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Masthead & magazine logo

Competition! WIN A HOLIDAY FOR 2!

Selling line The UKs No1 soap magazine!

Date Line

Image & Tagline

Hyperbolic Wording SHOCK!

Cover Line;

Its not always perfect in paradise

Image & Tagline

Image & Tagline

Hyperbolic Wording DRUG SCANDAL!

This draft for our magazine cover mirrors a lot of conventional magazine covers for soap operas that already exist. This cover however will be focusing only on our soap and its new release. As well as this we intend to include some form of competition or a free item that will appeal to readers and give them something extra to be interested in. I have positioned the most important and capturing information of the left third of the magazine which will be the part that will be seen by potential buyers when its of the shelves. Because of this I have added the price, barcode, magazine logo, date and a storyline on this side for initial viewing to give readers a good first impression of our magazine. The main image and cover line will be positioned in the centre of the magazine to make sure readers know this will be the main storyline to feature in the beginning episodes of the new soap to give them an insight as to what our soap is about.

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