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vIE 07 03511

uU An cAp Ntloc vA vE srNHriNu niNu DINH



cni cuec HePn.q.N DAoIAN rut/ +

Ngdy I Date Giit lTime : : Thri Hai / Monday, 15/812011 14:00 17:00 HQi trudng A - Vdn phdng UBND Tinh Binh Dinh / Meeting hall A of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee

Dia di6m I Place:

l. Thienlr.phintham 1. B0 / Ministries

dv/ Particinants

UBND tinh Binh Dinh c6 mdi d4i diQn B0 KO hoach vd EAu tu vd dai din 86 Tai chinh nhrmg kh6ng c6 thdnh vi6n tham dy. The representativesof the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance were invited by the Binh Dinh PPC but theywere absent. 2. Co'quan Phdt tri6n Bi I Belgian Development Agency Be Krista Verstraelen Otrg TrAn L0 Nam Ba Crip Thi Vdn Anh Quyn Trucrngdai diqn thuong trir BTC Interim ResidentRepresentativeof BTC in Vietnam C6n b0 chucmgtrinh Programme Officer Can b0 chucrngtrinh Programme Officer 3. UBND tinh, cfc s&, ban, ngdnh li6n quan / Provincisl agencies

6ng UOqu6c Dtng 0.rg Ph4mVInh S6u

Otrg Nguy6n Hiru Vui Ottg TrAn Vi6t 86o

Ph6 Chir tich UBND tinh (Cht tri cuQchqp) Vice Chairman of the PPC (Chairman of the meeting) Gi6m d6c So Tdi chfnh Director of the DoF Ph6 Gi6m d6c So NN&PTNT Deputy Director of the DARD Ph6 Gi6m d6c So Xdy dpg Deputy Director of the DoC

6ttg NguySnDric Thi 0lg Mai XudnH4 Edu tu)

ph6 ch6nhvdn phdngUBND tinh ViceHeadof theppC Secretariat Trucmg phongKOho4chKinh t6 ngdnh(Sd K6 hoachvd ryead of Sub-dept.of Economicsplanning (under the DPI)

OtrgVd Minh Eric nguyn M6i trucmg) vd

Truong phdng Bi0n d6o vd Tdi nguyOn nudc (So Tdi

Head of sub-dept. of sea, Isrand and water Resources (under the DoNRE)

6trg Hd Dfc chucrng

Gi6m d6c Trung t6m Nu6c sach & vsMTNT tinh Director of thepCERI4/ASS

4. Lflnh tlqo cr{c huyQn dg 6n I District agencies Ldnh d4o UBND c6c huy6n du iin: An Nhcrn,Tdy Scrn,Tuy phu6c, pht C6t, pht My vd Hodi Nhcm. Leaders of the DPC of An Nhon, Tay son, Tuy phuoc, phu Cat, phu My and Hoai Nhon. 5. Ban quin ly dg 6n cdp nuri'cvi vQ sinh tinh (Ban eLDA tinh) | wssp ppMrl - 0rg Nguy6n Minh T6m Girim d6c Du rin

Ong Jozef De Smet

COv6n K! thu{t Qudct6 International Technical Advisor

Ve todn th6 c6n bQBan eLDA tinh And all of PpMU staff

1. Tuy6n bii ty do, mr;c dich cuQchgp vi trinh biy b{o c6o Opening, presenting the progress report lr jg'-muc dich cuQchq.pvd gi6i thi6u dai bi6u, chri tri cu6c hop try quy6n cho *:$t^lt: tinh b6o c6o k6t qu6 thirc hiOndu iin tu cu6c hgp Ban aa" rar;il^; -Giamdoc.B,al.aLDA ko ho4ch cho c6c thring cu6i n6m. NQi dung b6o c6o g6m'moi s6 "iri dung nQi chfnh :::::.{.vd nnu sau: After opening the meeting, the chairperson of the meeting delegated the ppMU Director to pr-esentthe progress report since the PSC meeting nr.3 ind th-e plan for the next seme,ster. Thepresentation included thefollowing main poini; - Gi6i thi6u chung vC dp rin; General information; Biio c6o kt qud hoat ddng c6c hgrpphdn ctra du 6n tir sau cu6c hop Ban chi dao lAn thri 3 d6n nay; Progress of theproject components since the psc meeting nr.3; Ke hoach hoat ddng cria du rin: Trinh bdy di6u chinh K6 ho4ch t6ng quan ho4t d6ng

