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C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ?

o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 1

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 2

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 3

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 4

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
1 717,711 349,389 80.1 4.2 3.3 11.1

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 1 occuples Lhe easLern half of Suffolk CounLy, lncludlng mosL of SmlLhLown, 8rookhaven, 8lverhead, and Lhe PampLons
and norLh lork. LasLern Suffolk ls a rural communlLy of lnLeresL, relaLlvely dependenL on agrlculLure and Lourlsm compared Lo Lhe resL of
suburban Long lsland. AlLhough SmlLhLown and wesLern 8rookhaven are more suburban and less rural, Lhey're a beLLer flL for Lhe dlsLrlcL
Lhan Lhe denser areas of lsllp.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Suffolk experlenced a concenLraLed growLh of over 3 from 2000 Lo 2010 ln Lhe counLy's mlnorlLy communlLles. Whlle Lhe non-Plspanlc
WhlLe vA of Suffolk acLually fell by 0.7, Lhe non-Plspanlc 8lack vA grew by 18.4 and Plspanlc vA by an exploslve 67.7.
o WlLhln Lhe easLern Long lsland area of CC 8eform n? 1, Lhe Plspanlc vA ls now 11.1

- A deLalled analysls of Lhe demographlcs of Suffolk, lncludlng lllusLraLlve maps and a dlscusslon of some of Lhe assumpLlons and facLors
shaplng Lhe dlsLrlcLs drawn ln Lhe Common Cause 8eform Map can be found on Common Cause/n?'s redlsLrlcLlng blog, Mapplng

lncumbent{s) within the district: 1lm 8lshop (u) (SouLhhampLon)

Po/itico/ Out/ook*:
- CurrenL n? 1 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.4 Cbama, 47.6 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 1 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.3 Cbama, 47.7 McCaln

*(2008 lteslJeotlol votloq ls oseJ losteoJ of cooqtessloool votloq becoose tbe cc kefotm lloo combloes Jlffeteot exlstloq cooqtessloool Jlsttlcts
wblcb oll boJ oolpoe locombeots ooJ toces. lteslJeotlol votloq offets o oolfotm meosote).

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 6
DIS1kIC1 2 - CLN1kAL SCU1n SnCkL

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
2 717,714 343,623 69.2 8.6 2.8 18.2

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 2 ls a souLh shore dlsLrlcL LhaL lncludes 8abylon, lsllp and Lhe oceanfronL areas of CysLer 8ay and souLheasL PempsLead.

o 1hroughouL Long lsland, Lhere ls a clear demographlc conLrasL beLween Lhe norLh Shore, where households ln mosL areas make
over $73,000 and many over $123,000, and Lhe SouLh Shore where Lhe populaLlon ls mosLly mlddle and worklng-class, and much
more eLhnlcally/raclally dlverse. 1he conLrasL beLween norLh Shore and SouLh Shore ls mosL evldenL ln wesLern Suffolk. 8abylon-
lsllp also has markedly lower raLes of homeownershlp, educaLlon, and more blue-collar and servlce-secLor workers Lhan Lhe
norLh Shore. ln boLh nassau and Suffolk, Lhe SouLh Shore ls denser and more heavlly developed Lhan Lhe norLh Shore. ln
addlLlon, communlLles ln Lhe reglon ldenLlfy accordlng Lo norLh Shore vs. SouLh Shore.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- MlnorlLy communlLles ln 8abylon-lsllp conLlnue Lo grow. Suffolk ls now almosL 22 8lack and Plspanlc, up from [usL 16 Len years ago.
WlLhln Lhe area of cenLral 8abylon and lsllp, Lhe voLlng age populaLlon ls now ma[orlLy-mlnorlLy.

- A deLalled analysls of Lhe demographlcs of Suffolk, lncludlng lllusLraLlve maps and a dlscusslon of some of Lhe assumpLlons and facLors
shaplng Lhe dlsLrlcLs drawn ln Lhe Common Cause 8eform Map can be found on Common Cause/n?'s redlsLrlcLlng blog, Mapplng

lncumbent{s) within the district: eLer klng (8) (Seaford)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 2 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 36.1 Cbama, 43.1 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 2 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.9 Cbama, 47.3 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 7

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 8
DIS1kIC1 3 - NCk1n SnCkL

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
3 717,704 349,736 77.2 2.6 10.1 8.9

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 3 ls a norLh shore Long lsland dlsLrlcL sLreLchlng from PunLlngLon Lhrough CysLer 8ay, Clen Cove, norLh PempsLead, and
across Lhe new ?ork ClLy border lnLo Lhe suburban LlLLle neck area of Cueens.
o 1he norLh Shore and SouLh Shore are dlsLlncL communlLles of lnLeresL, varylng ln wealLh, educaLlon, homeownershlp and Lypes
of occupaLlon. Long lslanders also ofLen self-ldenLlfy as norLh Shore vs. SouLh Shore.

- uue Lo Lhe larger slze of Lhe new Congresslonal dlsLrlcLs (717,707) four dlsLrlcLs now flL almosL perfecLly wlLhln Long lsland. Cnly abouL
38,000 resldenLs of Cueens have Lo be added Lo a Long lsland-based dlsLrlcL for Lhe populaLlon maLh Lo work.
o 1he LlLLle neck-uouglasLon area ls Lhe ldeal place Lo cross Lhe ClLy border Lo plck up populaLlon. SeparaLed from Lhe resL of
Cueens by Alley ond ark, Lhese suburban nelghborhoods are ln many ways more closely connecLed Lo Lhe ad[acenL CreaL
neck area of nassau Lhan Lo Lhe resL of new ?ork ClLy.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:

- WlLhln nassau, Aslan voLlng-age populaLlon lncreased by a remarkable 68 slnce 2000 and Aslans now accounL for 7.4 of Lhe voLlng
age populaLlon of Lhe counLy. 1he growLh of Lhe Aslan communlLy ln norLh PempsLead and CysLer 8ay ls on Lrack Lo be an lmporLanL
facLor ln 2020 redlsLrlcLlng. A more deLalled dlscusslon of nassau's demographlcs can be found by cllcklng here.
lncumbent{s) within the district: Cary Ackerman (u) (8oslyn PelghLs), SLeve lsrael (u) (ulx Pllls)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 3 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 47.2 Cbama, 31.9 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 3 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.9 Cbama, 47.3 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 9

