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Magazine title: FOLK MAGAZINE Lauren Kruge

Minimal Level 1 10 23 marks framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate using a variety of shot distances as appropriate shooting material appropriate to the task set selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing accurately using language and register appropriately integrating illustration and text showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design Basic Level 2 24 35 marks Ok photos but CU for cover needed Proficiency Level 3 36 47 marks Excellence Level 4 48 60 marks

Mainly LS

Why is he in your garden and leaning against your wall? Clothes and guitar fine but setting poor. Get rid of that yellow brick wall.

Nearly there but too inconsistent Cover really weak and text size too big on DPS Cover weakest element. Contents really good and DPS needs attention Fonts on cover and DPS poor in terms of size and style Contents shows excellence but let down by cover and DPS

showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size using ICT appropriately for the task set

Summary Comment Cover A bit all over the shop, fonts just don't seem folk and their placement needs attention. Pic of correct person would be a help and take care with barcode, price and issue alignment issues. Whole thing needs a rethink. Contents ignoring the font issue I really like this, actually looks like a contents page, perhaps more pages needed. DPS Potentially good but the colours black and green are difficult to differentiate between (and no I m not colour blind), font size way too big in article whilst weirdly the intro paragraph is too small, just feels crammed in and it shouldn t. Perhaps make Matthew Alex span both pages (might look rubbish, might not) and then reduce article font size so you can leave gaps between Q and A so its easier to spot. Nice idea with the twitter.

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