cira du 6n d6n ndm2014; K6 ho4chhoat dQngchi tii5t cdcthingcu6i nam 20II; Activity plan: Revision of the project global plan till 2014 and detqiled activity plan of for the secondsemester 2011; 86o ciio tdi chinh dg 5n: t6ng quan vC titltt dQ gi6i ngdn ctra dp 6n, k6 ho4ch tdi chinh dp 5n 5 th6ng c,r6i ndm 2011 tir ngr6n v6n Bi vd v5n eOiung ViQt Nam; Financial report: General overyiew of the financial progress ond financial plan for the secondsemester 2011; of MQt s6 kh6 khdn, th6ch thric trong qu6 trinh thuc hiQndg 6n vd ki6n nghi Ban chi d4o xem x6t, cho y kitln. Challenges and dfficulties incuned during the project implementation and recommendations PSCto decide. to 2. Thio lufln Discussion a. Hgp phAn Phft tri6n ning lgc / CapacityDevelopment Vd chuy6n tli hgc t$p kinh nghiQm& Chflu Au lThe study tour to Europe BTC dC nghi phia tinh nOnxem x6t khi ndng tO chric chuytin di hqc t{p kinh nghiQm trong nu6c ho{c o c6c nu6c trong khu vgc vd c6c m6 hinh phu hqp vdi tinh. BTC recommended the province to consider the possibility of study tour to the countries in the region or in Vietnamwhere there are applicable models. Va sfr tham gia cfia Se NOi vg lThe involvement of the Department of Home Affiirs C6 nhiAu f ki6n kh6c nhau vO sp tham gia ctra So NQi vU vdo hqp pnan fnat tri6n ndng luc. Theo BTC dC dim b6o tfnh b6n virng,.ciic ho4t dQngctra dg 6n n6n c6 sr,r tham gia cia ScrNQi vp. Tuy nhi6n, phia tinh cho rdng hiQn nay Sd NQi vp dang tQptrung thpc hiQnkO ho4ch ddo t4o, UOiOuOng c6n bQ, cdng chric giai dopn 20ll - 2015 dd dugc Thu tu6ng Chinh phtr ph6 duyQt,hcrnnfla cdng viQc cira dy 5n ld thri y6u nOnSd NOi ru kh6 dAm bio thdi gian tham gia c6ng vi0c cira dp 6n. There were many dffirent idess relating to the involvement of the Department of Home Affairs into the Capacity Development component. According to BTC, the Department of Home Affairs should be involved in this project component to assure thepost-project sustainability. However, according to theprovince, the Department of Home Affairs wasfocusing on the implementationof the training planfor Government fficials for the period 2011 * 2015 which hqd beenapproved by the Prime Minister. Moreover, the project activities were not at high priority for them, so it is not possible for them to involvefully. b. Cfc hQthiing cdp nu6'c nOngth6n I Rural water supply schemes BTC dC nghf Ban QLDA tinh n6n tdng culng m5i"q.ranhQ vdi Tryrg tdm qu6c gia NS&VSMTNT (thuQc BQ Ndng nghiQpvd Ph6t tri6n n6ng th6n) dO tham kh6o kinh nghiQm trong cdng t6c qu6n ly, v{n hdnh c6ng trinh cdp nu6c thu6c Chucrngtrinh MTQG Nu6c s4ch & VSMT n6ng th6n dOv4n dung vdo dg 6n sau niry. BTC proposed the PPMU to enhancethe relation to the National CERILASSunder the MARD to capitalize their experiencesin managing and operating the water supply schemesunder the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation National Target Program. Tu v6n khAo s6t fniet ti5 bdn vE thi c6ng - du to6n c6ng trinh NAng c6p hO chria nu6c H6c M6n:

