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RULE1: These rules may be called the Indian Port Health Rules, 1989.

RULE2: Due to changing concepts in Epidemiology oI diseases, global eradication oI
small pox, emergence oI newer diseases and increasing international traIIic Iollowing
terminology also has been amended Ior the purposes oI these Rules.






In these Rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:

(1) 'arrival means arrival oI a vessel at an Indian Port:

(2)'baggage means the personal eIIects oI a traveler or oI a member oI the crew

(3)'cattle means horse, camel, sheep, cow, bull, buIIalo-bull, buIIalo-cow and all
other ruminating animals and all swine:

(4)'contamination means the presence oI undesirable substance or material which
may contain pathogenic micro-organisms:

(5)'container (Ireight container) means an article oI transport equipment.

a) oI a permanent character and accordingly strong enough to be suitable
Ior repeated use
b) specially designed to Iacilitate the carriage oI goods, by one or more
mode oI transport, without intermediate re-loading
c) Iitted with devices permitting its ready handling, particularly its transIer
Irom one mode oI transport to another
d) so designed as to be easy to Iill and empty

The term container` (Ireight container) does not include vehicles or
conventional packing
(6)'crew means the personnel oI a vessel employed Ior duties on board

(7)'day means an interval oI twenty Iour hours

(8)'diseases subject to the regulations
(Quarantinable diseases) means Cholera, including cholera to Elator vibrio,
plague and yellow Iever.

