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The Mates That I Drink And The Mates That I


The mates that I drink are called

John Smiths, Tetley's, Stella, Coors
and they can come all sizes
From a 4 pack to a case 24?
Theses mates will always get you drunk?
Theses are mates that do you get you drunk.
Which mate do you drink?.

These mates that I use can stop

babies and sexual diseases
the come in wide variety names and flavours
and in packs of 3 to 12 packs.
As theses mates will give you pleasure
just like your mates
that you drink and have sex,
These two are what i drink with with and use
on a daily basis.

Which mate would you use and why would

you want to use them for and how many
times of week would you use your mates?.

Pete Goodwin 2012

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