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O pen hear t s

March 2012

O pen minds O pen door s

Since mid-January our sermons have been on the subject of prayer, and each week the congregation is invited to spend some time each day in prayer. You may have an active prayer life, your prayer life may be on an as needed basis, or emergency contact. Often in the life of the church there is need to consider where we as a congregation need to be focusing our attention. At this time in OUMCs life we need to be focusing on prayer that opens us up to hearing Gods voice directing us. What do I mean? Quite simply, sometimes the status quo is not what God wants from us and we have to be listening to hear what God does want. If we as a congregation are willing to open our hearts to God each day and listen to what God is whispering to us, God will be faithful to direct us. You may be saying to yourself, thats what we elect church leaders and pay the pastor to do! While that is some of the reality, another part of the reality is that when the whole church prays, mighty things happen. God has the attention of the members and can direct the church to utilize His power to achieve. One notable example from the Bible is in Acts Chapter 12, verse 1-18. The believers in Jerusalem were being persecuted and Peter was arrested. The church gathered in prayer, an angel of the Lord led Peter out of jail by night and he went to the place the church was praying. The next day Peter couldnt be found by those who had put him in prison! Do things like that happen today? Absolutely! I know of a congregation that was not large. One Sunday morning the man who turned up the heat and unlocked the doors found that the ceiling of the sanctuary had fallen in the night and was sitting on the pews. That congregation prayed about what to do. God led them to build a new building, not just replace the one they had, but change it. He led them to expand their ministry and thinking. Now, over 20 years later they are a thriving, ever expanding in ministry congregation. What does God want for us? Let us join our hearts in prayer, listen carefully and move forward under His direction! Pastor Linda

Applying Bible Principles

February 22 there will be Ash Wednesday Worship at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Both communion and receiving ashes will be options for those attending. BIBLE STUDY Feb 28 & 29 April 3 & 4 Easter from the Back Side By: J. Ellsworth Kallas Jesus' death and resurrection proved to be the turning point in world historywith implications still being unraveled. Combine that with Kallas' famous "back side" approach, which starts from some unusual angle or a minor character's viewpoint, and this study will provide new perspectives on Easter. Come and join us 10 11:30 AM on Tuesday morning, or 7:00 8:00 PM on Wednesday evening in the Parlor.

An oxymoron is the use of two terms which are contradictory in nature. Jumbo shrimp is an oxymoron. Ferocious lamb is another. Dumb scholar is yet another. One of the saddest and most contradictory is the oxymoron, Stingy Christian. Because we have been redeemed through our faith in Christ, Christians should be the most generous of all people. We have been abundantly blessed of God, who has given us all things richly to enjoy (Rom. 8:32). James 1:17 expresses this truth clearly: Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Think about some of Gods good gifts: God gives the seed (Gen. 1:11). God gives the rain (Job 5:10). God gives health (Jer. 30:17). God gives life (Acts 17:25). God gives strength (Isa. 40:29). God gives riches (1 Chron. 29:12). God gives grace (2 Cor. 12:9). God gives eternal life (Rom. 6:23). And God gives us money and the ability to get wealth. Solomon said that money is one of Gods gifts to people. The purpose for which He gives us money is stated clearly in Ecclesiastes 5:19 for our enjoyment. Some of us make that the primary reason for money. We major in pleasure and the things money can do for us. But there is another major purpose. God gives us money, something that also can bring great pleasure: To give it back to Him. Thats why of all the oxymorons in existence, Stingy Christian is the most contradictory. We who have been given the most from God should be the most generous people in the world. As the tombstone in an old cemetery read, What I spent, I had; what I saved, I lost; what I gave, I have.

