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Monitorizarea serviciilor de reea

Petru Raiu
ROSEdu Tech Talks Martie 2011

Triada om-pager-main

Oamenii fac greeli Mainile au defecte Pagerul = cel mai bun prieten! (cu unele excepii) How many nines?

Teoria sistemelor

Starea normal a sistemului Monitorizezi doar deviaii tiute don't fix the same thing twice Anatomia unui outage: MTTR vs. MTBF

Ce monitorizez?

TOT! :) Atenie la efectul Heisenberg Low-level sau high-level? Cazurile rare sunt mai importante Erori transparente

Ce nseamn normal?

Exemplul standard: loadavg State vs. trend monitoring Trends are useful RRDtool ftw!

Cnd e prea mult?

The boy who cried wolf Redundana e bun doar n doze mici MoM when you need it... Keeping it green

Mai departe?

Self-documentation Infrastructure as code - TDD for ops Machine-generated configs DevOps

Ask me anything!

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