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 10

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
4 717,713 332,237 36.3 17.4 6.3 18.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 4 covers souLhwesL nassau lncludlng mosL of Lhe Lown of PempsLead, Lhe clLy of Long 8each, and Lhe souLhernmosL
porLlon of norLh PempsLead.
o Cverall, Lhls area of nassau ls dlsLlncL from Lhe norLh Shore accordlng Lo every soclo-economlc lndlcaLor. AlmosL Lhe enLlre
souLhern half of nassau CounLy has reached populaLlon denslLles greaLer Lhan 3,000 people per square mlle, a level whlch ls
generally consldered Lhe marker of a dense urban envlronmenL." lL has lower medlan lncomes, lower levels of homeownershlp
and educaLlon, and more blue-collar and servlce-secLor workers Lhan Lhe norLh Shore.
WlLhln souLhern nassau, Lhe CenLral PempsLead area ls parLlcularly dlsLlncL and characLerlzed by hlgher denslLy, lower
mlddle Lo mlddle class lncomes, a workforce concenLraLed ln Lhe blue collar and servlce secLors, and an lncreaslng
mlnorlLy and lmmlgranL populaLlons.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:

- Cverall ln nassau, populaLlon growLh was nearly flaL, buL populaLlon would have decllned lf noL for growLh ln Lhe counLy's mlnorlLy
communlLles. Whlle Lhe non-Plspanlc whlLe voLlng-age populaLlon of nassau decllned by 9 slnce 2000, Lhe non-Plspanlc black voLlng-
age populaLlon of nassau lncreased by almosL 16 and Lhe Plspanlc populaLlon boomed by more Lhan 48. nassau's voLlng age
populaLlon ls now nearly 24 black and Plspanlc. A more deLalled dlscusslon of nassau's demographlcs can be found by cllcklng here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Carolyn McCarLhy (u) (Mlneola)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 4 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 38.0 Cbama, 41.3 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 4 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 38.1 Cbama, 41.2 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 11

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 12

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 13

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
3 717,722 333,392 19.0 14.7 14.0 30.2

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 3 lncludes porLlons of norLheasL Cueens and Lhe souLheasL 8ronx LogeLher ln a dlsLrlcL connecLed by Lhe WhlLesLone and
1hrogs neck brldges. ln Cueens, Lhe dlsLrlcL lncludes Lhe nelghborhoods of Corona, !ackson PelghLs, LasL LlmhursL, College olnL,
8eechursL, and 8ay 1errace. ln Lhe 8ronx, Lhe dlsLrlcL lncludes Lhe nelghborhoods of Soundvlew, CasLle Plll, arkchesLer, van nesL, and
o 1hese are worklng-class Lo mlddle-lncome nelghborhoods wlLh a mlxLure of renLers and homeowners, and hlgh number of blue
collar" workers. 1hese characLerlsLlcs make Lhem dlsLlncL from Lhe more affluenL areas of CenLral Cueens and Lhe more low-
lncome nelghborhoods of Lhe CenLral 8ronx.
o 1hls dlsLrlcL ls also characLerlzed by a large and rapldly growlng Plspanlc populaLlon LhaL forms a ma[orlLy (30.2) of Lhe voLlng
age populaLlon.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- WlLhln Lhe area of CC 8eform n? 3, Lhe Plspanlc populaLlon grew by over 20 from 2000 Lo 2010 and now forms a ma[orlLy of Lhe voLlng
age populaLlon. ln conLrasL, Lhe non-Plspanlc whlLe populaLlons of norLheasL Cueens and easL 8ronx have been sLeadlly decllnlng - by
over 13 from 2000 Lo 2010. lor a more deLalled dlscusslon of Cueens and 8ronx demographlcs, see our Mapplng uemocracy blog.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nCnL

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 7 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 79.1 Cbama, 20.3 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 3 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 79.8 Cbama, 19.6 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 14

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 1S

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
6 717,712 348,238 16.6 43.1 12.2 18.9

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 6 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL coverlng Lhe !amalca, 8lchmond Plll, Czone ark, Poward 8each, and 8ockaways areas of souLheasL
Cueens. 1hese are mlddle and worklng class nelghborhoods wlLh a mlx of homeowners and renLers.
o 1he dlsLrlcL ls 43.1 nP 8lack vA. 1he currenL n? 6 was drawn as a ma[orlLy-nP 8lack dlsLrlcL ln Lhe lasL redlsLrlcLlng cycle. 8uL
slnce 2000, Lhe nP-8lack populaLlon ln Lhe !amalca area has decreased by more Lhan 8,000 lndlvlduals. Llke all Lhe Congresslonal
dlsLrlcLs, n? 6 musL now be larger ln order Lo meeL new populaLlon numbers.
lf Lhe dlsLrlcL were cuL lnLo 8rooklyn and nassau Lhe ma[orlLy-nP8lack vA sLaLus could be malnLalned. 8uL as drawn ln
Lhe CC 8eform lan, 43.1 would sLlll be a domlnanL plurallLy wlLhln Lhe new dlsLrlcL, whlle keeplng ln enLlrely ln

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he populaLlon of Lhe !amalca area has become more eLhnlcally mlxed over Lhe pasL decade wlLh growlng numbers of Aslan and
Plspanlc resldenLs coupled wlLh a decllne ln Lhe nP 8lack populaLlon. A deLalled dlscusslon of Cueens' demographlcs can be found on
Common Cause/n?'s Mapplng uemocracy blog.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Cregory Meeks (u), 8ob 1urner (8)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 6 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 88.8 Cbama, 10.9 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 6 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 83.1 Cbama, 14.3 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 16

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 17

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
7 717,694 387,278 66.3 2.9 17.9 11.1

