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ANUNCIO DE VACANTE, CIENCIA POLTICA, UNIVERSIDAD DIEGO PORTALES Posicin: Profesor/a de Ciencia Poltica, jornada completa, mencin polticas

pblicas y/o economa poltica. Empleador: Escuela de Ciencia Poltica, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales e Historia, Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile). Descripcin: La Escuela de Ciencia Poltica de la Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile) llama a concurso para llenar el cargo de Profesor/a. Se requiere estar en posesin del grado de Doctor/a en Ciencia Poltica al momento de asumir el cargo. Un excelente dominio del idioma espaol es esencial. Se espera una activa agenda de investigacin en el mbito de las polticas pblicas y/o de la economa poltica, con un plan o historial de publicaciones coherente con la jerarqua acadmica del postulante. Principales Responsabilidades: Docencia y supervisin de tesis de grado y postgrado; investigacin y publicaciones; tareas de gestin relativas a las responsabilidades asumidas. Trminos y Condiciones: Contrato indefinido, de jornada completa. Remuneracin competitiva, de acuerdo a la escala salarial local, coherente con la jerarqua acadmica. Proceso de Postulacin: Enviar carta de inters, curriculum vitae, copia de al menos dos publicaciones recientes o bajo revisin, evaluaciones docentes (si dispone de ellas) y los nombres, cargos e informacin de contacto de tres evaluadores potenciales, que sern contactados en caso de preseleccin. Las postulaciones deben ser enviadas a: consignando en el asunto del mensaje Concurso Ciencia Poltica (jornada completa). Por favor no nos remita los materiales de postulacin por correo postal. Enve todos los documentos en formato PDF o Word. Fecha de Cierre: 22 de abril de 2012. Por informacin adicional sobre la Escuela de Ciencia Poltica, dirjase a:

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, LECTURER IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, UNIVERSIDAD DIEGO PORTALES (CHILE) Position: Full time Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Political Science, in the areas of public policy and/or political economy. Employer: Department of Political Science, College of History and Social Sciences, Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile).

Description: The Department of Political Science of the Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile) invites applications for the permanent full time position of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer (according to experience). The successful candidate must have a completed Ph.D. in Political Science by the date of employment. Proficiency in Spanish is essential. An active research agenda in public policy and/or political economy will be expected, with a publication record or plan commensurate with candidates seniority and the level of appointment. Main Duties: Design and delivery of teaching and supervision of undergraduate and graduate dissertations, research and publication, related administrative duties. Terms and Conditions: Full time, permanent contract. Competitive remuneration, according to prevailing local salary scales, commensurate with level of appointment. Application Process: Applications should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, at least two recent samples of published work or work currently under review for publication, teaching evaluations (if available) and the names, post titles and contact details of three potential referees. Indicate clearly which referees can be approached before shortlisting. Applications should be sent by email to: indicating in the subject line Concurso Ciencia Poltica (jornada completa). Please do not send application materials by post. Convert accompanying documentation to PDF or Word format files. Closing Date: 22 April 2012. For additional information about the School of Political Science, please log on to

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