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WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE Generated by ImTOO DVD Subtitle Ripper Copyright (C) 2002-2009 ImTOO Software Studio, Xilisoft

Corporation Language: 02 English 16:9 Widescreen #1 -Here you go, sweetie. -Thanks. I tried banana nut sprout this morning. I thought, a little change of pace. I thought somebody deserves something special for his birthday. Yeah, it's good. So I made reservations tonight at Babbo at 8:30. #6 I thought maybe we could talk about, you know, setting a date. Did you just make a plan to make a plan? -Did I just do that again? -Yeah, you did. -Sorry. -It's all right. -All right, I'll see you later, okay? -Hey, hey, hey. #11 -Love you. -Oh, love you too. -Bye. -Bye. -Happy birthday. -You too. Hello, sir. Would you like to buy some cookies? I would. I really would. I just#16 -Unfortunately, I don't have any money. -1 don't have any cookies. Jack? I need a key. That.... -A key? -What?

WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE Generated by ImTOO DVD Subtitle Ripper Copyright (C) 2002-2009 ImTOO Software Studio, Xilisoft Corporation Language: 03 Francais 16:9 Widescreen #1 JACKPOT Tiens, chri. J'ai tent banane, noix, graines germes. Une petite innovation en honneur de ton anniversaire. #6 C'est bon. J'ai rserv chez Babbo pour 20h30. On pourrait commencer penser fixer une date. #11 Tu as encore prvu de prvoir ? - J'ai recommenc ? Oui.

- Dsole. - Pas de mal. Allez, plus tard. - Je t'aime. - Moi aussi. #16 Joyeux anniversaire. Toi aussi. Voulez-vous acheter des cookies ? Avec plaisir.

Avec grand plaisir. Mais j'ai pas d'argent. #21 J'ai pas de cookies. Jack.

#21 No. I want a key, like an actual key to your apartment...

Il me faut une cl. La cl ?

... so I don't have to wait outside in these little slutty outfits. I don't wanna live with you.

Non, je veux "une" cl de ton appart #26 pour pas poireauter dehors en tenue d'allumeuse. Je veux pas vivre avec toi. Le prends pas mal. Je dis ca trs gentiment. T'as pas le profil "mec srieux, gendre idal". 1/42 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE #31 Et j'y mets un point d'honneur. Je file. A la semaine prochaine. On fait "Mre-du-bb-sauv-dufeu et pompier sexy" ? McNally. #36 Chong. Plus tard. a prend tournure. Beau boulot. Continuez comme ca. Ce placage est parfait. Plus qu' finir les tranches. #41 Tu as vu l'heure ? Je t'entends pas, avec la scie.

1/46 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE No offense. You know I mean this in the nicest possible way. #26 You're not exactly serious boyfriend-marriage material. And I pride myself on that. I gotta go. I'll see you next week. What are we doing? Mother of the baby saved by the sexy, shirtless fireman? -McNally. -Chong. #31 He got it!

Excuse me. -Not now. -Hey, hey. Hey, hey, here we go. Yeah, that's looking good. That's good form right there. Let's keep that up, huh? #36 That's a beautiful veneer. Let's throw that on the edge band. -All right. -Hey, Jack, do you know what time it is? Can't hear you over the saw. We'reWe're in a zone. Don't wanna lose focus. That's how you lose fingers.

Les gars sont concentrs, je veux pas qu'ils perdent un doigt. Tu es vir. Bien vir de bord, moussaillons.

-You're fired. -All right, we are fired up, boys! #41 out. -You are fired! -Fired up! All right. I'll play you for it. You win, I'm

#46 Tu es vir. Je te le joue. Si tu gagnes, je gicle. Si je gagne, j'ai une deuxime chance. #51 C'est ta centime chance. 9-7. Je reste. - Je te laisse ta chance. Tu sais, je te voyais me succder, mais tu prfres amuser la galerie.

I win, I get a second chance.

It's not a second chance when you've had 100 of them. #46

Nine-seven. Keeping my job. Yeah. Un jour, #56 faudra devenir un homme. Okay, all right. I'll give you one. 8-9. Chmedu. Know what? Assez ri. You're supposed to be the future boss... Tu me cherches ? 9-9, R.M.I. ...but you're too busy being the life Que du bonheur. of the party. Il ressemble rien, ce tir. #61 Le patron assure. At some point, you're gonna have to step 10-9. up and be a man. On y est, Jack. #51 Eight-nine. Unemployment.

Step up and be a man? Can you play? 2/46 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE Nine-nine. Food stamps. Tastes so good. Okay, that's not even a shot. The boss got game! #56 Ten-nine. This is it, Jack.

-You know what? This is ridiculous. -You know what? That's your problem. You can't handle the pressure. As soon as you think you're gonna lose, you quit. Game over, Jack. Don't get me wrong, you're like a son to me. #61 Dad, I am your son. Yeah, and it's time to cut the cord. all. So clean out your desk. Mason has no idea, not an idea at

Tu sais quoi ? C'est ridicule. 2/42 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE #66 Et voil. T'assumes pas la pression. #71 Ds que tu penses perdre, t'abandonnes. La partie est finie. Pourtant, je t'aime comme un fils. Papa, je suis ton fils. Faut couper le cordon.

