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Prof. Dr. Madhavan . P
Managing Trustee – Bangalore Indiranagar SKY Trust
Paper presented in the
7 International Congress on Social Philosophy
During 22- 24 th November 2008 at Shantiniketan Visva Bharati University West Begal
The Philosophy of Education for the New Millennium


Prof. Dr. Madhavan . P
Managing Trustee – Bangalore Indiranagar SKY Trust

1. Acknowledgement

My grateful Thanks to those Saints, Philosophers, Scientists, Doctors, Engineers,

Managers & Leaders who lived and living, guided me in making this presentation. My

Pranams and gratitude to a 97 year lived Legend Siddhar, Doctor, Philosopher, Scientist

Vethathiri Maharishi from South India, who guided me in my life as my Mentor and Guru.

2. Introduction

Education is a continuous process. Ideal Education is therefore a dynamic vision.

From the days Alfred Binet the father of Intelligence in 1900s, Intelligence is playing a key

role in education and beyond. IQ tests are being extensively used as indicative measures

of effective education.

This paper will focus on the Education as a process for evolving human culture and how

integrated intelligence can help to sharpen this focus for an enriched fulfillment of life.

Present system of education is primarily focused on three aspects namely – Literacy to

read & write, Sciences of knowledge, and Professional education for livelihood. While all

this build a good knowledge base and a career in life but it misses out the important

aspect. The important aspect is the Conduct / Character building, human / social values

building and essentially how to lead a life in the midst of adversities yet achieving the

best in life. The management of living is missing.

Knowledge, techniques and practices of using, developing and enhancing our

intelligences thorough integration will provide an holistic, purposeful and fulfilling living

education. A study by London School of Economics has revealed that Science &

Technology has greatly improved the living comforts in the last 30 years but has failed to

make even a marginal improvement in their happiness or feel good moods, all over the

world. Globally, people killing people or people exploiting people or People becoming

helpless & useless are evident and abundant nowadays.

Education is a system of enlightenment. Every leader of nation, village, teacher, parent

and student have to reflect a personal responsibility in this aspect instead of blaming

each other. Education has almost lost its importance to entertainment. This is mainly

due to our practice of using (not using) intelligence effectively. Easy life leads to lazy

intelligence finally leading to loss of sensitivity to oneself and others. Integrating

intelligence, empowering creativity and enhancing human values are the foundation

pillars on which Ideal Education Castle can be built.

We are what we Think, Feel and Do. These functions are organizationally related to our

3Hs namely Head, Heart and Hand. Each one have their own Intelligence and play an

important role in one’s work / life performance. For example Einstein used Head

intelligence while Mother Theresa used her Heart Intelligence and Sachin uses his Hands

Intelligence more. Dr.Gardner, a Harvard professor talks about multiple intelligences. All

intelligences are important in their own way and all of them are related to each other. The
best of life can be accomplished with the knowledge and development of I Q.

3. History

Let us see how this IQ started. In 1904, in France Alfred Binet was commissioned by the

French government to find a method to differentiate between children who were

intellectually normal and those who were inferior. The purpose was to put the latter into
special schools where they would receive more individual attention. In this way they

thought that the disruption in the education of intellectually normal children could be

avoided. This led to the development of the Binet Scale, also known as the Simon-Binet

Scale in recognition of Theophile Simon's assistance in its development. It constituted a

revolutionary approach to the assessment of individual mental ability. Binet feared that IQ

measurement if used to condemn a child to a condition of stupidity, it can thereby

negatively affect their education and livelihood. Therefore IQ tests are to serve only

limited purpose without any disregard to others. Remember the school days of Einstein,

Edison and Ramanujam, where they were considered not intelligent enough.

In the recent past EQ – Emotional Intelligence has assumed a greater importance for

one’s ability to perform well in a work / life situations. Such tests to determine a person’s

abilities have come here to stay, mainly to aid in the selection process for ones career

development. This process is evolving itself to a Wholistic Personality System possibly

leading to “Integrated Intelligence Quotient” – I Q.

4. Intelligence

Intelligence may be simply defined as the ability to solve problems. In a broader sense,

Intelligence is a general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to

reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly

and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-

taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our

surroundings -- "catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do.

IQ tests generally cover intelligence of three main groups. They are crystallized

intelligence, fluid intelligence, and visual-spatial reasoning.

Crystallized (factual)

- word fluency

- general information
- Vocabulary

- verbal comprehension

Fluid (how)

- speed of information processing

- ability to detect relationships

- other abstract thinking skills

Visual spatial (imaging)

- creating a mental space

- Visual picture

- Image relationships

5. Multiple Intelligence

When Sachin performs an inexplicable maneuver in the air with a six in the cricket field

or Rahman compose a melody, we don't necessarily think of either of these men as

being intelligent with very high IQ. But we assume these talents could be peripheral to

their intelligence rather than proof of it.

Howard Gardner, a Harvard University professor of education and author, disagrees.

When Sachin lifts off or Rahman composes, Gardner sees intelligence-something called

bodily kinesthetic intelligence in the case of Sachin and musical intelligence in that of

Rahman. Gardner doesn't limit smarts to the traditional realms of logical reasoning and

the ability to manipulate words and numbers. He says we are all endowed with eight
distinct forms of intelligence that are genetically determined but can be enhanced through

practice and learning.

Please see the picture below for the 8 types of intelligences.

Gardner says this tendency to focus on traditional interpretations of intelligence carries

over into the workplace, where employees who are excellent team players or who are

adept at spatial reasoning (visualization) still runs into the risk of getting fired if they can't

write a decent memo. Similarly, the "smartest" IIT graduates risk spectacular failure if

employers assume that their excellent grades will necessarily translate into excellent

leadership skills.

Traditional IQ tests which are limited to logical reasoning and the manipulation of words

and numbers. This is for school kids and the like. It is less appropriate for Industries and

organizations. The brain has evolved over millions of years to be responsive to different

kinds of content in the world - language content, musical content, spatial content,

numerical content, etc. It may be that some people have somewhat more efficiently
running machines and perhaps, in general, they may learn or perform somewhat more

rapidly than others. But being fast and not very spatial doesn't make you any better in

spatial kinds of things; you probably just get the wrong answer more quickly.

Theory of multiple intelligences has influenced a lot about how we think, feel and act.

Everyone is equally intelligent in the creation of nature. Therefore the sum of all

intelligences put together for each person is the same. Some will have something more

and something less. Low IQ and EQ personalities have also made it big in their life. This

is an indication that all are intelligent in one or more of multiple intelligences.

5. Benefits in Developing I Q

I Q is an open experiential learning for those who :

- are asking, "Is there more to learn in life ?”

- want to make a positive difference in this world

- are forward looking pioneers interested in creative work that grows people

- are courageous in defining their own life and values

- are going through transition and questioning in their own life

- are on a conscious journey and are passionate seekers

- wish to co-create with others new kinds of workplaces that are ethical, life

sustaining, and whose services and products serve the greater good of the world

The purpose of Education is not just to build a career but a character of universal values

of humanity and nature. The learning and following of Social Philosophy must be an

integral part of our learning life, so as to build a great mankind of future.

“May the Whole World enjoy Prosperity, Happiness, Wisdom and Peace”.

P.S. Your comments are most welcome. email:

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