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Best Practices for direct response campaigns


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Ad Formats Campaign Structure Targeting Image & Copy Bid Strategy Reporting Power Editor

Marketplace Ad & Sponsored Stories

Can drive to a page, application, event or offsite

Ads from Page Posts also available in Marketplace

Ads & Sponsored Stories from Page Posts

Status Post

Photo Post

Video Post

Link Post

Questions Post

Event Post

Account Structure
How best to create campaigns?

1 Campaign: Multiple Ads

Optimum number: 3 Ads per campaign. Benefits: using the algorithm to optimize

1 Campaign: 1 Ad

Each campaign is one demo bucket with 1 ad running to that bucket.

Benefits: Assign budget per ad.

Facebook automatically optimizes your ad delivery based on your ads performance. Once the system identifies the top performing ads within a campaign, it will deliver the majority of impressions to those ads.

Reach the right audience

Targeting Overview
Segment & Hypertarget
Leverage Targeting Options:

Demo and Geo targeting

Target by: Country, State, Province or City Target by: Gender, age, birthday, relationship status, language

Workplace and Education targeting

Target by: Workplace, education, Preferred language Target by: Favorite TV shows, movies, books, music, hobbies, religion, political views

Likes and Interests targeting

Segment Campaigns by Age

Males 31-40 Males 18-25

Males 26-30

Campaign 1

Campaign 1 Males 1825 Campaign 2 Males 26Campaign 30 Males 313 40

Bad Example:
Reach the right audience
Steak House restaurant in the London area.

Men and women / 13 to 65 / who live in United Kingdom

Good Example:
Reach the right audience
Steak House restaurant in the London area.

1- Males 2- Who live in London 3- Age between 1850 4- Who like: NBA, BasketBall, Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic, NFL, Base-Ball, James Lebron, ESPN etc

Types of Keyword Targeting

Precise Interest (Lady Gaga) Topic Targeting (#Lady Gaga)

Broad Category (Interests

Pop Culture)

Why use Keyword Targeting?

On average, clients have seen a number of benefits: 11% lower CPCs when using Topic Targeting vs. only using Precise Interests 29% lower CPCs when using Topic Targeting vs. no Keyword Targeting 3% higher CTRs when using Topic Targeting vs. only using Precise Interests 53% higher CTRs when using Topic Targeting vs. no Keyword Targeting

Make sure your audience size isnt too small relative to your budget.

Improve your ad text

Keep it simple

Ask Questions:
Having a question in the title or body copy can be effective. Be sensible. If questions marks do not make sense or are out of context, do not include.

Use Time Prompts / Call to action:

Encourage users to act immediately. Words like now or today and phrases like limited time can help emphasize the importance of taking action.

Discounts & Free Offers:

Everyone likes free/cheap things, so highlight this in your ad text. If possible try using words like: Free Discount Promotional Trial Complimentary

Dont write too much:

All the info is available on the landing page. No need to add it in the Body Text.

Avoid being wordy. Use simple conversational language.

Body text is short and clear.

Ads from Page Posts Best Practices

Post Succinct Content

Be Relevant & Timely

Ask Questions

Enhance your message with a photo or video

Boost posts for at least a day to reach as many as possible

Improve your ad image

Catch the users eye

Ad Creative
Image Best Practices
Prominent logos for strong brands (logos not recommended for smaller brands). Designed for 110x80 (not just resized). Images with close-up of a person, animal or product (we recommend products with people). Use striking, colorful pictures that jump off the page and demand a users attention.

Maximize the space:

Keep the image proportionate to the space Simple, uncluttered images are best Use high-resolution images Stick with a close-up

Use multiple creatives

Refresh your active ads

Creative & Copy

Use Multiple Creatives
Rotate multiple ads to prevent ads from fatiguing. Use special promotions to drive user engagement.


Create a sense of urgency around the promotion to drive user action.


Refresh your creative (every 10-12 days):

Bidding Tactics

Bidding Tactics
How Are Suggested Bids Calculated?
3 main factors: 1. Competition with other advertisers and inventory available. 2. Ad performance (High CTR) 3. User feedback
Marketplace Relevancy Quality

Suggested Bid Range

The suggested bid range you see when creating your ads is based on the bids that are currently winning the ad auction for the users you've chosen to target.

Bid ranges change as the pool of competing ads change. It will also change based on your ad's performance

If your ad stops receiving impressions at any point, check the suggested range again. If it is very high, pause and create a new ad.

We highly recommend that you choose a bid at the high end or above, because when your bid is below the suggested range, it's unlikely that your ad will be shown on the site.

Segmenting your target by age bucket:

Campaign Not segmented by age buckets = Higher CPC
Females 18-65 Years old in SF

F 1824

F 2530

F 3140

F 4145

Lower CPC

Females 18-65 Years old in SF

F 4650

F 5155

F 5660

F 6165

Bids, Budget & Pacing

Do increase your budget to drive more spend and total ROI
If youre already hitting your budget, increasing your bid probably wont do anything

Do set accurate end times for your campaigns

The system doesnt know when youre planning to hit pause You might get slower delivery if the system thinks it has to spread your spend out over a long time If you want to spend a lot quickly, create a short campaign with a big budget

Dont fiddle with the campaign or bids excessively

The pacing system is the most volatile/least accurate when a campaign is rebooted frequently

Measure your return on investment

Advertising Performance report:

Track your impressions, clicks, spend and conversion.

Select: Ad performance

Impression CPC




Average CPM


Responder Demographics report:

Select: Responder Demographics

% of Clicker


Power Editor

Power Editor: a new powerful bulk tool

Bulk Management tool available to all clients. Replaces and enhances the capabilities of the Bulk Uploader Well suited for businesses who manage multiple campaigns with a large number of creatives

Navigate within Power Editor

Analyze your performance

Customize the metrics you want to see about your ads by clicking on Settings

Click on the Stats drop-down button to select a date range and get stats for this date range

4 ways to edit your ads and campaigns

1) In line by double clicking 2) In the Bottom pane

4 ways to edit your ads and campaigns

3) Copy / paste from Excel 4) Export / import from Excel

3 ways to create new campaigns

1) Create campaign button 2) Duplicate a campaign
Using the Duplicate button Using copy/paste Copy/pasting between different accounts

3 ways to create new campaigns

3) Copy / paste from Excel

4 ways to create new ads

1) Create Ad button 2) Duplicate an ad
Using the Duplicate button Using copy/paste Copy/pasting between different accounts and campaigns

4 ways to create new ads

3) Copy / paste from Excel 4) Export / import from Excel

Upload or revert changes

Revert button will revert this ad or campaign back to how it was when last downloaded / uploaded Always think about uploading changes

- Use all the targeting functions available to you (Geographic, demographic, keywords, categories etc) -Your ad should direct users to the most relevant landing page - Keep your text short and clear - Make sure that your image use all the space available - Position your CPC in the suggested bid range -Test different creatives and compare your CTR and CPC - Use all the reports available to you (Advertising Performance Report, Demographic Respondent Report etc)

Thank you!

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