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Introduction of Discourse Analysis

The Discourse Analysis of the Textual Representation of A Politicalparadigm Shift: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Election Manifestos by Gordon Dobson

Analyzed by Ria Novela 2215086472 MDR Dik B 2008


State University of Jakarta


TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background ........................................................................... 1.2 Purposes .................................................................................... 1.3 Research Questions................................................................................ 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions of Discourse analysis............................................................... 5 2.2 Definitions of three features of the context of situation 2.2.1 Tenor of Discourse...................................................................... 2.2.2 Field of Discourse........................................................................ 2.2.3 Mode of Discourse.. 2.3 Purpose and benefit 2.4 Method of discourse 2.5 Form of discussion.. 2.6 Discussion of discourse... 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 The three features of the context of situation 3.1.1 Tenor of Discourse........................................................................ 3.1.2 Field of Discourse........................................................................ 3.1.3 Mode of Discourse........................................................................ 3.2 Purpose and benefit 3.3 Method of discourse........... 3.4 Form of discussion. 3.5 Discussion of discourse. 3.6 The effect of discourse to the reader. 4. CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Conclusion. BIBLIOGRAPY ATTACHEMENT
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1.1 BACKGROUND Introduction to Discourse Analysis is one of subjects in English Department that has aims to get the students to know the concepts of discourse, purpose, procedures, and findings of discourse analysis, by directly reading reports of simple analyses taken from scientific Journal.

When the students do the discourse analysis, it means that she or he do the critical examination of the concepts of discourse itself. The discourse may be spoken or written. As students in English Departments, the writer has responsibility to fulfill this subject, one of the requirements in order to fulfill this subjects the writer must finished the final exam of this subject, so that is way in order to and fulfill the final exam and also achieved the aims of this subject, so in this opportunity the writer will analyse a discourse, the title is the textual representation of a political paradigm shift: a critical discourse analysis of two election manifestos. The writer will analysis some components such as the tenor, field, tenor, purpose and benefit, method, form of findings and the last discussion of findings.

1.2 PURPOSES 1.2.1 To find out: The Tenor of discourse The Field of discourse The Mode of discourse The Purpose and Benefit of discourse The Method of discourse The Form of Findings The Discussion of Findings. The effects of the discourse to the reader
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What is the Tenor of discourse?

1.3.2 What is the Field of discourse? 1.3.3 What is the Mode of discourse? 1.3.4 What is the Purpose and Benefit of discourse? 1.3.5 What is the Method of discourse? 1.3.6 What is the Form of Findings? 1.3.7 What is the Discussion of Findings? 1.3.8 What is the effect of the discourse to the reader?

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A discourse analysis (DA), or Discourse studies, is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken, signed language use (Wikipedia). According to Alba-Juez (2009), discourse anlysis is to shed light on how speakers/writers organize their discourse to indicate their semantic intentiona, asa well as on how hearers/ readers interoret what they hear, read or see. Through discourse anlysis, we understand and learn how people communicate in various social context, so eventually we can communicate with other people using similar ways.

2.2 DEFINITIONS OF THREE FEATURES OF THE CONTEXT OF SITUATION 2.1.1 TENOR OF DISCOURSE The Tenor of discourse refers to who is taking part, to the nature of the participants, theirs statues and roles; including permanent and temporary relationships of one kin or another, both types of speech role that they are taking on in the dialogue and the whole cluster of socially significant relationships in which they are involved. (Gee, pg. 12). 2.1.2 FIELD OF DISCOURSE The field of discourse refers to what is happening, to the nature of the social actions that is taking place: what is it that the participants are engaged in. (Gee, pg. 12). 2.1.3 MODE OF DISCOURSE The mode of discourse refers to what parts the language playing, what it is that the participants are expecting the language to do for them situation: symbolic organization of the text, the status that it has, and its function in the context, including the channel (is it spoken or some combination of two?) and also the rhetorical mode, what is being achieved by the next in terms of such categories as persuasive, expository, dictatic, and the like. (Gee, pg. 12).
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2.3 PURPOSE AND BENEFIT OF DISCOURSE Based on what I have learn, the purpose of Discourse Analysis is not to provide definite answers, but to expand our personal horizons and make us realize our own shortcomings and unacknowledged agendas/motivations - as well as that of others. In short, critical analysis reveals what is going on behind our backs and those of others and which determines our actions. Another purpose of DA is Discourse Analysis will, thus, not provide absolute answers to a specific problem, but enable us to understand the conditions behind a specific "problem" and make us realize that the essence of that "problem", and its resolution, lie in its assumptions; the very assumptions that enable the existence of that "problem 2.4 METHOD OF DISCOURSE From the presentation, the writer know that method in discourse anlysis is a particular way to analyzing written, spoken, signed language use. By reading published articles that use the method, you will have a better understanding of (1) how to do an analysis and (2) some of the theoretical orientations that you will need to know to do your own analysis 2.5 FORM OF FINDING The form of finding is the way how the writer shows the results/ finding. The form of finding could be appropriate, with figures and tables. In others word The main results for a research study can be clearly presented through graphs and charts of the statistical analysis as well as a brief, unbiased write-up. The results section simply reports the findings but doesnt give the researchers comments or interpretations. 2.6 DISCUSSIONS OF FINDING The discussion of findings can include the summarizing the findings from the discourse analysis. In this part, the writer usually tries to explaining the components that shown in the form of findings.