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 7 conslsLs of Lwo separaLe areas - Lhe WesL Slde ManhaLLan, and CenLral SouLh 8rooklyn, llnked by Lhe 8rooklyn-8aLLery
1unnel and a connecLlng sLrlp along Lhe 8rooklyn waLerfronL.
o 1he WesL Slde of ManhaLLan from Lhe 8aLLery Lo 92
SLreeL ls a communlLy of lnLeresL wlLh shared characLerlsLlcs. ManhaLLan's
WesL Slde and LasL Slde have separaLe subway llnes and a very dlfferenL characLer, especlally ln MldLown where Lhe MldLown
WesL and Pell's klLchen areas reLaln worklng class populaLlons and some lndusLrlal buslnesses. 1he WesL Slde also has Lhe
hlghesL concenLraLlon of same-sex couples ln new ?ork.
o 8orough ark, uyker PelghLs, and 8ensonhursL represenL a compacL area of worklng class communlLles, mlxed beLween renLers
and homeowners, wlLh lncreaslng numbers of lmmlgranLs.
lncludlng Lhese Lwo separaLe porLlons LogeLher ln a slngle dlsLrlcL ls needed ln order Lo balance dlsLrlcL populaLlons whlle
maklng sure Lo follow Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL ln Lhe surroundlng areas of upper ManhaLLan, Lhe 8ronx, and 8rooklyn.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he ManhaLLan core below 96
SLreeL and ouLslde of ChlnaLown-LLS grew by 8, buoyed by new resldenLlal consLrucLlon and
converslon ln Lhe flnanclal dlsLrlcL and far wesL slde. lor a deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of ManhaLLan, cllck here.
- ln SouLh 8rooklyn, Plspanlc and especlally Aslan populaLlons lncreased slgnlflcanLly slnce 2000, whlle Lhe non-Plspanlc whlLe populaLlon
decllned. lor a deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of 8rooklyn, cllck here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: !errold nadler (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 8 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 73.7 Cbama, 23.4 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 7 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 73.6 Cbama, 23.3 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 18

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 19

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
8 717,722 626,230 63.1 3.9 14.3 14.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 8 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL coverlng MldLown ManhaLLan and Lhe LasL Slde from PousLon SLreeL Lo 98
SLreeL, 8oosevelL
lsland, as well as Lhe wesL Cueens nelghborhoods of Long lsland ClLy, Sunnyslde, Woodslde, and AsLorla. 1he dlsLrlcL ls connecLed across
Lhe LasL 8lver by numerous subway llnes as a well as Lhe Cueens MldLown 1unnel and Cueensboro 8rldge. Llke CC 8eform n? 7, Lhls ls a
dlsLrlcL conslsLlng of Lwo separaLe areas LhaL each forms a communlLy of lnLeresL.
o 1he LasL Slde of ManhaLLan ls a hlghly dense, mosLly upper-lncome, whlLe-collar" communlLy wlLh a hlgher concenLraLlon of
homeowners Lhan Lhe resL of ManhaLLan.
o 1he Long lsland ClLy-AsLorla area of Cueens ls characLerlzed by eLhnlc dlverslLy, a mlx of resldenLlal and lndusLrlal areas, and
mlddle and worklng class resldenLs.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- lor deLalled demographlc analyses of ManhaLLan and Cueens, vlslL Common Cause/n?'s Mapplng uemocracy blog.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Carolyn Maloney (u), !oseph Crowley (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 14 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 78.2 Cbama, 20.8 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 8 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 78.2 Cbama, 20.8 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 20

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 21

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
9 717,713 384,483 39.2 4.4 37.4 16.4

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 9 covers Lhe nelghborhoods of cenLral Cueens from LlmhursL and MaspeLh all Lhe way Lo 8ayslde and 8ellrose.
1hroughouL lLs lengLh, Lhe dlsLrlcL seeks Lo follow nelghborhood geographles and keep nelghborhoods whole wherever posslble.
o 1hls area of Cueens ls a mlxLure of more suburban nelghborhoods of mlddle and upper lncome homeowners, and more urban
areas llke LlmhursL and llushlng.

- Cueens ls lncreaslngly becomlng Lhe borough of lmmlgranLs" and CC 8eform n? 9 ls a ma[orlLy-lmmlgranL dlsLrlcL (over 30 of Lhe
populaLlon ls forelgn born)

- Slnce 2000, Aslan voLlng age populaLlon ln Cueens has lncreased by over 30. Common Cause 8eform n? 9 would become 37.4 nP
Aslan vA, lncreaslng Lhe lnfluence of Lhls growlng communlLy.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Looklng aL Lhe changes slnce 2000, Cueens shares one ma[or Lrend ln common wlLh many areas upsLaLe - a sLeep decllne ln Lhe non-
Plspanlc whlLe populaLlon offseL by a rapld rlse ln Lhe mlnorlLy populaLlon. ln Cueens, Lhe borough's demographlcs conLlnue Lo shlfL
wlLh Lhe sLeady decllne of long-esLabllshed whlLe and black communlLles and Lhe rapld rlse of newer lmmlgranL populaLlons. A deLalled
dlscusslon of Cueens' demographlcs can be found on Common Cause/n?'s Mapplng uemocracy blog.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nCnL

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 9 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 33.3 Cbama, 43.9 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 9 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 63.3 Cbama, 33.7 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 22

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 23
DIS1kIC1 10 - NCk1n AND LAS1 8kCCkLN

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
10 717,694 334,926 23.4 32.8 3.9 17.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- n? 10 ls covered by SecLlon 3 of Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL whlch proLecLs Lhe ablllLy of mlnorlLy voLers Lo elecL a represenLaLlve of Lhelr
chooslng by prohlblLlng any regresslon" ln mlnorlLy voLlng lnfluence.

- CC 8eform n? 10 runs easL-wesL from Lhe Canarsle and LasL new ?ork areas on !amalca 8ay Lhrough 8rownsvllle and 8edford-
SLuyvesanL Lo lorL Creene, downLown 8rooklyn, and ark Slope. 1hroughouL lLs lengLh, Lhe dlsLrlcL seeks Lo follow nelghborhood
geographles and keep nelghborhoods whole wherever posslble.

