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WINEXCEL 2007 1. HOME a. Clipboard 1) Paste 2) Cut 3) Copy 4) Format painter b. Font c.

Alignment 1) Align 2) Orientation 3) Indent 4) Wrap text 5) Merge & center d. Number 1) General 2) Accounting number format 3) Percent 4) Comma Styles 5) Decimal e. Style 1) Conditioning formatting 2) Format as table 3) Cell style f. Cells 1) Insert 2) Delete 3) Format

g. Editing 1) Autosum 2) Fill 3) Clear 4) Sort & filter 5) Find & select 2. INSERT a. Tables 1) Pivot table 2) Table b. Illustration 1) Picture 2) Clip art 3) Shape 4) Smart art

c. Charts 1) Column 2) Line 3) Pie 4) Bar 5) Area 6) Scatter 7) Other charts d. Links 1) Hyperlink

e. Text 1) Text box 2) Header footer 3) Word art 4) Signature line 5) Object 6) Symbol 3. PAGE LAYOUT a. Themes 1) Themes 2) Colors 3) Fonts 4) Effects b. Page setup 1) Margins 2) Orientation 3) Size 4) Print area 5) Breaks 6) Background 7) Print titles c. Scale to fit 1) Width 2) Height 3) Scale d. Sheet options 1) Gridlines 2) Headings

e. Arrange 1) Bring to front 2) Send to back 3) Selection pane 4) Align 5) Group 6) Rotate 4. FORMULA a. Function library 1) Insert function 2) Autosum 3) Recentlu used 4) Financial 5) Logical 6) Text 7) Date time 8) Lookup and reference 9) Math & trig 10)More functions b. Defined names 1) Name manager 2) Define name 3) Use in formula 4) Create from selection c. Formula auditing 1) Trace precedents 2) Trace dependents 3) Remove arrows

4) Show formula 5) Error checking 6) Evaluate formula 7) Watch now d. Calculation 1) Calculation options 2) Calculate now 3) Calculate sheet 5. DATA a. Get external data 1) From access 2) From web 3) From text 4) From other sources b. Connections 1) Refresh all 2) Connections 3) Properties 4) Edit links

c. Sort & filter 1) Sort a to z 2) Sort z to a 3) Filter

4) Clear 5) Reapply 6) Advanced d. Data tools 1) Text to columns 2) Remove duplicates 3) Data validations 4) Consolidation 5) What if analysis e. Outlines 1) Group 2) Ungroup 3) Subtotal 4) Show detail 5) Hide detail 6. REVIEW a. Proofing 1) Spelling and grammar 2) Research 3) Thesaurus 4) Translate b. Comments 1) New comments 2) Delete comments 3) Previous 4) Next 5) Show/hide comments 6) Show all comments

7) Show Ink c. Changes 1) Protect sheet 2) Protect workbook 3) Share workbook 4) Protect and share workbook 5) Allow users to edit ranges 6) Track changes

7. VIEW a. Workbooks view 1) Normal 2) Page layout 3) Page break preview 4) Custom views 5) Full screen b. Show/hide 1) Ruler 2) Gridline 3) Message bar 4) Formula bar 5) Headings c. Zoom 1) Zoom

2) 100% 3) Zoom to selection d. Window 1) New window 2) Arrange all 3) Freeze panes 4) Split 5) Hide 6) Unhide 7) View side by side 8) Synchronous scrolling 9) Reset windows position 10)Save workspace 11)Switch windows e. Macros 1) Macros

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