(9)'disinsecting means the operations in which the measures are taken to kill the
insect vectors oI the human diseases present in vessels and container.
(10) 'epidemic means an extension oI a disease subject to the regulations by
multiplication oI cases in an area.
(11) 'Iree pratique means permission Ior a vessel to enter a port, disembark
and commence operation.
(12) 'health administration means the governmental authority responsible
over the whole oI a territory to which these regulations apply Ior the
implementation oI the health measures provided here in.
(13) 'health authority means the authority immediately responsible in its
jurisdiction Ior the appropriate health measures permitted or prescribed by these
(14) 'health oIIicer means any person appointed
(a) In the case oI major ports by the central government and
(b)In the case oI other ports by the state government concerned to whom
the Iunctions oI the central government under subsection (1) oI section
17 oI the Indian ports act 1908(XV oI 1908) to appoint a health oIIicer
have been entrusted either by name or by the virtue oI his oIIice to be
the health oIIicer oI the port and includes an additional, deputy or
assistant health oIIicer appointed by the central or state government to
perIorm the duties oI a health oIIicer oI a port under these rules.
(15) 'imported case means an inIected person arriving on an international
(16) 'inIected area in relation to diseases subject to the regulations or other
inIectious disease means any area or port outside India declared by the central
government by notiIication in the oIIicial gazette to be inIected with such a
(17) 'inIected person any person who is suIIering Irom a disease subject to a
regulation or other inIectious disease or who is considered by the health oIIicer
incharge to be inIected with such a disease
(18) 'inIectious disease means in addition to the diseases subject to the
(a) generally any illness associated by prostration and persisting Ior several
days or attended with glandular swelling or an acute skin rash or
eruption with or without Iever, severe diarrohoea with symptoms oI
collapse, jaundice accompanied oI Iever.
(b)And in particular any disease declared speciIically as inIectious disease
by the central government by notiIication in the oIIicial gazette Irom
time to this time. Those that are so Iar notiIied are chickenpox, diptheria,
cerebrospinal, meningitis, inIluenzal pneumonia.
(19) 'International Health Regulations means the International Health
regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1969 as amended
amended Irom time to time.
(20) 'International voyage and 'in quarentine
International Voyage means
(a) In case oI a vessel, a voyage between parts in the territories oI more than
one state, or a voyage between ports in the territory or territories oI a
same state. II the vessel has relations with the territories oI any state on
its voyage but only as regards those relations.
(b)In case oI a person, a voyage involving entirely into the territory oI that
state either than the territory oI the state in which the person commences
his voyage.
'In Quarentine means state or condition during which the Health
Authority to a vessel or a container to prevent the spread oI diseases,
reservation oI diseases or voyage oI diseases with the object oI
quarentine applies measures.
1) 'Isolation, when applied to a person or a group oI people,
means that the separation oI a person or group oI people
Irom vectors oI other persons the health staII on duty, in
such a manner as to prevent the spread oI inIection.
2) When applied to animals means the segmentation oI that
animal or group oI animals Irom vectors, other animals and
persons except the health staII on duty, in such a manner as
to prevent the spread oI inIection.
(22) 'mainland means the territory oI India excluding the Andaman &
Nicobar islands and Lakshadeep.
(23) 'medical examination visit to and inspection oI a vessel and container
and the preliminary examination oI person on board including sorutiny oI
vaccination. CertiIicates required but doesnot include the periodical inspection
oI vessel to ascertain the need Ior derattening.
Note: Priliminary Examination` may include
(1)the physical examination oI any person but the exersise oI the right
should depend on the cercumestances oI the each case.
(2)Questioning travelers as there moments prior to disembarkation.
(3)Inspection oI the passport to trace the movements oI the passinger
during the course oI his voyage which may have involved changes in
the mode oI transportation and route.
(24) 'Period oI incubation means in respect oI 'disease subject to the
regulations and the others mentioned below, the period speciIied against each
(a) in respect oI diseases subject to the regulations
Plague 6 days
Cholera 5 days
Yellow Iever 6 days
(b)in respect oI inIectious disease notiIied by the Central Government
Chickenpox 14days
Cerebrospinal meningitis 10 days
Diptheria 5 days
InIluenzal pre-umonia 5 days
(c) when illness mentioned under Rule 2(18) is diagnosed as an inIectious
disease, its incubation period will be the generally accepted incubation
period Ior it.
(d)In respect oI an inIectious disease notiIied by Central Government each
period as may be described by the Central Government by notiIication in
the OIIicial Gazette, to be the period oI incubation Ior the disease.
(e) 'period oI incubation and surveillance
except as otherwise provided with respect to inIected persons, where
isolation or surveillance is authorized, the period oI isolation and
surveillance shall not exceed the period oI incubation.
(25) 'Port means seaport or an inland port .
(26) 'Ship replaced by the word 'vessel in these rules.
(27) 'ship surgeon means a properly qualiIied and registered medical
practitioner with experience oI maritime health, employed Ior medical services
on a vessel or, iI there are two or more such medical practitioners so employed,