Trang 3

survey,detaileddesignand costestimate Hoc Mon reservoir: of ' UBND tinh d6.nghiUBND huy?.lphn My (cht dau cucrng ph6i hqp v6i !u).tdng. B3?.9LD1 tj:h:i quanlin quutr ly mQtso ton tai crian]ratr,au v6n *,i tu ::" 9" vo kh6o s6t,l6p rhict k6 bdn vE thi c6ng- dpto6n .ong t,i,,h dc ,il rroan,hie' tri6n khai thi c6ngc6ngtrinh trongndm 2012. The PPC requestedthe Phu My DPC (the project owner) to enhancetheir collaborationwith the PPMU ayd rei:lating igencies to solve the problems the caused the sttrve)lor, that the detaileddeigri, ,outd be by so finished and thenthe construction couldbestartedin 2012. c. Chdt thii rin I Solid waste Ti6n dQthgc hiQnbq h.ou:!. qudn ly ch6t th6i rgn caphuyQn cta don vi tu v6n ,a.rt EP&T ddmbio theokti hopch. Hicn.nay, quandidm cirac6cb6nc6 li6n quanvc eAu tu xdy dtmg cricbdi ch6nl6p chuath6ngnh-6t nhau: v6i TheDSWMPs were developed the consultant by EP&T as scheduled. that moment, At thereare dffirent opinionson landfill investment amongthestakeholders: Quandi6m criatinh: Phiatinh choring viQcdAutu.*ay dpng bdi ch6nl6p dirng chung (1 bai ch6nl6p dirngcho nhiuhuyQn)"sd ,'oi,a ki-,0 gup khan,urr. PPC's opinion: Theprovinceconsidered sharedtandfirts that (onelandJ,iil sharedby manydistricts)wouldhavethefollowing challenges. o Phongtpc tQp, ctr.a dan kh6ng ch6pnhQnvi6c v6n chuytinr6c cr dia -lur[ Lg"oj phucmgndy ch6n lap d dla phymq nrac. rnuc t6 trong nhirng ndm qua 6 tinh Binh Dfnh, vi6c thu gom,v6n chuy6nrb,c thtiiu huyQn ,unElrryqn khrrcgap r6tlcm c6ntrcr nguoi dfaph"*g.';;;1"ay ;#tii|i] tu cria ddn
chung cho 2 huy6n trd l6n sCgAp'kh6 khdi "nu,, Thepeople do not accept the waste from other district. In reality, recently in Binh Dinh Province, the solid waste collection and transport among districts had been obiected by the local people. Therefore,it is very difficutt to oitm shared tandfills usedfor 2 or more than 2 districts.

vdtrinhduyQt t<6 vthi c6ng Auioan,tamJc,soit;h,i.^#;#';; rhi6t bAn I

li" igui ldp dirng


chua phu hqp v6i Quy hoach t6ng tho gual ri crr6t tnai rin d6 thi vd khu c6ng nghiep tr6n dia bdn tinh Binh Dinh dctr,ra- zo)o aaa"q. ueND piie'i"yg,. Not be compliance with the Province Sotid WasteMaster plan (pSWMp) for the urban areas and the industrial zones in Binh Dinh area up to 2020which was approved by the ppC. HiQn nay, cftcdfa phucrngchua x6c dinh duqc dia dim c6c The districts had not identified the locations of the shared Chua xiic dinh duoc m6 hinh quAnly bai r6c chung. The co-management had not been identified. PiAn.l6n nguoi d6n 6 cric huyn an nghdo, sdng thua thort,n6u dAutu bdi ch6n "du lap ding chung chi phi vdn chuy6n sc cao, Anhhu&g r6t tcrnac" h6i h6a. "ic".a Most of the district people were poor, they stayed in scattering areas. The transport costfor- shared landfills would be highei than ownea uia1us. So it is dffi cult for socialization. Ttr nhirng kh6 khdn trong dAu tu xdy dimg bai ch6n l6p dirng chung, phia tinh (lanh dao UBND tinh, Ban qu6n l;f d1r6n C6p nu6c vd v6 sintr tinrr ,rjubNo .a" bdi ch6n l6p chung. tandfills.

