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Bahasa Inggris 1

Pertemuan 1: Minggu 4 Maret 2012 Tutor: Oktavia Ratnasari

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Perkenalan Tutor

Nama: Oktavia Ratnasari (Ovie atau Opie) Asal: Jakarta Riwayat pendidikan: S1 Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Departemen Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja S2 Ewha Womans University, jurusan Health & Environment S2 lagi Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST), jurusan Green Chemistry & Environmental Biotechnology Add FB: Oktavia Ratnasari HP: 010-7310-1610 (pukul 10-12 malam) Email:

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Perkenalan Mata Kuliah

Buku Pegangan : Bahasa Inggris 1 Universitas Terbuka (MKDU4107). Buku ini terdiri atas 9 modul, tetapi akan dibahas dalam 8 kali pertemuan
Pertemuan 1 : Modul 1(Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Hyponyms, Penafsiran Kata) & Modul 2 (Analysis of Words Formation) Pertemuan 2 : Modul 3 (Reference) Pertemuan 3 : Modul 4 (Sensitizing) Pertemuan 4 : Modul 5 (Previewing)

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Modul 1: Synonyms dan Antonyms

Synonym: kata-kata yang secara garis besar memiliki arti yang sama. Contoh: end = finish I end my work at 6 PM. I finish my work at 6 PM. Contoh lain: good = nice, delicious = tasty, make = create famous = popular, start = begin

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Modul 1: Synonyms dan Antonyms

Antonym: kata-kata yang secara garis besar memiliki arti yang berlawanan. Contoh: end x start I end my work at 6 PM. I start my work at 9 AM. Contoh lain: pretty x ugly, hot x cold, arrive x depart Pembentukan antonim - Auto antonym (contoh: pretty x ugly) - Penambahan awalan: un-, in-, dis-, mis (contoh: real x unreal, secure x insecure, honest x dishonest, understand x misunderstand)
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Modul 1: Synonyms dan Antonyms

Lets exercise synonym!

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Modul 1: Synonyms dan Antonyms

Lets exercise antonym!

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Modul 1: Homonyms
Homonym: kata-kata yang memiliki bunyi pengucapan yang mirip, tetapi ejaan dan artinya berbeda. Butuh kecermatan memahami isi kalimat. Contoh: whether ~ weather end ~ and meat ~ meet peace ~ piece rich ~ reach

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Modul 1: Homonyms
Lets exercise homonym!

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Modul 1: Homonyms
Lets exercise homonym!

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Modul 1: Hyponyms
Hyponym: kata-kata yang merupakan bagian dari suatu kelompok/kelas yang sama. Butuh kecermatan mengelompokkan kata. Contoh: chair, table, cupboard = hyponyms of furniture red, blue, green, yellow = color apple, mango, durian = fruit

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Modul 1: Hyponyms
Lets exercise hyponym!

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Modul 1: Penafsiran Kata

Kemampuan menafsirkan kata yang belum diketahui maknanya dengan membaca seluruh kalimat. Contoh: Nita is a diligent student. She always does her homework and studies hard. a. Pandai b. Rajin c. Berbakat d. Malas Strategi: Coba artikan dulu seluruh kalimatnya. Nita adalah seorang murid yang Ia selalu mengerjakan PR dan belajar keras. selalu mengerjakan PR dan belajar keras mengarah kepada jawaban b. Rajin
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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Suffix)

Word (kata) = stem + suffix Stem: kata tempat melekatnya akhiran, kata inti Suffix: akhiran Contoh: Adaptable = adapt + able Adapt: to make suitable (membuat jadi cocok) -able: capable to (mampu) Adaptable: capable to make suitable (kemampuan membuat jadi cocok) Pemakaian suffix tergantung jenis kata. Adaptable (kata sifat/adjective), adaptation (kata benda/noun)
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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Suffix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Suffix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Suffix)

Sentence He is not an ambitious man. We have made an agreement to try it. Her arrival was delayed He is an inspiration for many people. Last night, a leakage of gas happened in my kitchen. Stem Ambition (noun) Agree (verb) Arrive (verb) Inspire (verb) Leak (verb) Suffix -ous -ment -al -ation -age Word type Adjective Noun Noun Noun Noun

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Suffix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Prefix)

Word (kata) = prefix + stem Stem: kata tempat melekatnya akhiran, kata inti Prefix: awalan Prefix dapat mengubah arti, Suffix tidak mengubah arti Contoh: Miscalculate = Mis + calculate Calculate: to count (menghitung) Mis: wrongly (dengan salah) Miscalculate: to count wrongly (menghitung dengan salah / salah menghitung)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Prefix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Prefix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Prefix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Prefix)

Sentence Will you do a postgraduate study? He wants to be a nonconformist. Do you see their dissimilarities? Stem Graduate(verb) Conform(verb) Similar (adj) Prefix PostNonDisMeaning After graduate Not conform Not similar

They took an intercontinental flight.

The machine is semiautomatic.

Automatic (adj)


Between continent
Half / not fully automatic

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Prefix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)

Word (kata) = root (akar kata) + root Word (kata) = prefix + stem Word (kata) = stem + suffix Word (kata) = prefix + stem + suffix

Root: akar kata, jarang berdiri sendiri Contoh: Psychology = psycho (root) + logy (root) Misunderstand = mis- (prefix) + understand (stem) Terminator = terminate (stem) + -or (suffix) Television = tele- (prefix) + vise (stem) + -ion (suffix)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)

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Modul 2: Analysis of Words Formation (Root)


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