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10 Resep Sukses Bangsa Jepang

by Romi Satria Wahono Setelah Hiroshima dan Nagasaki luluh lantak terkena bom atom sekutu (Amerika), Jepang pelan tapi pasti berhasil bangkit. Mau tidak mau harus diakui saat ini Jepang bersama China dan Korea Selatan sudah menjelma menjadi macan Asia dalam bidang teknologi dan ekonomi. Alhamdulillah saya mendapat kesempatan 10 tahun tinggal di Jepang untuk menempuh studi saya. Dalam artikel sebelumnya saya mencoba memotret Jepang dari satu sisi. Kali ini, saya mencoba merumuskan 10 resep yang membuat bangsa Jepang bisa sukses seperti sekarang. Tentu rumusan ini di beberapa sisi agak subyektif, hanya dari pengalaman hidup, studi, bisnis dan bergaul dengan orang Jepang di sekitar perfecture Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama. Intinya kita mencoba belajar sisi Jepang yang baik yang bisa diambil untuk membangun republik ini. Kalau ditanya apakah semua sisi bangsa Jepang selalu baik, tentu jawabannya tidak. Banyak juga budaya negatif yang tidak harus kita contoh 1. KERJA KERAS Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa bangsa Jepang adalah pekerja keras. Rata-rata jam kerja pegawai di Jepang adalah 2450 jam/tahun, sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan Amerika (1957 jam/tahun), Inggris (1911 jam/tahun), Jerman (1870 jam/tahun), dan Perancis (1680 jam/tahun). Seorang pegawai di Jepang bisa menghasilkan sebuah mobil dalam 9 hari, sedangkan pegawai di negara lain memerlukan 47 hari untuk membuat mobil yang bernilai sama. Seorang pekerja Jepang boleh dikatakan bisa melakukan pekerjaan yang biasanya dikerjakan oleh 5-6 orang. Pulang cepat adalah sesuatu yang boleh dikatakan agak memalukan di Jepang, dan menandakan bahwa pegawai tersebut termasuk yang tidak dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan. Di kampus, professor juga biasa pulang malam (tepatnya pagi ), membuat mahasiswa nggak enak pulang duluan. Fenomena Karoshi (mati karena kerja keras) mungkin hanya ada di Jepang. Sebagian besar literatur menyebutkan bahwa dengan kerja keras inilah sebenarnya kebangkitan dan kemakmuran Jepang bisa tercapai. 2. MALU Malu adalah budaya leluhur dan turun temurun bangsa Jepang. Harakiri (bunuh diri dengan menusukkan pisau ke perut) menjadi ritual sejak era samurai, yaitu ketika mereka kalah dan pertempuran. Masuk ke dunia modern, wacananya sedikit berubah ke fenomena mengundurkan diri bagi para pejabat (mentri, politikus, dsb) yang terlibat masalah korupsi atau merasa gagal menjalankan tugasnya. Efek negatifnya mungkin adalah anak-anak SD, SMP yang kadang bunuh diri, karena nilainya jelek atau tidak naik kelas. Karena malu jugalah, orang Jepang lebih senang memilih jalan memutar daripada mengganggu pengemudi di belakangnya dengan memotong jalur di tengah jalan. Bagaimana mereka secara otomatis langsung membentuk antrian dalam