- uue Lo Lhe lncreased slze of new Congresslonal dlsLrlcLs, Lhe dlsLrlcL drops from 39.3 nP 8lack Lo 32.8 nP 8lack buL malnLalns Lhe
ma[orlLy ln compllance wlLh Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Many 8rooklyn nelghborhoods have experlenced ma[or demographlc changes durlng Lhe pasL decade. ln 8rooklyn, Lhese changes are
mosL ofLen descrlbed by Lhe Lerm genLrlflcaLlon." 1he changes ln 8rooklyn are noL [usL abouL new people comlng ln. 1he overall
populaLlon of Lhe borough was almosL flaL - an lncrease of [usL 39,374, or 1.6. 8aLher, Lhere are slgnlflcanL populaLlon and soclo-
economlc shlfLs wlLhln Lhe 8orough.
o WlLhln CC 8eform n? 10, Lhe nelghborhoods on Lhe wesL end of Lhe dlsLrlcL llke lorL Creene and rospecL PelghLs have seen
slgnlflcanL decllnes ln nP 8lack populaLlon and concurrenL galns ln nP WhlLe populaLlon. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe Canarsle
nelghborhood aL Lhe easL end of Lhe dlsLrlcL lncreased ln nP 8lack populaLlon whlle decreaslng ln nP WhlLe populaLlon.
o lor a more deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of 8rooklyn, cllck here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nCnL

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 10 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 91.1 Cbama, 8.6 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 10 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 93.3 Cbama, 6.1 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 24

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 2S

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
11 717,704 344,624 30.0 30.8 6.7 10.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- n? 11 ls covered by SecLlon 3 of Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL whlch proLecLs Lhe ablllLy of mlnorlLy voLers Lo elecL a represenLaLlve of Lhelr
chooslng by prohlblLlng any regresslon" ln mlnorlLy voLlng lnfluence.

- CC 8eform n? 11 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL ln CenLral and SouLh 8rooklyn lncludlng Lhe areas of Crown PelghLs, llaLbush, kenslngLon,
llaLlands, Mldwood, Marlne ark, and Cravesend.

o 1hese worklng-class Lo mlddle-lncome nelghborhoods are a mlx of homeowners and renLers wlLh a hlgh concenLraLlon of
lmmlgranLs (Lhe dlsLrlcL ls close Lo 30 forelgn born). Compared Lo Lhe areas of 8rooklyn covered by CC 8eform n? 10, Lhese
areas are more mlddle-lncome and have a hlgher concenLraLlon of homeowners.

- uue Lo Lhe lncreased slze of new Congresslonal dlsLrlcLs, Lhe dlsLrlcL drops from 32.9 nP 8lack Lo 30.8 nP 8lack buL malnLalns Lhe
ma[orlLy ln compllance wlLh Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Whlle Lhe overall black populaLlon of 8rooklyn lncreased by 2.3, Lhe black populaLlon of Lhe norLhern half of Lhe borough JecteoseJ by
more Lhan 18,000 lndlvlduals (-7). Looklng aL a map of populaLlon change from 2000 Lo 2010, Lhe black populaLlon clearly shlfLed Lo
Lhe souLh and easL. lor more deLalled lnformaLlon on Lhe demographlcs of 8rooklyn, cllck here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: ?veLLe Clarke (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 11 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 90.3 Cbama, 9.0 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 11 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 78.9 Cbama, 20.7 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 26

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 27

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
12 717,690 366,634 29.7 7.9 20.1 40.1

uescription ond exp/onotion
- n? 12 ls covered by SecLlon 3 of Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL whlch proLecLs Lhe ablllLy of mlnorlLy voLers Lo elecL a represenLaLlve of Lhelr
chooslng. 1he dlsLrlcL comblnes Lhe LaLlno nelghborhoods of norLh 8rooklyn wlLh Lhe Lower LasL Slde and SunseL ark and also
comblnes ManhaLLan's ChlnaLown wlLh 8rooklyn's ChlnaLown ln SunseL ark.

- AlLhough Lhe shape of Lhe dlsLrlcL may noL be compacL, mosL of Lhe communlLles wlLhln Lhe dlsLrlcL have a slmllar demographlc proflle of
worklng class renLers who Lake publlc LranslL and ofLen work ln blue collar" lndusLrlal [obs.

- 1he dlsLrlcL follows nelghborhood boundarles and malnLalns 40.1 Plspanlc vA whlle lncreaslng Aslan vA Lo 20.1.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Wllllamsburg, 8ushwlck, Lhe Lower LasL Slde, 8ed Pook, and Lo a lesser exLenL, SunseL ark, are all areas faclng Lhe challenges of
genLrlflcaLlon. Lspeclally ln Wllllamsburg and Lhe Lower LasL Slde, lower lncome mlnorlLles are belng dlsplaced Lo make way for more
affluenL resldenLs. lor a deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of ManhaLLan, cllck here and for 8rooklyn, cllck here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nydla velazquez (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 12 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 86.0 Cbama, 13.1 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 12 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 83.3 Cbama, 13.9 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 28

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 29

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
13 717,706 362,143 68.3 7.7 8.3 13.8

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 13 covers all of SLaLen lsland and Lhe SouLh 8rooklyn shore lncludlng Lhe nelghborhoods of 8ay 8ldge, Coney lsland,
8rlghLon 8each, ManhaLLan 8each, CerrlLsen 8each, and Mlll 8asln.
o SLaLen lsland ls noL large enough Lo hosL lLs own enLlre Congresslonal ulsLrlcL so Lhe dlsLrlcL musL cross Lo 8rooklyn. 1he
communlLles ln Lhe SouLh 8rooklyn porLlon of Lhls dlsLrlcL are mosLly mlddle-lncome, home-ownlng communlLles llke Lhose ln
mosL of SLaLen lsland.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- SLaLen lsland and SouLh 8rooklyn have become more dlverse over Lhe pasL 10 years. Plspanlc, Aslan and nP 8lack populaLlon ln SLaLen
lsland all grew slgnlflcanLly whlle Lhe nP WhlLe populaLlon acLually experlenced a small decllne.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Mlchael Crlmm (8)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 13 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 48.7 Cbama, 30.3 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 13 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 49.3 Cbama, 49.9 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 30

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 31
DIS1kIC1 14 - WLS1 nAkLLM, WASnING1CN nLIGn1S, NCk1nWLS1 8kCNk

