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Treeview Control in WPF

TreeView Control: TreeView Control represent the hierarchical node data. You can use the TreeView control to display information from a wide variety of data sources such as an XML file, site-map file, string, or from a database. or you can say treeview control is a hierarchical structure to dispaly the data. its look like a tree. it also contain root node, parent node and child node like tree. Example: <Window x:Class="Wpf_TreeView.Window1" xmlns=" /xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="" Title="Listbox" Height="680" Width="624">

<Grid Height="658" Width="454" Margin="0,0,0,50"> <TreeView Margin="39,59.88,67,0" Name="treeView1" Background="Azure" Foreground="Maroon" ToolTip="This is TreeView control" Height="179" VerticalAlignment="Top"> <TreeViewItem Header="Employees"> <TreeViewItem Header="Employee Name"></TreeViewItem> <TreeViewItem Header="Employee Address"></TreeViewItem> </TreeViewItem> <TreeViewItem Header="Testing"> <CheckBox Content="aaa"></CheckBox> <CheckBox Content="bbb"></CheckBox> <CheckBox Content="ccc"></CheckBox> </TreeViewItem> <TreeViewItem Header="Testing"> <TreeViewItem Header="Test2"></TreeViewItem> <TreeViewItem Header="Test3"></TreeViewItem> </TreeViewItem> </TreeView> </Grid> </Window> Output:

Figure 1: Treeview control

Figure 2: hierarchical structure of Treeview control.

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