setiap keadaan yang membutuhkan, pembelian ticket kereta, masuk ke stadion untuk nonton sepak bola, di halte bus, bahkan untuk memakai toilet umum di stasiun-stasiun, mereka berjajar rapi menunggu giliran. Mereka malu terhadap lingkungannya apabila mereka melanggar peraturan ataupun norma yang sudah menjadi kesepakatan umum. 3. HIDUP HEMAT Orang Jepang memiliki semangat hidup hemat dalam keseharian. Sikap anti konsumerisme berlebihan ini nampak dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Di masa awal mulai kehidupan di Jepang, saya sempat terheran-heran dengan banyaknya orang Jepang ramai belanja di supermarket pada sekitar jam 19:30. Selidik punya selidik, ternyata sudah menjadi hal yang biasa bahwa supermarket di Jepang akan memotong harga sampai separuhnya pada waktu sekitar setengah jam sebelum tutup. Seperti diketahui bahwa Supermarket di Jepang rata-rata tutup pada pukul 20:00. Contoh lain adalah para ibu rumah tangga yang rela naik sepeda menuju toko sayur agak jauh dari rumah, hanya karena lebih murah 20 atau 30 yen. Banyak keluarga Jepang yang tidak memiliki mobil, bukan karena tidak mampu, tapi karena lebih hemat menggunakan bus dan kereta untuk bepergian. Termasuk saya dulu sempat berpikir kenapa pemanas ruangan menggunakan minyak tanah yang merepotkan masih digandrungi, padahal sudah cukup dengan AC yang ada mode dingin dan panas. Alasannya ternyata satu, minyak tanah lebih murah daripada listrik. Professor Jepang juga terbiasa naik sepeda tua ke kampus, bareng dengan mahasiswa-mahasiswanya. 4. LOYALITAS Loyalitas membuat sistem karir di sebuah perusahaan berjalan dan tertata dengan rapi. Sedikit berbeda dengan sistem di Amerika dan Eropa, sangat jarang orang Jepang yang berpindahpindah pekerjaan. Mereka biasanya bertahan di satu atau dua perusahaan sampai pensiun. Ini mungkin implikasi dari Industri di Jepang yang kebanyakan hanya mau menerima fresh graduate, yang kemudian mereka latih dan didik sendiri sesuai dengan bidang garapan (core business) perusahaan. Kota Hofu mungkin sebuah contoh nyata. Hofu dulunya adalah kota industri yang sangat tertinggal dengan penduduk yang terlalu padat. Loyalitas penduduk untuk tetap bertahan (tidak pergi ke luar kota) dan punya komitmen bersama untuk bekerja keras siang dan malam akhirnya mengubah Hofu menjadi kota makmur dan modern. Bahkan saat ini kota industri terbaik dengan produksi kendaraan mencapai 160.000 per tahun. 5. INOVASI Jepang bukan bangsa penemu, tapi orang Jepang mempunyai kelebihan dalam meracik temuan orang dan kemudian memasarkannya dalam bentuk yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Menarik membaca kisah Akio Morita yang mengembangkan Sony Walkman yang melegenda itu. Cassete Tape tidak ditemukan oleh Sony, patennya dimiliki oleh perusahaan Phillip Electronics. Tapi yang berhasil mengembangkan dan membundling model portable sebagai sebuah produk yang booming selama puluhan tahun adalah Akio Morita, founder dan CEO Sony pada masa itu. Sampai tahun 1995, tercatat lebih dari 300 model walkman lahir dan jumlah total produksi mencapai 150 juta produk. Teknik perakitan kendaraan roda empat juga bukan diciptakan orang Jepang, patennya dimiliki orang Amerika. Tapi ternyata Jepang dengan inovasinya bisa

