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In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


We decided we wanted our genre to be an action thriller. Action thriller movies use suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements to attract their target audience. Thrillers usually stimulate the viewer's moods giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and/or terror. Some examples of Action thrillers are Pulp fiction, The Dark Knight, Inception and se7en. Similarly we picked this genre because we wanted our opening sequence to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats. Our plot line of a kidnap conforms with tis genre as common themes and methods in a thriller are mainly ransoms, captivities, heists, revenge, and kidnappings. We further conformed with our genre because plot twists and cliffhangers are used extensively in this genre and we did this right at the end of our sequence when we see something happen to the protagonist yet we dont know what it is. This can be seen in the video on the left.

Our sequence conforms with the typical format of a opening sequence. An opening sequence usually has use of enigma, which we clearly demonstrate with our dramatic cliff hanger. It also has the typical basics which are title credits, this can be seen in our sequence, introduction to characters, this is also seen in our sequence. Our sequence does the Job of an opening sequence because, it keeps the audience wanting to know more, in order for them to be able to watch the film.

Narrative Structure:
Our film does not really conform with conventionally structured films where there is a disruption, then a resolution and then back to the equilibrium. Instead the sequence begins with a news report which alerts the audience that there is something wrong. However it does not have a resolution and is instead left with a cliff hanger. We do this because we want the audience to stay hooked onto our plot etc. We also included a flashback because the sequence begins with the news report then we flash back in time to see how it happened. We did this because we wanted to create a twist, so that our target audience remains captured by the sequence.

Todorov: Narrative theory

The style of our film is very dark and mysterious. The soundtrack south London conforms with our plot and storyline of gang rivalry and crime in London. The aesthetically dull colours of the film creates the sense of mystery and danger, which goes back to the fact that our film is a action thriller.

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