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Bellin College Medication Flow Sheet

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Classification Generic / Trade Name Action & Reason this Client Taking Dose (usual /prescribed) & Route, Onset, Peak, Duration Dose: usual50mg at bedtime for sleepaide Prescribed: 25mg tablet nightly Route: oral Onset: 15-30 minutes Peak: 1-4hr Duration: 4-6 hr

Room #:
Side & Toxic Effects Client Response

Nursing Considerations and Teaching

diphenhydrAMINE (BENADRYL)

Action: Competitively blocks effects of histamine at peripheral H1 receptor sites. Reason taking: Treatment of allergic reactions, parkinsonism; prevention/treatment of nausea, vomiting, vertigo due to motion sickness; antitussive; short-term management of insomnia. Topical form used for relief of pruritus, insect bites, skin irritations.

Side effects: FREQUENT: Drowsiness, dizziness, muscle weakness, hypotension, urinary retention, thickening of bronchial secretions, dry mouth, nose, throat, lips; in elderly: sedation, dizziness, hypotension. OCCASIONAL: Epigastric distress, flushing, visual/hearing disturbances, paresthesia, diaphoresis, chills. Toxic effects: Hypersensitivity reactions (eczema, pruritus, rash, cardiac disturbances, photosensitivity) may occur. Overdose symptoms may vary from CNS depression (sedation, apnea, hypotension, cardiovascular collapse, death) to severe paradoxical reactions (hallucinations, tremor, seizures). Children, infants, neonates may experience paradoxical reactions (restlessness, insomnia, euphoria, nervousness, tremors). Overdosage in children may result in hallucinations, seizures, death.

Nursing Considerations: if pt is having acute allergic reaction, obtain history of recently ingested foods, drugs, environmental exposure, emotional stress. Monitor B/P, rate, depth, rhythm, type of respiration; quality, rate of pulse. Assess lung sounds for rhonchi, wheezing, rales. Patient teaching: Tolerance to antihistaminic effect generally does not occur; tolerance to sedative effect may occur. Avoid tasks that require alertness, motor skills until response to drug is established. Dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness may be an expected response of drug. Avoid alcohol.

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