the senior oI them.
(28) 'special provisions means
(a) in respect oI disease subject to the regulations (Quarantinable Diseases),
the measures speciIied in parts A, B & C oI schedule 1.
(b)In respect oI inIectious diseases, the measures speciIied in Schedule 2.
(c) In respect oI malaria or other mosquito born diseases,the measures
speciIied in Schedule 3.
(d)In respect oI rodent control, deratting certiIication and deratting
exemption certiIicate, the measures speciIied in schedule4.
(e) In respect oI carriage oI dead bodies or cremated remains, the measures
speciIied in schedule 5.
(I) In the event oI death or board, the measures speciIied in schedule 6.
(g)In respect oI importation oI monkeys, the measures mentioned in
schedule 6.
(h)In respect oI international health regulations pratique messages as
speciIied in schedule 8
(i) In respect to code oI health practices Ior supply oI drinking water to
vessel as speciIied in schedule 9.
(j) In report oI code oI health practices or supply oI Iood articles to vessels,
speciIied in schedule 10.
(k)In respect oI notice oI health inspection oI vessel as speciIied in
schedule 11.
(l) In respect oI requirement oI issue oI certiIicate oI health inspection Ior
departing vessels as speciIied in schedule 12.
(m)In respect oI certiIicate oI Medical inspection Ior vessel departing as
speciIied in schedule 13.
(n)In respect oI Health and deratting certiIicate to sailing vessels and
Iishing vessels as speciIied in schedule 14.
(o)In respect oI Iumigation certiIicate Ior imported used clothing and rags
(Annexure 4) as speciIied in schedule 15.
(p)In respect oI maritime declaration oI health as speciIied in Annexure I.
(q)In respect oI international certiIicate Ior vaccination or revaccination
against yellow Iever as speciIied in Annexure II.
(r) In report oI deratting or deratting exemption certiIicate as speciIied in
Annexure III.
(29) 'Suspect means a person who is considered by the health authority as
having been exposed to inIection by a disease subject to the regulations or other
notiIied inIections, diseases and is considered capable oI spreading that disease
(30) 'Valid certiIicate , when applied to vaccination, means, a certiIicate
i) ConIirms to the requirements and the model laid
down in Annexure III to these rules.
ii) Is issued only to individuals and in such Iorm that it
cannot in any circumstances be used collectively
iii) Is issued in case oI children separately and is not
incorporated in mother`s certiIicate
iv) Is completed in French and/ or English.
v) Is signed in the case oI an international certiIicate by
the parent or guardian oI a child who is unable to sign
or which bears, in the case oI an illiterate person the
mark oI such illiterate person duly attested by Health
vi) Is signed, in the case oI an international certiIicate
issued by India, in his own hand by a qualiIied
medical practitioner or medical oIIicer in charge oI an
approved center Ior vaccination who`s name is
enrolled in the Indian medical register maintained
under section 21 oI the Indian Medical Council Act,
1956 (102 oI 1956)
vii) In the case oI certiIicate oI vaccination against
Cholera issued in India, the approved stamp to be
aIIixed there on shall be such as has been approved
by the Central Government and the stamp shall be
aIIixed on the certiIicate by only those persons who
are authorized, either by designation or by name, Ior
this purpose, by the Central Government, in the case
oI certiIication oI vaccination against yellow Iever
issued in India the vaccination centers shall also be
approved by the Central Government
(31) 'Vector is arthropod, living temperature and transmitter oI the
causative agent oI a disease as to be susceptible to receiving and maintaining
the pathogen and then be able to transIer that pathogen to vertebrate host, Ior
the purpose oI these rules, any living carrier, plants or things shall also be
treated as Vectors
(32) 'Vessel includes anything made Ior the conveyance mainly by water oI
human beings or oI property.
(33) 'Sanitary Port is deIined as any port that shall have at its disposal
a) an organized medical service with adequate staII,
equipment or premises .
b) Facilities Ior the transport, isolation and care oI
inIected persons or suspects.
c) Facilities Ior eIIicient disinIection and
disinsection Ior the control oI vectors and rodents
Ior any other appropriate measures provided Ior
by International Health Regulations
d) A bacteriological laboratory or Iacilities Ior
dispatching suspected material to such a
e) Facilities within the port area Ior vaccination
against yellow Iever and such other diseases
notiIied Irom time to time by the Health
Part II Sub. Part A` - General Provisions
Rule 3. the Health OIIicer may Ior the purpose oI these rules inspect any vessel
on arrival or already import.
Rule 4. the master oI every vassel arriving at any port shall show, until the
vessel has received, partique under these rules, whichever oI the Iollowing signals are
a) by day, during the whole oI the time between sunrise and
sunset when the ship is within Iive kms oI the coast
i) the Ilag signal Q: meaning ' my vessel is
healthy and I request Iree pratique
ii) the 2 Ilag signal QQ: meaning ' my vessel is
suspected (wide Schedule 1 and/ or 2)
iii) the 2 Ilag signal QL: meaning ' my vessel is
inIected (wide Schedule 1 and/ or 2 ).
b) by night, during the whole oI the time between sunset and
sunrise but only when the vessel is within 5 kms oI the coast, a
signal which shall be shown at the peak or other conspicuous
place where it can best be seen, comprising oI red light over a
white light, the lights being not more than 2 ms apart and
meaning ' I have not Iree pratique provided that the
authorities ata port may with the prevention approval oI the
Central Government notiIy alternative signals, not conIlicting
International code Ior use by vessels visiting the port Irequently