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3.1 THE THREE FEATURES OF THE CONTEXT OF SITUATION 3.1.1 THE TENOR OF DISCOURSE No 1. Keywords given The political of the Elaboration in Complete Sentences

British The British political leaders of the Labour party in 1990s convey leaders their election manifesto to the audience. in their election manifesto Labour the language that they used will reflects their self , and also their

party in 1990s partys, it is also influence to their political stance at each election convey election their including in some areas such as social, economic and technological. The first leader is Blair (The Labour Party, 1997) and the second is

manifesto to the Kinnock (The Labou Party, 1992) audience

3.1.2 THE FIELD OF DISCOURSE No 1. Keywords given Elaboration in Complete Sentences

The field is about The two British political leaders convey the audience with their conveying election manifesto. The Leaders has different content and language

election manifesto used in their documents. by two British leaders


of the 1990s 2. The reporting of Differences in the content and language used in the two documents differences between and used have been seen to the stem from the prevailing conditions in each of

content the two election years. In the 1992 manifesto reflects the language stereotypical left-right divide of British politics, making positive in the reference to class struggle and state direction, while the 1997
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documents of two document has tempered or jettisoned such notions. By 1997 a new leaders. way had been charted between the traditional extremes of left and right politicking, citing the need for rights balanced with duties for an inclusive citizenry.

3.1.3 THE MODE OF DISCOURSE No 1. Keywords given Spoken, alternately monologue Elaboration in Complete Sentences The mode is spoke language The monologue is used by two British leaders when conveying their election manifesto


The texts are consist of performative statements

The texts are consist of performative statements for example in Blairs text: Education will be our number one priority, and we will increase the share of national income spent on education as we decrease it on the bills of economic and social failure We will rebuild the NHS, reducing spending on administration and increasing spending on patient care And in Kinnocks text: Our vision for Britain is founded on these values. Guided by them, we will make our country more competitive, creative, and just; more secure against crime, aggression and environmental danger. We want government to serve the whole nation - using its power to realise this vision. The texts are persuasive for example in Blairs text: I believe in Britain. It is a great country with a great history. The British people are a great people. But I believe Britain can and must be better: better schools, better hospitals, better ways of tackling crime, of building a modern welfare state, of equipping ourselves for a new world economy
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The texts are Persuasive

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And in Kinnocks text: Third, that for rights and responsibilities to be exercised fully and fairly, government in Britain, as in other industrialised democracies, must work to build prosperity by properly supporting research, innovation, the improvement of skills, the infrastructure and long-term industrial development.

3.2 PURPOSE AND BENEFIT OF DISCOURSE No Keywords given 1. The purpose of The purpose of the discourse is to examine the language used by two the discourse is British political leaders of the 1990s in their election manifestos. The to examine the first leader is Blair (The Labour Party, 1997) and the second is language used Kinnock (The Labou Party, 1992). The result of this examination will by two British aims to explore how each leaders language reflects their, and their political leaders partys, political stance at each election and what social, economic, of the 1990s in technological, and above all, political influences are apparent from their election manifestos. the language used. In doing this the intertextuality of both manifestos will be closely examined to ascertain how each party leader makes use of other texts within their own discourse. 2. The benefit of the discourse is offers awareness of the need to avoid taking texts at face value for language learners and teachers.
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Elaboration in Complete Sentences

For language learners and teachers this discourse offers a means of not just reading between the lines, but heightens our awareness of the need to avoid taking texts at face value. It means that this discourse will improve the awareness of the need to avoid taking texts at face value for language learners and teachers.