mengembangkan industri perakitan kendaraan yang lebih cepat dan murah. Mobil yang dihasilkan juga relatif lebih murah, ringan, mudah dikendarai, mudah dirawat dan lebih hemat bahan bakar. Perusahaan Matsushita Electric yang dulu terkenal dengan sebutan maneshita (peniru) punya legenda sendiri dengan mesin pembuat rotinya. Inovasi dan ide dari seorang engineernya bernama Ikuko Tanaka yang berinisiatif untuk meniru teknik pembuatan roti dari sheef di Osaka International Hotel, menghasilkan karya mesin pembuat roti (home bakery) bermerk Matsushita yang terkenal itu. 6. PANTANG MENYERAH Sejarah membuktikan bahwa Jepang termasuk bangsa yang tahan banting dan pantang menyerah. Puluhan tahun dibawah kekaisaran Tokugawa yang menutup semua akses ke luar negeri, Jepang sangat tertinggal dalam teknologi. Ketika restorasi Meiji (meiji ishin) datang, bangsa Jepang cepat beradaptasi dan menjadi fast-learner. Kemiskinan sumber daya alam juga tidak membuat Jepang menyerah. Tidak hanya menjadi pengimpor minyak bumi, batubara, biji besi dan kayu, bahkan 85% sumber energi Jepang berasal dari negara lain termasuk Indonesia. Kabarnya kalau Indonesia menghentikan pasokan minyak bumi, maka 30% wilayah Jepang akan gelap gulita Rentetan bencana terjadi di tahun 1945, dimulai dari bom atom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki, disusul dengan kalah perangnya Jepang, dan ditambahi dengan adanya gempa bumi besar di Tokyo. Ternyata Jepang tidak habis. Dalam beberapa tahun berikutnya Jepang sudah berhasil membangun industri otomotif dan bahkan juga kereta cepat (shinkansen). Mungkin cukup menakjubkan bagaimana Matsushita Konosuke yang usahanya hancur dan hampir tersingkir dari bisnis peralatan elektronik di tahun 1945 masih mampu merangkak, mulai dari nol untuk membangun industri sehingga menjadi kerajaan bisnis di era kekinian. Akio Morita juga awalnya menjadi tertawaan orang ketika menawarkan produk Cassete Tapenya yang mungil ke berbagai negara lain. Tapi akhirnya melegenda dengan Sony Walkman-nya. Yang juga cukup unik bahwa ilmu dan teori dimana orang harus belajar dari kegagalan ini mulai diformulasikan di Jepang dengan nama shippaigaku (ilmu kegagalan). Kapan-kapan saya akan kupas lebih jauh tentang ini 7. BUDAYA BACA Jangan kaget kalau anda datang ke Jepang dan masuk ke densha (kereta listrik), sebagian besar penumpangnya baik anak-anak maupun dewasa sedang membaca buku atau koran. Tidak peduli duduk atau berdiri, banyak yang memanfaatkan waktu di densha untuk membaca. Banyak penerbit yang mulai membuat man-ga (komik bergambar) untuk materi-materi kurikulum sekolah baik SD, SMP maupun SMA. Pelajaran Sejarah, Biologi, Bahasa, dsb disajikan dengan menarik yang membuat minat baca masyarakat semakin tinggi. Saya pernah membahas masalah komik pendidikan di blog ini. Budaya baca orang Jepang juga didukung oleh kecepatan dalam proses penerjemahan buku-buku asing (bahasa inggris, perancis, jerman, dsb). Konon kabarnya legenda penerjemahan buku-buku asing sudah dimulai pada tahun 1684, seiring dibangunnya institut penerjemahan dan terus berkembang sampai jaman modern. Biasanya terjemahan buku bahasa Jepang sudah tersedia dalam beberapa minggu sejak buku asingnya diterbitkan. Saya biasa membeli buku literatur terjemahan bahasa Jepang karena harganya lebih murah daripada buku asli (bahasa inggris).