. o '


huyQnAn Nhcrn, Tdy Son, Pht My vd Hodi Nhcrn) dC nghf dp 5n ndn dAu tu m5i h'gVenmQt bdi ch6n 16pdii ri0ng cho tgng dfa phucrng.Tuy nhi6n, n6u d6u tu hodn chinh cd 4bdi ch6n l6p, c6ng trinh CAp nu6c sinh ho4t huyQnPht CAt vd Ndng c6p hO chria nu6cll6c MOn thi dU 6n s kh6 khdn vO v6n dAutu. Do d6, dOgi6m kh6 khdn v v6n dAutu ngoiri viQc ddu tu xdy dpg hodn chinh c6ng trinh CAp nu6c sinh ho4t huyQn Phi C6t, dg 6n n6n phdn k! d"* to c6c bdi ch6n l6p (giai dopn d6u ddu tu 2 6 ch6n l6p cho mdi bai) vd c6 th6 str dr,rngv6n Chucrng trinh MTQG Nudc s4ch vd VSMTNT vd v6n ngdn s6chhuyn Phn My dC dAu tu xdy dpg h4ng mpc C6p nu6c xd M! ChAu thuQc cdng trinh NAng c6p h0 chria nu6c H6c MOn, huy6n Phu M!. Considering these challenges, the province (including PPC, WSSPPPMU and DPCs of An Nhon, Tay Son, Phu My and Hoai Nhon) suggested to build one landfill per district. However, there would be a big shortfoll of capital if the project investedfully in 4 landfills, Phu Cat Running Water Supply system and Rehabilitation of Hoc Mon reservoir. Therefore, to reduce the budget burden, the investment of landfills could be divided into many phases (during the project lifetime, only 2 cells per landfill would be built). In addition, the item of My Chau water supply could be financed by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation National Target Program and the Phu My district. Quan di6m cua C6 v6n K! thuat Qudc t6: ViQc dAu tu.xdy dlmg cric bdi ch6n l6p n6n cdn cri vdo H6 so K! thuft vd Tdi chinh, Quy ho4ch t6ng th6 quin ly ctr6t tnai ran eO thi vd khu c6ng nghjQntr6n dia bdn tinh d6n ndm 2020, kinh nghiCm cria m6t s6 nu6c tr6n th6 gioi; circ yu t6 vO mdi trulng, kinh tC - xd hQi vd tdi chinh ctra dr,r6n (xem Php lec 2). ITA's opinion: The investmentof landfills should be considered based on the project TFF, the PSWMP, the international experience,as well qs the environmental, socio(seeattachedthe Annex 2). economicandfinancial considerations Quan di6m cira BTC: BTC cho ring vi6c dAutu chcbdi ch6n t6p n6n c5n cri vdo HO so K! thuflt vd Tdi chinh. OC eAy nhanh titin dO dAu tu xAy.dpg c6c bdi ch6n l6p, dim b6o thoi gian theo HiQp tlinh, BTC d6ng 1f triOn khai dAu tu xdy dlrng nhanh 3 bai ch6n l6p 6 ctrchuyQn Tdy Scrn,Phir My vd Hodi Nhcm v6i quy md dAu tu 02 6l bili chOnlAp. BTC's opinion: BTC consideredthat the investmentof landfills should be basedon the project TFF. In order to accelerate the progress qnd to be within the Specffic Agreement duration, BTC agreed to build 3 landfills of Tay Son, Phu My and Hoai Nhon with the scale of 2 cells per landfill. d. Vd mQt sii t i6o nghi cfia Ban QLDA tinh / Recommendations PPM(I by

