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Workshop Pledge
Ill respect every individuals perspective and share mine. Ill make most of the learning opportunity and will contribute to it by sharing relevant personal experience.

Ill listen and participate with an open mind. Ill contribute to my own, my teams and everyone elses learning.

Programme Objectives
By the end of this programme you will be able to:
Identify stages of cycle of change List steps of successfully implementing change Identify leads for future Set & Implement goals to lead & manage change

Management Game
Bag The Order


of Change

By the end of this session you will be able to Identify stages of cycle of change

The Change Curve Model

Phase 1 Denial
Phase 4 Commitment

Phase 2 Resistance

Phase 3 Exploration

Creating a Picture of Your Change Transition

High Range = Over 15

High Range = Over 19

High Range = Over 22

High Range = Over 22

Phase 1 Denial

Phase 4 Commitment

Phase 2 Resistance

Phase 3 Exploration

The Denial Statements

1. This change doesnt really affect me 5. The reality of the change hasnt set in yet 9. I am not wasting my time worrying about the change 13. Im sure this whole thing will blow over soon 17. I dont have any feelings about the change 21. I just try to do what I have to do to get through the day

Denial is being fugitive about the change People need to be confronted and informed of the Denial behaviour Scoring high on Denial means :
Do not acknowledge the change Not aware of the personal effect of the change See the change as temporary

Symptoms and Leadership Role

Avoid Acknowledgement Business as Usual attitude Avoid Confrontation Leadership Role Create awareness about the change Share facts and draw mutual predictions

The Resistance Statements

2. I prefer the way things were before 6. I dont know if I can do what is expected of me in this change 10. I think this change is bad for the organization 14. I feel angry about the change 18. I cant concentrate on my work 22. Im upset about the way this whole thing has been carried out

Resistance is obvious and natural Scoring high means
High degree of Resistance Sense of insecurity Doubt on the self-ability Feel embarrassed Realization of the limited power Do not appreciate the change

Symptoms and Leadership Role

Anger and Blame Downing of Tools The Company does not care

Leadership Role Listen to what is said and not how it is said Shared mourning Show personal commitment Cut losses when unavoidable

The Exploration Statements

3. Im excited about all the new possibilities the change allows 7. Everything is up in the air, but were dealing with the real issues 11. I keep thinking of new ways to do things 15. Recently Ive had a lot more energy to deal with the change 19. Im amazed at how many new things Im learning because of this change 23. I feel like the worst part of the change is over

Exploration is fun, energetic, learning, exciting and experimental phase People accept and assess the change in this phase Scoring high means: Excited about the change Focused on the future Feel positive about the future

Symptoms and Leadership Role

Over-preparation Incoherent energy Confusion and Chaos

Leadership Role
Guide priorities Educate to improve quality of analysis Set short-term goals

The Commitment Statements

4. Ive really come a long way with this change 8. I would not go back to the way things were before 12. I have mastered what needs to be done to be effective with this change 16. I am comfortable in the new work environment 20. I feel good about myself and what I have accomplished to meet the demands of the change 24. Ive learned things in this change that will help me deal with the next change

Phase of comfort and reward Prepare for the next change Scoring high means:
Accept the change as permanent Perform effectively Do effort to sustain the change Feel comfortable Prepared for the next change

Symptoms and Leadership Role

Cooperation and coordination Frustration about speed Looking for new challenges

Set long term goals Celebrate success Focus on team building Step back Let the next tier of Leadership emerge

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