8. KERJASAMA KELOMPOK Budaya di Jepang tidak terlalu mengakomodasi kerja-kerja yang terlalu bersifat individualistik. Termasuk klaim hasil pekerjaan, biasanya ditujukan untuk tim atau kelompok tersebut. Fenomena ini tidak hanya di dunia kerja, kondisi kampus dengan lab penelitiannya juga seperti itu, mengerjakan tugas mata kuliah biasanya juga dalam bentuk kelompok. Kerja dalam kelompok mungkin salah satu kekuatan terbesar orang Jepang. Ada anekdot bahwa 1 orang professor Jepang akan kalah dengan satu orang professor Amerika, hanya 10 orang professor Amerika tidak akan bisa mengalahkan 10 orang professor Jepang yang berkelompok. Musyawarah mufakat atau sering disebut dengan rin-gi adalah ritual dalam kelompok. Keputusan strategis harus dibicarakan dalam rin-gi. 9. MANDIRI Sejak usia dini anak-anak dilatih untuk mandiri. Irsyad, anak saya yang paling gede sempat merasakan masuk TK (Yochien) di Jepang. Dia harus membawa 3 tas besar berisi pakaian ganti, bento (bungkusan makan siang), sepatu ganti, buku-buku, handuk dan sebotol besar minuman yang menggantung di lehernya. Di Yochien setiap anak dilatih untuk membawa perlengkapan sendiri, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap barang miliknya sendiri. Lepas SMA dan masuk bangku kuliah hampir sebagian besar tidak meminta biaya kepada orang tua. Teman-temen seangkatan saya dulu di Saitama University mengandalkan kerja part time untuk biaya sekolah dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kalaupun kehabisan uang, mereka meminjam uang ke orang tua yang itu nanti mereka kembalikan di bulan berikutnya. 10. JAGA TRADISI Perkembangan teknologi dan ekonomi, tidak membuat bangsa Jepang kehilangan tradisi dan budayanya. Budaya perempuan yang sudah menikah untuk tidak bekerja masih ada dan hidup sampai saat ini. Budaya minta maaf masih menjadi reflek orang Jepang. Kalau suatu hari anda naik sepeda di Jepang dan menabrak pejalan kaki , maka jangan kaget kalau yang kita tabrak malah yang minta maaf duluan. Sampai saat ini orang Jepang relatif menghindari berkata tidak untuk apabila mendapat tawaran dari orang lain. Jadi kita harus hati-hati dalam pergaulan dengan orang Jepang karena hai belum tentu ya bagi orang Jepang Pertanian merupakan tradisi leluhur dan aset penting di Jepang. Persaingan keras karena masuknya beras Thailand dan Amerika yang murah, tidak menyurutkan langkah pemerintah Jepang untuk melindungi para petaninya. Kabarnya tanah yang dijadikan lahan pertanian mendapatkan pengurangan pajak yang signifikan, termasuk beberapa insentif lain untuk orang-orang yang masih bertahan di dunia pertanian. Pertanian Jepang merupakan salah satu yang tertinggi di dunia. Mungkin seperti itu 10 resep sukses yang bisa saya rangkumkan. Bangsa Indonesia punya hampir semua resep orang Jepang diatas, hanya mungkin kita belum mengasahnya dengan baik. Di Jepang mahasiswa Indonesia termasuk yang unggul dan bahkan mengalahkan mahasiswa Jepang. Orang Indonesia juga memenangkan berbagai award berlevel internasional. Saya yakin ada faktor non-teknis yang membuat Indonesia agak terpuruk dalam teknologi dan ekonomi. Mari kita bersama mencari solusi untuk berbagai permasalahan republik ini. Dan terakhir kita harus tetap mau belajar dan menerima kebaikan dari siapapun juga.

Tetap dalam perdjoeangan !

Japan's 10 recipes Nations Success by Romi Satria Wahono After Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb devastated hit ally (America), Japan slowly but surely managed to get up. Inevitably this must be recognized as Japan with China and South Korea has been transformed into the Asian tigers in the field of technology and economics. Thank God I got the opportunity to live in Japan 10 years to pursue my studies. In a previous article I tried to photograph the Japanese from one side. This time, I tried to formulate the 10 recipes that make the Japanese people can be successful as now. Of course this formulation in some kind of subjective side, just from life experience, studies, business and interact with Japanese people around perfecture Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama. Essentially we are trying to learn the good side of Japan that could be taken to build this republic. When asked whether all sides of the Japanese people are always good, of course the answer is no. There are also many negative culture that we have no examples 1. HARD WORK It is no secret that the Japanese people are hard workers. Average working hours in Japan is a 2450 employee hours / year, is very high compared with America (1957 hours / year), UK (1911 hours / year), Germany (1870 hours / year), and France (1680 hours / year) . An employee in Japan could produce a car in 9 days, while officials in other states require 47 days to make a car that is worth the same. A worker may be said Japan could do the work normally done by 5-6 people. Home early is something that may be regarded as "quite disgraceful" in Japan, and indicates that these employees including "not required" by the company. On campus, the professor also used to come home that night (actually morning), make the students did not enjoy home first. The phenomenon of karoshi (death due to hard work) may only exist in Japan. Most of the literature mentions that this is true with hard work and prosperity of Japan's revival can be achieved. 2. SHY Shame is the ancestral culture and the Japanese people from generation to generation. Harakiri (suicide by jabbing a knife into the stomach) becomes a ritual since the era of the samurai, when they were defeated and the battle. Log into the modern world, the discourse a little change to the phenomenon of "resign" for officials (ministers, politicians, etc.) involved problems of corruption or the feeling fails to run the job. Possible negative effects are children of elementary, junior high and sometimes commit suicide, because its value is not ugly or grade. Also the embarrassment, the Japanese people prefer to choose the way around than annoying drivers behind him by cutting off the lane in the middle of the road. How to automatically direct them to form a queue in each state that requires, buying a train ticket, entrance to the stadium to watch soccer, at the bus stop, even to use public toilets at stations, in neat rows awaiting their turn. They are ashamed of their environment when they break the rules or norms that have become common agreement. 3. Scrimp The Japanese have a spirit in our daily life saver. Excessive anti-consumerism

