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Tom Cruise is wearing a jacket in this poster and looks like he wants to be hidden or undercover he also has an angry

facial expression meaning he may be violent. Vin Diesels body language shows that hes very fierce and violent because hes wearing a tank top and is very muscly.

In the film, the actors are Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel, Natalie Portman, Annasophia Robb.

The faces and body positions in this film poster shows that theyre angry and look like theyre seeking for something.

There is not lighting as I wanted bold colours.

Vin Diesel is wearing a tank top, which isnt an everyday wear of clothes. This shows he can be part of a gang as most of them do wear tank tops most of the time. Tom Cruise is wearing a black jacket with a hood, having a hood up in broad day light isnt normal so it shows that he may be part of a secret company as he looks like a undercover agent.

The film title Decisions could mean there are a lot of situations where it could change the whole plot. I like this because it keeps audience excited and make them pay attention to the film because if they miss one situation they wouldnt get any of the film. The film can consist of a huge situation where it could mean death or victory. The font for the title looks like its spray painted. This shows that in this film there could gangs or groups. It also looks rebellious as it looks messy and not neat.

The background is a gradient of black and white showing that there is a dark side but there is a good side too. This shows that theyre may be 2 forces against each other in the film.

I have chosen an image of explosions as it will give it more of an impression that its an action film. It also shows that there will be catastrophic destruction too,

I chose a medium shots as it will show there chest and arms so it shows there body language and it will also show theyre facial expression too. So this means the audience can get an idea of the personality of the character.

I chose this image size as it is not to big that it would cover the whole screen but big enough so that the audience can see the characters from a distance.

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