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wastelands, derelict areas, no mans land, dead zones, urban voids, terrains vagues, indeterminate spaces, interstitial spaces,

drosscapes, dead spaces, underutilized spaces, in-between spaces, loose spaces, wasted spaces, residual spaces

In these apparently forgotten places, the memory of the past seems to predominate over the present. Here, only a few residual values survive, despite the total disaffection from the activity of the city. From the economic point of view, industrial areas, railway stations, ports, unsafe residential areas, and contaminated places are where the city is no longer. Ignasi de Sola-Morales Rubio, Terrain Vague, 1995

Infrastructural space is, as the word suggests, customarily regarded as a hidden substratethe binding medium or current between objects of positive consequence, shape, and lawyet it is also the point of contact and access, the spatial outcropping of underlying laws and logics. Keller Easterling, Coupling, 2011

1910 Map of Manchester Railway Network: Railway Clearing House

Brian Rosa

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