-That you're pathetic, or...? -What, do you think I went overboard? #66 No. No, I think it's the exact right amount of board. Which is what I am now. Can we start drinking? -Of course. Look, these are for Mason. What's this? Vegas? You hate Vegas. I do but, you know, that's why they call it a gift, Tip, because it truly is selfless. #71 Thanks. Okay, everyone, listen. I'm gonna bring him in. I'm gonna turn on the lights, and that's when you yell "surprise." Oh, that's how a surprise party works. Okay, everyone, hide. Hide, hide, hide. #76 -Hi, sweetie. -Hey. Welcome home. Happy birthday.

Va vider ton bureau. Mason ne s'en doute pas une seconde. Que t'es grave ou...

#76 J'en ai trop fait ? Non, ni trop ni trop peu. Mais j'ai trop soif. On boit ? Evidement. Regarde. - Pour Mason. - C'est quoi ? #81 Las Vegas ? Tu dtestes. On appelle a un cadeau, Tip, parce que c'est dsintress. Merci. Les amis. Je le fais entrer, j'allume la lumire, et l, vous criez "surprise". #86 Trop fort. Faut que je note a. Allez, cachez-vous.

Bonsoir, chri. Te voil. Bon anniversaire. Entre...

Okay, come inside. Listen, Joy, we need to talk. -Okay, well, let's do it inside. -No. I can't or I'll never do this. -There's no easy way to say this. -Okay, then don't. 3/46 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE #81 Just think it and later I'll try to figure out what you were thinking. Let's go in. No, no, no. This can't wait, Joy. You know I have a really important job, right? So when I come home, I want this place to be an escape. And as of late, it's not. #86 Yes, the sex is great, okay? I mean, that's fantastic. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the things...'ve been trying with my balls. But the rest is so exhausting. You're so on all the time, with all the scheduling and planning, it's just#91 I don't wanna marry you, Joy. I'm leaving you. Well, this is my place... ... so technically you would be the one that has to leave. Are you crying? #96 Surprise. -Oh, shitballs. -Yeah. Hey. HeyKnow how much money I made him? You're my lawyer. Can I sue him for something? #101 The problem with suing your father is that he's your dad. He'd love it. He'd think we were bonding. Maybe you would be. You don't know. Take him to court. It might be nice. What am I gonna do about money?

Attends, Joy. Faut qu'on parle. #91 D'accord, mais entre. Non, il faut que je me lance. C'est pas facile dire. Contente-toi de le penser, plus tard j'essaierai de deviner. Entrons. #96 Non, pa ne peut pas attendre. J'ai un boulot exigeant. Quand je rentre, j'ai besoin d'vasion et... dernirement, c'est pas a. 3/42 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE #101 Sexuellement, c'est gnial. C'est formidable. Et je te remercie infiniment de ton inventivit avec mes couilles. Mais le reste #106 est extnuant. T'es constamment au taquet. Tu prvois, tu programmes... Je ne veux pas t'pouser. Je te quitte. #111 C'est mon appart, alors c'est toi de partir, mais... Tu pleures ? Surprise. Putain, les boules. Je lui rapporte un max. #116 T'es mon avocat. Je peux pas en rcuprer ? C'est dlicat d'intenter un procs ton pre. Il penserait qu'on tisse des liens. Et ca se pourrait. Trane-le en justice, tu verras. #121 O je vais trouver du fric ?

You're just realizing that right now? Fascinating. #106 I could do a lot of things for money. I'm good at stuff. I'll bet you 5 bucks I can finish this beer faster than you. Really? You're on. 4/46 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE He doesn't even deserve me. #111 -Here's what we should do with this. -Okay. Once a week, we send my brother's loser friends to Mason's house... ...ring his doorbell and when he answers, they're gonna... ...bang, junk-punch him right up in his man business. And then he's gonna keel over. #116 While he's writhing on the ground, screaming, "Why?!"... ...they'll go, "You know why!" -Did you just think of that? -1 was thinking about it on the way over. You're a child! What is that? What is that? #121 Double or nothing. -You need to take off his ring. -No. I'm just-- I'm just gonna wear it on the other hand. You're on fire. I mean, you are on fire. This is-- I mean, you're lucky. -1 don't feel good. -We need to capitalize on this. #126 -Know what'll cheer you up? What? Where's the one place where you can step up and be a man? Community college? Where can you go where you can forget all your troubles...

Tu viens juste d'y penser ? Fascinant. Je sais faire plein de trucs qui rapportent. 5 $ que je finis cette bire avant toi. Vraiment ? #126 Chiche. Je suis trop bien pour lui. Voil mon plan. Une fois par semaine, un pote mon frre va chez Mason, #131 sonne sa porte et quand il ouvre, il se prend un direct au paquet. Il tombe raide, 4/42 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE se tord de douleur en hurlant "Pourquoi ?" #136 et l'autre dit : "Tu sais pourquoi." - Tu viens d'y penser ? - J'ai mijot pa en route. T'es qu'un gamin. C'est quoi, ca ? C'est quoi ? #141 Quitte ou double. Enlve sa bague. Non, je... Je vais la porter l'autre main. T'es fond.

