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1. Design a given form that includes all the following Form related tags with all the possible attributes: <INPUT> with all TYPEs, <SELECT>, <TEXTAREA>


1. Title : 2. Last Name : 3. First Name : 4. Position Held Designation : Department : Organization : Address : O Mr. O Ms. O Dr. O Prof. O HH

5. Please indicate the product(s) you would be interested. (Tick all the boxes that apply). Computer Systems Operating Systems Peripherals Graphics Software 6. What is the likely period of your purchasing one or more of the above products ? (Check only one box). Immediately SUBMIT 1 to 3 months Within 6 months CANCEL DATA Within 1 year

2. Create three HTML files and view them in different frames of the browser window as shown below. Make provision to load frames with certain documents on clicking a link on some other frame.
<Frame 1> (Width = 25% of screen width & height = full screen) <Frame 2> (Width = 75% of screen width & height = 50% of screen height) <Frame 3> (Width and height same as those of frame 2)

Hands-On Exercise 3. Design a webpage to include the answers to the question below.

Web Research 1. W3C Research

a. How did the W3C get started?

b. Who can join the W3C? What is the cost? c. The W3C home page lists a number of technologies. Choose one that interests you and click on its link and read the associated pages. List three facts or issues you discovered.

2. World Organization of Webmasters (WOW) Research

a. How can you join WOW? What does it cost to join? b. List one of the events that WOW participates in. Would you like to attend this event? Why or why not? c. List three ways that WOW can help you in your future career as a Web developer.

3. Visit Any of the Web Sites That Interested You

1. What is the purpose of the site? 2. Who is their intended audience? 3. Do you believe they reach their audience? 4. Was this site useful to you? Why or why not? 5. List one interesting fact or issue that this site addressed. 6. Would you encourage others to visit this site? 7. How could this site be improved?

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