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Melody Soma The Paper Boy- Visualizing Grade: 2 Standards/Objectives 2.2.

2 Use during-reading strategies based on text and purpose: make inferences Objective: * Students visualize to make sense of a text * Students informally use schema and inference as they visualize Pre-requisites: Students have been exposed to different reading strategies Materials Making Meaning Vol. 1 Paper Boy by Dav Pilkey Procedures Students will join the teacher on the reading rug sitting next to their reading partner. Motivation/engagement We have been using different ways to read books to help with understanding a book. We call understanding a book reading comprehension. Today we will hear a story, think about it and talk to a partner about how they picture what is happening. Teacher will introduce the book Paper boy. This book is about a paperboy and his dog enjoying the quiet of the early morning as they deliver their papers. Does anyone know what a paperboy is? A paperboy is a boy who delivers newspapers as a job. Today we will be reading this book without showing the illustrations. We need to listen very carefully so that we can visualize what is happening in the story. I will stop four times throughout the story so that you can discuss with your partner the pictures you draw up in your head. Developmental Activity:

Teacher will begin reading the story. After reading pages 6-9 teacher will stop for students to think, pair, share. Ask a few students to share what pictures they drew in their head about the story. Teacher will stop on pages 14, 20, and 27 for think, pair, share Discuss the story: Students will discuss the story with their partner for a minute then As a whole class we will discuss the story. Questions: What are some of the things the paperboy does to get ready to deliver the newspapers? What does the paperboys dog do? What are some of the pictures you had in your mind of the paperboy and his dog? Closure: Today we read a book without looking at the illustrations. We created our own pictures in our head based on the words of the story that helped us visualize it. This a good strategy to do to help us comprehend or understand a story. Extension: If we have extra time, students can go back to their seats and pick one part of the story they liked and draw an image of it.

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