attitude is apparent in many areas of life. In the early days of starting life in Japan, I could be astonished with the number of Japanese people busy shopping at the supermarket at about 19:30 hours. Have accurate accurate, it has become commonplace that the supermarkets in Japan will cut up to half price at the time about a half hour before closing. As it is known that in Japan Supermarket average closed at 20:00. Another example is the housewives who would ride a bike to the grocery a little far from home, just because it's cheaper 20 or 30 yen. Many Japanese families who do not own a car, not because they are not capable, but because it is more efficient to use buses and trains to travel. Including time to think why I used to use kerosene heater that trouble is still loved, but enough with the existing air conditioner cool and heat modes. The reason turns out one, kerosene is cheaper than electricity. Japanese professor also used to ride an old bike to campus, together with his students. 4. LOYALTY Loyalty makes a career in a company's systems running and well. Slightly different from the system in America and Europe, a very rare Japanese who move around a job. They usually stay in one or two companies until retirement. This might be the implications of Industry in Japan that most would only accept fresh graduate, who then train and educate their own specific areas of concern (core business) companies. City Hofu perhaps an obvious example. Hofu was once an industrial town with a population that is left behind is too dense. Loyalty of the population to survive (do not go out of town) and have a shared commitment to work hard day and night change Hofu eventually become prosperous and modern city. Even today the city with the best industry vehicle production reached 160 000 per year. 5. INNOVATION Japan is not the inventor of the nation, but the Japanese have the advantage of dispensing those findings and then marketed in the form of a demand by the public. Interesting to read the story of Akio Morita who developed the legendary Sony's Walkman. Cassette Tape was not invented by Sony, the patent is owned by Phillips Electronics company. But who successfully develop and membundling portable model as a product that was booming for decades was Akio Morita, founder and CEO of Sony at the time. Until the year 1995, carrying more than 300 models walkman was born and the total production reached 150 million product. Automobile assembly techniques are also not created by the Japanese, Americans have patented. But it was Japan with innovative vehicle assembly industry can develop faster and cheaper. Cars are also produced relatively cheap, lightweight, easy to ride, easy to maintain and more fuel efficient. Matsushita Electric Company formerly known as "maneshita" (impersonator) have a legend of his own with his bread-making machine. Innovation and ideas from a engineernya named Ikuko Tanaka, who took the initiative to replicate the techniques of making bread sheef at Osaka International Hotel, producing work of the bread maker (home bakery) Matsushita's famous branded. 6. Never give up History proves that Japan includes a resilient nation and never give up. Decades under the Tokugawa empire that closes all access to other countries, Japan is lagging behind in technology. When the Meiji Restoration