SUNDAYS IN LENT SERMON SERIES The Circle Maker February 26 March 25 Based on a book by Pastor Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker. 'Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn't just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It's a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.' Do you ever sense that there's far more to prayer, and to God's vision for your life, than what you're experiencing? This series will help you uncover your heart's deepest desires and God-given dreams and unleash them through the kind of audacious prayer that God delights to answer. THE CIRCLE MAKER series on prayer: MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH 4 11 18 25 THE POWER OF A SINGLE PRAYER DREAM BIG: CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF QUAIL PRAY HARD: PERSISTENCE QUOTIENT THINK LONG


Im writing this from Bethlehem. Im supposed to be working at the Bible College today, and I am, at least Im trying to, but over the past week or so, there have been problems with the internet in the West Bank along with rumors of internet sabotage. And so, here I am, with no internet, and less than 3 weeks to go before our big international conference! So instead, Ill write to you. Its hard to know what to write these days. The Arab Spring that showed so much promise a few months ago has dominated news coverage from the Middle East, with the result being that no one seems to be paying any attention to the pursuit of peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Israeli settlements are continuing to be built at an alarming rate. This morning alone, I received 3 text messages from a U.N. source telling of the demolition of Palestinian homes and other structures by Israeli forces. Hope is getting harder to find. Even my friends who have given their lives to peacemaking are finding it more and more difficult to continue advocating for peace and justice while the possibility seems to be disappearing before their eyes. Our conference is getting much publicity, both good and bad, and it will be interesting to see what the dynamic is when Christian leaders from over 20 countries come together next month at Christ at the Checkpoint to discuss the theology that shapes the view of this situation for so many in our churches. So far, we have over 350 registered from around the world and are expecting close to 500 participants. Most of the time will be spent listening to speakers on topics ranging from Contemporary Challenges Facing the Church, to Justice in the Eyes of Jesus, to Creating a Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. It promises to be a challenging and enriching week. The day after the conference ends, Ive been asked to arrange a meeting between American Evangelical leader Tony Campolo and Archbishop Elias Chacour, a Palestinian Christian from the Galilee (and author of Blood Brothers, a book that we have been encouraging members of the clergy and laity in Western PA to read). I hope I can also be a part of the meeting! And then, I come home, first to teach at Pitt, and then to get ready for General Conference, April 24 to May 5 in Tampa. Life is full. God has provided me with amazing experiences these past months and years. I dont know what will happen next, but I look forward to the adventure! Blessings, Tina

A PERILOUS NIGHT AT PIRATES PERCH Mystery Dinner Theater Once again we had a successful Mystery Dinner Theater. It never ceases to amaze me how many people work together to make this happen. The kitchen crew was fantastic, under the direction of Dawn, Bob, Julie and Janet. People were complimenting the food and enjoyed a great dinner. They also said it was nice to have the food served hot and quickly and this is due to the fast work of our dining staff under Karens direction. Thank you also to those who set up each day (so the guests didnt have to eat with their fingers) and to those who cleaned up too. We played to sell out crowds, so thanks to Karen and all those who made phone calls to generate interest. People are already talking about coming next year and that is also due to our WONDERFUL actors. This cast learns lines and stage direction in about 6 practices. They have fun and it shows on stage. You guys are the best. Thank you for your hard work and for making my job enjoyable and (relatively) easy. I also want to thank my family (Bill, Jess and Charlene), for helping with the staging, props, posters, programs, lighting, sound and video (and just keeping me sane). The best part of the entire event is the money we made for missions. Thanks to UMW for their donation of all the food so that the profits are amazing. I believe that the success of this event is mostly due to the fact that we are doing Gods work. The Verona Summer Fun Camp, Bethany House, Tina Whitehead and Imagine No Malaria will benefit from the $5,000.00+ we made this year. It is awesome how God works thru us and that we have fun doing it is truly a blessing. Donna Jacka SUMMER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER ThinkCamping Camping brochures with offerings from our Conference Camping Program are available on tables in the social hall and sanctuary. As you plan summer activities for your children and family, please consider this very worthwhile program. The United Methodist Women give every child who attends camp a $100 scholarship to help cover the cost.


MARCH 1 Diane Dezzutti Tyler Handyside Stephen Lenkey 2 Mackenzie Marotta 3 Emma Briggs 6 Cindy Gaughan Kaitlyn Lacey 7 Dan Chapa Rita Spena 9 Nicolette Casarcia Nina Crannell 10 Alyssa Crawford 15 Braeden Mechesney 19 Jim Sykes Dawn Whyte 23 Angela Mitcheltree Raymond Rogers Ian Simmers 25 Ernie Ovamio 26 Janet Bowman 27 Elaine Grimes 30 Max Orbin 31 Marjorie Barazda Carol Lacey We apologize if we inadvertently missed your birthday. Please call the church office and let us know about your very special day!

