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Por Syra Jimnez-Pajarero Arias

Ubicacin: Plaza Len y Castillo s/n (Hara) Telfono: 928 835 011 Horario: de lunes a sbado, de 9.00 a 15.00. Domingos cerrado. Entrada general: 1,50



Phone: 928 835 011

-Baja: 7 salas y un patio que ilumi- Plaza Len y Castillo s/n (Hara) na el recorrido. -Superior: una amplia estancia con Visiting hours: from Monday to fotografas del siglo XX que evocan Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. significativos instantes.

-Ground floor: 7 rooms and a central patio that illuminates the whole place. -Upper floor: a wide stay with photographs of the 20th century that evoke significant moments.

Closed on Sundays.

En 1561 se erige la parroquia de Nuestra Seora de La Encarnacin, uno de los ncleos ms antiguos de la historia de la cristiandad en Lanzarote. Este antiguo templo sucumbe a un temporal de agua y viento la noche del 12 de febrero de 1956. En los 8 aos siguientes el edificio se convierte en ruina y una comisin iglesia-estado decide construir una nueva. En 1968, la familia Lpez Socas dona la propiedad que alberga el Museo de Arte Sacro, cuyo impulsor fue el prroco don Jos Lavandera Lpez. Se inaugur el ao 1975. A mitad de los 90, su deterioro paulatino motiva su cierre. Tras su rehabilitacin vuelve a abrir el 24 de junio de 2008, festividad de San Juan Bautista.

Las obras de arte litrgicas que se conservan de la primitiva iglesia forman parte de su valioso fondo. Las piezas escultricas son de gran relevancia histrica, cultural, artstica y sentimental. Destaca el Altar Mayor, el cuadro de las nimas (restaurado en 2009) y un extraordinario Cristo yacente (s. XVII), que articula sus brazos para que, al ser bajado de la cruz, sea introducido en el sepulcro.

General admission: 1.50

Liturgical works of art conserved from the primitive Church are part of his valuable Fund. The sculpture pieces are of great historical, cultural, artistic and sentimental relevance. We can highlight the main altar, El cuadro de las animas (The Souls picture) (restored in 2009) and an extraordinary reclining Christ with movable arms which, when taken down from the cross, can be placed into the sepulcher. In the Easter procession, it is venerated with the image of the Virgen de los Dolores in a village of deep religious identity. Other interesting objects are exhibit: candelabrums, lecterns, harmoniums and monstrances. It highlights a silver chalice which was witness of the first Socas who arrived at the island. [Note: thanks to Alberto Perdomo

The parish of Nuestra Seora de La Encarnacin was built in 1561 and is one of the oldest centers in the history of Christianity in Lanzarote. This ancient temple succumbed to a water and wind storm the night of February the 12th in 1956. In the next 8 years the building became a ruin and a Church-State Commission decided to build a new one. In 1968, the Lopez Socas family donated the property which houses the Museum of Sacred Art. The parish priest don Jos Lavandera Lpez was the driving force behind. but in the mid 90s, its gradual deterioration motivated its closure. After its restoration, it was re-opened on 24 June 2008, in St. John the Baptist festivity.

En la procesin de Semana Santa, junto a la imagen de la Virgen de los Dolores, es venerado por un pueblo de honda identidad reliIt was opened again in 1975 giosa. Se exponen otros interesantes objetos: candelabros, atriles, armonios y custodias. Resalta un cliz de plata testigo del primer Socas que lleg a la isla.


Casa seorial distribuida en dos

[Nota: Gracias a Alberto Perdomo FACILITIES [] for his collaboration]. Reyes Reyes por su colaboracin]. Manor House on two floors:


Gua de ocio y cultura Lanzarote - Abril 2012

[] [] .

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