(Meiji ishin) came, the Japanese people are quick to adapt and become a fastlearner. Poverty is not natural resources to make Japan surrender. Not only be a net importer of petroleum, coal, iron ore and timber, and even 85% of Japanese energy source comes from other countries including Indonesia. Reportedly when Indonesia stopped the supply of petroleum, then 30% of Japan's dark series of disasters will happen in the year 1945, starting from the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan followed by a losing war, and added with the existence of a major earthquake in Tokyo. It turned out that Japan did not run out. In the next few years Japan has already successfully built the auto industry and even the fast train (Shinkansen). Probably quite amazing how Konosuke Matsushita, which business were destroyed and nearly out of business electronic equipment in the year 1945 is still capable of crawling, starting from scratch to build the industry to become a business empire in the contemporary era. Akio Morita was also initially being laughed at when he offered a tiny Tapenya Cassette products to various other countries. But finally, legendary with his Sony Walkman. Which is also quite unique that the science and theory in which people must learn from this failure began to be formulated in Japan with shippaigaku name (the science of failure). Sometime I will peel more about this 7. READING CULTURE Do not be surprised if you come to Japan and into densha (electric train), most of the passengers both children and adults are reading books or newspapers. No matter sitting or standing, many of which utilize the time in densha to read. Many publishers are beginning to make man-ga (comic picture) curriculum materials for both elementary schools, junior high or high school. Lessons of History, Biology, Language, etc. are presented with interesting people who make a higher interest in reading. I once discussed the problem of educational comic on this blog. Read the Japanese culture is also supported by the speed in the process of translating foreign books (english, french, german, etc.). Legend legend says that the translation of foreign books has been started in the year 1684, as the construction of the institute of translation and continue to grow until the modern era. Usually the Japanese translation of the book is available in a few weeks since its foreign books published. I used to buy books literature Japanese translation because the price is cheaper than the original book (english). 8. COOPERATION GROUP Culture in Japan not too accommodate the work which are too individualistic. Including claims of work, usually reserved for team or group. This phenomenon not only in the world of work, the condition of the campus with his research lab is like that, doing a course assignment is usually in the form of groups. Working in groups may be one of the greatest strengths of the Japanese. There are anecdotes that "a professor of Japanese people will be defeated by one American professor, only 10 of the American professor will not be able to beat 10 people clustered Japanese professor." Consensus agreement or often called "rin-gi" is a ritual in the group. Strategic decisions must be discussed in the "rin-gi". 9. MANDIRI From an early age children are trained to be independent. Ershad, my most big kids could feel the incoming kindergarten (Yochien) in Japan. He must

bring three large bags containing clothes, bento (lunch packet), dressing shoes, books, towels and a large bottle of liquor that hung around his neck. In Yochien every child is trained to bring their own equipment, and are responsible for their own belongings. Remove the high school and enter college most of do not ask the cost to parents. My contemporaries friend's apartment in Saitama University before relying on part-time work for school fees and daily life. Even if the money ran out, they "borrow" money to the parents that they will return in the next month. 10. Keep TRADITION Technological developments and economic, did not make the Japanese lose tradition and culture. Culture married woman not to work and live there until recently. Culture is still a reflex apologize Japanese. If one day you ride a bike in Japan and hit a pedestrian, then you should not be surprised if we hit first instead of apologizing. Until now, Japanese people are relatively avoid saying "no" for when getting bids from others. So we must be careful in association with the Japanese because of the "O" not necessarily "yes" for the Japanese Agriculture is an ancestral tradition and an important asset in Japan. Tough competition due to entry of Thai and U.S. rice is cheap, not discourage the Japanese government measures for protecting the farmers. They say the land is agricultural land used to get significant tax reductions, including a few other incentives for those who still survive in the world of agriculture. Japanese Agriculture is one of the highest in the world. 10 Perhaps such a successful recipe that I can rangkumkan. The Indonesian nation has almost all Japanese recipes above, just maybe we have not sharpen well. In Japan, Indonesia, including an excellent student and even beating Japanese students. People Indonesia also won numerous international awards level adjacent. I'm sure there are factors "non-technical" which made Indonesia a bit slumped in technology and economics. Let us together find solutions to various problems of this republic. And lastly we must remain willing to learn and accept the kindness from anyone.

Ok, berikutnya saya akan bercerita bagaimana kehidupan diklat selama 3 minggu itu. Sebelumnya, ada beberapa tips dan trik penting supaya sukses dalam mengikuti diklat peneliti adalah:
1. Anggap bahwa diklat suatu hal positif, menambah teman, jaringan dan sebagai tempat

istirahat dari rutinitas keluarga maupun kantor. Olahraga pagi (aerobik) setiap hari selasa dan jumat, juga sangat baik bagi yang sudah melupakan olahraga 2. Siapapun kita (kadang ada peserta yang pejabat struktural, sudah berumur atau berpengalaman dalam penelitian), posisikan diri sebagai peserta atau siswa yang sedang belajar. Jangan tinggi hati dan berasumsi bahwa pengajar tidak kompeten, atau tidak lebih baik daripada kita. Lepaskan saja semua, anggap baru saja mulai dari kegiatan penelitian. 3. Persiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan asumsi bahwa kita tidak akan pulang dalam 3 minggu itu (sabtu sore sampai minggu bisa pulang untuk yang rumahnya dekat). Bawa semua data-data penelitian, buku/referensi yang diperlukan, laptop dan ekstensi untuk colokan listrik. Bawa koneksi Internet yang sifatnya mobile (CDMA or GSM) apabila memang mempunyai, karena cukup membantu dalam pencarian data untuk tugas-tugas.