#146 T'es fond. Et t'as de la chance. Je me sens mal. Faut qu'on exploite a. Tu sais ce qu'il te faut ? O va-t-on pour devenir un homme ? #151 Aux cours du soir ? O va-t-on pour oublier ses problmes

...and act like a total idiot? #131 I am talking about one place and one place only, my friend. -Do not say "Vegas." -Please say "Vegas." -Vegas, baby. -Vegas? -Las Vegas? -What? -Swish it around in your mouth. -Vegas. #136 -Vegas. -Carefree. 5/46 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE -Say it like you mean it. -Spontaneous. -I can't hear you! -Vegas! -Vegas? -Vegas! Vegas! #141 -Vegas! -Vegas! -Vegas! -Vegas! Hello, Las Vegas! Vegas. I'm sorry, but our computers are down right now, so just bear with us, please. #146 I'm sorry, I know. Okay, your fianc is one lucky guy. I love Vegas! Time to get a big-boy drink.

et se lcher totalement ?

Il y a un seul et unique endroit pour a. Dis pas "Vegas". #156 - Dis "Vegas". - Vegas, chrie. Rpte-le, mdite-le. - Insouciance. - Avec conviction. Spontanit. J'entends rien. #161 Dsol, notre systme informatique a plant. Je vous remercie de votre patience. Votre fianc a beaucoup de chance. J'adore cette ville. Il me faut une boisson virile. #166 Je veux bien... une vodka et un scotch. a sent la sieste. 5/42 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE Futal, la revoyure.

#171 Tu sais que tu cries comme une fille ? Pas les yeux. a brle.

I'll have a vodka and a Scotch. #151 This is where I'm passing out. Pants...'re out of here. Did anybody ever tell you you scream like a girl? Not my eyes! It burns! It burns!

#156 My head! My head and my eyes! My back! My nose! My nose now!

Ma tte. Ma tte et mes yeux. Mon dos. #176 Mon nez.

Take it easy! On se calme. C'est bon. Ils sont homos.

Jesus! #161 It's okay! It's okay! -They're gay! -What? They're gay! What? We're-- This-- No, no, no. This is not what it looks like. We all got booked in the same room. #166 Let's just go downstairs. I smell an upgrade. -You guys aren't gay? -No. -I got this. -No. 6/46 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE Just let me handle it, okay? Okay. Good night. #171 Curtis. You and I have a problem. I think we both know how this game works. I complain, you say there's nothing you can do... ...but we both know that's a big, fat lie. Why don't you just save us both the trouble... ...and type in those special codes you'll type in eventually... #176 ...and find me two rooms that are so nice... ...that it turns my night right back around? She's awfully hostile for a girl named Joy. I'm gonna do exactly what you're telling me to do because... ... I'm a little frightened of you. Penthouse suites.

Quoi ? - Ils sont homos. #181 C'est pas ce que vous croyez. On nous a donn la mme chambre. Descendons l'accueil. On va tre surclasss.

Vous tes pas homos ? #186 Dehors. - Je gre. - Non. Laisse-moi faire. Curtis. Vous et moi avons un problme. #191 Nous connaissons bien ce jeu : je rle, vous dites que vous n'y pouvez rien, ce qui est archi-faux, alors pargnez-nous a, tapez les codes que vous auriez fini par taper #196 et trouvez deux chambres tellement agrables que pa rattrapera compltement ma soire. Super agressive pour une fille qui s'appelle Joy. Je vais faire exactement ce que vous me dites parce que #201 vous m'effrayez un peu. Suites panoramiques au dernier tage.

#181 You can't get higher without going on the roof, and you're not allowed there... ...because people ... would jump. Penthouse suites. -Nice. -No? -Yeah. -That's not bad. #186 No? You're welcome. Now watch and learn. -Hey, buddy. -Hi. How are you? I think you just met my friend back there. -A kind of scary person. -Oh, Egyptian cotton. That's nice. #191 I apologize for her. For three weeks each month... ... we enjoy God's most precious creation and on week four, the bill arrives. I know what you mean. The period, right? Look, I don't wanna push here... ...but I know a man in your position is capable of producing certain amenities. #196 Planet Hollywood, yeah?

Seul le toit est au-dessus. 6/42 WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS SE Mais le toit est interdit car certains clients... sautent. Suites panoramiques. #206 Sympa. Pas mal. De rien. Observez et apprenez. - Salut, ca gaze ? Bonjour. #211 Vous venez de parler avec mon amie. Assez effrayante. Coton gyptien, bien. Excusez-la. 3 semaines par mois, c'est un don de Dieu, #216 mais la 4e semaine, l'enfer. M'en parlez pas. Quelle plaie, ces rgles ! Sans vouloir abuser, je sais qu' ce poste,

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