V6 phe duyQtnQi dung b6o cito,ki5 ho4ch ho4t dQngvd k6 hoach tdi chinh cira dg 6n: 86o c6o, kOho4ch ho4t dQngvd k6 ho4ch tdi chinh ctra dp iin duoc BCD ph6 duyQt. Approval of the project progress report and action and financial plan: the progress report and action andfinancial plan are approved. 86 sung v6n k6t du tir Dg 6nCiithiQn mric s6ng chung cira thitr6n phir M! th6ng qua ti6p c4n v6i nu6c s4ch (VIE 0402311)vd DU an Tdng ndng sudt ndng nghiQpth6ng qua c6i t4o hQth6ng thiry lqi t4i huyQnPhn My ryIE 0302211)cho D1r6n CApnu6c vd vC sinh tinh: V6n dc ndy dd dugc quy6t dinh bdi Chinh phri Bi, BO TAi chinh vd Bg Kti ho4ch vd DAu tu. Tuy nhiOn, BTC ghi nhfln vd s chuy6n f ki6n ndy dn D4i sri qutin Bi. Carry over the balqnce of Phu My Water project (VIE 0402311) and Phu My Irrigation project (VIE 0302211) to the WSSP: This issue was already decided

betweenthe Belgian Governmentas weil the MoF and MpI. However, BTC aclcnowledged request the and wourdreport to theBergianEmbassy.

thdi, ^ry?;hg huvQnk6ho4ch triaoi t ong"nt'n"g Ns&vsvtrNT.D6ng c6c c6 b6 rmg ;;ilkilrdi;il,i.ffiirri"u"r.

PPC would steer Phu cat DPC and Tuy Phuoc DPC to allocate district budget to return 2 billion to the water suppty and sanitation National Target program. In addition, the districts would prepiri it nt, budgetplanfor the next years.


UBND tinh s6 chi dao UBND huyQn pht_c6t vd UBND huyQn Tuy phudc b6 tri v6n sdchd-ia phuongcho c6ngtrinh c6p nu6c rintt rroathuyQn phi c6t d6hodntr6 |lnsen

chucrng vrQg trinh


v,c qu6 BTC thu6tu v6nth6mtra th,"hglg phdnd6i criaBTC e5i voi.t<6t d6uthAu: cdch6 scv thau. d6u BTC schuy6n df nghicta n* qlna tinh di5n phan cpc bQ phdp l;vcriaHQiso BTC Bi vd c6 g6ngd6ynhanl quritrinh tiuc rrigncriac6cb6nc6 ti6n

Speed up BTC's non-obiection to tender results: BTC requires legal veriJlcationsof the tender documentsayd tender procedures. BTC wiil report the request fttt oJ'the PPMU to the relevant legal departmint at HQ and endeavor to facilitate the Jhster implementation.

