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Budget Bill Fact Sheets $.6251-B Legislature and Judiciary Appropriations $.6251-D State Operations Appropriations $.6253-E Aid to Localities Appropriations $.6254-D Capital Appropriations $.6255-D Public Protection / General Government Article VIL $.6256-D Health and Mental Hygiene Article VII $.6257-E Education, Labor & Family Assistance Article VII $.6258-D Transportation, Economic Development & Environmental Conservation Article VII $.6259-D Revenue Article VII S.6260-C Merger of State Entities Article VII 2012-13 Enacted Legislature and Judiciary Appropriations ___S.6251-B / A.9051-A Senate Finance / Counsel Page 1 Judiciary * The Legislature concurs with the Executive recommendation of $1,956,994,015. Legislature © Overall Legislative Budget General Fund appropriation levels for ‘SFY 2012-13 are the same as SFY 2011-12 and total $217.8 million, * The Senate Budget provides appropriations totaling $91.9 million for SFY 2012-13. * The Assembly provides appropriations totaling $108.1 million for SFY 2012-13 * Joint Legislative Entities such as the Library, Messenger Service, Ethic Commission, Bill Drafting, and Health Services total $17.5 million for SFY 2012-13. * The Lieutenant Governor, as the Presiding Officer of the Senate, is provided an appropriation of $274,635 for SFY 2012-13. Senace Finance / Counsel Page?

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