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
14 717,699 337,720 22.7 16.1 4.9 34.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 14 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL coverlng Lhe norLhern half of ManhaLLan's wesL slde (from 94
SL norLh Lhrough Mornlngslde
PelghLs, WesL Parlem, WashlngLon PelghLs, and lnwood) and Lhe nelghborhoods of Lhe norLhwesL 8ronx (lncludlng 8lverdale,
klngsbrldge, norwood, unlverslLy PelghLs, Morrls PelghLs, and Plghbrldge).
o WlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe affluenL suburban 8lverdale area, Lhe nelghborhoods of Lhls dlsLrlcL have much ln common: dense
nelghborhoods of LenemenLs and row houses, a worklng class populaLlon, and lnLerconnecLed LransporLaLlon (subway llnes and
Lwo ma[or norLh-SouLh hlghways). WashlngLon PelghLs and Lhe norLhwesL 8ronx are also home Lo Lhe world's largesL
uomlnlcan communlLy ouLslde of Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc.

- CC 8eform n? 14 ls covered by SecLlon 3 of Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL whlch proLecLs Lhe ablllLy of mlnorlLy voLers Lo elecL a represenLaLlve of
Lhelr chooslng.
o 8ecognlzlng Lhe growLh of Lhe Plspanlc communlLy ln Lhe 8ronx, Lhls dlsLrlcL forms a new ma[orlLy-Plspanlc dlsLrlcL (34.3
Plspanlc vA). AL Lhe 8ronx LA1lC8 publlc hearlng, numerous communlLy resldenLs LesLlfled ln supporL of a new Congresslonal
ulsLrlcL comblnlng WashlngLon PelghLs wlLh Lhe norLhwesL 8ronx.
n? 14 ls Lhe second of Lwo new Plspanlc-ma[orlLy Congresslonal ulsLrlcLs drawn ln Lhe 8ronx ln Lhe CC 8eform lan, Lhe
oLher belng CC 8eform n? 3.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Cverall, Lhe populaLlon of Lhe 8ronx has grown by almosL 4 slnce 2000, buL Lhe Plspanlc populaLlon lncreased by over 20, maklng Lhe
8ronx a ma[orlLy-Plspanlc borough for Lhe flrsL Llme. A deLalled dlscusslon of 8ronx demographlcs can be found on Lhe Common
Cause/n? Mapplng uemocracy blog.

lncumbent{s) within the district: !ose Serrano (u), LlloL Lngel (u)
Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 13 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 93.2 Cbama, 6.2 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 16 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 94.7 Cbama, 3.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 17 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 71.8 Cbama, 27.6 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 14 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 89.9 Cbama, 9.4 McCaln
C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 32

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 33
DIS1kIC1 1S - nAkLLM, SCU1n 8kCNk

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
13 717,711 323,091 7.0 36.3 2.3 32.1

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 13 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL LhaL lncludes cenLral and LasL Parlem and Lhe core of Lhe cenLral and souLh 8ronx. 1hese areas are
well connecLed by subway and brldges and share demographlc commonallLles as worklng-class and low-lncome communlLles of renLers
who are hlghly dependenL on publlc LranslL and llkely Lo be employed ln blue collar and servlce secLor [obs.
- n? 13 ls covered by Lhe voLlng 8lghLs AcL whlch proLecLs Lhe ablllLy of mlnorlLy voLers Lo elecL a represenLaLlve of Lhelr chooslng. n? 13
(8angel-u) conslsLs of all of ManhaLLan norLh of 96
SLreeL. lL ls currenLly 43.8 Plspanlc vA and 26.3 nP 8lack vA. CC 8eform n? 13
lncreases Plspanlc vA Lo 32.1 and non-Plspanlc 8lack vA Lo 36.3.
o 1he 8ronx ls now a ma[orlLy-Plspanlc borough, however, all dlsLrlcLs musL lncrease ln populaLlon slze wlLhouL causlng
regresslon" Lo Lhe voLlng rlghLs of Lhe black communlLy ln Parlem.
1he CC reform map seeks Lo resolve Lhls poLenLlal confllcL by drawlng tbtee ma[orlLy-Plspanlc dlsLrlcLs (3, 14, and 13) ln
Lhe 8ronx and upper ManhaLLan whlle also lncreaslng Lhe non-Plspanlc black percenLage of n? 13. 8ecause CC 8eform
n? 13 lncreases Lhe nP 8lack percenLage as well as Lhe Plspanlc percenLage, lL avolds regresslon and would noL
adversely affecL Lhe ablllLy of Lhe black communlLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe pollLlcal process and elecL a candldaLe.
Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- uurlng Lhe lasL decade, Lhe overall non-Plspanlc black voLlng-age populaLlon of ManhaLLan decllned by more Lhan 7. More Lhan 10,000
black voLers lefL Lhe Parlem area. AL Lhe same Llme, Parlem's Plspanlc and non-Plspanlc whlLe populaLlons have slgnlflcanLly lncreased
slnce 2000, maklng lL more dlverse Lhan lL has been ln decades. lor a deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of ManhaLLan, cllck here.
- ln conLrasL, Lhe non-Plspanlc black voLlng-age populaLlon of Lhe 8ronx grew by almosL 20,000 and much of Lhls growLh Look place ln Lhe
souLh and cenLral 8ronx areas covered by CC 8eform n? 13. Plspanlc growLh ln Lhls area has been even sLronger. ueLalled 8ronx
demographlcs are dlscussed on Lhe Common Cause/n? Mapplng uemocracy blog.
o Looklng aL boLh Lhese Lrends ln Parlem and Lhe SouLh 8ronx, lL makes sense Lo exLend n? 13 from Parlem lnLo Lhe 8ronx.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Charles 8angel (u)
Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 13 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 93.2 Cbama, 6.2 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 16 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 94.7 Cbama, 3.0 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 13 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 93.4 Cbama, 4.3 McCaln
C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 34

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 3S
DIS1kIC1 16 - NCk1nLAS1 8kCNk, SCU1nLkN WLS1CnLS1Lk

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
16 717,703 349,100 39.7 30.0 4.1 24.1

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 16 comblnes Lhe LasL and norLheasL 8ronx wlLh Lhe more urban clLles and Lowns of SouLhern WesLchesLer lncludlng
?onkers, MounL vernon, new 8ochelle, Mamaroneck, 8ye, and orL ChesLer.
o 1hese SouLhern WesLchesLer areas are demographlcally slmllar Lo Lhe norLh 8ronx (lower lncome, non-home-ownlng, blue
collar" resldenLs).
o 1he dlsLrlcL also follows munlclpal boundarles as closely as posslble, noLably keeplng Lhe clLles of ?onkers, MounL vernon, and
new 8ochelle wholly wlLhln a slngle dlsLrlcL.

