson CEO s d Ports of Auckland Limited gibso .nz

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