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Research and Library Skills for First Year Seminar

Grade Level: First Year, Undergraduate Liberal Arts College Subject: General Education, First Year Seminar Prepared by: Beth Transue Overview and Purpose: This class session provides basic information and strategies for first year college students to begin using library and research skills. This lesson is embedded in the First Year Seminar required course, and should take place alongside the library assignment which requires searching for books and journal articles and using them correctly in a research paper. Sources must be cited accurately. Educational Standards To develop those abilities essential to liberal arts education, which include Accessing, evaluating, and using information effectively and ethically Objectives: Specify skills/information that will be learned

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: (Knowledge Level) locate different areas in the library building such as the reference desk or Academic Technology Services. (Comprehension Level) explain three ways how to contact a librarian for assistance. (Comprehension Level) describe two searching strategies: keyword versus subject and Boolean logic (Application Level) use the library catalog to search for a book in the library related to the research topic they chose in First Year Seminar (Analysis Level) differentiate between subject databases to choose a relevant articles database (Evaluation Level) search for and select relevant journal articles appropriate for their topic (Comprehension Level) describe plagiarism Materials Needed: Smartphone with QR scanning software application (app is free). See the librarian to borrow a smartphone if you do not have one. Worksheet provided by the librarian which must be completed throughout the lesson. Available in print, or online, accessible through laptop or tablet. Pen if using print worksheet

Other Resources: (websites, videos, books, etc.) Library website Information: Give and/or demonstration necessary information

1. Distribute worksheets 2. Provide initial instructions: start in the lobby by scanning QR code. That will lead them
to other QR codes throughout the library. Each QR code will take them to a webpage that will describe library or research skills and information they will need. 3. Complete the appropriate section on the worksheet for each stop.

4. A librarian will be circulating through each QRCode location to answer any questions. 5. Return the worksheet to the librarian at the reference desk when you are complete.
Verification: Steps to check for student understanding

1. Review worksheet at completion.

Activity: Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson This activity will lead students on a "scavenger hunt" using QR Codes located throughout the library. Students will complete a worksheet (print or online) which will demonstrate their learning about library and research skills. Worksheet questions should be answered at each stop. 1. QRCode 1, 2, 3: Tour of library and description of reference/circulation (describes how to contact the reference librarian in person, through email, and chat), main book stacks, and Academic Technology Services. Students will answer question on worksheet about how to contact a librarian for reference assistance. 2. QRCode 4: webpage illustrating two searching strategies - keyword versus subject words, and Boolean logic. Worksheet asks students to describe each strategy in their own words. 3. QRCode 5: in computer lab: video tutorial showing how to search the library catalog for books. At end of video students are linked to the catalog to search for books related to their research topic. On the worksheet, students must list 2-3 relevant books they find and plan to use for their research topic. 5. QRCode 6: in group study area. video tutorial shows how to choose and then search journals databases for articles. At the end of the video, students are linked to the databases page where they must choose a database, and then search for and locate 2-3 journal articles related to their research topic. In the worksheet, students must list the database they choose, explain why, and list the journal articles they plan to use for their FYS research topic. 6. QRCode 7: in Cafe Diem, webpage tutorial explaining plagiarism basics and how plagiarism can be avoided. Students must take online quiz at the end, and write their score on the worksheet. Notes The librarian and/or professor should rotate through these 7 QRCode areas to answer questions. Assistance will be most likely needed for QRCode 5-6 which involve applying searching strategies to locating resources in the catalog and databases

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