saukhi thdoludn,Ban chi d4odi dt5n ket tu4nnhu sau: cric psc a*ived into thefoilowing After discussing, the concrusions: 1. Ph6duyQt b6o c6oktSt thuc hiQndu iin giai do4n7 thangdAu qu6 ndm 2011. The PSC approv-ed progress report on the project's the activity and financial performance the reportingperiod. for 2. PhdduvQt di6u chinh ho4tdQng ndm (2009- 20r4)vd kt! hopchhoqtd6ng 5 chi titit 5 th6ngcu6i f6 lg:h nAm2011. The PSC approved revisedfir:^1g1, activityplan (2009_ 20r4) and detaired -the activityplanfor the last semester 201L of 3' Ph6duy6tK6 ho4chtdi chfnh5 thringcuoi nam 20ll cinv6n Bi vd v5n aoi rmg vipt Nam. ThePSCapproved financiarpran the for the rastsemester 20t t . oJ' 4. oc aambaoti6n dQdautu.x6y l6p 1ry-g..i.^b6i,ch6n theoHiQpdinh,BCD th6ngnh6t cho tri6n khai dau,,y 3 bii ch6nl6p o cachuy6nTay Scm, phir M! vd Hodi "ay "apt Nhcrn, quym6 dAuft 02 6 lbdi ch6nl6p v6i To be within thespecificAgreement duration,the PSC approved build 3 landfillsof to Tayson, Phu My and Hoai Nhonwith thescareof 2 ,itti pu, Iandfirt. 5' chuyn di hoc t6p kinh nghiQm ch6uAu: cdn cri tai HiQpdinh cu th6 vd H6 so K! thudtvd rdi chinhcriadu 6n,BTC kh6ngph6duyQt di ndy. "il"ye" studytour to Europe:Referringto thesA and TFF, BTC disapproved thestudytour to Europe. 6' v6n dAutu cria d! 6n khdng dc thpc hin trtit t6t c6 citchangmuc dAutu nu tai $ir 'u' HiQpdfnh cu th6.BCD da quy6tdlnh thri ts uu ti6n c6cc6ng r.idjf"i"-"rr":;;;" Theproiect budgetdoesn't allow fult imptementation of all investment components proposedin thesA. priorities havebeendicided by the psC asfollows:


C6ng trinh CAp nu6c sinh hoat huyOnPhil C6t (5 xd huyQnPhu Crlt vd 2 x6 huyQn Tuy Phu6c). Phu Cat Water supply component (with 5 communes of Phu Cat district and 2 communesof Tuy Phuoc district);

C6ng trinh Ndng c6p h6.chira nu6c H6c M6n: C6ng trinh ndy sEbao g6m c6c h4ng muc: C6ng trinh dAu m6i, hq thdng k6nh.muryng nu6c xd lrty Cnau. Ri6ng "a 96p h4ng qsc C6p nu6c xd M! Chdu c6 th6 l6ng ghZp v6nitr c6c ngu6nv6n hqp ph6i kh6c n6u ngu6n v5n ctra dg 6n dAutu cho c6ng trinh ndy cdn th[u. Hoc Mon Reservoir rehabilitation: This componentwill include the upgrading of the headwork, the rehabilitation of the Canal systemand the Clean Water Suppty systemfor My Chau Commune.For the Clean Water Supply systemfor My Chau Commune,in casethe project budget is not sfficient, it can befinanced by other legal fund sources. Phdn k}. dAu tu 3 bdi ch6n ldLpHodi Nhon, Phu My vd TAy Scrn.Trong giai do4n dg 6n, s chi dAu tu 2 6 cho m5l Uai ch6n l6p. Phased construction of three landfills: Hoai Nhon District, Phu My District and Tay Son District. Only two cellsfor each landfill will be built during the life of the project.


lY.Phuluc lAnnexes attachedto the Minutes 1. 86o crio ti6n dQdU an tai cudc hgp BCD lAn thri 4 Progress report presented at thefourth Project steering committee 2. Bdi trinh bdy v0 Quin lf chdt thdi rfn cira cd vAn K! thuflt eu6c t0 Presentation by the project International Technical Advisor on Solid Waste Management

Bi6n b6n niy dugc l6p thdnh I2bhnc6 giatrinhu nhau, gui d6n c6c don vi li6n quan. The minuteswere made into I2 copies with the samevalidity.

B0 Tni Chinh Ministry of Finance

B0 K6 hogch& DAutu Ministry of Planning & Investment

Co quan Phdt tri6n Bi - BTC Quy6nTrudngD4i diQn Resident Representative

UBND tinh Binh Dinh Binlt Dinh Provincial People,s Committee Ph6 Chir tich - Vice-Chairman


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Trang 7

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