PART II Sub Part B Quarantine Messages and grating pratique

1) The master oI every vessel arriving at Indian port,
Irom ay port outside India shall sent tie message
within 12 hours prior to arrival and not less than 4
hours out Irom any port to which he is proceding,
send to the health oIIicer oI the port, either
directely or through an agent approver by the
health oIIicer, a wire less message, embodying all
such oI the items oI inIormation se out in the
standard quarentene message priscribed in
schedule 8 in the International code oI signals or
plane language, as applicable and cases oI sickness
or death occurring subsequent to tranmission oI
such message shall be communicated by wireless
in like manner beIore the arrival oI the vessel in
the port.
Provided that the pert trust or like authority administering a
port may, with the previous approval oI the Central
Government, notiIy alternative signals not conIlecting with
the international code, Ior use by vessels visiting the port
Note: The telegraphic address oI the health oIIicer is
PART 2 SUB PART-C Grating oI Pratique

RULE 6 :
a) The health oIIicer may, iI authorized by general or special orders oI the
Central Government grant prateque by radio to a vessel, when on the basis
oI inIormation received Irom it, prior to its arrival, iI he is oI the opinion
that its arrival will not result in the introduction or spread oI the diseases
subject to the regulations or inIectious diseases.
i) Sending a standard quarentine message, which is required compulsorily
Irom all vessels arriving at the port, will not entitle a vessel Ior radio
prateque, unless it is speciIically sort giving all additional inIormation
(Schedule 8).
ii)when a radio prateque is granted to a vessel the agent and the port
conservator shall be intimated about it and when necessary the assistance
may be sought in communicating to the vessel regarding granting the radio
iii) actual changes incurred in sending radio prateque by the health oIIicer
may be recovered Irom agent.
c) the central government may issue any special instructions Ior granting oI
radio prateque.
d) All vessels granted radio the health oIIicer, as soon a possible should inspect
prateque aIter her arrival.
RULE 9. every medical practitioner who becomes cognizant that any person on
board any vessel in the port is suIIering Irom a disease subject to the Regulations or an
inIectious disease, shall immediately give notice there oI by telephone and in writing to
the health oIIicer.

RULE 10.
1) all inIected or suspected vessels or vessels having on board persons
suIIering Irom diseases subject to the regulations shall stop at such palce at
the port at the appropriate port authority shall, in consultation with the
health oIIicer, provided in this behalI, and shall not enter any dock or come
along side any wharI or have communication with the shore or with any
other vessel in the port until authorized to do so by the health oIIicer.
2) Notwithstanding any thing contained in sub-rule
(i) above, the health oIIicer may Ior navigational reasons permit
such inIected or suspected vessel or vessels to come alongside a
specially controlled wharI, where strict vigilance is possible to be
maintained to prevent any communication with the shore or with
any other vessel in the port until declared saIe by him.
Part III Sub Part-A. InIected & Suspected vessels
Surveillance and isolation oI
Persons,restriction & remand oI vessels

RULE 11 So long as a signal showing that the vessel is 'inIected or '
(3) A vessel not allowed communication with the shore shall be subject to
such restrictions as the Health OIicer acting under these Rules may impose, and the
vessel shall be granted only restricted pratique.

RULE 13 In the case oI an inIected or suspected vessel the Health OIIicer
shall,and in the cae oI all other vesels the Health OIIicer may ,proceed
on board and medically examine the vessel,and the master oI the vessel
shall give him every Iacility Ior the examination oI the
passengers,crew,baggage,cargo,provisions,water supply and any part oI
the vessel which the Health OIIicer may consider it necessary to
examine.This examination shall not be undertaken sunrise and sunset
except in such unususl circumstances as,in the opinion oI the Health
OIIicer justiIy doing so.AIter every medical examination the Health
OIIicer shall classiIy the vessel as inIected,suspected or healthy in
accordance with the special provisions relating to diseases in these rules.

RULE 14 (1) Further Health measures which may be apploied to the vessel shall be
determined by the conditions which existed on the board during the
voyage,or which exist at the time oI the medical examination.without
prejudice,however, to to the measures which are permitted by these rules
to be applied to the vessel iI it arrives Irom an inIected area. The
application oI the measures in the case in the case oI vessels arriving
Irom an inIected area shall be limited to the vessel, person or article, as
the case may be, arriving Irom such an area, provided that the Health
OIIicer Ior the port oI arrival is satisIied that the Health Authority Ior
the port oI departure in the inIected area took all practicable measures
Ior checking the spread oI the disease.
(2) Where special problems constituting a grave danger to public health
exists,a person on an international voyage may, on arrival, be requiredto
give a destination address in writing.

RULE 15 (1) Any health measures, other than medical examination,which has been
applied to a vessel at a previous port,shall not be repeated unless.

a) aIter the departure oI a vessel Irom the port where the measures were
applied,an incident oI epidemiological signiIicance calling Ior a
Iurther application oI any such measure has occurred either in that
port or on board the vessel or
b) the Health OIIicer has reason to believe that the individual measures
so applied was not substantially eIIective.
c) In applying these health measures the Health OIIicer shall attach due
importance to the prescence on board oI a ship`s surgeon and to the
provision on board oI suitable apparatus Ior
disinIecting,disinsecting,and deratting and shall, in general,apply the
principles laid down in these rules with regard to their necessity and
practicability in the particular circumstances oI each case.

RULE 16 (1) All persons suIIering Irom a disease subject to the regulations shall be
disembarked Irom the vessel and isolated.. The persons suspected to be
suIIering Irom a disease according to the Regulations or other inIectious
diseases may be disembarked Iir the purpose oI surveillance.
(2) Where any person is required under these

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