4. Selalu aktif di kelas, selalu usahakan bertanya sesuatu yang jadi unek-unek. Keluarkan pendapat dengan baik, dengan menggunakan data dan referensi yang baik. Berusaha mengerjakan tugas dengan baik. 5. Jaga hubungan, kedekatan dan kerjasama dengan peserta lain dan panitia. Jangan pernah menganggap peserta dan panitia adalah orang asing, mereka juga adalah rekan-rekan PNS seperti kita.

Did you know that when you envy someone, it's because you really like that person?Did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart, are real weaklings and most succeptible? Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need some one to protect them?Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are : I love you, Sorry and help me?The people who say these are that actually need them or really feel them, and are the ones you really need to treasure, because they have said them.Did you know that people who occupy themselves by keeping others company or helping others are the ones that actually need your company and help?Did you know that those who dress in red are more confidence in themselves?Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?Did you know that those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in

Did you know ??? Did you know that when you envy someone, it's because you really like that person?

Did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart, are real weaklings and most succeptible?

Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need some one to protect them?

Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are : I love you, Sorry and help me? The people who say these are that actually need them or really feel them, and are the ones you really need to treasure, because they have said them.

Did you know that people who occupy themselves by keeping others company or helping others are the ones that actually need your company and help?

Did you know that those who dress in red are more confidence in themselves?

Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?

Did you know that those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?

Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?

Did you know that those who need more of you are those that not mention it to you?

Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writting than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it in the face?

Did you know that what is most difficult for you to say or do is much more valuable than anything that is valuable that you can buy with money?

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Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do. Home Page > Sports and Fitness > Live World Cup 2010 Live World Cup 2010

Did you know that no less than 208 different national teams competed for the opportunity to play in the 2010 World Cup? It's true. The teams come from virtually every country on Earth,

including places as diverse as Liberia and Nicaragua. There are even teams that competed for the privilege from countries that are mortal enemies like Israel and Libya. So how did we get here? Where did the concept for the world cup start and where is it going in the future? Well, it goes way back to the 19th century when the world's first international football match was a challenge played in Glasgow, Scotland in 1872 between Scotland and England (In spite of both being part of the United Kingdom, for the purposes of sports teams, they are separate, similarly to Peurto Rico and the United States teams in the World Baseball Classic). This was the inaugural edition of the British Home Championship. At this stage, football (or soccer as it's known in the United States) was rarely played outside the United Kingdom. As the sport began to increase in popularity in other areas of the world at the turn of the century, it was played as a demonstration sport with no medals awarded at the 1900 and 1904 Summer Olympics and at the 1906 Intercalated Games (even though it was started as a non-medal sport, the International Olympic Committee retroactively decided to grant medals once the sport became an official event). The Fdration Internationale de Football Association (French for International Federation of Association Football), commonly known by its acronym, FIFA, was founded the same year as the last unofficial Olympic football game, in 1904. It governs the world's football teams with headquarters in Zurich Switzerland (this in spite of football beginning as a British sport). As early as 1906, they attempted to arrange for the precursor of the world cup, but the documents of the time describe the effort as a failure. So how did it go from failure to an international event like the World Cup 2010, watched by millions? The answer is quite simple really: The Olympic Games. In 1908, for the first time in history, a medal was awarded for the national teams who won the Olympic football game (it was won by none other than the British team). Once the concept of international football was begun though, it was not long before the people at FIFA decided they needed to try again. Still, it took some time to get to that point. The very first game took place in 1930 and has been played every four years (except during World War II when it was suspended) since then. So when you're sitting in the stands cheering for your team during the World Cup 2010, just remember you're following in a very long tradition of sportsmanship that has been around for nearly a century and a half.

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