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Scale in a Analog value, for example the Piw228 is connected to a analogtransmitter Lets say a Tempature transmitter that have

a range from 0 - 100C, depending on the value from The transmitter you will now read 0-100 in MD200. In the retval output you can just put a tempword (writes out an Statuscode from the block there). CALL FC 105 IN :=PIW228 HI_LIM :=1.000000e+002 LO_LIM :=0.000000e+000 BIPOLAR:=FALSE RET_VAL:=#Temp_RetVal OUT :=MD200 Scale out a Analog Value, here depending on the value in MD220 you will get an output on PQW228 (depening on how the PQW output is setup in the Hardware you can get 4-20mA, 0-10V and so on) But lets say that its set to 4-20mA, then when you got 0.0 in MD220 you will get an reading at 4mA on the output And if there is 100.0 in MD220 you will get 20mA. CALL FC 106 IN :=MD220 HI_LIM :=1.000000e+002 LO_LIM :=0.000000e+000 BIPOLAR:=FALSE RET_VAL:=#Temp_RetVal OUT :=PQW228 You will find FC105/FC106 in Libraries -> Standard Library -> TI-S7 Converting Blocks (and there is also a help document for each block). Move values (In STL), make sure that both values are the same type (or else you may get strange value in the word that you move to). L MD 220 T MD 230

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