- CC 8eform n? 16 ls a ma[orlLy-mlnorlLy coallLlon dlsLrlcL LhaL ls 30.0 nP 8lack and 24.1 Plspanlc.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 8oLh Lhe norLheasL 8ronx and SouLhern WesLchesLer have become lncreaslngly dlverse durlng Lhe lasL decade. 1he non-Plspanlc whlLe
share of Lhe populaLlon has decreased whlle Lhe black, Aslan, and Plspanlc populaLlon has lncreased.
- A deLalled dlscusslon of SouLhern WesLchesLer's demographlcs, lncludlng a dlscusslon of dlfferenL communlLles of lnLeresL ln Lhe reglon,
along wlLh lllusLraLlve maps, can be found on Common Cause/n?'s redlsLrlcLlng blog, Mapplng uemocracy.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nCnL

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 17 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 71.8 Cbama, 27.6 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 18 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 61.7 Cbama, 37.3 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 16 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 71.2 Cbama, 28.2 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 36

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 37

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
17 717,713 330,943 68.0 9.1 6.4 13.1

uescription ond exp/onotion
- 1btooqboot upstote New otk, tbe commoo coose kefotm lloo seeks to keep Jlstloct teqloos of tbe stote (JefloeJ by ecooomlcs, polltlcs,
qeoqtopby, ooJ octool sboteJ lotetests) toqetbet ooJ follow coooty, towo, ooJ clty lloes os closely os posslble.
- CC 8eform n? 17 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL coverlng Lhe suburban communlLles of WesLchesLer and 8ockland counLles, connecLed by Lhe
1appan Zee 8rldge. 1he dlsLrlcL lncludes all of 8ockland and mosL of CenLral and norLhern WesLchesLer wlLh Lhe excepLlon of CorLlandL
and eeksklll (whlch are noL lncluded due Lo populaLlon maLh).

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Plspanlc populaLlons lncreased slgnlflcanLly along Lhe l-287 corrldor from orL ChesLer Lo WhlLe lalns and 1arryLown, and across Lhe
1appan Zee 8rldge ln Lhe Sprlng valley area of 8ockland.
- A deLalled dlscusslon of SouLhern WesLchesLer's demographlcs, lncludlng a dlscusslon of dlfferenL communlLles of lnLeresL ln Lhe reglon,
along wlLh lllusLraLlve maps, can be found on Common Cause/n?'s redlsLrlcLlng blog, Mapplng uemocracy. norLhern WesLchesLer and
8ockland are lncluded ln Lhe Pudson valley reglon posL found here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nlLa Lowey (u), nan PayworLh (8)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 18 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 61.7 Cbama, 37.3 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 17 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 38.2 Cbama, 41.0 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 38

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 39


DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
18 717,707 336,673 72.2 9.0 2.9 14.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 18 consolldaLes Lhe clLles of Lhe Pudson valley (eeksklll, 8eacon, newburgh, MlddleLown, oughkeepsle) LogeLher ln a
slngle more compacL mld-Pudson valley dlsLrlcL. 1he dlsLrlcL lncludes a small parL of norLhern WesLchesLer, all of uLnam, SouLhern
uuLchess, and mosL of Crange counLles.
o 1he urban communlLles of Lhe Pudson valley share many demographlc characLerlsLlcs ln common besldes denslLy and slgnlflcanL
mlnorlLy populaLlons. Cverall, resldenLs of Lhe reglon's flve clLles are lower lncome, non-home-ownlng, resldenLs, ln blue collar"

- ln addlLlon Lo keeplng Lhe small clLles LogeLher, lL ls approprlaLe for n? 18 Lo cross Lhe Pudson and lnclude SouLhern uuLchess wlLh
uLnam and Crange because Lhese areas are Lhe fronLler" of new ?ork ClLy suburban commuLlng - Lhe norLhernmosL area where large
numbers of resldenLs commuLe Lo and are orlenLed Lowards new ?ork ClLy.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he mld-Pudson valley reglon of norLhern WesLchesLer, 8ockland, Crange, uLnam, SouLhern uuLchess, and SouLhern ulsLer represenLs
Lhe fasLesL growlng reglon of new ?ork from 2000 Lo 2010, lncreaslng ln populaLlon by 7. A deLalled analysls of Lhe demographlcs of
Lhls reglon, lncludlng lllusLraLlve maps and a dlscusslon of some of Lhe assumpLlons and facLors shaplng Lhe dlsLrlcLs drawn ln Lhe
Common Cause 8eform Map can be found on Common Cause/n?'s redlsLrlcLlng blog, Mapplng uemocracy.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nCnL

lolltlcol Ootlook.
- CurrenL n? 19 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 30.6 Cbama, 48.3 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 18 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 32.4 Cbama, 46.3 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 40

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 41

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
19 717,716 368,938 87.9 4.0 1.3 3.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 19 ls a large, buL compacL, reglonal dlsLrlcL for Lhe CaLskllls and upper Pudson valley. 1hls ls a rural area wlLh a few small
clLles and Lowns and an economy mosLly dependenL on agrlculLure and Lourlsm.
o Compared Lo any of Lhe surroundlng reglons llke Lhe Pudson valley, SouLhern 1ler, CaplLal 8eglon, or Mohawk valley, Lhe
CaLskllls and upper Pudson ls a dlsLlncL soclal and economlc unlL and should have a unlfled volce ln Congress.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Whlle Lhe far souLhern porLlon of Lhe dlsLrlcL has galned slgnlflcanL populaLlon slnce 2000, mosL of Lhe CaLskllls and upper Pudson
populaLlon remalned flaL or even losL populaLlon.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Maurlce Plnchey (u), Chrls Clbson (8)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 20 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 30.7 Cbama, 47.6 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 22 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 39.2 Cbama, 39.2 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 19 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 33.3 Cbama, 43.0 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 42

