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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Alokasi Waktu Topik Pembelajaran Pertemuan Ke A.

: : : : : : SMA NEG 11 MAKASSAR Bahasa Inggris XI / 2 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan ) Teks monolog berbentuk Spoof

Standar Kompetensi Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari


Kompetensi Dasar Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition. Mengungkap-kan makna dalam esei dengan mengguna-kan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition


Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi   Nilai Budaya Dan Karakter Bangsa

Merespon wacana monolog: spoof Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja Melakukan monolog berbentuk : spoof keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin
tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab, mandiri

Kewirausahaan/ Ekonomi Kreatif :     Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis). Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik). Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin) Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)


Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat : o Merespon wacana monolog: spoof o Melakukan monolog berbentuk : spoof


Materi Pokok Wacana monolog berbentuk spoof, contohnya; Okay students. Listen to me. I have a good story. The story is about a boy named Michael. He was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil. Why? Because he didnt like doing his homework. What did he like then ?Oh, he liked playing in his leisure time. He liked football very much. Do you know why he didnt like doing his homework? Because he always made a lot of mistakes when he did it. Well, one day, his mathematics teacher looked at Michaels homework and found that all his homework was correct. Wow, thats a good job! Of course students, the teacher was very pleased and surprised. So, he called Michael to his office and said to him, Michael, youve got all your homework right this time. Youre doing great. Well done, Michael. Did your father help you? No, sir Michael said, Usually my father did it for me. But last night he was very busy. He had a meeting. So, he couldnt do my homework. Then, I had to do it by myself.
(Adapted from: Intermediate Reading Comprehension,L.G.Alexander)


Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three phase technique y Pre listening y Whilst listening y Post Listening


Strategi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka  Bertanya jawab  tentang isi cerita (karakter, setting, plot) yang sudah dibaca, ditonton, dan/atau didengar.  Membahas nilai-nilai Terstruktur Mandiri

Dengan kelompok  Siswa melakukan belajarnya, siswa diberi berbagai kegiatan terkait tugas untuk melakukan dengan wacana hal-hal berikut, dan berbentuk naratif di luar melaporkan setiap tugas tatap muka dan kegiatan kepada guru, a.l. terstruktur yang tentang tempat, siapa saja diberikan guru.


yang terkandung dalam cerita, sikap dan perilaku para tokoh. Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam teks naratif. Membahas ciri-ciri leksikogramatika. Nonton film Mendengarkan cerita (secara langsung atau dengan media elektronik). Membacakan cerita kepada kelompok atau kelas (monolog). Menceritakan kembali cerita kepada kelompok atau kelas (monolog). Membahas kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam melakukan kegiatan terstruktur dan mandiri.


yang datang, kesulitan  yang dihadapi. Bertanya jawab tentang isi cerita (karakter, setting, plot) yang sudah dibaca, ditonton, dan/atau didengar dengan kelompok belajarnya Membahas nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam cerita, sikap dan perilaku para tokoh. Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam teks naratif. Membahas ciri-ciri leksikogramatika. Nonton film. Mendengarkan cerita (secara langsung atau dengan media elektronik). Membacakan cerita kepada kelompok (monolog).

Siswa mengumpulkan setiap hasil kerja dalam portofolio, dan melaporkan hal-hal yang sudah diperoleh serta kesulitan yang dihadapi secara rutin kepada guru.

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Awal (10 )      Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun, peduli) Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin) Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan dipelajari dengan karakter Dengan merujuk pada silabus, RPP, dan bahan ajar, menyampaikan butir karakter yang hendak dikembangkan selain yang terkait dengan SK/KD Siswa berdiskusi mengenai pertanyaan yang tertera di buku teks

Kegiatan Inti (70 ) Eksplorasi Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:     Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi wacana monolog berbentuk spoof. Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa (Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai wacana monolog berbentuk spoof. Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau mempresentasikan mengenai wacana monolog berbentuk spoof. Siswa diminta membahas contoh soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai wacana monolog berbentuk spoof.

Elaborasi Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:   Membiasakan siswa membuat kalimat wacana monolog berbentuk spoof. Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan soal yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara individual.

Konfirmasi Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi guru:     Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya. Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh siswa melalui sumber buku lain. Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan. Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi wacana monolog berbentuk spoof.