3.3 METHOD OF DISCOURSE No Keywords given 1. The writer adopts a three dimensional method of discourse analysis based upon a threedimensional conception of discourse itself. The method of discourse analysis that the writer used includes linguistic description of the language text, interpretation of the relationship between the (productive and interpretative) discursive processes and the text, and explanation of the relationship between the discursive processes and the social processes. Elaboration in Complete Sentences

3.4 FORM OF FINDING No Keywords given 1. The writer makes the form of finding into some points The writer makes the form of finding into some points. Each points explain how does each party leaders language use reflect their own, and
their partys, political stance at each election. There is no table, chart or graphic to show the findings.

Elaboration in Complete Sentences

3.5 DISCUSSIONS OF FINDING No Keywords given 1. The British political leader of the 1997 The Leaders has different content and language used in their documents:
Blairs verbal choices clearly indicate that his discourse is very much intertwined with that of the political world he inhabits,
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Elaboration in Complete Sentences

especially in terms of the personal beliefs he espouses and thus sets forth in the introduction to Labours 1997 manifesto. For example in the text:

I believe in Britain. It is a great country with a great history. The British people are a great people. But I believe Britain can and must be better: better schools, better hospitals, better ways of tackling crime, of building a modern welfare state, of equipping ourselves for a new world economy".
However, in making such choices Blair adheres to the characteristics of the phenomena described by Bakhtin that any speaker is himself a respondent to a greater or lesser degree (as cited in Emerson & Holquist, 1986, p.69).

I want a Britain that does not shuffle into the new millennium afraid of the future, but strides into it with
confidence Blairs language choices indicate his acute awareness of how far the political debate has changed and, as a result, shifted more towards the centre. It is important to note that this shift is in no small part due to Blairs own efforts.

I want to renew faith in politics through a government that will govern in the interest of the many, the broad majority of people who work hard, play by the rules, pay their dues and feel let down by a political system that gives the breaks to the few, to an elite at the top increasingly out of touch with the rest of us.

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3.6 THE EFFECTS OF THE DISCOURSE TO THE READER No Keywords given 1. The effect of this discourse for the reader, especially for language learners and teachers this paper offers a means of not just reading between the lines, but heightens their awareness of the need to avoid taking texts at face value. As a result of these findings, this will give an effect to the reader like the writer said that it would appear that no-ones words are entirely their own and that any text they care to assemble is in its turn an assemblage of other and others texts. For readers this implies that the skill of gleaning meaning solely from the reading of texts is not sufficient. As well as adopting the familiar method of reading between the lines to win meaning, readers will also need to read between the texts, to become the linguistic palaeontologists as described by Kress and Hodge (1993). Moreover, when the same readers become writers they also need to be acutely aware that what they write, type or key in is very probably not wholly their own Elaboration in Complete Sentences

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4.1 CONCLUSION When the writer writes this paper, the purposes are to find out some important components in this discourse such as tenor of discourse, field of discourse, mode of discourse, purpose and benefit of discourse, method of discourse, form of findings, discussion of findings. and finally the effects of the discourse to the reader. The results of analysis show that this article show the tenor is the British political leaders of the Labour party in 1990s, and for the fields, there are two fields namely are conveying election manifesto by two British political leaders of the 1990s and also The reporting of differences between content and language used in the documents of two leaders. The mode of this discourse such as Spoken, alternately monologue, the texts are consisting of performative statements and the texts are Persuasive.

For the purpose and benefit are to examine the language used by two British political leaders of the 1990s in their election manifestos and also offers awareness of the need to avoid taking texts at face value for language learners and teachers. While the method that used by the writer is a three-dimensional method of discourse analysis based upon a three-dimensional conception of discourse itself. In additions for the form and discussion of findings the writer used some points to summarize the findings and in the discussion the writer explains the components in every point.

From the tables, the writers conclude that, in this discourse has complete components parts of a discourse analysis and the result of the discourse here can give a good effect for the reader, like the writer have said in his discourse this result of can make the reader heightens their awareness of the need to avoid taking texts at face value.

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Discourse Analysis Retrieved May 22, 2011 from

Dobson, G. (2007). The Textual Representation of a Political Paradigm Shift: a Critical Discourse Analysis of two election manifestos. Journal of WoPaLP Vol. 1, 2007 . (Online). Retrieved May 13, 2011 from

Gee, J.P. (2001). An introduction to discourse analysis . London: Routledge Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.

How To Write A Research Study. Retrieved May 22, 2011 from

What is Discourse Analysis? Retrieved May 22, 2011 from

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