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 43

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
20 717,713 364,040 82.6 7.7 3.4 4.2

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 20 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL cenLered on Lhe Lhree CaplLol 8eglon clLles (Albany, 1roy, and SchenecLady) and Lhelr suburbs. 1he
dlsLrlcL follows Lown llnes as closely as posslble whlle achlevlng Lhe approprlaLe populaLlon.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he CaplLal 8eglon and each of Lhe Lhree clLles all grew ln populaLlon from 2000 Lo 2010. Albany, 1roy, and SchenecLady collecLlvely
grew by 3.6 whlle Lhe reglon as a whole (deflned as all clLles and Lowns wlLhln 13 mlles of Albany) grew over 3.
- 1hls growLh marks a hlsLorlc reversal from four decades of populaLlon decllne from 1960 Lo 2000, drlven by an lncreaslng mlnorlLy
presence. Whlle Lhe whlLe populaLlon of Lhe reglon conLlnued Lo decllne, Lhe loss was ouLwelghed by a near 30 lncrease ln Lhe black
populaLlon and a Plspanlc communlLy LhaL almosL doubled ln slze.
o See Lhe dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of Lhe CaplLol 8eglon on Lhe Mapplng uemocracy blog for more deLalls.

lncumbent{s) within the district: aul 1onko (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 21 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 38.1 Cbama, 40.0 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 20 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 37.9 Cbama, 40.2 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 44

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 4S
DIS1kIC1 21 - NCk1n CCUN1k

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
21 717,709 361,034 92.1 2.8 0.8 2.4

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 21 ls a large, buL compacL, dlsLrlcL for Lhe norLh CounLry reglon, lncludlng CllnLon, lranklln, SL. Lawrence, !efferson, Lewls,
PamllLon, Lssex, Warren and Lhe norLhern porLlons of Cswego, Cnelda, Perklmer, lulLon, SaraLoga, and WashlngLon CounLles.
o 1he norLh CounLry ls, wlLhouL quesLlon, a unlque reglon. uomlnaLed by Lhe rugged mounLaln geography of Adlrondack SLaLe
ark, Lhe reglon ls by any measure Lhe mosL rural and leasL developed ln new ?ork SLaLe. lLs economy ls hlghly dependenL on
Lourlsm and agrlculLure, especlally dalry farms.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he norLh CounLy experlenced a populaLlon lncrease of roughly 2.7 from 2000 Lo 2010. 1hls lncrease Look place mosLly ln !efferson
CounLy and Lhe laLLsburgh and Clens lalls areas.
- We agree wlLh Assemblymember ken 8lankenbush (8, Au 122), who argued aL LA1lC8 hearlngs LhaL Lhe norLh CounLry reglon ls a
dlsLlncL communlLy wlLh dlfferenL lnLeresLs and prlorlLles Lhan Lhe reglons Lo Lhe souLh. A deLalled dlscusslon of demography of Lhe
norLh CounLry can be found here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: 8lll Cwens (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.7 Cbama, 46.6 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 21 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.9 Cbama, 46.3 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 46

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 47
DIS1kIC1 22 - SCU1nLkN 1ILk

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
22 717,693 367,118 90.4 3.0 2.9 2.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 22 ls a large, buL compacL, dlsLrlcL for Lhe SouLhern 1ler reglon, lncludlng Chenango, 8roome, CorLland, 1loga, 1ompklns,
Schuyler, Chemung, SLeuben, and parLs of Cnondaga, Madlson, Cnelda, and uelaware counLles.

- 1he SouLhern 1ler ls a reglonally dlsLlncL area whlch should be kepL whole.
Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he SouLhern 1ler reglon of new ?ork SLaLe ls predomlnanLly rural. lrom 2000 Lo 2010, Lhe reglon grew by an esLlmaLed 1,693 resldenLs,
or 0.2. Powever, Lhe reglon's populaLlon would lndeed have decllned lf noL for ma[or growLh ln Lhe mlnorlLy communlLles, whlch are
mosLly wlLhln Lhe reglon's small clLles. A deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of Lhls reglon can be found on Lhe Common Cause/n?
redlsLrlcLlng blog, Mapplng uemocracy.

lncumbent{s) within the district: 1om 8eed (8)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 22 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 39.2 Cbama, 39.2 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 24 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 30.3 Cbama, 47.9 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 29 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 48.2 Cbama, 30.4 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 22 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.6 Cbama, 46.7 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 48

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | 49

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
23 717,709 333,871 84.3 7.7 2.8 3.4

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 23 covers Lhe Mohawk valley reglon, lncludlng porLlons of lulLon, MonLgomery, Perklmer, Cnelda, Madlson, and
Cnondaga counLles.
o 1he Mohawk valley lles beLween Lhe Albany reglon and Syracuse area along Lhe Mohawk 8lver and Lrle Canal and ls home Lo
numerous Lowns and clLles wlLh a shared lndusLrlal herlLage (lncludlng AmsLerdam, Cloversvllle, !ohnsLown, LlLLle lalls,
Perklmer, uLlca, 8ome, and Syracuse). 1he reglon ls also closely connecLed by Lhe new ?ork SLaLe 1hruway.
o Syracuse ls beLLer sulLed Lo a dlsLrlcL whlch lncludes lLs fellow small clLles, 8ome and uLlca, slLuaLed close Lo Lhe easL ln Cnelda
CounLy, Lhan a dlsLrlcL LhaL exLends Lo Lhe rural counLles Lo lLs wesL.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- lrom 2000 Lo 2010, Lhe populaLlon of Lhe ClLy of Syracuse decllned by 1.3 Lo a LoLal of 143,170. 1hls decllne ls conslderably less Lhan
Lhe oLher ma[or upsLaLe clLles due Lo conslderable growLh ln Lhe clLy's mlnorlLy communlLles, whlch offseL some of Lhe whlLe populaLlon
decllne. A deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe demographlcs of Lhe Syracuse reglon, lncludlng lllusLraLlve maps can be found on Lhe Common
Cause/n? Mapplng uemocracy blog.
- Cverall Lhe populaLlon of Lhe resL of Lhe Mohawk valley reglon was nearly flaL from 2000 Lo 2010.

