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Some patients choose to take herbs in addition to chemotherapy. We respect your right to make that choice. While some herbs may be helpful, others are harmful and may make chemotherapy less effective or more toxic. It is very important that you give our staff a complete list of everything that you are taking. This is essential for safe monitoring during your treatment. Some herbs are not allowed while on a clinical trial. Before starting treatment on a clinical trial, tell your doctor or nurse what you are taking. This will ensure your safety when receiving experimental therapy.

THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF HERBS YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE Definitely hazardous (documented organ failure and known carcinogenic properties)

Aristolochic acid (birthwort, snakeroot, snakeweed, sangree root, sangrel, wild ginger,etc.). Conclusively linked to cancer and kidney failure sometimes requiring transplant; deaths reported. Comfrey (ass ear, black root, blackwort, bruisewort, gum plant, healing herb, slippery root, etc.). Abnormal liver function or damage, often irreversible; deaths reported. Androstenedione (andro, androstene). Increased cancer risk, decrease in HDL cholesterol. Chaparral (creosote bush, greasewood, hediondilla, jarilla, larreastat). Abnormal liver function or damage, often irreversible; deaths reported. Germander (wall germander, wild germander). Abnormal liver function or damage, often irreversible; deaths reported. Kava (ava, awa, gea, gi, intoxicating pepper, kao, kavain, kew, long pepper, etc.). Abnormal liver function or damage, occasionally irreversible; deaths reported. Bitter Orange (green orange, kijitsu, neroli oil, Seville orange, shangzhou, zhiqiao, sour orange, zhi oiao, zhi xhi). High blood pressure; increased risk of heart arrythmias, heart attack, stroke. Organ/glandular extracts (brain/adrenal/pituitary/placenta/other gland substance or concentrate). Theoretical risk of mad cow disease, particularly from brain extracts. Lobelia (asthma weed, bladderpod, emetic herb, gagroot, lobelie, indian tobacco, pukeweed, vomit wort, etc.). Breathing difficulty, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, diarrhea, dizziness, tremors; possible deaths reported. Pennyroyal oil (lurk-in-the-ditch, mosquito plant, piliolerial, pudding grass, squaw balm, stinking balm, tickweed). Liver and kidney failure, nerve damage, convulsions, abdominal tenderness, burning of the throat; deaths reported. Scullcap (blue pimpernel, helmet flower, hoodwort, mad weed, mad-dog herb, quaker bonnet, etc.). Abnormal liver function or damage. Yohimbe (johimbi, yohimbehe, yohimbine). Change in blood pressure, heart arrythmias, respiratory depression, heart attack; deaths reported.
Sources: Natural Medicines Comprehesive Database 2004 and Consumers Unions medical and research consultants.

Very likely hazardous (banned in other countries. FDA warning, or adverse effects in studies)

Likely hazardous (adverse-event reports or theoretical risks)

This information is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely entirely on this information for your health care needs. Ask your own doctor or health care provider any specific medical questions you may have. This information is available at > Educational Programs > Your Guide to Care Copyright 2006 The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke. All Rights Reserved.

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