Once again Spring is approaching and so is our United Methodist Women's luncheon on Saturday March 24 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. We have the youth in our church involved in our entertainment so the theme is "The Children are our Future". Please join us for an afternoon of inspiration and great food! Our guest speaker is Ellie Geppert, from Southeast Asia Prayer Center, based in Oakmont, sponsored by OUMW, a child-based mission. Our entertainment will be Jessica Jacka and Mariann P. Fox, Guest soloist. We hope to see you there but R.S.V.P. by Wednesday March 21st please. The menu is going along with the theme with Fresh Fruit Cocktail, Panko Breaded Chicken Strips and Homemade Macaroni and Cheese, followed by Sherbet and Lemon Girl Scout Cookies! The OUMW craft workshop is adding an evening session the first Tuesday of the month from 6-8:30 pm beginning in March. We are hoping to encourage some of our younger women, and women who work or are unavailable on Wed. mornings, to join us for some fun "crafting". You dont have to have any special talents. If you can use scissors, glue, glue gun, a paint brush, etc. we can use you. Many hands are often involved in creating a final craft. Please consider joining us on a Tues. evening. And a great big thanks goes out to all of the volunteers that helped out in the kitchen and dining room for the Mystery Dinner. We couldn't have done it without you!!! Yours in Christ,

GENERAL FUND NUMBERS FOR JANUARY : Income $ 15,082.75 Expenses $ 18,686.95 Balance 1/31$ 7,314.99 The Mission Share has been paid for January. WENDYS FUNDRAISER The Finance Committee has approved a dinner fundraiser at Wendys in Harmarville the third Monday of each month. 20% of all orders (drive through also) between 5-8 pm on that night will be contributed to OUMCs General Fund. You do not need to take a bulletin insert or any paperwork with you. In 2011 Wendys donation to us was over $1,300. NEWSLETTER Please submit articles for the April newsletter by March 18 . I have received wonderful, positive feedback from those of you who received last months newsletter in an e-mail. Thank you for your support and comments.Karen

COVERED DISH LUNCHEONS Church Council recently voted to change the schedule and have Sunday covered dish luncheons on the 5th Sunday of the month. The next luncheon will be Apr. 30 (Nurture Team).

Julie Trenn UMW President


The next meeting will be Monday, March 12th, at 7:00 PM in the parlor. Faithful Place, by Tana French, is the book that will be discussed. In a bit of a departure for the group, we will visit the birthplace of undercover detective Frank Mackey. Frank is drawn back to the working class cul-de-sac called Faithful Place by a newly found clue to the disappearance 22 years ago of his sweetheart Rosie. The Mackey family is a rowdy bunch of Dubliners, but Ms. Frenchs writing skills draw the reader into their world of rivalries and grudges. Neighbors on Faithful Place dont want Frank around, as hes a cop and they dont like cops. Love, loss, memory and murder with a twist of Dublin dialogue keep the reader guessing what really did happen to Rosie Daly that winter night in 1985. Please consider joining the group for an hour of discussion and fellowship. So far our Circle has made 41 school kit bags for UMCOR using money donated by UMW. We are still busy cutting fabric and sewing, and more bags are in the works. Several members of the Circle will make our first delivery to the Eastbrook Mission Barn near New Castle Sat., Feb. 25 so that they may be filled with school supplies and find their way to children who are victims of natural disasters around the world.

LIBRARY NEWS Recent donations to our shelves include two books for teens-"Stories for the Extreme Teen's Heart" and "Her Devotional: 2 Minutes a Day for Teens." We also now have copies of "Praying In the Wesleyan Spirit" and "Promises and Prayers for Friends." Come visit! Barbara Marcus and Dottie Wolslayer, Church Librarians .COMMUNITY DINNERS A dinner will be held at Verona UMC March 28 (hosted by Oakmont UMC) from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. These meals are provided keeping those who are having a difficult time in our current economy in mind, although everyone is welcome. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. If you would like to help, please contact the church office.

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