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The Cantankerous Bow Tie

Premise The annoying bow tie that just cant seem to get it right. Logline A wife and husband are getting ready to go out on a dinner date. The wife shouts to her husband from the other room that he needs to hurry up if they want to be late for their reservation. The husband replies that hes trying but he cant seem to find his bow tie. The man notices that the lid of the bow tie box moves a little, he notices that the bow tie is hiding behind the box. When the bow tie peeks around the corner of the box he notices that hes been found so he scampers away but the man quickly lands his hand on him and catches him. The man then has the bow tie around his neck ready to be tied, as he reaches up the bow tie suddenly slaps his hands away and starts tying itself. The bow tie ends up in a completely wrong shape than how it should look, the man reaches up to fix the bow tie but it refuses to be tied and slaps his hands away once more. The bow tie ends up going through several more transformations which are all wrong and make the man angrier with each one so finally he grabs the bow tie and straightens it properly. The bow tie remains perfectly tied for a few moments and then just droops down causing the man to become enraged. The bow tie is then seen in a store window display being sold as a second hand item, perfectly tied at first but then slops down to one side. Step Outline INT. BEDROOM. EVENING - Man turns towards his bedroom table. - The bow tie hiding behind its storage box peeks around the corner of it.

- It then turns and starts running away from the man. - The mans hand slams down on the bow tie trapping it. - The man reaches up to his neck to tie the bow tie. - The bow tie slaps his hands away and ties itself into a weird shape. - The man reaches up once more only to get his hands slapped away again. - The bow tie goes through several more quick transformations, all of which are wrong. - The man quickly grabs the bow tie and pulls it straight. - The bow tie stays still and then drops its position. EXT. STORE WINDOW DISPLAY. DAY - The bow tie sits in its storage box perfectly tied. - After a little while it loosens up again becoming untied.

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