Kegiatan Akhir (10 )     H. Siswa diminta membuat rangkuman dari materi mengenai wacana monolog berbentuk spoof. Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan. Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi wacana monolog berbentuk spoof. Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

Sumber/Bahan/Alat  Buku Look Ahead 2


Transkrip percakapan atau rekaman percakapan/ kaset Gambar yang relevan Script monolog berbentuk banner, poster atau pamplet

Penilaian I. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh. No. 1. Indikator Memahami isi teks wacana monolog berbentuk spoof Teknik Tes Tertulis Bentuk Essay Contoh Listen to the monolog and choose the best answer

II. Instrumen Penilaian Listen to Mike, talking about his experience about earthquake. Check the answers. Has everybody here heard of an earthquake? Do you know what it is like when it happens? Well, I once experienced it. Okay, I ll tell you about my experience. Listen. I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. You know what happened? At first I thought a tire had gone flat but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. It s terrible, isn t it? Next, guess what? The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to get out of the car. When I got back to town, well as I said, there wasn t much left. My God, that was a nightmare. Say It Right y Earthquake y Coast y Collapsing y Nightmare y Experience

> terrible > tumbling > abandoned > matchsticks > tire

III. Pedoman Penilaian - Penilaian kognitif : terlampir - Penilaian psikomotor : Terlampir. - Penilaian afektif : Terlampir

Norma penilaian Aspek Penilaian Identifikasi makna kata Identifikasi aspek tata bahasa Identifikasi generic structure dari teks Korelasi Jumlah Norma penilaian psikomotor : Indikator penilaian Pronounciation 4 (baik sekali) Keterampilan berbicara 4 (baik sekali) Penggunaan kata yang tepat 4 (baik sekali) 4 (baik sekali) Norma penilaian afektif Nama Sikap

Skor maksimal 25 25 25 25 100

Skala penilaian 3 (baik) 2 (cukup) 3 (baik) 2 (cukup) 3 (baik) 2 (cukup) 3 (baik) 2 (cukup)

1 (kurang) 1 (kurang) 1 (kurang) 1 (kurang)


Aspek penilaian Kerjasama keaktifan


Mengetahui, Guru Pamong

Makassar, Februari 2012 Mahasiswa PPL




Loving Money Too Much; Example of Spoof

There was a man who liked money very much. He worked all of his life and wanted to save all of his money for his own future. He was a real miser when it came to his money. He loved money more than just about anything. Even, just before he died, he said to his wife; "Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I wanna take my money to the afterlife." So he asked his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all the money in the casket with him. Well, one day, he really died. Then he was stretched out in the casket. The wife was sitting there in black clothes next to her closest friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said "Wait just a minute!" She had a box in her hands. She came over with the box and placed it in the casket. After that the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away. Not long after that, her friend said, "I hope you were not crazy enough to put all that money in the casket." The wife turned to her friend and replied; "Yes, because I have promised." Then she continued; "I can't lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him." Feeling shocked, her friend said; "You mean that you have put every cent of his money in the casket with him?" Then the wife answered; "Surely I did. I got it all together, put all the money into my account and I just wrote him a check."

(Re-written from

Notice on Generic structure of spoof sample Spoof text is very similar to recount text. Both spoof and recount tell about the past event with chronological order. Its purpose is to amuse reader with funny story. The story mostly is ended with an unpredictable event. The above spoof sample has generic structure as follow: Orientation: It is the introduction of the story. By giving the orientation, reader will recognize, for the first time, who involves in the story.The above story talks about a wife and his husband who loves money too much even up to his death. Events: Several events are explored in chronological way which able to arrange the story read nicely.Promising with her money miser husband, Putting the box inside casket, locking and rolling the casket are the events which build the complete story. Twist: This is the unpredictable event/thing/way which amuse the reader. Readers even did not predict before that it would be. When reading the above story, for the first, readers likely think that the wife would put all the money instead of just a check

Penguin in the Park Once a man was walking in a park when he across a penguin. He took it to a policeman and said; "What should I do?" The policeman replied; "Take it to the zoo!". The next day, the policeman saw the man in the same park. The man was still carrying the penguin. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked; "Why are you still carrying the penguin? Didn't you take it to the zoo?" The man replied; "I certainly did. And it was a great idea because the penguin really enjoyed it. So, today I am taking it to the movie".

VAMPIRE BAT Adapted from: A Vampire bat came flapping in from the night, face all covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the roof of the cave to get some sleep. Pretty soon all the other bats smelt the blood and began hassling him about where he got it. he told them to piss off and let him get some sleep. But, they persisted until he finally gave in. Ok, follow me, he said and flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him. Down through a valley they went, across a river and into huge forest. Finally he slowed down and all the other bats were excitedly around him with their tongues hanging out for blood. Do you see that large oak tree over there? he asked. YES, YES, YES!!! the bats all screamed in a frenzy. Good! Said the first bat, Because I didn t.

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