lncumbent{s) within the district: Ann Marle 8uerkle (8), 8lchard Panna (8)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 31.7 Cbama, 46.6 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 24 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 30.3 Cbama, 47.9 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 33.7 Cbama, 42.6 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 33.2 Cbama, 43.1 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S0

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S1

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
24 717,693 336,339 93.0 2.8 0.7 2.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 24 ls based around a dlsLlncL geographlc and soclo-economlc reglon - Lhe mosLly rural, agrlculLural areas of Lhe llnger
Lakes and Lake CnLarlo shore. 1hls ls Lhe mosL producLlve agrlculLural reglon of Lhe sLaLe and ls connecLed by Lhe n? SLaLe 1hruway
runnlng easL-wesL. As such, lL represenLs a unlque communlLy of lnLeresL.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- opulaLlon change wlLhln Lhls dlsLrlcL from 2000 Lo 2010 varled wldely dependlng on Lhe parLlcular area. Cverall, Lhe reglon was nearly
flaL ln populaLlon growLh.

lncumbent{s) within the district: nCnL

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 24 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 30.3 Cbama, 47.9 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 33.7 Cbama, 42.6 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 26 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 46.3 Cbama, 32.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 28 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 68.4 Cbama, 30.3 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 29 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 48.2 Cbama, 30.4 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 24 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 47.4 Cbama, 30.9 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S2

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S3

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
23 717,700 337,337 93.9 1.7 0.7 2.0

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 23 ls a dlsLrlcL drawn for Lhe rural Lowns and small clLles of WesLern new ?ork, as well as Lhe ouLer 8uffalo suburbs.
AgrlculLure ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL lndusLry ln Lhls area, wlLh nlagara, Cenesee, Wyomlng, and ChauLauqua CounLles among Lhe Lop
agrlculLural producers ln Lhe sLaLe.
o 1hese rural areas have dlsLlncL lssues and needs from Lhose of Lhe core 8uffalo meLro reglon.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he rural areas of Lhe wesLern SouLhern 1ler experlenced slgnlflcanL populaLlon decllne (ChauLauqua, CaLLaraugus, and Allegany
counLles LogeLher losL almosL 10,000 resldenLs). 8uL overall wlLhln Lhe dlsLrlcL, Lhe decllne was mosLly offseL by growLh ln Lhe ouLer
8uffalo suburbs of Lrle and nlagara counLles.

lncumbent{s) within the district: kaLhy Pochul (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 26 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 46.3 Cbama, 32.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 27 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 34.2 Cbama, 44.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 28 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 68.4 Cbama, 30.3 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 29 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 48.2 Cbama, 30.4 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 43.3 Cbama, 33.0 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S4

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | SS
DIS1kIC1 26 - kCCnLS1Lk kLGICN

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
26 717,703 333,327 73.9 13.2 3.3 6.0

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 26 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL conslsLlng of Lhe ClLy of 8ochesLer and lLs suburbs. lL ls enLlrely wlLhln Monroe CounLy, and wlLh
only one excepLlon (Clarkson), follows Lown and clLy llnes.
o 8ochesLer ls Lhe core of lLs own reglonal economy and deeply connecLed wlLh lLs surroundlng suburbs.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- Monroe CounLy as a whole grew by 1.2 beLween 2000 and 2010 buL Lhe ClLy of 8ochesLer shrunk by 4.2. 1hls ls less of a decllne Lhan
8uffalo buL more Lhan Syracuse.
- Monroe CounLy would have acLually losL populaLlon and 8ochesLer would have shrunk furLher lf noL for ma[or growLh ln Lhe mlnorlLy
communlLles. ln Monroe CounLy, Lhe Plspanlc populaLlon grew by 43.8 and Lhe nP 8lack populaLlon by 18.8 beLween 2000 and 2010.

lncumbent{s) within the district. Loulse SlaughLer (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 23 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 33.7 Cbama, 42.6 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 26 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 46.3 Cbama, 32.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 28 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 68.4 Cbama, 30.3 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 29 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 48.2 Cbama, 30.4 McCaln
- Common Cause 8eform n? 26 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 38.8 Cbama, 39.9 McCaln

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S6

C o m m o n C a u s e 8 e f o r m l a n - n e w ? o r k S L a L e C o n g r e s s a g e | S7

DIS1 C VA Nn Wh|te VA Nn 8|ack VA Nn As|an VA n|span|c VA
27 717,724 363,393 73.1 13.9 3.0 4.3

uescription ond exp/onotion
- CC 8eform n? 27 ls a compacL dlsLrlcL conslsLlng of Lhe ClLy of 8uffalo and lLs suburbs. lL ls mosLly wlLhln Lrle CounLy, crosslng lnLo
nlagara Lo lnclude Lhe clLles of nlagara lalls and norLh 1onawanda, and wlLh only one excepLlon (AmhersL), follows Lown and clLy llnes.
o 8uffalo ls Lhe core of lLs own reglonal economy and deeply connecLed wlLh lLs surroundlng suburbs.

Mojor uemoqrophic chonqes:
- 1he 8uffalo reglon, deflned as Lrle CounLy and nlagara CounLy, losL 32,920 resldenLs over Lhe pasL decade, wlLh Lhe overall populaLlon
decllnlng by 2.8. 1he ClLy of 8uffalo has losL more Lhan 10 of lLs populaLlon slnce Lhe lasL census. A deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe
demography of Lhe reglon can be found here.

lncumbent{s) within the district: 8rlan Plgglns (u)

Po/itico/ Out/ook:
- CurrenL n? 26 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 46.3 Cbama, 32.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 27 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 34.2 Cbama, 44.0 McCaln
- CurrenL n? 28 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 68.4 Cbama, 30.3 McCaln
- CC 8eform n? 27 2008 resldenLlal 8esulL: 63.4 Cbama, 33.0 McCaln

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